IVF/ICSI Support Group

i had 3 embies thawed, but one didn't survive, so they thawed the last remaining one too.

so I think u needn't worry about that bit.

Hi Libby ,

Can send me Dr Loh email address mah ? Btw, i forget how long he takes to reply and what is the subject header that u have indicate..

Hi Zaza ,

Ya lor.. stupid cough still visiting me.. hope it will get lost asap man !

yours also so low ar? hmm, but you conceived..
Orangey, so you no need to worry..
Hi ickle,

Nope.. my 1st scan will be done this saturday. So im guessing my transfer will only be next mth.

So u mean after our follicles grow the right size then they will arrange for et?
Ellsa, yes. I was told that our follicles have to grow to 16mm before ET can be done. I was about 9.5mm this morning so need to return on Wednesday for scan again. *fingers crossed*
thanks for concern.. but hor... i am really bored lah, got to on the computer for whole day dont know for what also...hahaha!
I will try not to look at the screen for too long. Thanks!!
Hi ladies,

Congrats for those who are pregnant.

Been reading the posts, very educational for those who trying to get pregnant via IVF.

I have been with Dr. Loh since 1997. Got pregnant and gave birth in 1998 by normal pregnancy. Been trying to have at least 2 more but no luck. Have seen good sinseh and massage but not able to get more babies.

After 10 years, got pregnant last year thru normal pregnancy but miscarriage at 11 weeks. Dr. Loh suggested IVF to us. So in April 4 took my fist jab of lucrin and will be going for scanning and blood test tomorrow (21.4.09).

I really hope can get pregnant at 1st cycle. The jab make me sick. Misses holding

actually I was told the same thing by the nurse who registered me. So maybe I should go for 2 first and see if they both survive the thaw. So have you done your FET?
Hi Sue ,

I am exactly on the same stage as u .. started lucrin on 06/04... gtg to KKIVF to take BT and vagina scan tomorrow.. wanna meet up there ? :D

Hi Bliss ,

I received le.. i used water bottle to contain and drink le.. sure BFP de.. wait for me... heez.. :D

Btw, where is another Joker Tany huh ?
ZaZa-I remember you asked anyone will go Dr Zou for Accup on Wed right? But I just called, the assistant said "no open" leh??
i did mine in Feb... failed... sigh.

actually they didn't even tell us about the failed thaw, but that the embbies were still being thawed. It was more than an hour before they they ushered us to the room, told us about the failed thaw and that they'd thawed 4 in total.

Hope yours will turn out positive..
Ladies - i called ytd and she says to confirm again so I felt bad to be the only one on wednesday thus ask u ladies along ... if u really interested and can make by 7pm then I can try asking her asst for those interested as we will have to enter by the back door
ZaZa-I think she will not interested to do it just for three of us, unless got more than 6 right. if you manage to convince her then let me know. I will change again the appt ( I have made one day earlier on Tuesday)
Hi boon boon, Orangey and zaza,
wed is ok as heard from Dr Zou that most of the wed she need to open. As recently lots of ladies doing ivf. Some of the ladies might not be in this forum, so there should still be others doing accu. The assistant will say clinic close but if you speak to Dr Zou, she will allow booking.
Hi ladies ,

Dr Zou is not open on Wednesday (official off day).. however , if u need to accup before ER , she will come back specially to do it if it falls on Wed... that's what i understand la...
Noted ZaZa. Since I am not at ER stage so it is best for those needed the most. Don't worry, I will go other day.

Develyn-BTW, my AF really report after Friday. So me too hopefully after this round. AF siam siam, only come 10mths later...heee heee
orangey - no tricks, no tricks..
hope you have lotsa luck with your love love.. :p throwing lotsa baby dust at you!! the boys?? hai.. dunno lor.. see what the next scan on wed says..
guess i just have to stay positive lor.. thanks for the tip abt soy milk powder..
will take note...

sunflower - yeap.. my temp seems to be always out of the 'acceptable' chart..
good news is that even with the low temps, i manage to concieve twice on my own, gauging ovulation by BBT and OPK.. bad news is that both were ectopic.. anyway, all in the past.. sooooo.. for those who are love love on their own.. good luck!!

sue - good luck for your BT tomorrow...

orangey, develyn, sunflower, sue and all the rest... - **shovel shovel** **heap heap** lotsa baby dust at all of you!!
can someone tell me the official day/time to visit Dr Zou ? can start booking next week's appointment or have to wait till nearer to the date?
Sunfl@wer-based on her card, Mon to sat 9am to 12pm, 2pm to 6pm, 7pm to 9pm. Sunday and PB 9am to 1pm (close on wed). But now also open on Wed for appt.

You can call anytime to make the appt
hi sunflower,
you can call her to make advance booking. Not so many restriction, unlike Dr Tan. And she stays only upstairs, so opening on wed or slightly later after opening time is not a problem. I have seen some ladies being late for appointment and she will do accu till 9.30pm.
thanks boon, lina and orangey..

based on my AF calculation, should be going on next thursday evening or friday morning (labour day)..
when your 2ww ends? next week still going? pray u strike this cycle lar..then u dun have to go
Hello gals,
What is Dr Zou clinic address n phone number? So what to expect during e 1st consultation? How much is e consultation plus accu?

I may need to c her if I can't c Dr Tan sinseh on e day b4 my ET.
Sorry, just came back from Dr Zou and saw your msg. I'll PM you Dr Loh's email address, not sure if can publicised here.

Hi ladies
Dr Zou's assistant told me Wed is Dr Zou's only off day. Dr Zou will only open for those emergency going for ER case. She said try not to book on Wed if necessary, else Dr Zou is not able to rest. Recently Dr Zou is not feeling well, due to lack of rest. This is what she told me lah.. fyi.

Thanks for the lots of lots of babydust, am digesting all of it
and of course, got share with the rest of the ladies here!
Dr Zou's address : Blk 505 AMK Ave 8 #01-2670 Tel : 64560833.

No consultation charge, accu for 40 mins is $25 each time.
Orangey, definitely very happy to see positive. Cotinue to work hard for 2day and 2molo and maximum the chance of meeting. hehehhe
Hi Hazel,
I also find that site useful. Isn't it amazing to know what COq10 does? =) I wasn't aware of it until I read in that link, then only from there I started researching more on COq10.

Hi Libby,
I wish you well in your coming ER!

Hi Boon,
Sorry I don't have FSH data on my blood test results. I wasn't able to ask about it then. Although my hubby went through semen analysis & scrotum ultrasound in SGH. The ultrasound is normal but the semen parameters are low. Blood test show normal testosterone level but very high FSH. The urologist said this could be the cause of the low morphology in sperm. I found this link very useful on FSH:


At least knowing this gives us light on what's really causing our subfertility.

Btw, I was taking Blackmores COq10 at 50mg. I'm just not sure if that's the best brand.

Hi Sunfl@wer & Sophia,
You are welcome, will try to do my best to share more info.

Hi Ellsa,
3 embryos were transferred during my FET. You will more likely go to KK every two days to check your eggs after Day10 from your period. Please know your ovulation period at it will also help guide you on FET schedule.

Hi Ickle,
I agree with Hazel, once embryos didn't survive the thawing, they will thaw another so long there is balance frozen embryos.
Dr SF Loh didn't say about more number of embryo survival but it was just my personal consideration as against the worry for triplets. I just followed his recommendation on the number of embryos to thaw. For now, let's hope & pray the frozen embryos survive.

Hi Mel,
Yes, it is helpful & easy to use. =) I recommend it for ladies who want to have reference on HCG levels.

Hi Zaza,
Hi develyn..wah thats great.We can share our experience togather. Got my menses on 12th April. Wat abt u? My hubby wanna tag along with me 2moro.

Lina and Mel, thank you so much. Pray for us ok.

So ladies wat should i expect 2moro??
hi twinnie
thanks for sharing the preparation bridge to IVF...
i think i sort of lack of for my 1st IVF...

hi ladies
was working for the past few days...finally posted to thread..hoping develyn and equinox will go to stage 2 very soon...and all the best to libby for ur upcoming ER and ET..

hi ladies...

can i check how do u calculate the number of weeks and days that u r pregnant? thru the EDD calculator websites, it says to enter the egg retrieval day, and for example, for me my ER date was 24 March, and i'm considered nearly 6 weeks pregnant liao??

i blur...
