IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks Humbug & Libby!
My journey has not been smooth too. We were trying to get pregnant since Yr2006. Have undergone laparoscopy to check for endometriosis & blocked tubes but so far clear. Had 3 unsuccesful IUIs in Mt. Elizabeth and then 1 failed fresh ET cycle in KKIVF. With unexplained subfertility issues, it can really be frustrating. We just need to be determined and stay focused to our heart's desire and most importantly keep our hopes alive!

To everyone,
I joined this thread to share my experience throughout my journey hoping you may find it helpful. I will do my best to recollect details for your information.

I wish all the best for all of us!

When my fresh ET cycle failed, Dr SF Loh explained that the process is like planting seeds on the ground. It could be poor seeds or the poor ground which may have caused the failure...in our case, my womb lining (ground) was good in the scan all throughout the 2ww period for the embryo implantation, but it was most likely the poor quality embryos (seeds) that were not able to implant.

While the poor seeds may seem to be beyond our control, (thankfully!) maintaining a good planting ground proves to be workable.

For those preparing for IVF or in the earlier stage, please find the attached link for additional info:

i worry lor... dun wan her to be so big. how to push???

oh ya hor... u r having twins. twins weight will always be smaller than singletons la. no need to envy. if weigh like singleton, ur tummy will be super big liao.
Hi Tany ,

Seriously it is not me who pass the virus to u hor.. unless it pass thu the phone...wakaka.. or thru msn ?

Hi Humurg ,

Sorry to miss your msn yesterday .. i didnt log out my phone msn yesterday then i go to sleep.. keke... i am feeling better now.. definately is the lucrin that is causing my headache... yesterday i can jump jump with no headache le but once i took my lucrin shot... my headahe comes back.. zzz... the problem now is that i am having cough and i really hope the cough gets better before my puregon jabs... bless me man...

Hi twinnie ,

I just wanna tell you that u are not alone... we are all trying very hard... while this forum , we support one another... Stay positive... the time will come... Hugz okie... :) Btw, if you find back the archeve , u might be able to see the tips f DO & DON'T during IVF ... I hope it is helpful for u ... Jia you ya !
Hi twinnie ,

Oooppss.. i just read that u are 10wks preggy now.. haha.. sorry.. i am using my friend computer in JB,Malaysia now.. it is quite slow... i waited like 10mins for the page to load.. zzz..
Spread some babies' dust to us ok... :D

Will pray that u have a smooth journey ahead.. :D
Hi Libby ,

How are u ? Better with your flu le mah ?
Btw, anyone hear from Rihard ? Dunno where he is le and how is the IVF going for them...

Hi Equin0x ,

I will have my scan next week 21/04... hope we can be cycle buddies on stage 2.. i am quite sure they are gtg to extend my lucrin de lor... U take good care okie ... hugz !
hi all

i'm new to this thread. currently on my 2WW thus able to surf the net freely. So informative and congrats to all the MTB.

i was reading fr past post and can i trouble U to send me the menu for 2ww. I've no idea of wat to prepare for my meals beside avoiding spicy stuff and 'liang' food. Can u share please?
hi bee,
using chinese herbs, i manage to curb the morning nausea so now only feel like vomit when brushing teeth but nothing comes out. Gynae has no advice, simply say this is normal. Oh so cute your baby, is it 4D scan?

hi juju and mel,
wow, 5kg. But good thing about big baby is easy to carry and look after.

Hi pau le,
congrats! Very high level of HCG. Do walk slowly and continue taking folic acid.

hi sunflower,
i like the vietnamese doctor, she very friendly, polite and gentle.

hi twinnie,
welcome to the thread, have a smooth pregnancy.
Hi Ladies / Tomatoes ,

Hope that this is useful - especially those who are new to the thread.. the list is prepared and add on by lotsss of ladies here :D

Dear Ladies ,

Just to update on the hot pack gel...

Do’s and Don’t

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
- Chicken essence
- Gentle rotation in circle motion clockwise after you have jab your abdomen.
- If painful - try to sooth the area you are injecting with hot towel, the skin will become less tense
- Use hot pack to keep womb warm

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- Chicken essence
- Soya products
- Brazil nuts
- Egg whites (after ET increase dosage of egg whites)
- Use hot pack to keep womb warm

Stage 3 (2WW)
- Continue egg whites for at least a week
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily
- No pineapple and water melon
- No squatting or carrying of heavy weights (anything that stresses the abdominal muscle)
- No hot sauna or soaking of lower half body in bathtub
- No intercourse
- Do not stand or sit in a position too long. Good to walk a bit to promote circulation
- No raw food and avoid oily and spicy foods as it may cause an upset stomach. High hormone levels cause bloatedness and hence add to discomfort
- No strenuous exercise
- No other medication (eg. TCM) other than those given by your Dr
- Use hot pack to keep womb warm

- Anmum Milk
Hi Lina ,

How is your scan ? Cn hear bb heart beats le mah? :D

Hi Bee ,

2 more days - 1st trimester will be over.. that's fast... u will be knowing the gender soon.. So happy for u ... :D
Hi humbug, baby, lina
Just came bk fr KK pte suite, seen dr loh and he mentioned that it could be the embies when put in the womb didn't grow or implant, could be also due to factors like high hormones in our body cos of the jabs that may affect the whole environment and blood circulation in the womb that affect implantation..etc He said that grade of embies is 4 and he say is above average. He recommended me to go for next round FET and maybe put in 3 embies cos FET chances of striking is lower than fresh cycle. He also mentioned that my endo came bk cos during the time when he sucked the eggs out during ER he sucked out some brownish blood from my ovaries so this is sign that i have some endo again. sianz ah.

He said that i can go ahead with FET once my menses report, and hopefully i can strike this time round.
Dear alll

I am currently with Dr Loh and I have tried 1 fresh and 1 FET with all grade 4 embies with him and ... yet to succeed. I have some more embies to try FET with him. But hubby and I are thinking of switching to another doctor. Have anyone switched from KKH to another hospital before? Any advise out there who else I can go to?
Hi twinnie todd, so u succeeded at 2nd fresh cycle? How many embroy did u transfer? So happy for u and hope a smooth 9 mths.......
bliss, juju - yeah.. i know my boys' weight must discount a bit, but, as usual.. greedy mah... will definately want the babies to be heavier.. :p

lina - yeah... bigger definately easier to take care of and carry..
actually depending on the machine, can pick up the heartbeat sounds.. but the pulsating of the little heartbeat is cute.. the doc did not show you?

tomatoes - hi.. welcome.. rest well, think positive and visualize.. good luck and lots of baby dust on you..

ltjabi - hmm.. you wanna know the HCG level for which day?? as my clinic practises BT for HCG till heartbeat is seen, my results are as follows..

14dpt : 934.8
18dpt : 4300
21dpt : 10643
25dpt : 24624
28dpt : 39681

if you want to compare yourself against actual results, try the following website.. they are from actual pregnancies which resulted in heartbeats.. they even have different tables for singles and multiples..

chris - oh dear.. hope your AF comes soon.. pls think positive.. good luck..

fellaine - i was with a private clinic.. a bit ex..
if you are thinking of govt hospitals, there are a few girls here with SGH and NUH.. perhaps they can advise you..
humbug, thanks, i dun hv morning sickness just some indigestion / heartburn. heehee, i borrowed two books from the library today... seemed like other than taking antacid, the recommended ways to reduce it are to eat less and frequent meals, avoid fatty/oily/spicy food etc...

how are you? ur job settled?
Tomatoes, just eat healthy and light food... avoid spicy, oily and heaty food. Avoid standing too close to the stove... no squatting and carrying of heavy stuff. no hot sauna or soak ur lower body in bath tub.. some walking is good to help improve blood circulation.

most imp of all, stay +ve and find things to do cos 2ww can be really bored and when u r bored, ur mind starts to wander...
Hi Develyn,
It's ok =) and thanks! I do find the ladies and partners here in the forum very supportive. I had a couple of headaches too during my lucrin jabs but I remember going to the gym daily, ran 30mins on the treadmill and did 3kgs weights. Somehow I felt it helped mitigate the side-effects of lucrin. I only stopped during my puregon whereby I felt a bit bloated already. I hope you recover from your cough.

Hi Lina,
Thanks and I wish you smooth pregnancy, too! I was offered by KK to take a fetal screening for early detection of Down Syndrome. Quite expensive but I think worth to know earlier. If the risk is high, it gives us chance to opt for more invasive procedure like amniocentesis &/or CVS later. Perhaps you may also want to consider this.

Hi Itjabi,
Thanks. I felt the same symptoms of having my menses during my 2ww. I thought it would be another failure but since I was taking my BBT daily and my temperature has been maintained not lower than 36.6°C since my FET, it spared me from unnecessary worry until confirmed pregnant in my BT. My HCG level was 2,775.7 IU/L. I felt the onset of pregnancy at 8th week. Please take more rest. Hopefully no more sleepless nights.
Hi Chris,
FET will be no injection and you can start soon. Do continue with accu and i am sure you will strike next round. Does it mean that Dr Loh already removed your endo during the ER?

Hi mel,
I didn't insist on seeing the heartbeat from the machine.

hi twinnie,
i will be taking the down syndrome test from kk. too. My gynae advice that it's quite necessary due to my age.
Hi LYn,
Thanks. We were able to fertilise a total of 11 embryos. I failed the fresh cycle with two embies. With 9 frozen embryos left, I went through the natural frozen ET with 3 embies transferred but only two sets of heartbeats seen during my 6th week scan. Dr SF Loh said the 3rd embryo just plainly disappeared & i shouldn't be expecting any bleeding for that.

Hi Chris,
You will be going through the same experience as I did. Keep your hopes high. Just a piece of advice: If you will be on NATURAL FET, meaning no superovulation drugs, keep your ovulation period calculated.

My cycle was unusually longer that time at 32 days. Day16 and my egg wasn't growing as expected so the hospital staff had to recommend me to postpone the process and opt for an ARTIFICIAL FET the next cycle. I was very adamant then, asking them to scan me again on Day18 as I told them I had an unusually longer cycle of 32 days. And the ovulation calculator was indeed right that my egg grew in that span of two days, I was ovulating! Therefore I had the go-signal for NATURAL FET saving me from another month of delay.

Twinnie; thanks u have a safe n healthy pregnancy

Mel: Ur clinic take HCG level every other day.. they dun do it with KKH. If they did would be better coz juz worried i dun see anything on scan day.. Bought pregnancy test yest juz to check that baby still there..haha!! at least doing BT for HCG every other day ur confidence is boosted..
Hi Lina,
Let's pray & wish for normal babies!

Hi Itjabi,
It is indeed stressful and seems even longer than the 2ww but beat it up for baby's sake. Try to sleep on your left side as it will optimize blood circulation & oxygen to baby. Have a good book to read & relax yourself.
Hi Itjabi,

My HCG at 2700+IU/L was taken 17dpt. I think you need not worry with your result.

The BetaBase chart link sent by Mel Wong is helpful indeed. =)

Oh ok.. how come you see Dr loh at Private suite? Tot he always at the IVF centre side? hehe..what is Endo? Is it serious? Hope your FET is successful.. when are you doing that?


You are really like all over the place.. what you doing in JB? hehe
Ya.. suddenly like very fast.. was like just waiting and waiting.. quite nervous actually. Hope really got good news by Vesak day

Today's scan, the follicles had indeed increased by at least 2mm.. range from 11.5 to 17 (total 14 nos. detected), lining is 12mm. The african lady not around today, it's another chinese lady, much more friendlier. I will continue with 2 more days of puregon shots (total 10 days). Monday night get the HCG shot, Wed will be ER.

Hope you feeling better, enjoy your HK holiday. Singapore is so hot now, it will be nice to be there now.

It's dream comes true.. and really worth the wait! May I ask how old are you?

How? your cough still there? What you do in JB? cannot eat seafood leh.. I'm fully recovered liao, and getting ready to dash the final lap next week

Welcome to the thread, and all the best to you.

Dr Loh still rem he sucked out browish blood? At least he got keep record. Hope you will strike with FET this time round.

Dr Loh is either at Clinic D or TPS. He will only be at IVF centre for procedures..
Can I check is the herbs from Dr Zou during the 2ww expensive? Its main purpose is to help implantation? Each day 4 packets, 2 packets each is it?
Hi Humbug,
Oh endo is endometrosis aka blood cysts. I had it last round liao and undergone 2 ops to removed it over 3yrs and now its bk. Dr Loh says its common for it to come bk and he gossiped with us that there is a patient from a pte hospital that just did a lapro to remove it 3 mths ago and it came bk when she did a scan at a govt hospital recently and she was furious and claimed that the pte hospital didn't do a gd job. But frankly speaking, endo can come bk as early as in 3 mths time just tat it may be patches here and there as the cysts has not fully formed yet.

Dr Loh advised me to put in 3 frozen embies to improve my chance and also cos now no govt subsidy for FET. Hb is still considering cos insurance wise is pretty ex ard $700+ for 3 embies and he's also worried abt triplets which i assured him that very small chance tat will happen cos Dr Loh already mentioned tat the chances of striking using frozen embies is much lower than using fresh embies. Me should be doing that once my next menses cycle comes. How abt you??? Maybe we can be cycle buddies again. heheee.

Hi twinnie,
huh yours look like fresh cycle, but dr loh didn't recommend me tat leh, he just ask me to use bk my frozen embies leh.

Hi Lina,

Nope, sad to say endo can only be removed thro laproscopy ops. I've been taking Dr Zou medicine to clear some of the endo since Dec 08.
Hi Chris and TwinnieTod,
Thanks for your sharing. R both of you Dr Loh's private suite patients? Cos whenever I see him at kkh for reviews, he didn't explain much. if this is the case, I better book my appt at this pte clinic too man.....

I'm also wondering if it's cos my dh does not accompany me during my appts w Dr Loh....???

Oso looks like i shud work harder in stopping my caffeine intake completely! I'm such an addict.

Develyn, Thanks for reminding us about the dos and don't of ivf.... just to share, that i did some chores during my 2ww. and during both 2wws i had cramps even after lifting a small bag...

how much egg whites do you gals take? are 2 per day enuf?

I am meeting Dr Loh on Wed. I might start in my june AF.. wanted to give my body a break first
See what he says then I let you know ok
Meanwhile, u rest well and recuperate well first before you do your FET so chances are higher
Jia you
hi i am new here..just found this thread..i had done my first ivf on 2007 dec and was sucessful with a baby boy..did an ET recently with two embryo but was unsuccessful..my period came..

any advise if i shd do it again soon? dont want to be dosappointed..
Hi Libby,
Glad to know about your growing follicles! Please take more rest as you may be feeling bloated by now.
I got 21 eggs retrieved during my ER which posed me under OHSS risk. It was really difficult & painful for me to pee, but the nurses told me to drink lots of water to flush out the meds. I was drinking 2L of water daily & was trying to bear the pain everytime I pee then true enough the pain subsided in couple of days making me ready for the ET.
I'm 32 years old. We put off having a baby for 1st two years of marriage to concentrate on careers but only realised late that it was difficult to get pregnant. If we only knew, we shouldn't be planning after all. Yes now it's like a dream come true but I feel I still have a long way to go to have them safely delivered. One step at a time =)
I wish for all ladies & partners here to get their hearts' desire, too!

Hi Chris,
My fresh cycle with two embryos transferred failed. Then I had my frozen cycle with three embryos transferred but got pregnant with twins not triplets.
I think they call it "Natural Thaw Cycle" whereby you will need to ovulate by your own in order to naturally release hormones that will support implantation. It is different with the "Artificial Thaw Cycle" where you cannot ovulate by your own so you need to take ovulation drugs. In both cycle, frozen embryos are to be used.
My hubby & I were also scared of the three embies that time as insurance is high & triplets are more complicated, but we just considered their survival from the thawing process. In the end, we decided to let three embryos thawed as what Dr SF Loh recommended for higher number of thawing survival. Perhaps you would also like to weigh that consideration with your hubby. If all three embryos survived the thawing process, rest assured they are of good quality embryos. Then the next thing to pray is for the Heavens to give what we can deal with =)

Hi Hazel,
I always see Dr SF Loh at D clinic. Actually, I never knew about his private suites not until I read from this forum =)
Dr SF Loh always seems to be in a rush when he sees his patients. What I do is I write down my important queries in a pad before I see him, then bring to his clinic so I will not forget to ask him. He can surely answer all of them.
I was also a coffee addict but have to stop in preparation for IVF. First I tried with decaffeinated coffee, then slowly with lipton herbal teas until I completely stopped taking all of them. It also helps to ask hubby not to take coffee in front of you so you will not be tempted, too. =)
hi twinnie,

do you think you can send me your BBT chart for your successful cycle? i would like to see for reference .. or you can post here?
Hi Hazel ,

Do not do housechores during 2ww woa..

Hi Ladies ,

Oh man .. today i have no voice again.. my phelgm is green color .. does it mean that it is bad or is it recovering huh ? Tomorrow got appt at KKIVF for my scan.. Good news is AF finish this morning .. Pray hard i won't see it for the next 10months.. and i am safe.. keke.. :D
Hi Libby,
Glad your follicles are of good sizes. Are you considering taking the herbs? i had 4 pack daily, $2 per pack. This herb is for support and prevent bleeding. I am not sure if this 2ww herbs is catered to individual needs. I had past record of bleeding after pregnancy confirmed so Dr Zou says that this herb will help me prevent the spotting and bleeding.

hi ltjabi,
not to worry, my HCG level only 299 on D19, much less than yours.

hi Chris,
hope your endo can be cleared further with the herbs.

hi aisha,
welcome to the thread.

Hi ladies,
any idea the procedure for checking if your baby has down syndrome has any potential dangers? How much will it cost? What about pain?

My 2ww is finally over and am back at work. So much to do. Must remind myself to take it easy and relax. Tomorrow my final BT. Wish me luck.
