IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi Lyn,
i am 9 weeks.

hi develyn,
take chicken essence, let the follicles grow big big.

Hi Lyn ,

I took bird nest two times liao.. will take bird nest this weekend again before ER.. Hope it helps alotsssss...

Hi Lina ,

I will also take essence of chicken.. Let embies be strong strong.. Keke... :D
Me too Develyn..

Please pray for us all. Im going to buy chicken essence later. I hope it is not too late.

Later watching wolverine at GV Yishun, 9.30pm.
Hi dream, i was with him since end 2006. I had done iui twice with him. So far there each waiting time is not more then 20mins. Yes he is one of the few docs who will call pt himself abt enquiries, result etc. I personally feels very comfortable with him and his nurse angeline told me his sucess rate r quite gd. I went to him last week for scanning. I told him that i have decided ivf. I m quite surprised that he made the effort to actually make me acknowledge that it is actually more cost saving to do it in kk coz of the government grant of 3k. He wish me luck and let him know when i m pregnant. He is really a very nice doc. A/c to him he estiamted that i will need abt 7k cash for the whole procedure.......
hi ladies
just back from my first scan!
it was very exciting!
I am expecting singleton, managed to catch bb's heartbeat, my DH and me both mouth open big big, bb is only 1cm big and yet got heartbeat ald!!
so i'm considered 7 weeks pregnant now...

BFP BFP BFP dust to you!!
hi girls, thanks. i am back from the clinic. hcg on raising but very very slow. nothing i can do now but to continue with the medicine and wait for next week review. hope my spotting will not come back and hcg quickly pick up the speed
Hi Sue ,

Please get Brands Essence chicken as it is halal certified.. but buy the original brand ones... dun buy dun mixtures with ginseng..etc..

We travel together , we pray together.. we will be BFP together okie.. Hugz.. enjoy yourself..
Dun see scary movie or those bang bang bang shows during 2ww okie.. I guess we will sleep side by side during ER when we opened our eyes.. haha...
Hi Pau le ,

Haha.. i can imagine that you are really having a great time at the clinic.. :D

Hi Jolin ,

Stay positive and make sure you rest well okie..
The level will pick up the speed... Jia you !
muakz... can u remind me to remind u tonite?

I got do temp chart, but does not know how to read leh.. hehehe

u stay @ yishun too ah?
Thanks Zaza..

Hehehe Develyn, yeah hope so be ER neighbour.Sure shall buy that. Going causewaypoint to get chicken essense. BTW where u putting up? And what time you going on saturday??
Tanyy jie, i smack u hor... can u remind me so that i can remind u tonight ... :p Bleahz !

Hi Sue ,

I am staying at Pasir Ris .. gtg abt 9am... meeting Libby there too.. cos she is gtg for jab... hope sat , our follicles grows big enough for ER .. :D Go Go Go ... buy your essence chicken.. gooooooo... buy original one ok.. dun forget... From : Nanny Develyn
Tany Jie , the disc.. yi qian wan mei.. something like that de... u also dun forget okie... u remind me tonight to remind u.. muacks !
ah-doi!!!... me old cpu le... slow speed and limited memory capacity... u remind me so i can remind u mah... remind me b4 i sleep okie... i gog to sleep early tonite coz dunno y v tired... dunno still can bake anot...

if tomolo i no bring makan for u, can dont scold me... toh-long toh-long... i try k
Hi Zaza ,

i took liao during puregon stage .. think twice only.. after taking , i think too heaty and i get bad cough.. will stop lor.. But if u are ok, please take .. it is good for implantation okie..
develyn - I had eaten 3 pieces today and hopefully no side effect
I had been drinking plenty of warm water and visiting the toilet so often
Hello gals,
Now only got time to login here. So busy last few days n today also.

Had done e scan tis morn. My follicles r in e range of 10mm-16mm today. Extend puregon for anuder 2 days, same dosage at 400iu. But my TCM doc jus told me scared the 16mm one will b too big n drop down b4 e ER date if I keep on jabbing 400iu a day for e next 2 days..

I shld hv ask for KK to schedule my ER early like on tis Sun. But dunno Sun tey got do ER or not. Anyone knows?

I got many 2-3 follicles in 16mm lei. If grow ard 2mm a day, by e time finish 2 days dosage it ll become 20mm liao. Too big n will likely drop down.
I got 2-3 follicles around 14-15mm also.

Sigh.. bec of e stupid public holiday tomolo, if not i can go KK scan tomolo again n see how e size has grown. N mayb bec KK dun do ER on Sun, tats y my ER push until Mon?
Like tis many of my eggs too matured, drop down n wasted liao...

Sad lei... the other alternatives is too reduce e Puregon dosage myself. Actually e Medical Officer tis morn was tinking of reducing my dosage but she could not make up her mind. So she consulted Dr Loh n Dr Loh said extend 2 days without reducing e dosage lei.. Sad lei.. how ar? I tink most likely I reduce e dosage myself la.. from 400iu to 250-300iu? Wat u all tink ar?
Thanks for the link.. Ya.. am super anxious now, was very disappointed and disheartened previously. But am really hoping to succeed this time round since my ET is so smooth.

Hb not working on sat, so he will go with me. Sat sure many people and nurse says got to wait, ask me don't go so early. I also don't want hb wait too long, if i go alone, i don't mind meet you earlier. Think i'll reach around 10am, as mine is only BT. Yours still need to scan and wait for review by doc. We will chit chat while waiting.

Think Dr Zou will be away 6-10May, maybe the ladies can confirm with her again during their appt.

My BT is 11 May, these few days like passing super slow, even though i've to travel to KKH everyday for jabs. Am not counting down yet.. still scared of knowing the results.

Good to hear you feeling better, take good care of your health. Very fast your turn will be here.
Dr Zou says if my OHSS become more serious next week, it will be a more positive sign. Luckily today the nurse did not call me for the BT result, that means my lining level is still ok.

Time flies, so fast 9 weeks already

Paul Le
I can imagine how happy you're during the scan.. hope we all will have our chance too. Thanks for the baby dust.

Good to hear your HCG is slowly rising.. Do continue to take care.

I'm not too sure if follicles too matured will drop down as you mention.. but by reducing dosage yourself without consulting Dr Loh seem quite risky. What if you reduce your dosage, and your smaller follicle can't grow in time? They should know better if it's ok for you to continue. Why don't you email Dr Loh and check with him.
Hi Zaza , please ensure lotsss of warm water..

Hi Equin0x,

What's makes u think that it will drop ? From what i understand from the past.. u have very good size follicles.. Gloriajean follicles ranged from 18-19mm too and some of the gals got 20mm size but still retrieved in ER and fertilized.. Hmm personal opionion , if u reduced the dosage , Yes - u will save the 3x16mm.. but how abt those follicles trying to climb to 16mm - it will be affected..especially those 12mm ones.. Pros and cons...
Hi Libby ,

Ok , i see u there .. keke.. we can chit chat and let me see feel the warm of ke ai the embies.. i am sure they are good and stick well.. Keke..
Libby, I tink Dr Loh won't reply our emails so fast one. But I hv more follicles tat r in e range of 14-16mm. The rest all small in 10-12mm. In total I only have 7 follicles on e left n 2 follicles on e right.

Tot of salvaging e big follicles more priority than growing e smaller follicles.

I tink its quite true tat follicles ll drop down bec once we jab e HCG jab, ovulation ll be initiated oredi. E docs hv to pick up e follicles b4 they drop down into e fallopian tube.
yep, dreaming about your growing follicles. I am sure they are doing well. Just continue to be your cheerful self! How often do you drink chicken essence and when did you start? Can also take bird nest? How often?

I haven't started any of this! but will certainly start tomorrow after reading your posts...

that's good to hear that Dr. Foong is professional. Do you know how much would you need to pay at KK? It must have been quite awkward/difficult to tell him about your decision at another centre. Anyway, it is good to know that he is always there in case you need his second opinion.
My TCM doc even suggested tat my dh and I BD on Sat nite in case e sperm manage to meet tat big follicle tat drop into e fallopian tube b4 e ER day.

But my TCM doc also considered BD such ways ll b quite difficult knowing tat my dh SA volume is not much. N also maybe my egg shell too hard for e sperm to penetrate naturally also.
Hi Dream ,

Starting from lucrin jab , 3 days 1 time essence of chicken/fish... then puregon stage 1 bottle every 3 days as i am having cough.. Dream , sorry .. u are in stage 2 also right ?

Hi Equin0x,

Hmm .. two ways to look at it.. Unable to comment leh as i really dunno if it will drop..
I'm not expert in this follicles matter so don't dare to give you wrong opinion. But what your TCM told you, seem like first time i'm hearing on this thread leh.

I'm not sure any other ladies here can give you the advise.

Keke.. good to chit chat on sat, my hb sure think wa.. we like so much to share..
My views is that Dr should know best and since the nurse has already asked him, he would have already reviewed your case. So, just trust him. He has lots of experience and so many success here. So, don't doubt him, ok? Just relax and I am sure everything will be fine
Sigh... I in dilemma lei.. Sian..

Tis morning when e Medical Officer looked at my follicles records, she said this is an unusual case. Usually people won't reach this 16mm size on the 8th day of Puregon. She said if e egg grow too fast rate, scared e quality is affected. Sigh.. quite demoralizing to hear tis.

Btw.. my TCM doc said dun accu e front oredi since my eggs grow too fast. Accu behind is still ok as its for general health.
Develyn, why yr company like tis one? U are a temporary staff there? U b strong ok?

Ok gals, I need to logoff now to rush for a dinner appt. Chat wif u all some other time.
Yep, jumping to stage 2 this saturday as I am on short protocole (just like zaza)! So, will need to do grocery tomorrow! anything else to buy? Won't buy milk powder since I don't like milk...

Most people say that the 2WW is the hardest part. How do you occupy yourself?
Oh dear.. You mean just?!!!
How can they do that...!!! You feeling alright? I know you kinda expected it, but this is really too much!
Develyn's company can even terminate a pregnant colleague of 4mths! What do you think?

Congrats to you for jumping to stage 2 soon.
It's really called the terrible 2ww.. First few days, i tried to lie down as much, after that, have been sitting up. Tried to nap at least an hour in the afternoon, read book, chat with you gals, watch tv/drama...
My tummy is quite bloated.. but not as serious as Cactus and your case. I still got good appetite to eat. No lah, Dr Zou just told me that if OHSS symptom gets worse during 2nd week of 2ww, then it's good sigh. If 1st week have, 2nd week don't have, then not so good.. I'm just hoping it may get worse, so BFP for me lah..
Thanks. I am excited and worried at the same time. Yesterday, could not sleep. I wonder how you do it! It is mentally very tiring. Enjoy the long week end with your hubby
Let him pamper you!

Be strong! Just concentrate on your goal and remain positive for your follicles/eggs.
Your turn will come very soon.. next time you will be sharing with others how you passes this period
I only hope hb quickly recover from his flu and cough soon.
It seems there are still many hurdles to reach your stage! BTW, may I know which reasons did you give for your HL? When did you start informing your employer?
I quit my job for this, no need crack brain to give reasons.. But few sisters here tell employer women's problem..
hi pau le,
congrats! very assuring to hear the heartbeat right? do take care and have a smooth 9 months ahead.

hi joline,
spotting is common in 1st trimester. Just take care from now on.

hi equinox,
kk does ER on sunday as well. I saw nurse Angeline on one sunday at the 24hrs clinic and she said got to work OT. But the ER might be done by other doctor. Not too sure if you can request for Dr Loh to do ER. You can check with them on sat morning. Regarding BD, i thought your hubby need to save his fresh sperms for ER day?

hi libby,
oh good, your level is ok, no need to increase dosage.

hi develyn,
Not fair, how can they do that? are you a union member? can fight for this?

aiyo libby, where got people hope to get worst wan.. haaaaa.... If ohss doesn't get worst, it doesn't mean that you will not get BFP.

I pray that Libby's ohss will not get worst but still get BFP BFP! Amen......
