IVF/ICSI Support Group

meow - yes i luv pooh bear

lyn - will keep u guys updated

develyn - hang in there

Hi Lyn ,
dunno leh.. seems to have alot of OHSS symptoms.. nvm.. u go rest okie.. hope to
see u on friday... hope i can go home asap..
Develyn - me also have to wait for hubby to fetch me @ 5.45pm ... tell u hor I'm having a headache now cannot be the effect so fast rite?????
sorry for the slow response as my boss just informed me this morning to "move house " to sit at another table... so was packing, backup my pc and moving... now den free..

aiyo y no say earlier, i bring Lao Po Bin back for u mah...

Congrats!!! Baby dust to us please.

u hv not email Dr Loh ah? u notti gal leh...
Hi Zaza ,

Should not be ... but u might be facing a little headache as your body is getting use to the medication.. this should not last you for days..
Tany jie.. very xin gu now.. no mood to joke liao.. i email abt cough only... only today then feel unbearable.. complains for hours le.. another 10min.. i will go home straight to sleep...hope all are well after i open my eyes.
if really unwell, go straight to KK 24hour clinic straight away... dont delay liao okie... Dr Zou n me so worried about u leh... guai okie
Tany ,

I will .. i go home sleep and see will be better or not.. now i am superz exhausted liao.. Dun even want to travel so far and queue.. i sleep liao , wake up liao then log in msn on phone to update if i am going bahz..
Take care. It would be good to go KK but with all the flu going around, it is a bit scary as well. But agree with Tany that it is not good to delay as it may just worsen...dilemna...I am sure you are the best judge
Develyn mei mei
I wake up liao.
My previous OHSS occurs after ET, this time round immediately after ER. Not sure puregon stage will have OHSS or not. But it could be quite serious if after ER still not well, they may postpone your ET, go for FET cycle.
Pray hard for you everything is fine and you still can proceed with ER and ET smoothly. Think really many follicles this time, compared to previous. Tell the nurse all your symptoms tom. Rem to drink lots and lots of water.

Hope you get well soon.. how come one by one most of us feeling sick lately. Drink more water.
I think your boss would prefer you to rest at home, then spread the germs at his clinic right?

Not a silly move at all. We are all crazy hoping to be a mum, and will do all type of gesture hoping to increase our chances. Wishing you best of luck with Dr Sad this time round, with lots of healthy eggs but no OHSS, and BFP BFP.

Welcome to the thread.

Gloria jeans
You so poor thing, until now still can't eat? No wonder you already craving for food, and thinking of eating soft shell crab. Am not sure if that's ok, but think better eat healthy food after ER lah.. Wish your follicles all contain eggs, and fertilized with good grades.
hi libby,
yeah, the IM progesterone needle is super long. How not to see it? my jab at the thigh.
Some skillful nurse jab quickly but some nurse prefer to jab very slowly, actually lengthen the pain. I didn't have side effect but had difficulty walking. If you jab on the butt, should not affect walking. Hope your level is ok, no need more jab. I didn't have any scan during 2ww, only injection. Just bear with it. Remember you are now in the last stage, jia you!
Thanks, i can't imagine jab is at the thigh, the needle is so long, how to push entire tip in? so scary..
Lucky i sign consent form for butt, definitely better choice.
Yes, hoping tom BT will be ok, no need extra jab, else faint.
You seem quite busy lately, not as active as before, you feeling alright?
hi catcus,
it is ok to eat as much as you need now. Don't control. I thought fruits and carrot stick could help me curb the hunger but end up more hungry. Now when i am hungry, will eat tibits and biscuit. Not very healthy on the tibits snacks but just a craving for it.

hi libby,
hehehe....i recall one nurse from 24 hours clinic (looks unexperience) forcing the jab into the thigh. Along the way she will keep asking me if i am okay. I feel like telling her, quickly lah, don't waste time, just jab it in. But be very wary of 24 hours clinic nurses, they don't jab this often, so not as familiar compare to ivf nurse. Lately i am busy at work, will try to log in more here.

hi everyone,
cloning of embryo is possible.
Yes, i totally agree with you. Cannot slow slow jab and ask ok or not, what you want is be done and get it over with..
Aiyo.. this friday PH, i will need to jab at 24hr clinic too, hope won't bump into that nurse.
jus hope cactus wun get nausea from eating...

try not to eat too much spicy food. easy to get heartburn leh...

OHSS occur either after ER or ET. dat's why need lotsa water after ER and ET to flush out the extra hormones.

ya, saw in TNP li jiawei is preggie. but dun think is shotgun. maybe they alrdy started trying since she got deadline to meet for bb.

not old la. i started trying in '04 till last yr then +ve when we did ivf. me also '78.
hi libby,
good luck, hope you get experience nurse. So this fri and sun, you will be at 24hr clinic? If fri nurse is good, request for the same nurse on sun. Just curious how you manage to use pc now? lying down to type? i was banned from using laptop during 2WW and my phone cannot access internet.
Think curfew manager is going to scold you for using too much pc.
No one at home to monitor me, hb at work. Curfew manager here will understand the boredom and need to keep updated on all sistas here mah.

Woke up from a nap, feeling hungry, just cooked noodles to eat before hb get dinnre for me later.
Am sitting up straight now, had a laptop in the room, lie down whole day also body ache.

Last sunday, 24hr clinic like short handed, think can't request leh..
nope. he also din ask me to do ve or ctg today. ctg only next week. meaning not expecting bb to come out so soon...
argh... i dun wanna induce!
hi libby,
maybe use a support for the laptop rather than direct contact on your leg. 2ww is boring but bear with it.

hi juju,
hope you will not get induce. I was induced for previous pregnancy, very tough and long labour.
oh ya, kkh alrdy start screening processes. as of jus now, is only Q&As, unless got flu or cough symptoms. all ladies, pls stay healthy
i also hope wun induce. i heard it's very painful & bb more prone to distress inside. may end up c-sect!

ah... paiseh. ve is vaginal exam to chk dilation, ctg machine is to chk bb heartbeat & contractions
ikea sells this laptop support. i find it quite useful during 2ww. else hard to use lappie when need to recline so much
I got a small table for the laptop, won't dare to place on my leg due to radiation.

Sorry, can you share with me again your 2ww symptoms? Rem you said not much symptoms is it?
I have some cramp and achiness, but not sure is it due to progesteron jabs. Do you have those too?
Girls - OHSS usually occur after ER... (note that everytime your ovaries release an egg, the ovary will start to produce pregnancy hormones in small amounts to sustain the embryo until fertilization implantation and until the placenta develops enough to start producing the needed hormones)
Now that your follicles are emptied, your body thinks that it should work hard to produce the hormones and thus for every retrieved follicle, the ovaries will work really hard to release the required stuff... It is also true that getting OHSS will increase chances of attaining a successful pregnancy.. Simply cos you have the hormones to sustain..

Develyn - did you let the doc know that you are getting all these side effects??

Cactus - congrats!! Have a happy and healthy 9 months.. You are officially about 4 weeks pregnant...

Bliss - whoa your boy is of good weight!! May you have a wonderful delivery!! Great!! I just went for scan today, both of mine are finally above 2 kg...

Juju - whoa.. Your girl still 'tong' till 39 weeks... Great weight too... She has engaged Liao?? Mabbe she is waiting may 18th instead...
Hi Cactus,
Happy to know that you got over OHSS, even better news is knowing about the twins! Congrats!

Hi Juju,
Glad to know both mommy & baby are doing well at 39months! It will be a breeze then. Wish you a safe delivery!

Hi Lyn & Develyn,
I wish you beat the sick wave. Take a lot of shut-eye so your body can recover fast. Hope both of you will get well soon!
congrats ya! now ur bbs above 2kg liao. how many weeks liao?

haha... she's engaged since wk 37 liao...
dr loh wun let me wait till 18 may la. he jus said he will induce next wk - tell me to choose 8/9/10 may!!!
wow, your boys both are above 2kg now, v gd weight for twins leh!
you must be feeling v v heavy.. cant imagine how big your tummy is... kekeke.

it is good to have baby born full term at 40 weeks... she is persistent to be a healthy full term baby!
Cute! But really not easy hor... now I feel the pressure and heaviness so much, day and night, pei fu you, can really 'tong'!

Congras.. so happy for you and glad you are fine now


Even if you write a list to ask Dr Loh, he dun have time to even reply you.. it happened at my last appointment. He was showing impatience on his face.. so black.. I wasn't very please with the attitude also... sigh..


I taking course to be dEvelyn Curfew Mgr.. hehe joking will PM you

you must rest well and take care. We can always see you another time.. work is never ending. Bosses mood can never be predicted. IF they need you, you are a gem no matter how much MC u take. IF they do not need you, you take one MC already dead meat... haha health more impt. Jobs can be replaced, just maybe slower at such bad times
But where there is a will, there is always a way
Hi Meow,
I'm with NUH under PC Wong, I must say he is good. During my 2-week stay, he came to visit me at least twice a day, even the nurses commented that he is the only gynae that will do that.

Hi Lina,
I snack a lot too. Wake up at 7 plus eat breakfast #1, 9 plus, hungry again, eat breakfast #2, 11 plus eat lunch #1, 1 plus lunch #2, 3 plus eat tea break, 6 plus eat dinner, midnite eat supper. At this rate that I'll turn into a fat pig one.

Hi Mel Wong,
Prof said my edd is 25 Dec, if i count backwards, shd be week 6 now.

Hi Develyn,
If you experience breathlessness, must go to A&E immediately, that was what the nurses instructed me to do so. While in hospital, I also experienced breathlessness one night and was put on oxygen, Prof came later and decided to drain off my fluid.
There's something wrong with yahoo mail, unable to reply you. i'll pm you later

That's very nice of Prof Wong to be that personal. Wa.. you are indeed eating a lot for 3 leh.. It's good to have appetite

How nice, they will be christmas babies!
Juju, Bliss- I'll be 36 weeks in 2 days... Both are still underweight... I just hope that they grow more in the next few weeks... Lucky that their heartbeats are strong and both of them are happily kicking me all the time...

Cactus - I had the impression that you just tested positive... Hee... Sorry... Any signs of nausea yet?? Try to eat well, and eat alot of what you want... In case the nausea sets in...
HI! All: i went from scan today. Pregnant with twins

Cactus: At least u can eat.. I juz feel like vomiting
Got medicine from doctor to reduce vomiting.
Congrats, as expected you're carrying twins. No more playing rough with your doggie. Hope the med will reduce the nausea. Spread more baby dust to us all!
