IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi mel and juju,
i tried the nipple stimulation and BD when my older child was overdue at 41 weeks. I also walked alot in hope to stimulate contraction. But these method does not work.

Thanks Lina.

Actually I had not pain or spotting at all after ER or ET. it's half way thru the 2ww that i had some of these symptoms for different 2ww periods......
congrats sophia,

looks like lots of many dust spreading this week, 4 positive tests in a row. who else is in the 2ww?

i'm still hospitalised, doc says probably need another 2 days, earliest Mon then can go home. i must say this is the longest stay i ever had in a hospital. reading this forum keep me sane, but typing is a separate matter, using one finger at a time.
Hi hazel,
no spotting is normal. I rather not see any discharge after ET.

Hi catcus,
hope you can return home on mon. Do take care.
Hi Hazel,

After ER, u will experience some tenderness/sore/pulling around the sides (like what Lina said) due to the surgery + yr ovaries being inflated. they normally shld go off after a few days.

The cramps in the lower abdomen area are due to probably the uterus contracting (btw, the uterus is always contracting), when the embryo tries 2 implant/burrow deeper. For my case, the nurse hinted that i could be not drinking enuff water at nite, which is true as i dun like 2 wake up 2 pee. But i dun think i hv OHSS.

Completely agree that 2ww is veri nerve-wrecking! 4 more days 2 go before it is over. Some more DH out of town.

And hopefully, there will be good news at the end of the 2ww tunnel!!

Hi cactus, if u dun mind, can u share w me what were yr symtoms for OHSS?

Hi libby, sorie for slow reply coz went T3 for dinner yesterday so didnt log in. Tampines 1 nonthing much juz like other shopping mall nonthing special. Not crowded coz weekdays. So when u ET? U gtg dr zou daily liao?

Noi, in the first place how many "dan" does ur sil have to comment place like that. Well its ok, ppl like us when went thru this journey definitely got much higher EQ then ppl who dont. I know it can be hurtful but juz tell urself to prove it to her that ur "dan" is an expensive and precious one thats y take a longer time.Cheer up
Sophia, congrats!
Btw r u on HCG jabs or insert? Dr zou told me yest that if u r on insert and tested positive on 14 post ET should be quite accurate but if on jabs then may not be accurate but it is good to see positive then negative and good luck for ur blood test and perhaps can request blood test earlier if u r anxious ro know.
mel / lina,
love love is out of the question! my pelvis hurt so much, i got problem getting around liao.
jus let her be.
today's chk up, she's alrdy 3.1kg, head diameter 9.7cm liao
sophia, catcus - congrats! hope to hear more gals BFP!

develyn - hope u r recovering well... aiyo, cough very difficult to recover fully one.. my tcm ever told me if it is wet cough, got to avoid 5 food : soya drinks, grapes, chicken, orange and oh, i cant rem the fifth one... let u know when i recall. paisay
dunno leh, gynae said eat little crabs/prawns is fine. but the myth is t avoid cos these food not so "clean" like all those shell food. hb told me not to eat till 20months, so i dun eat lor
So when is the next gathering? I shd be regaining my energy level gradually from now
Yeah, two more days and I will have pass my 1st trimester!

Did my OSCAR test (for down symdrome) and detailed scan today... baby is well, saw 4 limbs, can even see bb fingers... kekeke. but got to wait till tmr for the OSCAR test results.

Gynae gave me multi-vits and fish oil equiv kinda pills as supplements. i will be ceasing my crinone and other progeterone tablets gradually.. and hopefully, the bloatedness and heartburn will go away too!

btw, my gynae said, it is ok to drink ginger tea and eno for heatburn
lina - haha.. really?? i think your older boy just wants to stay in the comfort of you..
i ahve no experience on this, but i had 2 friends who tried 'love love' during which.. has lots of nipple stimulations and the following day start contractions..

juju - whoa.. jealous.. your baby has a good weight.. did you see the papers on this teacher who had a 5kg baby boy at birth?? i salute her lor...

bee - fun to see the baby hor..
wait till your detailed scan.. you'll be delirious.. hmm.. i am assuming that your hubby said no prawns and crabs till 20 weeks, not 20 months.. else.. the gestational period like elephant liao lor..
dun scare me ah... dr loh was saying if full term, likely to be 5kg ah... scared me to death!
hubby & i told bb tmr come out ah... scary!
hi all

did my second blood test on D19 after ET, and the HCG has raised to 4681 (HCG was at 180 on D12). so confirm pregnant liao!

now waiting for my first scan in two weeks!

what pre-cautions should i take during the first trimester?? everybody say must be very careful, but other then diet, what else can i be careful of?

yah, same here... can't seems to sleep at night, go to bed at 3 or 4 am and wake up at noon!

BFP BFP BFP to all!
wow, yr gal is growing beri good weight.

Saw today newspaper abt the big baby at birth of 5 kg. tinking how big will tis mummy tummy?

Congrats Sophie and catus. Have an enjoyable pregnancy journey.
Hi lina, Mel and ladies,
just went for my 34 weeks Growth scan and appt at KKH this afternoon. It was really a LONG and TIRING WAITING day for me and hubby!
Just to share a few good news,
1)my baby boy is measured abt 2.3kg now and he is growing very well according to the sonographer. He is in head down and facing my back position which is normal.
2)My placenta has moved up, so possible for me to have normal vaginal delivery then!
3)I have gained only 100g over the past 3 weeks, and so I am 62.6kg today. Doc Sadhana said it is gd and normal, coz baby is gaining and not me(since I gained a bit fast the previous appt liao)...kekeke.
4) I have signed up for the KK premier hospitalisation A1 class package today, so one thing settled.

But the very 'siao' day today for me,
1)I waited for 1 hour at the ADC for my growth scan!
2)When I reached TPS for my appt, Doc Sadhana had to be away for some time to attend to some emergency operation, so more waiting time.
3)Hubby and I decided to make use of the waiting time to see doc, to sign up for the hospitalisation package at the admission counter. But we waited for 1 and half hour for our turn when we are only the 3rd Q no at the counter!!
4)When I rushed back to TPS at around 5.05pm (when my appt time was supposed to be 3.10pm), doc sadhana asked me for the growth scan report. I did not have it as the ADC sonographer told me they will send the report straight to my doc! So dont know whose fault then, dr Sadhana told me to get the report from ADC then and go back to see her... so my hubby rushed to ADC to get the report since they were closing soon. And finally we got to see doc. But it was 6pm when we left TPS....

Anyway, I am glad to see my cute baby after weeks, and I am still in very good mood though feeling tired.
dr loh must be only joking w you lah, you already 37 weeks now, wont be 5kg even if you deliver in 40 weeks. Heeheehee...
Twinstars: I dun have poking pain. Only cant sleep n boobs are sore in the morning.

Sophia: I did have the cramping feeling but onli for a while.. the symptoms were very similar to menses cramps.

Please kindly lie down flat for the next few days. Last I also tested positive with a very faint line at the positive part... then have slight cramps. Thereafter the extreme cramps came about 4 days after that then my AF came. Please avoid movement and lie flat to be safe ok.. Have to take care.. crucial stage now.

Congrats!! My feeling tells me it’s a true positive..especially your implantation spotting!


The African doc is new, only been here for a few mths.. and she is indeed a French. There are only 2 review doctors in kkivf if im not wrong.. too bad we cant be reviewed by our own doctor..so need to bear with it lor..

But your lining is good leh..already 10mm.. but becos u have 400iu puregon, very fast will grow.. for me, I only took 50iu..i remembered mine grew 2mm each day..so yours will be more than 2mm..
thanks itjabi! so our babies should be due end december??

Hi Cdah,
for me, right after the ET, rested at the hospital for 15 mins,
the day when i go home, rested in bed for the afternoon,
then for the rest of the 2ww, didn't really spend my whole day in bed.... still do housework like usual, just minimize big movements and don't carry heavy things.
Hi Libby ,

Yupz... AF sure siam siam siam siam siam...
we jia you together man !

Hi Bee,

Yupz... that's what i am having now.. but flu, fever & headache all ok liao.. left with the stupid flu...eeekkk... Will be fine soon.. i will drink lotsss of water...

Hi Tany/Libby/Tnt and many ... i still do my massage today and the lady saysno massage on stomach will be fine.. Remember Itjabi recommended one lady call Amy... She is from Mymar but father from Thailand (who teach her massage).. THUMBS UP !!! It is very good... my whole body feels alotsss better... of cos the cough is the same lor.. keke... :D
juju - hah.. whoa.. the estimate quite scary leh.. so long as your girl is happy and healthy can liao..

pau le - congrats again..
the numbers are superb...
as for how many weeks.. from at your ET, you should be considered 2 weeks preggy, at 14dpt, you should be considered 4 weeks... i think someone posted an ivf due calculator URL in previous posts.. try thr following..

bliss - oh dear.. sounds like you have a rather busy day... your boy has a good weight.. i'm so jealous...
my turn to be sick... coz of one too-pid colic of my who was coughing non-stop since last week.... when her boss and I ask her to go see doc on wed, she dunno still mumble wat under her breathe... den wed afternoon den she "gam-wan" go see doc and take 2 days MC....

flu flu go away, tany wan to go overseas to play.... toh-long toh-long
Hi everyone,
I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant with twins through KKIVF-ICSI. I'm having an "all-day" sickness upon reaching my 8th week and Ginger tea has helped in settling my tummy. My preparation as follow:
1. Grate a slice of Ginger and put some in a cup
2. Put honey. If you don't have honey, you can use marmalade, jam or brown sugar
3. Pour hot water into the cup & stir.
That's it! As for the heartburn & acid indigestion, I asked Dr. SF Loh to prescribe an antacid for me. He then prescribed me a fast-acting liquid antacid, which has a very nice flavour too! It's helping me go through my sour stomach.
I hope you find this information useful.
Pau Le
Congrats! Very happy to hear another BFP
I really hope will be able to join you gals this time round. Was told 1st trimester to-do and not to-do is similar to 2WW.

I've spoken to Dr Zou today, she suggest i can start my daily accu with her tom onwards, as ER most likely either Tue or Wed. I still can meet you on Tue if ER on Wed

You must be so excited to see bb's limbs

Your OSCAR result will be good! Do share with us

Wa.. really very "fruitful" day for you, but it's worth it lah

Ya.. was told lining 10mm is good, phew.. Will see how the scan for tom, think HCG could be Mon not Sun. If tom see the same African lady, I will still continue to ask her questions, don't care!

Where you going ah? This flu bug is really irritating leh, i had it for 2 weeks, now develyn also kena.. Drink more water and take vitamin C hor.

Last time I go 24 hours, the senior nurse did mention to me that isotonic drinks can cure morning sickness.. she say open the bottle a while for the gas to escape then drink
Maybe you can try.



Tany and dEvelyn,

Do rest well, drink more water and get well soon ok
Libby, wat r u going to ask e Ms African tomolo ar?

btw, all those follicles n lining measurements r given to u by e sanographer or tat Ms African?
oic.. it's always the same lady.. not sure if she's local too.. but at least she's more friendly. i did try to ask her details of my follicles sizes, but she said the doc will review with me, but who knows it that african lady lor.
Pau Le,
congrats for the confirmed pregnancy!

Have an enjoyable time ahead.

really possible to grow so fast,another 1.9kg in the coming 3 weeks only?
Ya, can understand your worries, your gal gal better comes out then.

ya lor, very busy indeed. No need to jealous, heehee, your boys are at very good weight now too, dont forget you are carrying twins, juju and I are carrying singleton.

ya, kind of fruitful day, but also spent lots of time there to 'spend lots of money' too. :p

ya always the same lady..actually she is a vietnamese.. she is a doctor in vietnam but then she can only be a sanographer when she came to spore.. apparently, from what i heard, she is very knowledgeable..but she is not allowed to review for patients, has to leave it to the reviewing doctors.. but usually when i ask her about follicle size and lining, she would share with me leh..and she also allowed me to see the screen during scanning when i ask too.
