IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hey ladies,
Hvn't been in here for quite a while already...

how's everything going? Hope u're getting lots of rest and thinking only +ve thoughts! Your BT's cmg up soon rite?

I thk the only reason your doc would "refuse" you ivf is cos he/she wants you to try naturally again. But considering your age, I think Dr Loh wouldn't stop you bah. Good luck for your 1st consultation with him.

When is Develyn cmg bck ya? This week issit?

Do you already know when exctly you're gonna start your Stage 1?
Hi, something to share on spotting.

I recall a lady had spotting whenever she stands or walk. Dr Zou advises her to take lotus root with glutinous rice like porridge. Her spotting stopped on that very night.

For those having spotting, you might like to try. Can't remember if she is having spotting during her early stage of pregnancy or 2ww.

Here's the recipe:
5 thin slices of lotus root. Cook with glutinous rice in a pot ...till it’s like porridge and eat it. You may throw in some red dates. Dr Zou says twice a week
Found something posted by anther lady too...

<font size="+1">Examples of Cooling and Heaty Food</font>

<font size="-1">Cool (Yin) Food</font>
Bamboo shoot, banana, bitter gourd, clam, crab, grapefruit, lettuce, persimmon, salt, seaweed, star fruit, sugar cane, water chestnut, watermelon, lotus root, cucumber, barley, bean curd, chicken egg white, marjoram, oyster, pear, peppermint, radish, strawberry, tangerine, and yogurt, broccoli, cauliflower, zuccini, corn, tomatoes, pineapple, turmeric.

<font size="-1">Neutral (Balance Yin and Yang) Food</font>
Corn, abalone, apricot, beef, beetroot, black fungus, carp, carrot, celery, chicken egg yolk, cuttlefish, duck, fig, honey, kidney bean, lotus fruit and seed, milk, olive, oyster, papaya, pork, potato, pumpkin, radish leaf, red bean, plum, sunflower seed, sweet rice, sweet potato, white fungus, yellow soybean, brussels sprouts, snow peas, sweet potato, taro, dates, figs, raspberries, raisins, sage, rosemary, thyme, brown rice, apple.

<font size="-1">Heaty (Yang) Food</font>
Pepper, cinnamon bark, ginger, soybean oil, red and green pepper, chicken, apricot seed, brown sugar, cherry, chestnut, chive, cinnamon twig, clove, coconut, coffee, coriander (Chinese parsley), date, dillseed, eel, garlic, grapefruit peel, green onion, guava, ham, leaf mustard, leek, longan, mutton, nutmeg, peach, raspberry, rosemary, shrimp, spearmint, sweet basil, tobacco, vinegar, walnut, jackfruit, durian, leek, shallots, spring onion, , apricots, blackberries, black currant, mangoes, peaches, cherry, mandarin orange, grape.

How a food is prepared also matters. E.g Beef is considered as neutral, but if you have it deep fried or grilled, it would be considered as heaty
baby - duphaston is actually the brand name for dydrogesterone. it is supposed to support the pregnancy by strengthening the womb or something like that...

lina - i went for another BT (4th hcg test) this morning, hopefully it more than doubles...
Hi gals,

Thanks for the info on the brazil nuts will go and find again

Btw are there gals like me start taking Microygnon on D2 and started lurcin on D17?
Boon Boon
My FSH level is 6.9 and E2 is 65. I read before if FSH level is not more than 10, and E2 100 is still consider ok.

Was told before if period is brown discharge, it's not considered D1 (it's remnants of previous period), only regular full flow then consider D1.

You are fortunate your mum is able to help you at overseas, we'll continue to update our progress

I always request for copy of BT, for my record. I'm starting my lucrin jab only on 19Mar. My previous IVF jab, will also cause me bloated etc, like pregnant feeling, think that's normal.

All the best to you for your ET.

Good luck to you, hope to hear good news!

Congrats to you, and thanks for supporting us. May I know who is your gynae at KKH? Are you suppose to rest for 30mins after ET? Private clinic always practice that, they do not want you to walk immediately after ET, they will even help you release your urine. Did you go for any accupunture?

I also sent Dr Loh an email since last wed, he hasn't reply yet, not sure if he's on leave or busy..

Miracle Baby
I hope Dr Loh will be able to help you, and you can go for IVF soon.

How come I read that hubby need to take antibiotic? What is that for? On what basis do they give? Good luck to you!

All the best to you, hope it's only false alarm, and you will get BFP.

Welcome, and good luck to you.

You got your BT result yet?
okie. I did my first try at KKH for FET. A bit diff from CARE. They performed the FET on an inclining chair instead of a bed and only allows u to rest for 15 to 20 mins.

At CARE, they make the ET looks so serious, like your hubby and yourself got to dress in operating suit but in KKH, we just went in there in our own clothes.

I heard that KKH do not allow hubby to be with you during ER. He got to wait outside.
I did my mock ET last month at KKH, I still need to change to operating suit, my hubby cannot come along, but I'm lying on a bed too in the surgical room... how come yours so different ah?
Hi Fresh,
today scan is 15mm one follicle and quite a number of smaller ones. Didn't get the exact figure as got to rush off to work. Hope can ER this week. Yes, kk do not allow your hubby to enter for ER.

Thanks for your reply. Last sat I went to see Dr Loh and was told that I need to remote polyps prior to IVF (inside my uterus). So I may not be able to do IVF in May. Most likely in June. So now pray hard to have a successful operation in April.

Hi libby,
a few around 18mm will be good. Lining i think is 10. Not sure what is the average lining thickness. But heard Dr Zou mention around 10 is ok.
Hi Ladies,

My first time to this thread, just want to ask if anyone had been experiencing cramps like AF wants to come i had a failed fresh cycle last nov2008 and had FET last week..please i need some feeback. Thanks
Hi Sweetmama, I did not experience AF cramp during my 2ww. I would suggest that you call your clinic to check it out. Cramp should not be taken too lightly since we have gone so far. Did you do your FET in KKivf?
Hi Zaza, Lina, Sierra, Libby

Im doing ok, Thanks. Bck to work already and i start to see more blood today
(past few days was dark brown). Am really not looking forward to my blood test this friday. I also did email Doc Loh, he said it is very strange for me to have menses since im on medication still. Anyway i will be seeing him this Wednesday at TPS 3pm.

High chance no BFP for me.
Hi Kritz,

I felt very thirsty and warm after my 1st jab of puregon and have been feeling quite restless lately.. heehe maybe cos of the rainy weather.

Btw anyone knows if you are awake during ER of fully sedated at KK??? How about ET, is it painful??? Is the hb allowed to go in during ET?
Hi chris, I heard from Nurse Tan from KK that you will be in deep sleep during ER. Hubby will not be allowed into the theatre during ER but during ET, hubby can stay beside you. ET is not at all painful. It's like doing a pap smear test.
Hi Lina,

Thank you for the welcome

Hi Fresh,
Thanks for your feedback, I actually come across to other thread some mentioned its quite uncommon, yes ive done mine at KKH
Lina, thanks.. hope I can promote to the next stage asap!!!! Hee..

Boon Boon, don't worry about the operation. It is a small operation. You will be given 1 week HL for the operation. I did that before I started my IVF too. If your operation is in early April, you should be able to start in May after your AF

Ellsa, don't give up hope yet!!!

Chris, feeling warm is normal

Fresh, so we will be fully awake during ET?
dear ladies,

had BT this morning, my IVF 1st try is not succesful. menses arrived too... think once the progresterone stopped, it comes.... will be seeing dr loh this fri at the TPS for further adivce...so sad and lost suddenly...
baby, chris,
you will be fully awake during ET. Have to hold very full bladder during ET, it feels quite bloated throughout and can be crampy once embryos are put in. In KK, you can go pee about 10mins after ET, no need to hold bladder for too long.
However, my experience is that it was very painful when urinating straight after ET, the crampy feeling was very painful.

as for ER, you will be given sedation, not GA in KKIVF. Should be in total sleep during ER, hubby will not be present, coz he will have to do his job at the same time which is to get ready his fresh sperms.
I am not sure of the dosage of the sedation given during ER. Mine was given very light, so not in total sleep, can still feel and hear. Anyway, it should be painless during the ER, but will be crampy and painful after ER, especially urinating. Just bear with it anyway, and look forward to 2ww and good news to BFP!
Hi ladies, does any1 know whether Gonal f or puregon have better response or its actually the same type of drugs? Coz i find that gleneagle and TFC tends to use gonal f and kk uses puregon
don't be sad ok. I am also in my second cycle. There are a few of us doing so too.
Maybe for the first time our body is not adapted to the medication yet. Have faith, keep trying and you will be blessed

The antibiotics is getting him ready for the sperms while I do the ER I guess hehe...never ask doc about that..

what's with the joo chiat temple?
hi greenie,
welcome to the thread...
dun worry i m overweight too, 34 yrs old liao. and still can proceed to IVF straight. btw i m with NUH
hi libby
i just went for my ET today at NUH..they actuaaly want me to rest in bed for 2 hrs. and u can urinate once ET is complete.. and remember ask for bedpan, dun get upfrom bed
as for the antibiotics for hubby, those are the prophylaxis which means to make ur hubby's body and sperm in the most good term with free from any underlying germs
hi tany,
my sister, she works in SGH who is a nurse (btw, i m also a nurse). she did tell me at SGH oso quite a lot of lady underwent IVF with tripllet or twins.. i dun know the exact of statistics la so far
hi lina,
just 3 days before my dr want to perform ER for me, he measured my follicles which the largest is 17.5mm. and the rest are 15mm...

but now i think actually shld wait for at least >18mm then proceed to ER will be better
hi ellsa
hang on there...and stay positive...

hi boon boon
all the best for your operation..all the best

hi ellsa
for NUH, ER is totally under GA, until i was so high until dun noe procedure had over and it last about 25mins...hehe

for ET, i m fully awake, till i cant hold my bladder, got to let go half..haha... it last about 15mins
hi zaza
cos my sister is working there (but not with ivf centre la). but according to her, she did mention to me tat quite a lot of ladies betwwen aged 32-34 is underwent ivf oso, and a lot of them very luckily had twins and tripplets.. but she didnt tell me actually how many times they went thru liao la... of cos, with statistics shown, the younger ur age is the better chance u have lor...
wats ur age? and is this ur 1st time?
meowmeow, please be strong and don't give up hope.
Give yourself a break 1st and plan your next step.

Humbug &amp; tnt, can I check with both of you if your hubby feel uncomfortable after taking the antibiotics? My hubby say he feel very weak. Is it normal?

Lina, you are still on purgeon injection after seeing the doc today? How many days of purgeon are you in now?

bliss, thanks for the info
hey! Develyn, lina and baby,

Thanks for info on eggs. Will work on eating them as not a very big fan of Hard boil or soft boil eggs. which is better - hard or soft boiled eggs??

Any idea where I can get brazilian nuts? Went to Giant at Vivo and Cold Storage at Great World City but cannot find..

Baby: congrats on stage 2. I'm going to KKH toms for my BT and scan. Menses for 8 days already! ever since Lucrin jab. Stressed about the scan toms. Hopefully I can start Puregon soon. Dont worry abt tummy scars - think abt the fruit you will be getting in a couple of days time

Will remember to bring my forms toms...thanks for the reminder. Will keep u updated on my stage 2.
Hi Libby,

hahaha I gave up on Dr Loh, he hasn't reply my emails or return my calls.

Guess the only time I get to talk to him is hopefully this coming thurs hiaz...

Hi Fresh,

Thank gdness to hear that ET is like paps smear phew....

Hi baby,

Me injecting 400 puregon.

Hmm.. me and hubby not given any antibiotics to take last thurs visit, the nurse in charge says that cos KKIVF has only doxycycline and we are both allergic to it. Now just keeping fingers crossed that me and hubby don't fall sick prior to ER cos now on off having running nose liao :'(
Think I better try to call KKIVF again cos Dr Zou also advise me to check with KKIVF again as it is quite important to take antibiotics during this period. Hiaz if not for govt subsidy I don't think i will go to KK as I've previous bad experience at KK during my 1st ops there.
Hi Ladies, saw some of you mentioned about HSG that determine the dosage for purgeon. I looked through my BT result previously from TMC. Can't find HSG. Are you all referring to FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)?

Because I understand that HSG refer to X-ray test that examines the inside of uterus and fallopian tubes and the surrounding area leh.
Hi baby,

I was thinking that if KK still doesn't give me any antibiotics, at most I may call my gynae Dr Seng (used to be fr KKIVF)at gleneagles for a 2nd opinion to see if he can prescribe me and hb some.

Me and hubby have also decided that if I really get BFP, I'll go back to my existing gynae for future consultations as at least pte gynae is more personal and "contactable"...
Hi baby,

I understand from the nurses that the dosage for puregon depends on your FSH, and age etc.
The higher the FSH and age the higher the dosage.


so far my hubby looks ok after eating the antibiotics... Maybe you want to check with the doc. The only precaution given is that my hubby got to sit up and not lie down half an hour after eating the medication....
