IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi everyone,

have fun at the gathering, cant join you guys...

Hi Lina,

thanks for the info about the progresterone (went back to work and been so busy) apart from that , nurses just say take folic acid daily.... i just take whatever the nurses ask to buy, never ask them anything else, they are always busy...now counting down to monday for BT... must stay positive!

hi bloated,
Stay positive and cheerful....am sure the BT level will rise steadily. going for BT on monday, now getting tempted to want to try hpt...must tahan tahan and continue to pray....spread some baby dust to me!
Hi Yong Wei,
all the best for your ET. Rest well over the weekend.

Planning to do IVF/FET
WY Koo (6 Mar 09 will start Lucrin/Prostrap)
Libby (19 Mar 09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr09)
Develyn (Apr09)
Zaza (Apr09)
Sierra79 (May09)
LYn (maybe May09 also)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)
Boon (maybe May09/June09)
Fresh (June09 will start lucrin)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
Humbug (Waiting for menses to come then go straight into puregon stage)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz (6Mar)
TnT (9march)

....more more more
Hi Moomoo,

Thanks alot
I think we miss out Jas1982 in the planning stage. Here it goes.... Have a nice weekend...

<font size="+1">Updates!!!</font>

<font size="-1">Planning to do IVF/FET</font>
WY Koo (6 Mar 09 will start Lucrin/Prostrap)
Libby (19 Mar 09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr09)
Develyn (Apr09)
Zaza (Apr09)
Sierra79 (May09)
LYn (maybe May09 also)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)
Boon (maybe May09/June09)
Fresh (June09 will start lucrin)
jas1982 (June09/July09)

<font size="-1">Stage 1 (Lucrin) </font>

<font size="-1">Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F) </font>
Humbug (Waiting for menses to come then go straight into puregon stage)

<font size="-1">Stage 3 (2WW) </font>
Ladymiz (6Mar)
Ellsa (13Mar)
TnT (ET on 9march)

<font size="-1">Graduates!!!! </font>
Bees, Bloated ....more more more


<font size="+1">Do’s and Don’t</font>

<font size="-1">Stage 1 (Lucrin) </font>

- Chicken essence
- Gentle rotation in circle motion clockwise after you have jab your abdomen.

<font size="-1">Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F) </font>

- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- Chicken essence
- Soya products
- Brazil nuts
- Egg whites (after ET increase dosage of egg whites)

<font size="-1">Stage 3 (2WW) </font>

- Continue egg whites for at least a week
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily
- No pineapple and water melon
- No squatting or carrying of heavy weights (anything that stresses the abdominal muscle)
- No hot sauna or soaking of lower half body in bathtub
- No intercourse
- Do not stand or sit in a position too long. Good to walk a bit to promote circulation
- No raw food and avoid oily and spicy foods as it may cause an upset stomach. High hormone levels cause bloatedness and hence add to discomfort
- No strenuous exercise
- No other medication (eg. TCM) other than those given by your Dr

<font size="-1">Graduates</font>

- Anmum Milk
Hi Ladies ,

Chat with you when i am back on next Thursday..

Bloated : JIA YOU &amp; stay relax !

Bee : Take care of baby ya..

TNT : Congrats for your upgrading !

Meow Meow : I will eat for you.. :p
I'm new to this thread, just ended my gruelling 2ww and had my BT done at kkivf yesterday. I'm pregnant and i'll like to encourage all of u to hang on and perservere and give u some baby dust too!!!
Hi moomoo,

I've just sent an email to Dr Loh and hope that he will response soon.

I'm now at stage 2, started puregon yesterday, however the nurse did not prescribe me any antibiotics stating the reason that they only give out doxycline and since me and hubby is allergy to it then they will not be giving us any at all. But I'm very puzzled that such a big govt hospital doesn't give out other antibiotics??????? Funny cos when we 1st signed the ivf forms and inform them of our allergy, the nurse at the counter assured us not to worry as they will prescribe us other antibiotics/ medicines if they know that we are allery to eg doxycline.

I've tried to call Dr S F Loh thro their mainline and the operator has left a msg for him to call me bk but till now no news at all. When i tried to call KKIVF ctr, seems tat they are all very busy that no one picks up the phone....

Hope that Dr Loh will be able to advise on this as both my hubby and I doesn't feel too well lately keep getting the flu bug and the next 2 wks b4 ER is rather crucial as we also don't want to fall sick and affect the whole programme.
Hi ladies,

Im in my 2 wks now and i think im having my menses now.
I tried calling kkivf but they are close already. Oohh dear im so worried and scared. Any advise? i was thinking to go down to the 24hrs womans clinic later.
Hi ellsa,
is it a heavy menses or is it just some light spotting. It could be implantation spotting. Any cramping?
hi lina and develyn

thanks for the wishes..
just hope everything goes well..

just curious, lady iz and meow meow or any ladies out there...
how long we shld stay in the bed right after ET? and since they needed full bladder, can we pee right after ET?
hi yong wei,
after ET i came home and slept. Yes, u can pee immediately after ET, that's wat i did, but of course try not to "keng" to hard
thanks meow!!
It was a tough 3 yrs of trying and failing, 3 IUIs and all failed. Now waiting for scan in 2 wks time.
hi dosb
congrates to u..
how many embies they put in for u?

and can u tell me right after ET wat we can do and cant do?
hi dosb,
u mean straght after ET can pee?
i tot must lie in the bed for 2 hrs?
thanks..cos going for Et coming monday
yong wei,
I had a total of 23 matured follicles but only 9 was fertilized, so they transfered 2 grade 4 embryos.

After ET, i tried not to move much, mainly had lunch then went to sleep. Try not to jerk or cough/sneeze.
hi tnt,

yap yap, can pee after the procedure.... i asked the nurse the same question too, cannot tahan already... a friend advised not too much walking and try to rest as much for the first few days after ET. then follow the advice posted by all the helpful ladies here. rest well!
Hi dosb,

It started from light spotting, the 2nd spotting is abit more then the 1st and yup the cramping is bad.
dear fairyrose,
me much sadder too. My nice dad suddenly pass away two months ago. It very much pains me to think he didn't have chance to be 1st time Grandfather.
Determined (may sound rash though) to go for IVF to make it up to my late father. Hope he in heaven will watch over me and bless me.

Hi all
and thanks to those welcoming me to this thread.
I do enjoy you all.
Just saw Dr Loh this morning for my first time visit.
My menses still not finish today since almost two weeks.My long time problem since young.
Do you know Dr Loh is not happy that I didn't seek a treatment to regulate my menses,from the start when I fail 2 IUIs 3 years ago? Not only that, I also had a high BP.
Anyway he prescribed me some medicine for my next menses to scan on 2nd/3rd day.Next,X-ray. As well, my husb SA.
Dr Loh will prepare me for IVF on May,IF (I think) all above tests show normal.In my heart,I hope we pass those tests! So that I can process in May.
**Praying to God**
As for my BP,I must start exercising and eating more veg/fruits,in order to be in a fit shape for a important ET.
Alarm me what to eat and what not to eat.
I believe in you for you are much more experienced.
hi bloated,
I did hcg test yesterday, it was 800+ IU. Today dunno, they nvr ask me test again, just arranged scan 2 wks time
Hey Ladies,

WOW I go out 3/4 day and the thread grew by like 2 pages... *faint*.. I did update dEvelyn via sms hehe..I might not be able to join you gals if everything goes well and I should in 2ww then.. wish me luck
I will meet all of you another time if this time I cannot turn up for a good cause ok. Will arrange another one next round if so ok.


I think each individual is different. For my this 2nd cycle, I am also on 600 Purgeon and it will only last for 4 days with no lucrin. I only got folic acid plus antibiotic for my hubby. There is no use emailing Dr Loh, he will not respond one.. better if you just go down to KKH and knock on his door just to ask.


Planning to do IVF/FET
WY Koo (6 Mar 09 will start Lucrin/Prostrap)
Libby (19 Mar 09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr09)
Develyn (Apr09)
Zaza (Apr09)
Sierra79 (May09)
LYn (maybe May09 also)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)
Boon (maybe May09/June09)
Fresh (June09 will start lucrin)
jas1982 (June09/July09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
Humbug (Started)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz (6Mar)
Ellsa (13Mar)
TnT (ET on 9march)

Bees, Bloated ....more more more


Do’s and Don’t

Stage 1 (Lucrin)

- Chicken essence
- Gentle rotation in circle motion clockwise after you have jab your abdomen.

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)

- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- Chicken essence
- Soya products
- Brazil nuts
- Egg whites (after ET increase dosage of egg whites)

Stage 3 (2WW)

- Continue egg whites for at least a week
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily
- No pineapple and water melon
- No squatting or carrying of heavy weights (anything that stresses the abdominal muscle)
- No hot sauna or soaking of lower half body in bathtub
- No intercourse
- Do not stand or sit in a position too long. Good to walk a bit to promote circulation
- No raw food and avoid oily and spicy foods as it may cause an upset stomach. High hormone levels cause bloatedness and hence add to discomfort
- No strenuous exercise
- No other medication (eg. TCM) other than those given by your Dr


- Anmum Milk
hi baby
wow! 500IU is high. I was on 300IU and as the growth of the follicles were ok, Dr didnt increase my dosage. On ER day, Dr extracted 12 follicles, 9 with eggs.
What is ur HCG today? Hope it is increasing. Oh, you are taking only folic acid!!? hmmm.. I am taking these everyday :-
- 1 Cardiprin tablet
- 2 Duphaston tablet
- 4 Progynova tablet
- 1 Folic Acid
- Crinone (progesterone gel to be inserted into the vargina)

I dun hv any morning sickness... at times, I got some funny feeling (mild needle poking) at the tummy... and tummy is always bloated and hard. Do u hv morning sicknes?

500IU for puregeon is not high... mine is 600IU. Everytime after injecting, there is a tingling pain that lingers for a least an hour or so..This time round the puregon seems to be acting stronger and make me feel a bit uncomfortable and weak... maybe cause it is same timing as my menses...I normally have to split the dosage to 300IU per jab..hope it works this cycle...will go for the scan on Monday.
congrats! u are now at stage 2! ya, forgot, 500IU puregon is not equal to 500IU GonalF. Paisay... mine was 300IU GonalF... considered middle range. how many days of puregon do u hv to undergo?
Twinstars, the IVF flowchart did stated that Lucrin injection period can be between 2-4 weeks. Purgeon injection not included. For purgeon injection, it will be 6-10 days.

moomo10, I intend to monitor my situation for 1-2 days and see how.

Chris, I was not given any antibiotics also. I did highlight to the nurse that I am allergy to certain antibiotics. But Dr Loh prescribe me more folic acid to take during stage 2. Only my hubby got it as the nurse say they want to make sure he will be healthy and also to ensure his sperms are free from virus! Previously I email Dr Loh twice but no reply from him. So I give up in emailing him liao.

tnt, good luck!!! Hope to hear good news from you. Stay positive and relax during the 2WW ya

Lina, so you started your stage 2 as well.. good good.. hee..

dosb, congrats and thanks for the encouragement and baby dust. Take care and have a smooth pregnancy

Ellsa, do make a trip to the 24 hours clinic and ask the nurse to check it out if you are worried. I understand that there will be spotting during implanation. But if the flow is not normal, better check out with the nurse.

bee, I also find my dosage very high. Hope the eggs will grow well.

Ladies (bee, bloated, lina, meowmeow, tnt, ellsa, ladymiz), how's your purgeon injection? I really hate stage 2 injection. Can't really take it
Imagine I still have 1 week of purgeon to go.. going crazy soon!!
humbug, how long did you see the doc after your 1st purgeon injection? Dr Loh will only see me after 8 days of purgeon injection.

I feel the injection too strong for me. I feel very weak and dizzy. And yes, I also feel a tingling and very uncomfortable pain that lingers for a least an hour or so. And I can't use too muc strength doing anything after the injection. I will feel pain.
Hi Ladies,
Been reading the different experiences here. Hmmm ... it's getting stranger to me by the day of the practices at KKH. How come the experiences vary so greatly for difft patients ya?

MooMoo10 told me that she was given a letter by her Doc to be given to the nurses at KKIVF before registration. Errmm ... i don recall being given this letter leh. And I already registered in Dec08. And I don't recall the nurses making a note in their "book" or anything of when I intend to start my ivf to "book" space. A bit perturbed on why all these info isn't being told to us on the outset. Seems like we're finding out bits &amp; pieces of info through other channels like this forum.

Think that now esp since KKH a bit crowded, the nurses also don't seem to give out as much detailed info on BTs etc. Plus it's so darn difficult to get through to the number. Each time get through, feels like the nurses always rushing to end your call leh
dosb, I can understand how you feel as I have been through a lot over ttc over the years. A lot of disappointment with tears and sadness. Now I take it more easy. Happy for you
I did the GonalF jabs myself... other than feeling bloated, it was not painful at all. My GonalF lasted for 8 days. How many days are yours?
Twinstars, actually I don't mean to scare you ladies who are still in stage 1.. that's why I never mention much about the purgeon injection in the email as I don't want to scare you.

Actually some ladies find it okay. Maybe because my dosage is high, so I feel very uncomfortable during and after the injection. For mine, it is done 300IU and 200IU respectively. Needle only poke once but purgeon is injected 2 times. No pain when needle is poked into the tummy (same as lucrin) but whe the purgeon is injected in, the pain came and it can last for 30mins or so.

Just listen to doctor Loh, I am sure he can help you out. Have to follow closely his instructions.

Bee, Baby,

I started my jab on the 2nd day of my menses. My Puregeon is for 4 days then go back and scan on Monday. They kept one of my box of purgeon in the KKIVF fridge (700IU) and I have to bring back the remaining 4 X 100IU back on Monday's visit. Baby, weak yes but not dizzy. If you feel so please do ask Dr for advise. I know of some whom took the injection and vomit after that. My tolerance of pain is higher. I do give the injection place soft rubs after the injection to reduce the pain hehe...well normally there will be patches of blue black on and off on my stomach though hehe
Press on Baby, we can do it together ok. Baby, I do not see Dr Loh at all leh.. unless the process do not fall thru like my first cycle... if not they will just continue from the IVF side. I guess the IVF side will update Dr Loh and he gives them instruction what;s next for me...
Yes, I inject both Lucrin and purgeon at night. The nurse say side for lucrin and the other side for purgeon. Got to do it alternately. That's mean if today is left side lucrin, then tomorrow will be right side lucrin. So my hubby jotted down which side for which injection in a organiser after every injections.

bee, my hubby injected for me. I injected lucrin myself for about 1 week only. The rest of the injections all done by my hubby. I think bcoz my dosage and humbug's dosage are high, that's why the pain..

Mine also tentatively 8 days. Will see Dr Loh after the 8th day of purgeon injection. Hopefuly don't need to inject for some more days.. praying hard..

BTW what's your age? Only those with low eggs count will have to inject high dosage of Purgeon. Mine is due to age so I need high dosage.. actually what you can do is one day top for lucrin, lower left 300IU purgeon and lower right 200IU puregeon, next day swap... This is what I did the last time and it is not as painful hehe...Don't do 500IU into the same spot at one go... by pulling out the needle and inject at another spot will make you feel less painful.
humbug, my hubby called KKH today and the nurse say purgeon no side effect. If too worried, can head for 24 hours clinic. So I decide to monitor the situation 1st. It's difficult to grab hold of the doctor in kkh.. private doc is easier.. sigh..

I am still enduring..
hi baby,
i was on gonal f (same as ur purgeon) for 16 days, and frankily speaking, i prefer the stage 2 jab rather than stage one jab. cos gonal f using pen type, whereas my stage 1 (suprefact) is using those insulin jab, worst feeling.

and teach u sth, try to avoid inject at those area where u can see blood vessel . pinch hard ur fat, and jab it. and u find it no pain at all..gd luck.

hi bloated,
thanks for ur info.. so u lying in hospital bed after ET for how many hrs then u discharge home?
humbug, I am 31 yrs old. Yes, I think the nurse got mentioned about low eggs count when I ask her how come I am given so high dosage. So sad..

My hubby inject 300IU 1st, then I rest for about 15 secs while he adjust to 200IU then inject again.. My tummy is full of needle scars already, so quite reluctant to poke more needles. But I will consider your suggestion. Thanks
hi dosb,

excatly how many days later u went back to hosp to do hcg level?
cos i need to adjust my leave

humbug, I don't have msn account. Think I will create one. Easier to communicate with you ladies.
Can u PM me 1st on how to relieve the pain? I will install msn these 2 days and update you ladies

Hi tnt, I have no problem during the injection both at stage 1 and stage 2. No pain. It's when the purgeon is pressed into my tummy, then the pain came..
The feeling after the injection is not good also..
