IVF/ICSI Support Group

guess so. now must select work clothes dat can wear wif my support belt liao. else, always have dat dropping feeling!

i see. but can hit more than 2kg alrdy very good. at least higher chance of being discharged sooner if really born premmie
so u r abt same wks as bliss! i always thot u r ard my time ;p


how are you? Hope that u r feeling better..All the best to your scanning tmr!

Congrats on your twin ! Hope u spread the baby dust to us!

Congrats to u! I'm with prof too..but, no luck with him yet
...in my heart, i do hope to succeed ivf with him..

How is your ER today? Please rest well for your ET on sat..Jia You, your precious embies are waiting for u!

Wish u recover soon...

not silly lei! i also do the same as u!

Hi Bliss, juju and Mel
Hope u all will have a smooth delivery and spread lots lots of baby luck to us!

It's sleeping time for u! Is your hubby feeling better? Hope he recover now & is taking care of U!
Yes i'm back. Will start my final journey maybe in Oct. Going to try another doc. Hubby don like KK cos he say no human touch. Remember my last failed IVF, my AF came early before the my BT. I was vomiting and giddy. I was sent to KK ER. Doc really don care much. Very disappointed.

Y u changing doc? Is PC wong not good? Wanted to try him as recommended by a india doc and my colleague. So i presume he must be good.
Libby - actually it depends... I would like my boys to be at least about 2.7 - 3 kg each, but I know of twins at full term of abt 2.4kg... And they are hale and healthy...

Itjabi - dun worry abt the nausea... It's usually worse for multiples... I would puke all the time, lasting into my 2nd tri... I lost abt 6 kg...
if you or your nubby eats oranges, save the skin... I curb my nausea while working by smelling orange skins... Alternatively, stud an orange with cloves, use it as a natural air freshener...
Afternoon got nap a bit, so can't sleep leh.
Hb still not 100% well yet.. still coughing.. Want him to sayang me, but cannot get close
U with PC wong? May i know what protocol did he give u? I be seeing him next week. Looking forward for my final journey. Will be quiting my job soon. Can rest completely this round.
hi cactus..

didn't know prof wong can be so caring leh.. i always find him a bit attitude.. so i also dun dare to ask him lots of qns.

i noticed that not a lot of pple going to NUH hor for their ivf.. cos what i see. are mainly from KKH..
thanks all for the well wishes..

Pau le: I waited for 3 hrs b4 my turn.. It was a vaginal scan. Doc say baby due ard christmas think 17 dec. Ur scan tomorrow rite??

Mel: Ya i cant eat also.. Juz vomit n vomit n feel sick..
U pregnant with twins too rite?? BUt after ur 2 weeks better??
Hi Juju
Thanks so much, hope that my turn will come soon...

Hi BlesswBB
Welcome back!
Frankly speaking, I'm very comfortable w Prof Wong, and he and his team at CHR are very good! I jus thou' of getting a 2nd view of my case and then decide to stay put at NUH or change another doc..in my heart, I do want to succeed my ivf w him and have him deliver my bb...During my recent cycle, when I told prof that I would want my hubby to keep me accompany at the waiting area inside OT, he didn't hesitate to write a small note and stamp his name stamp on it (w/o this note, my hubby can't go into the OT area)...when i was going to push inside the OT room, he was outside the OT room, he told me " Not to worry, your husband is here to accompany and supporting u"..I felt so touched...
hi noi

read ur post on prof wong..
hmmm.. how come i dun see him so caring towards me ar..hehehe. maybe he is always very busy.. his clinic is always packed and he's got to shuttle betw 2 consultation rooms.

i will be starting my 1st ivf with him in jun..
scared leh
Pau le: Sure can sleep dun worry
I was feeling too sick to think abt it. All the best ya.

does everyone go back for scan again in two weeks??? Or onli for twins?? Any idea why must go back in 2 weeks??
Hi meow
He is not that kind of gyane that sheltered us with tender care, but, believe me, I was with him since 2006, when I failed all my 3 IUIs, miscarried my bb and failed my recent cycle, he showed his care to me! The most important part is that u must be comfortable with your gyane..All The Best To U and wish u succeed under him! : )
hi noi

i was with him since beginning of 2008..
did 1 IUI, failed.. then went HSG.. found got 1 tube blocked.. so just recently going on to ivf.

when will you be starting your next cycle?
Hi Everyone,
I did my IVF with Prof Wong. He is actually a nice guy and he is very supportive. He always told me not to give due to my failed 2nd cycle.
Libby - thanks for your positive thoughts and blessings...for yourself, remember the positive thinking and visualization portion...

Itjabi - yeap, I'm carrying twins... I only stopped puking at abt 14 or 15 weeks... Be happy, cos the nausea is an indication that your hcg is rising nicely..

Pau le - good luck for your scan tomorrow... It was quite an emotional event for me...
Hi ladies, thks so much for all ur concern. Its always so heart warming to talk to u all. Am given 2 days mc will guai guai stay at home to rest.

Humbug, u r right all boss will only happy if only everything is beneficial to them. Dun care la juz rest when sick. Afterall my boss is quite a nice person juz that he will get abit impatient when clinic gets busy and i m not around.

Libby, any symptoms so far? Hoping BFP for u soon.....
Meow, fyi i was once his staff in Mt e. Personally i dun really like him coz he is always so stern and demanding towards staffs. As a doc his skill and popularity is definitely there but i feel there is something lack in him to make me feel comfortable with him. He is very knowledgable and good in explaination but beside these i think TLC is equally important. So for me i would not prefer doc like him lor

For noi, maybe he got yuan with u..........
Meow, i think more ppl gtg kkh under dr loh coz according to my gynae in gleneagle he say kkh has the best results among all the hosp in singapore.
Hi Ladies,
wanna check with u , what supplement shold i consumed b4 starting of IVF other than iron tablet? The 1st cycle , I did not took any supplement and during that cycle I was down with fever too.Any advice?
Hi Lyn
Agreed w u, i also find him very demanding towards his staff..but hor, when I failed my recent cycle, he was with us for an hr(he still got lots of patients waiting outside)going thru' all the reports and explained to my hubby what could had went wrong, and he even wavied his consultation fee w us(which is not cheap, I'm a private patient w him)..and when I miscarried my bb, he is the one that showed his care and ask me not to give up! Everytime, I went into his consulation room to find so many cute bb he had delivered, I always tell myself, I'll not give up, I'll try n try till i got no more eggs and no more $$....

Hi meow
end of the yr, not sure to try fresh or FET, I still got 2 frozen embies at NUH, jus paid my storage fee till Feb next yr..Hope all the sisters here gratuate to MTB when I try mine..
Hi Juju,
Oops...slip of the fingers =) It's truly hard to imagine being pregnant for 39 months!!

Hi Mel,
I'm sure the twins will be comfy to grow a bit more. Bet they'll be as talented as their daddy.

Hi Itjabi,
Congrats with the twins! It's good to come back after 2 weeks, then you can see them growing again. No wonder Tom Cruise bought their own scan just to check Kate every now & then! I've been going for my appointment every 3 weeks with Dr. SF Loh & it seems like forever waiting!

Hi PauLe,
Can't wait to hear your happy news, too!
Hi Nor,
I was taking Centrum multivitamins, 5mg folic acid & 50mg CoQ10. If you're going for TCM, maybe you can ask the practitioner if herbs given to you would be enough or perhaps should be taken an hour apart. Precaution on the CoQ10 though...make sure you don't have any heart condition as it has contraindication with heart medications.
hi libby,
i only had cramps for the first few days after ET, then no signs after that. If you have achiness, it is normal. Any other symptoms that you have?

hi mel,
glad to know your twins are above 2kg. Do take care.

hi juju,
kk induce is at midnight. As in you check into the hospital ward during the night, then medication given for induce. Normally the medication need to wait several hours to take effect. Then morning comes, nurse or doctor will check the dilation, if not enough, will add more medication. But just an advise, induce medication is rather strong, will cause very painful contractions. If you really cannot take it, do ask for epidural. I tahan for 4 hours before giving in to epidural. But one good advantage of induce is being well prepared for delivery. I took a long shower, slowly pack things, inform friends and even tidy up the house before going to hospital in a happy mood, no panic at all.

hi catcus,
this is the chance to eat all you want, no worries.
wow, EDD on xmas day, that's cool!

hi ltjabi,
congrats! the scan should be similar, 6th week, then 8th week. But after 8th week, will be further apart, around 1 month later.
Hi ladies
AF finally reported last night! Was never so happy to see them! So, went BT this morning and Dr will call once he gets the results to decide on the puregon dose (most likely in the afternoon!).

Otherwise, have not been able to sleep the past few nights. I think too stressed. What do you do to destress?

Hope you are feeling better.

Did you have your second jab? who is doing it for you? your hubby or yourself?

congrats for the twins. really exciting!

Take good care of yourself

Paul Le,
I can understand why you can't sleep. Every step is so stressful!
thanks, same here, have always been POURING baby dusts here... you sure have gotten some at least!

from the weights of your boys now, they are of good weights and surely will have good birthweights too.
am excited for you. let us know the outcome!
lots of luck!

i only get to eat biscuits and milo at 5.45pm. guess what, i ask for more biscuits. i ate 11 biscuits and 2 milo!
discharged at 6.40pm after Prof Wong's visit. he was super busy yesterday. got 6 ER cases yesterday!
ate claypot chicken rise at 8pm plus last nite.

yes, sudden craving of lao po bin when u all talk abt your HK trip!

i'll check if they have morning slots tomorrow. if have, can i meet u gals at the mrt so that i need not activate my DH?
byw, what's the update so far? who's going for the gathering?

Develyn, Sue and Equinox,
hope you have big big and healthy follicles! exicted for you gals!
Hi Lyn

are u feeling better already?

that is why so many pple at KKH..
so far the doctors ok?

hi noi / lyn

i dun let him get to me lah
i just wanna see results.
I just read Lybby's message and now I understand why the thread is slower than usual...keep us updated on your scan,ok! It is so exciting. Are you all on the same day?
dream - gr8

I'm injecting the next round tonite as the jab is suppose to be injected at nite. The reason being jabbed in the morning ytd was becoz tt was my 1st jab and the nurses need to teach me how to do it. Tonite, hubby had volunteer to inject me so will let him do it
I am new to this thread. Am going for my first consultation with Dr SF Loh at KKIVF in 2 weeks time. I have tried 2 cycles of SO-IUI with private practice (one failed and one aborted halfway as my ovaries did not respond well with puregon injections).

May I know if I can start IVF immediately for my next cycle or do I have to wait? One more question - How much does it cost for the whole process of IVF with Dr SF Loh? thanks!
hi gnny - welcome to the thread

I'm not able to able advise u on the cost as Im not doing mine @ KKH ... please wait for the remaining ladies reply
so, if I get the go ahead to start, we will then be 1 day apart! btw, how much was the medicine for one dose? they provide a pen to jab, right?
hi gnny, welcome too and sorry can't help you too since i am also not doing mine at KKH..but a lot of ladies are doing it there...
dream - mine was $641.50 for 6days injection and since im gg for scanning on monday then I had some balance
Yup the injection is like a pen
Hi Girls,

I have spotting on tuesday night and start to get lesser by now. Tuesday night also has little trace of red blood. Do u think i should go women 24hr clinic to see doctor? i do not why i have a feeling that my hcg level has went down. i have been taking bbt and today bbt went down, hpt strip has get lighter. will women 24hr clinic do another hcg BT if i request (& esp i have already done 4 BT)? But the main concern is i have miscarriage before. I am worried this will be recurring miscarriage
ok, will check tonite. can't access email from work but still can write on this forum...thanks for info. i am sure my bill will be much more since my dosage will most likely be higher and Gleneagles' profit margin definitely higher too!
Gi gnny, welcome to the thread. I was briefed by the nurse at kkivf that it is expected to be SGD9K to 12K before any medisave and govt subsidies deduction.

I don't think that you will be able to start immediately as KKivf is packed now. Heard that June is fully booked now. Anyway, hope that you have a fruitful meet-up with Dr Loh. Heard he has magical hands.
Hi Jolin ,

Go down to 24hrs clinic and get the nurse to take the BHCG... I guess spotting is fine but just make sure that everything is ok..

Hi Ladies ,

I am back from KKIVF.. scan today quite ok.. Lining : 12 .. Follicles btw 12-14.5mm after 7 days of puregon. Taking another 2 x puregons and check on Sat.. If everything ok , ER should be on Monday... Abit worried too as there are still some 8 and 9mm follicles.. Hope all are fine.
