IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks, libby.

Gals, is ET usually done in e morning for KK patients? So after ET still need to do anything at e KKIVF centre? E.g. take blood test, scan, take medicine?

Is it advisable to do 1 last accu on e same day as ET?
Hi libby,
if i am not wrong, is base on the largest follicle size. So your largest is already 14. 2 days later will be around 18 already.
Anyone knows wat is e consequences if we delay e ET for 1 or 2 days which resulted e follicle exceed 18mm?

I would prefer to hv an accu on e day b4 e ET. But very difficult to arrange for a TCM appt on Sat (alwiz fully booked) n TCM dun open on Sun.

I m jus counting down e estimated days tat my ET likely to happen. So if doc suggest ET on Mon then I got no chance for last min accu (cannot get TCM slot on Sat & Sun). Dunno can push for ET on Tue then at least I can still go for accu on Mon.

I m jus planning ahead la...
Hi Equin0x,
My 2 ETs at KK were before 10am. had to be at hospital about 8am. dunno if the same for the rest.

Lina, I am oso uncomfortable w the afr doc...nurses said she's french... I always pray that i dun have to meet her during my visits.

stay cheerful ladies
i slept after posting dat msg. had heavy dinner at kuishin-bo. almost burst liao, cannot sit properly.
18 apr? no la... my wish only. her edd is 6 may.

wat kinda symptoms? more aches & pains than anything else.

happy 10th anniversary!
Agree loh.. today just checking on details such as lining thickness, follicles sizes, she like very eager to drive me out of the room.. haiz...
hi hazel,
heard some negative feedback on this african doctor before. I only seen her once for scan but the review was not done by her.

hi juju,
kushin-bo sashimi ok to eat? i love their crab, dessert and sashimi. Opps, me drooling already.
By any chance, those smaller follicles less than 16mm, still can get fertilised after retrieval? else will be so wasted right? and will be left with so few..
yesterday i din eat sashimi there. got a feeling it's not fresh... had lotsa snow crab. yummy!
had desserts as well. din eat much of the rest.
Hi Lina,
Is it?

My first encounter w her was to scan follicle size end last yr. That was enuf to annoy a hormone-bursting me. She kept forcing me to remember something which I said I had on record in my bag and will refer to it after the scan, to furnish them the info.... so annoying.

When I returned for my 2nd FET sched in March, she was sitting at the counter leh... I thot she'd progressed to do reviews already. Really hope she was only warming the seat, man.

Nvmd... stay cheerful!
Hi Mattsmummy ,

Yupz.. i also exercise regularly but as i am having AF now.. i feel so tired + flu/cough...etc..
Hope it gets well and i will go back to gym soon before my puregon jabs... hope hope.. All
the best to your ET.. BFP BFP okie.. :D

Hi Sophia ,

Congrats... !!! Wow... getting more babies' dust in the forum... jump jump.. oppss i m sick .. cannot jump...

Hi Libby ,

I believe when u have another 400IU jab , your follicles of 14mm will grows to idea size already...
See how is it tomorrow... i believe retrieval at least will have 18 follicles or so... i remember
my last scan only can find 2 follicles of 15mm but Dr Loh ER 11 follicles.. If you are uncomfortable
about their arrangement , try email to dr loh now or just insist to see dr loh.. hope that this will ease
your doubts ... :D

Hi Equin0x ,

You cannot delay ET for 1-2 days as the embryo might not be able to stay alive outside unless it is blastocyst transfer...
KK usually practise Day 3 transfer... btw , u can go Dr Zou there for accupunture if your TCM is close on Sunday...
At least u have a back up TCM to do it for u before ET.. Hope this info helps.
You must quick quick recover ah.. Me ok liao, heng ah.. ER round the corner.
Wa.. yours jump a lot of follicles leh. I'm ok lah, trust that doc lah, she should knows best, won't disturb Dr Loh for now.
Hi Libby ,

I havent ok leh.. i am drinking lotsssss of water now.. hope i dun need to take any medicine.. hope only la... i think too heaty le bahz... haiz.. previous cycle also not so jialat that i am sick..pray hard for my speedy recovery bahz..
Hi Itjabi,

Me everyday on n off still got poking pain. U still have poking pain?
boobs sore n tight when waking up.
My sleep is okie leh, but I will fall asleep b4 12am, last time i always sleep after 12am one.
Thanks everyone, but too be sure, I went out to buy two more HPT. Will continue to test until Tuesday when I do for the acutal BT.
I will also update everyone if it is a success, otherwise pah sie.
Right now I still having off and on cramps but no more brown stains. itjabi and twinstars, do you gals have cramps?
Develyn, I mean to delay e HCG, ER n ET for a day or 2 so tat I can hv my last accu in time..

Dr Zhou too far for me lei.. if really desperate then i ll take a cab there la.. What is Dr Zhou TCM opening hours and her clinic address?

Did Dr Zhou ever mention b4 tat can accu on e SAME day as e ET?
The KK african doc is it a female wif a curly pony tail? She usually will be inside the Consultation Room 2 is it?

Last time when I sign e consent form wif a male doc, I was being sent to e consultation room behind e Consultation Room 2 lei. I prefer tat male doc.
hi libby,
not too sure if the smaller follices can be fertilized in the end. Anyone knows about this?

hi juju,
i don't suppose the sashimi will be very fresh at buffet restaurants.

hi Hazel,
she is annoying.

hi equinox,
Dr Zou will not do accu on ET day. Only one day before ET.
Develyn-I think because of AF plus drug so your body's energy naturally ebss during this period. Don't fight this tiredness. Allow yourself to rest. Besides, of course think positively about moving on to a new cycle and a new attempt to conceive. Good luck.
Juju-Is there any special reason you wish to delivery earlier? Anyway, God bless and to have a smooth delivery. Please spread a lot a lot baby dust to us :>
depends bah... sometimes can see fresh ones.
if feel not fresh, then dun eat lor.

jus like the date lor. and hope dun nid epidural & episiotomy. so, early delivery may reduce those chances. but if she dun wanna come out, then let it be lor
EquinOx-Dr Zou clinic is far but if it needed then no choice. Furthermore, to fix an appt with Dr Zou is much more easier than Dr Tan. Too stress yourself now so relax and stay focus.
My yi si also say acu day before transfer. Ya, dun stress, the hormones are enuf stress for your body.

The last time the doc told me they can only delay ER by one day at most, cos if it's over matured, can't be used, if I recall correctly. But let the docs decide la, they know best... dun take chances.
Thanks, gals for yr advice.

Normally is it tat e African lady doc will be the one to decide which date to perform e HCG n ER? Dunno her skills good or not to make such a decision. Skali e date she chosen to do e HCG n ER r those dates where e eggs r not ready for retrieval yet.
I've no idea who decides.

Boon Boon,
share w you an interesting true story. Before the birth of my fren's son, he kept telling him to pleeeeease "deliver" only on weekends and true enough he was delivered on a Sunday.

Hope your tai jiao works for you too.
Hi Equin0x ,

Sorry for my late reply.. To be honest , when it is time to ER .. that is the time to have ER.. U cannot delay or postpone as there is no way to stop the medication which are in your body.. U can check with your gynae.. if i am not wrong, u can only extend lucrin but not puregon/HCG/ER/ET.. Like Boon Boon says , if really no choice .. your accup to be done at Dr Zou or any trustable sinseh no matter how far is it.. Cool down okie.. bu yao kan chiong.. breath in and out.. calm... hugz !
Hazel-Thanks for sharing the interesting story. I was told we must always concentrate on the details of what is hopefully happening inside us.

"Tai Jiao" is important so my next step is to learn more on that ...hopefully..hee hee
Tany & Develyn-Think I have to follow you to Jump Jump Jump if AF reporting soon (only happen to be in this month hor, thereafter please don't visit me) :>

As I'm concern whether my AF will report late due to the ops. Dr Zou said her patient experienced 1wk delay. In fact, yesterday trying to check with Dr Loh, he didn't bother to answer my question sincerely. Anyway, since yesterday I started to experience premenstrual symptoms hopefully it will not delay long.
i jump coz AF reporting... coz my AF normally haywire and late... I started seeing Dr Zou in April... maybe her accup helps... hehehe
Tany-Great to hear finally your cycle back to normal. I remember there is another lady also having the same good result. Good..at least you know the Accup did help you.
boon2, ting jiu hao le... dun take it seriously
... yes focus on having healthy baby...

I dun even know if i can cope with body changes if I were to get pregnant.... one step at a time, i guess.

Ladies, My AF also changed since IVF, from 28 to 32 days. I was told the body takes 3 months to adjust back.... but still same leh... or did i hear wrongly....
Hi Sophia

Congrats! I think doing a HPT at Day14 post ET is quite reliable. My BT is scheduled at Day12 post ET. I have also experienced one-off cramps yesterday and this morning around 1am, which kinda scares me. I called the clinic and nurse was afraid I hv OHSS, and leaves it upto me to come in to see the Dr. Not really keen 2 do that as heard that cramps during 2ww and thruout the 1st trimester are quite common esp during the 1st week of 2ww.

what r yr cramps like? no cramps 4 the rest of e day.

Hi Tany / Boon Boon ,

Haha.. jump jump ... i also hope this will be the last time i see my AF this year !!! Smooth smooth all the way till delivery... AF Siam siam siam siam siam please... !! Keke
Tany and Lina,
I also have irregular menses. I hope with Dr Zou's help, my menses also can get regulated!
So far, after seeing her, I managed to see myself ovulating.

Right now, I'm praying hard that I have good news to share if I miss my AF this month! *Praying hard*
Hi Sophia,Koow, Lina, itjabi and twinstars, when you have cramps during the 2ww were they at the womb only?

Does anyone know what it means if the cramping or pain are the side of the tummy or at belly button?
sophia - happy anniversary, and congrats on the +..
at my IVF clinic, they practice taking HPT and BT at 14dpt...
so happy for you on this wonderful gift.. stay happy and positive... it helps...

libby/lina - i would have thought that it will be based on the average size.. cos it makes sense that one would look at the majority of the follicle growth.. i know my doc told me that i had to sacrifice the biggest egg, cos it was growing too fast for the rest to catch up..

libby - dun worry abt the follicle growth.. the ang moh websites always tell you follicles will have a last min growth spurt..
rememeber to be positive and do my favourite.. visualize.. :p

juju - hope you get your wish..
may your baby listen to you..
hmm.. try 'love love' or nipple stimulation tonight..
it is supposed to trigger contractions.. haha..

develyn - hope you feel better soon...

wy - everything should be fine.. 2WW is one of the most worrisome/stressful periods..

good luck to all girls and lots of baby dust to all of you..
