IVF/ICSI Support Group

humbug, thanks!
checking now..

i am not familiar with KKIVF procedure.. but after 5 days for GonalF, I hv to inject two drugs, GonalF + Cetrotide together. But the cetrotide jab has to be done by nurse. I guess KK's Lucrin n Puregon work the same. if ur pain/discomfort is persistent, better call them and ask.
Hey Baby,

Hope you feel better after the self help hehe.. it works on me so hope it helps you feel better
rest well.. nite
bee, I will monitor the situation as no major pain or discomfort yet.

humbug, definitely they are helpful to me. Thanks for sharing

Good night ladies.. chat tomorrow yah..
Hi Ladies,

I've just upgraded myself from Planning stage to Phase 1. Way to go, BFP BFP!!!! I've also inserted dosb's in our listing.

Hi Momoo10 and Twinstars, Just my thoughts. My protocol is to have a one-off shot of Prostrap (-Lucrin), which is concentrated enough to last for 4 weeks, according to the nurse. So dun worry if the Dr asks you to inject Lucrin for 3-4 weeks, because it is OK!

Planning to do IVF/FET
Libby (19 Mar 09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr09)
Develyn (Apr09)
Zaza (Apr09)
Sierra79 (May09)
LYn (maybe May09 also)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)
Boon (maybe May09/June09)
Fresh (June09 will start lucrin)
jas1982 (June09/July09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
WY Koo (Started)

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
Humbug (Started)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz (6Mar)
Ellsa (13Mar)
TnT (ET on 9march)

Bees, Bloated, dosb....more more more


Do’s and Don’t

Stage 1 (Lucrin)

- Chicken essence
- Gentle rotation in circle motion clockwise after you have jab your abdomen.

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)

- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- Chicken essence
- Soya products
- Brazil nuts
- Egg whites (after ET increase dosage of egg whites)

Stage 3 (2WW)

- Continue egg whites for at least a week
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily
- No pineapple and water melon
- No squatting or carrying of heavy weights (anything that stresses the abdominal muscle)
- No hot sauna or soaking of lower half body in bathtub
- No intercourse
- Do not stand or sit in a position too long. Good to walk a bit to promote circulation
- No raw food and avoid oily and spicy foods as it may cause an upset stomach. High hormone levels cause bloatedness and hence add to discomfort
- No strenuous exercise
- No other medication (eg. TCM) other than those given by your Dr


- Anmum Milk

Hi Develyn and Lina

Thanks for all your well-wishes. I wish you ladies success too. I am staying in the UK. So far, I've paid abt £4100 for the IVF. I will probably get 25% back from my private insurance. If I go public here, the first try is completely free. Hey, what is important is to have a healthy, bouncy baby for all of us, right?

Baby dust to all of us!!!!!!

I see many have different prescriptions under same dr Loh, despite some in same reasons of un-conceivable baby.
Even so,I have to listen to Dr loh alone? I wonder, so worried.
Hi dosb,
Congrats! have a smooth 9 months

Hi ellsa,
did you manage to contact kk?

Hi baby09,
i am on 250IU, so far only feel bloated.

Hi koo,
i read about the good coverage of insurance in UK, you are really fortunate to be doing ivf there. Hope you succeed.
Hi Humpbug,

Yup, true enough waited for Dr Loh to reply till neck long long liao... Tink I may make a trip down on Monday to look for him personally since the whole KKIVF ctr too busy and didn't pick up calls at all. hahaha

Hi baby,

Me started lucrin jab 2 weeks ago did my blood test on the 16th day and started puregon 400mg on 18th day. Today is my 3rd day of puregon shot, don't know why whole day has been feeling hot eventhough my other family members are finding the weather quite cooling today.

Will be going back KKIVF ctr for scanning next thursday.
Hi baby,

My hb is doing all the jabs for me.. I felt tingling sensation when injecting puregon and it lasts about 5mins only. Maybe you can try this method, the nurse told me to press the injection button into the skin slowly, and if you feel the tingling sensation and find it unbearable, then don't press the injection button further, stop for a while for the tingling sensation to go off abit before you continue.

It works for me, hope it does for you too..
Hi BlessBB,

While embarking on my ivf programme, I've did some reading and found this book called IVF and acupuncture from bedok library which is very educational. The book actually illustrates and talk about this chinese sinseh who is residing in USA, she is a professor of a university and teaches TCM there. The book illustrates a few true life case studies on how she uses TCM together with acupuncture to help her patients with infertility problems getting pregnant through either the natural means or with the help of ivf. She has 1 case of a patient with high FSH 14 and in her 40s and after around 6mths of tcm and acupuncture the patient eventually got pregnant thro ivf. Hence I believe that tcm and acupuncture truely is able to complement ivf and that is why i'm now with Dr Zou to 'tiao' my body and hope to improve my chances in ivf too.
Believe in your doctor. By believeing him then he can help you. He is a good doctor so resy assured he knows what he is doing. A lot of us are under him too

Yes, our body temperature would be much higher then normal if you are purgeon. It's like we are having fever. Can you imagine that I am perspiring in an super strong air-con place...There was a girl wearing sweater and she saw me sweating.. she gave me the very strange look but I just ignored her haha....
tnt, after ET which is so very fast, they let you rest for like 3 minutes then you can leave... dont worry you dont actually need to lie down for a long time cos when the embryos are in, your cervix will close, they cannot come out...even pee also dont come out...good luck for your ET on Monday

advise for all who is going thru ivf, do not worry. dont worry about your medications, dont worry about other people different dosage, dont worry about side effects, just dont worry...be cool!!! worry and stress is your worst enemy...

ellsa - how are you?

btw, where's Ladymiz?
Hi chris
i'm with Dr Zou for 8mths. I don see my eggs quality improve. That is y i'm looking into other source to help me to improve my eggs quality. Thru the website i'm curious as in any pple try out or heard of this chinese herbs that can help in the eggs quality. I went thru twice IVF but all have thick egg shell. Tot trying out this medication to improve if it really helps.
hi bloated,
hehe...cos kinda afraid wat if pee then any strange thing happen/
anyway thnks for ur info
all the best for ur smooth pregnacy
hi bless bb
had check out ur herb web site

first of all..think u better consult with ur hosp dr 1st...see any contraindications

and secondly, this herb medicine is best taken right after menses..as it "tiao" yin and yang..

but still better check with dr 1st
Hi Ladies,

Last night i went down to the 24hrs kk clinic, they did urine test and it shows negetive.
but doc say its too early to tell, and she gave me jap to stop the bleeding. So far today just spotting. Hopefully everything is ok for me. Will be going for my blood test this coming friday 13.03.09.
Hi WKYoo, welcome to stage 1.. hee.. wow, yours is good. Just one-time shot to last for 4 weeks.

miracle, I am under Dr Loh too. We have to trust our doctor as he knows what is best for us. Although I have not see him since I started IVF and I have been given high purgeon dosage but I still believe that he is trying his best to help me to achieve my dream. You must have confidence in your doctor then you will feel at ease during this IVF procedure.

Hi chris, you started purgeon exactly the same day as me and I am going for another BT and scanning next thursday. Hee.. most probably I will see you next thursday at kkh.. yes, I feel very warm after the injection too. Oops.. I pressed very hard when the pain is unbearable. Wrong method.. okok will not press too hard for tomorrow injection. Humbug also gave me some good guides in reducing the pain..
Appreciate all your help!

Hi Lina, so far I don't have bloated feeling. Only will feel warm, weak, dizzy and hungry. I will still feel hungry after a heavy meal.

Bloated, I always feel stress before the injection.. have been trying to adjust my mindset not to reject the injection. True that it is important to keep a happy and healthy mindset during this period..
hi ladies
i'm going for my 3rd ivf attempt. am trying to decide which doc to go to - dr lc cheng (thomson medical centre) or dr lc foong (gleneagles). jus wondering if anyone has experience with both of them or anyone of them? wats your opinion. i cant decide leh. thks in advance
Ellsa, do keep your hope high as it might be implanation spotting!!!
Stay positive! Good luck!


How is your pain level. Hope it is much better now hehe...do keep the faith up and soon the process will fall through and then proceed to the next stage hehehehe... take care
Hi humbug, I have email you actually.. hee..
Pain only last for 10 mins today leh.. thanks for the tips
But I encountered great pain immediately after injection as I did a stupid action @_@

Yup yup.. will endure throughout stage 2.
Will keep my faith up just like you all!
Hopefully can promote to stage 3 next thursday ya
Hi Lina,

I'm just started with Dr Zou since Dec 08. I was previous with Eu Yan Sang (1mth), Jurong East Sinseh (3mths+)and Hougang sinseh (2mths) before I finally settled with Dr Zou. I've chosen her partly becos she does acupuncture and I've read in straits times last yr about an article of how acupuncture helps to improve the success rates of ivf. And it mentioned Raffles Hospital having this acupuncture program 5x $350 which is too expensive and after reading this forum I got to know of Dr Zou. Hmm.. I started to believe in TCM cos I've 3 friends who have infertility issues having conceived through TCM between 3-6mths. Hehee they were more patient than me and believed in their sinseh unlike me who at that time still have abit doubts here and there especially after my ex gynae told me after my 2nd ops that I can only conceived with assisted conception ie eg IVF.
Hi Humbug,

Yup like yesterday at my in-law place, I felt pretty warm altho it was quite breezy after the rain in the morning. When I wanted to turn on the fan in the sitting room, my granny-in-law remarked that it is very cooling and how come I need to on the fan etc.. hahaa she is a very troublesome and difficult old lady. I just tell her that I'm feeling pretty warm.. And when I went shopping with my sis-in-law after lunch, I felt pretty warm even with the air-con. hahahaa

Only my mum-in-law knows that I'm doing ivf the rest of the family didn't know, so when they asked me why i'm feeling so warm in such a cooling weather, i lied to them saying that I am feeling heaty from all the fried food that I must have taken recently. hahaha
Hi baby, lina, Humbug

Hmm... today is my 4th day of puregon, just felt pretty warm (esp in the afternoon), tired but no bloatedness yet.. still keeping fingers crossed and looking forward to thurs's appt. Hope can be promoted to stage 3 soon..hahaha

Good morning, seniors.. was looking for a support group for IVF/ICSI and managed to get the link to this thread..

im on 2ww... feeling very excited.. hoping for good news, my preg BT is on the 16th.
was wondering if anyone knows whether it is ok to BD during 2ww? neither my gynae nor the nurses mentioned abstinence, so DH and I BD-ed 5 days after ET.

Now worried that we may have worsen the situation. Any idea? so stressed!
Krisz, welcome to this thread..

Did the hospital say e BD will affect yr situation?

All the best for yr BT test on the 16th.
Hi ellsa,
stay positive, all the best for the BT. My experience with the 24 hour clinic is not very good. My previous ivf try, had bleeding and they used the virginal scan. I was 5 weeks preggy then, of course no sac can be seen. It is not a necessary action and cause me to bleed more, no jab was given to me. So you might like to wait for the BT or ask your doctor for better explanation of the spotting.

Hi baby,
hope you can go stage 3 soon.

Hi chris,
i also didn't believe in tcm in the past and not willing to spend additional money on top of the costly ivf. But after accupuncture, i felt my general health improve. Hope we can go stage 3 quickly.

Hi Krisz,
all the best for your BT and welcome to the thread. Did your hospital or doctor advice against it? I read from book that it is best to avoid BD during 2WW, actually even any form of arousal including sex toy that might have orgasm is best to be avoided. So far kk did not mention against it but another hospital TFC advise no intercourse.
Hi Krisz,

me under NUH..they also dun encurage BD after ET in fact after ER. cos they said it will tend to cause "bouncing" to the uterus. anyway, stay positive, may baby dust spread to all ladies here
Hi everyone, thanks for your advice!

My gynae and the nurses didnt warn me about this when i had my ET... Had my ET on 28th Feb, and DH and I BD-ed on Thurs, the 5th.. sigh! hopefully my lil embryos are okie!
hi dosb, no i have not done my first scan yet...tomorrow checking hcg level again then got appointment to meet dr loh on wednesday morning...but they put me on duphaston already...
krisz, welcome to this thread and good luck!
Hmm.. I thought cannot BD during 2ww? But don't worry too much since already BD.
Stay positive yah.. 8 more days to go

Hello twinstars,
Brazil nuts can b found in a small "nut" push-cart stall outside e new Jurong Point 2 NTUC Fairprice Hypermart. It's also located near e Jurong Point 2 Old Town Coffee restaurant.
Hi I am new here and had been trying to read all the posted messages about IUI/ IVF etc etc...

I need advices...

I am 36, overweight and just recently able to convince my hubby to have bb after so many months of trying. However, both of us can't have intercourse naturally...

We agree to seek help from doc. I have made an appt with Dr Loh at KKH for advices and perhaps on IVF...

I heard that not all docs will allow for IVF depending on circumstances.. I am worried what if Dr Loh does not allow IVF for us?

I am at lost.. any advice from your gals?
Hi Greenie, previously I am seeing Dr Cheng from TMC and wanted to do IVF but he refused to do for us. He keep asking us to try on our own 1st. From trying for 6 months to another 3 months and we decided to seek help from Dr Loh. Dr Loh immediately advised us to go straight for IVF based on our reports and ages..

When is your appt? Don't worry too much. Go for 1st appt and hear what Dr Loh advise you 1st
Hi bloated,
If you are on duphaston, then your HCG should be ok level already. All the best for your scan. But very ex for the alternate days BT right? i recall spending hundred plus on BT alone as each time cost $30.

Hi greenie,
welcome to the thread.

dosb - congrats n welcome to the thread

ellsa - how ar u????

krisz - welcume to the thread and BFP soon

Greenie - welcum to the thread and the best person to advise you would be Dr Loh so that worry so much k .... Hugz for you

equinox - thanks for the infor on brazil nuts .... even though I will pass JP everyday but failed to realise bout the nuts
