IVF/ICSI Support Group


har? what E2 results?

ive been taking alots of blood test but all this while, nurses never divulge any information to me. just say that "u r ok, no news is good news.." that is very frustrating...

worst still, been trying to call kkivf but phone is always engaged... i can only call during my lunch hour cos working.. dun wan my colleague to hear what i say over the phone... **stress**
Congradulations!!! hope you will have a smooth 9 months~~~

Hopefully I will be able to catch up with you soon~~~
jo - i put in 2, next fri will be able to tell how many stuck on
i have a question - today suddenly i feel very bloated and vagina itching a little. is it possible to get OHSS during pregnancy ? must i still maintain the 6 egg whites diet ? also, vagina itching feels a bit like yeast infection. yikes, what should i do ??
Hi chew,
yes agree, the kkivf phone is always engage or no answer, especially lunch hours. A tip is calling at early hours before you start work. I just leave the question with anyone who picks up the phone. They will ask the nurse to call back. At least when nurse call you back, you don't have to repeat question in front of your colleague.
ponytail, congrats to u!!!

dear ladies,

would like to ask for opinion. today i went for a scan to see how many follicles i got. i got 9 on the left and 4 on the right. i was wondering whether is it too little? i was thinking not all will be matured or fertilised, so am i left with too little later?
hi ponytail,
congratulations on getting the BFP!!! when are u due to return nuh for your scan??

hi molecule & bbw,
thanks for the info. bbw....do keep us updated on your scan result this sat. i'm having mine the following tues. been rather anxious too esp had been experiencing on-off brown spotting during the wait. had called up kkh on the observation but nurse kept assuring this is normal... 8(
Hi ponytail,

Hi mariayee,

Dun worry, I only got 4 eggs on my 1st cycle. Only 3 can be used but only 2 suceed for fertilisation. And I given birth to one lovely gal. But this time round with increase dosage of 400ml of puregon from the previous 300ml, I only manage to get think 8-9 eggs. It's not the quantity but quality that matters.

All the best ya. Btw I'm doing my ER tmr at KKH
Hi Ponytail,
nope, dun think you got OHSS.
cos the embies already stick to your womb mah.. hahaha :D
up to u whether u want to maintain the diet to eat egg white...
for me I dun take egg white anymore, cos that time i got very bad morning sickness.. see egg already want to vomit... hehehehehe....
Vagina itching, so far no... if possible always change panties cos i heard that during pregnancy can cos white menses...
Hi piggy,
You continue trying for natural/ivf straight after your gal was born or rested for awhile? Would it be stressful as she is still very young and demand for your attention to carry, etc?

Hi chew and everyone under KK,
after ET, can request the nurse to let you lie down either in the ET room or another resting room. I didn't know about this as my previous try, the nurse just ask me to leave the ET room after 10 mins. This time round, the nurse was nice, she offered me another resting room and said i could lie for half an hour or more before leaving. Heard that it is better to lie down horizontal for a longer period after ET. So remember that even if the nurse don't offer, just ask for it.
Hi Lina,

My gal is only 10 mos old now. Hmm think I'll try not to carry her for the 2ww. After that see if +ve or -ve then decide loh. Nope I didn't
really try natural, cause my tube are blocked and even after high dosage of puregon I didn't produce many eggs leh.

I'm under KK but the 1st cycle i also can go off straight and go to toilet cause must hold the urine for the ET then quite urgent liao. Btw my 1st cycle I was only given 5 days mc, nurse told me this time round will give 2weeks mc..
Hi piggy,
yes, try not to carry her during the 2ww. But easier said than done, my boy at 3yrs still want me to carry. After ET, you can go to the toilet but can still request to rest for awhile in another room.
chew, piggy, pretty lady, cue ball, maria - thanks

hi jo - what is white menses? i called clinic up and they said still possible for ohss during pregnancy, esp since i had abnormally high e2 level... hope it goes away

piggy - have a smooth ER tomoro

pretty - my 1st scan is next fri
hi ponytail,

If I am not mistake in chinese they called Pai Tai...
OHSS during pregnancy?? is it? wow... just know abt that... ooooo ic....
hope everything goes smooth... ^_^
Hi piggy,

My nurse actually let me 'release' on the bed itself as she doesn't want me to get up and walk to the toilet. A bit pai seh in the beginning.
it is easy for pregnant ladies to have yeast infection. When we are pregnant our immun system gets low... so if it gets bad you might want to talk to the nurse about it and get some medication.

good luck! Im so happy for you~~
hi piggy09,

that's comforting to hear. hhmm.. will not think too much and yes, looking towards quanlity rather than quantity. thanks..

and all the best for your ER tomoro!!
Ponytail - Congrats on your BFP. Take care of yourself when you go back to work. Dont over stress yourself okay. Have a smooth pregnancy throughout the 9 months.

Sunflower, Josephine and Bliss Tan - Tnaks for sharing your experience. It helps me alot. but I think my laparoscopy might be a bit more serious coz Dr Sadhana found 1 cyst (58mm) on the left ovary and 2 cysts (54 and 34mm) on the right ovary. She mention it was endometrial cysts. There might be other smaller ones too.

So I am doing surgery to remove the cysts as well as something called hydrotubalation (something along that line) to check my tubes. Might as well since she is already removing my cysts.

So my surgery is fixed on th 10th of December. N for my surgery she said it might be slightly longer so she has arranged for me to stay overnight to just keep a check on me.

Ladies pls pray for me yeah....

Helen - The cost of my laparoscopy is going to be about $5700 ($3400 for hospital stay, $1300 for surgeon fee and $510 for anasthetist fee)
Hi ros, Dr Sadhana found the systs thru scanning? So the cost includes removal of the 3 cysts + other smaller cysts, clear any scarred tissues, check and clear your tubes if block?
Congrats Ponytail!!

Today's 12days past my ET, and i took the clearblue preg test and it's negative...so sad... Bloodtest is supp to be on 20Nov, preparing myself for the worst while still holding on to some hope.....tough tough.......
Ponytail!!..congratulations!!!..Tmrw is my turn!!..I still hvent got any symptoms yet. But i do get a lil cramp here and there for past few days...

Regarding OHSS ..yes it can happen during preganancy. In my case i had OHSS after ET..but ive recovered but DOc said i may or may not get OHSS if im pregannat..so just take precaution. Did ur doc mention to u abt the possibility of u having ohss??

Babymmaking, i was sposed to do ET on 3 nov..but doc pushed it to 5 nOv..and i was still having OHSS. So i did my ET at blastocyst stage.
sue - thanks for the tip. do you recommend any books for me to read ? i seem to be quite clueless

ros, splithair - thanks
i keep taking naps in the afternoons, i dont know how to dahan 1st few days at work without naps. also will have a lot of stuff to catch up on. ros - hope you have a smooth lap. splithair - if you're really anxious, maybe you can ask clinic to let you do your BT earlier ?

bliss, jo, pretty - what do you do when your close friends/colleagues ask abt the result ? quite pan tang to say anything during 1st trimester right ?
Ros: u'll be well!! Don't worry. I did 2 laproscopy. Once in 2004 and once in Sept this year. For the Sept surgery, I had 2 fibroids removed and 1 polyp, which the dr found only when doing the op. They wrote "endometrial polyp" in the report.

The cost, think quite a bit can be paid for by CPF. And if you have insurance, can also be claimed. My dr told me that I was having bad cramps 'cos of all these and I should have them removed even if it isn't because I was TTC. More for own health's sake.

Staying in hospital for 1 night might be a good idea. Sleeping will help heal. I did not stay in hospital but regretted it. No one to take care of me at home. And, I tried to act tough and didn't take the pain killers on the first day. Couldn't walk..sit also pain, lie down also pain. After taking the painkillers on the 2nd day, really felt different.. felt fine.

Take care!
hopefaith- thanks
hope to hear your good news tom. my tummy is so bloated now i cant stand up straight... a bit worried leh... so wierd, yesterday nothing then today so bloated
hi ponytail,
ooo ic... for me, i did not tell my colleague or friend that i am taking IVF. I only informed my boss because i need her permission during my 2ww. Hehehehe... if you feel ok to talk abt it then it should be no problem. hehehehehe....
hi piggy09,
all the best for your upcoming ER. have a good rest after that.

hi ponytail,
well... m not really a very batang person. other than my immediate sup is aware of my FET, a few of my teammates are aware too. needless to say, they asked for the results upon my BT. i will just tell them. m grateful that they are now looking out for me since i'd become easily tired. actually it's really up to individual's comfort level to tell or not when friends or cols asked. but if there're those who cannot understand the process u'd gone through & probably cast hurtful comments... just ignore & don't take it to heart. they are mere humans.
my inlaws and parents told me not to tell anyone for the 1st 3 months. Since I have quit, I do not meet anyone, even my good friends who knew I was undergoing ivf. But a few did call me to ask when I was about 2 months. They were surprised as they thought ivf will take a few months to know the result. I did not tell them straight in fact, just told them I was told not to tell anyone for 1st 3 months (especially it have taken so long for me to conceive finally), and they knew it and kept quiet for me. Heehee... They understood my reason for that.

My case was probably easier as I stay at home everyday for those months and did not need to see or contact anyone.
Hi Babymaking, Pretyy_lady,

Yup, my scan is on Sat. It's such a long wait ...
Will keep all posted on the outcome. Am really praying hard.
there is a book, the doctors from KKH has published for new mummys... I forgot the title...
Will check it out for you thursday when I go to borders..

its pretty good tells you what food to take and what you should watch out and things
Helen - Hi helen. Yup Dr Sadhana saw the cysts through the scanning that I did. I did the scan to prepare myself for my IVF cycle. But with the cysts my cycle ha been postponed. Through the scan, she also can tell you what type of cysts it is. whether it is cancerous or not (lucky mine was not

The price is tentative for all that you mention. But in case during the surgery she finds any other things that can affect my future TTC she will remove it.

The down side of the lap is she will want me to rest at least for 2 - 3 months before doing IVF. But what you know maybe after the lap, I could get pregnant naturally... Hahahah... I am dreaming for a miracle here but who knows.
Yve - Thanks for sharing your experience. Really appreciate it. This will be my first surgery in my entire 27 years of life. A little concern. But I am concern about the effects if I dont go for the surgery. I will always have this... "What if?" in my head.

N if it can help my monthly painful period, that is more than enough for me. This year I had taken so much mc just for the painful 1st cycle day.

But due to this, my IVF cycle will be postponed for a few months. Tentatively after discussion, DR sadhana is asking me to do pick up in June, so injections to be done in April.

To everyone - I will still be dropping by to hear all the good news here. It gives me so much hope to hear all the BFP around. N to those facing not so good news, hope we can be a pillar of strength for each other. To those who knows my site, you may want to drop by once in a while to catch up on my updates...

Just wondering... How is tintedsky doing? Hope everything is okay and she is doing well.
Updated List

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:
hope & faith

Josephine, Dimple,Bliss, Mel, babyhopes, Faith, Sri, Dwi, Comfort,
Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail

Good luck to those on 2ww
Think positive!!!! BFP BFP BFP!!!

feel free on add on/amend
Hi splithair,
Forget about the HPT. I also took clearblue on 11th day and negative. Thought that clearblue is a trusted brand. Let's hope for the best tomorrow. BFP to both of us!
Hi Ros!I am under NUH to go for ivf and my gynae found two fibroids.Suggested laproscopy and i went for it in september and wanted to start in october but the slots are full and they asked me to start in november.I did all the blood tests/counseling and just waiting for my period for this month.GOD'S will i found myself pregnant naturally. I am five wks pregnant.So miraccles do happen to you as me.I wish you all the best! Best wishes to all the ladies going through ivf.My pray for you ladies.
Best wishes ponytail!
Hi phoenix,
you are very lucky indeed.

Hi Sam,
i only see the negative line. And then i read about evaporation line from website and went to dig out the HPT from the rubbish bin and saw the faint line. But 'evaporation line' (a faint line form after several hours of the test) cannot be trusted. When is your BT? BFP to you.


Congrats!!! This is a great news!  Must be feeling very surreal. Have a smooth 9 months and rest well.


You are in my prayer. It is good to stay one night in the hospital. Take care and rest well after the ops.


I have schedules to do another HSG next Tuesday. I am kinda of confused; I thought HSG should be done during AF period as I thought Dr loh mentions. But nurses schedule for me to do it after AF period. Not sure exactly when I should do it. I have check with KKIVF nurses, they told me after AF. So I don’t know who I should I believe.
