IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi all,

I'm going for my ER this wed but i'm having cough n phelgm donno whether it'll affect the ET a not. This is my second cycle. The first one I've suceeded with a cute little gal who's now 10 mos old.

Donno why really no confident this time round. hopefully everthing goes well

Hi again ,
seems like recommended for us to start ivf soon. my menses just came and will be doing my blood test tomorrow. So we have decided we will be starting ivf afterall

try asking with Dr Loh since you are seeing him now. different doc have different practice. and yes, i am glad i got him to review my case. I started puregon today. ER expected to be the following week.

as to when your AF will come, u are refering to your second AF right? it shd be as per yr normal cycle.

If you are worried abt the AF, like i mentioned before, go see your doc and get him to do a scan, i did that the last cycle cos i was spotting BOTH before and after the lucrin but nothing turned up. Doc just think it's hormones.

yes, i think we started lucrin on the same day, did E2 bloodtest on last wed, was told to extend another 11 days as hormones not properly suppressed. however when SF loh review my case on Sunday, he said i could start puregon the next day.

so today went down KKH to collect the meds, expected ER will be sometime the following week *cross fingers*

so sorry to hear of your negative, keep your spirit up and try again. May yr FET be successful.
Hi Chew

This is also my second wk of lucrin and was also told to extend another wk due to the audit. If not for the audit, could have my scan and blood test this Wed to check if I could proceed to the next stage. Felt fustrated that I ought to extend... Sigh...
Dear Happyever,
I'll be doing my FET next Jan/ Feb too. Make use of the school holidays to rest and build up your health.

Anyone has any idea how many days of MC will be given for FET?

Has anyone succeeded in conceiving naturally despite having both f. tubes blocked?
Happyever..sorry to hear abt it. Take care and all the best on ur FET. Hugs to you..My test is this weds. So far i haven't got any symptoms at all. Did u have any pregnancy symptoms??..
Anyone had to go for blood progesterone?..i was supposed to do ET on 3rd Nov but was cancelled and admitted due to OHSS. But was told to start inserting the progestrone even though did not do ET, then was spose to go for blood progesterone and transvaginal scan on 7th nov, but i did not i forgot ...so was wondering wat did i missed?..wat check was that for ah??


I know and can feel how you are feeling.. but at least you have FET to go thru next...

Im more worried as i also got not much symptoms and worse no more Embroys...

Rest well!!!

sorry dun mind me asking, does dr loh see patient on sunday? y is it that u can go stage 2 when there is an audit going on whereby they cant do er & et? u r so lucky...

i have been on lucrin for 20 days already... so sad... cant wait for the whole process to be over... getting more n more stressful now... i know i shouldnt at this point of time.. but cant help it...
Hi Babymaking,

Yeah, am worried that the sac is implanted elsewhere? But what does that implies?

Hi Molecule,

Thanks for the information. Really hope that there is good news this Sat.

Hi Happyever,

So sorry to hear that. Be strong and hope that your FET will turn out positive.
Hi Ladies,

since my last failed IVF, i have gone back to work for more than 2 weeks now. My last menses flow was so heavy. Guess, it was due to the lining shedding.

M now starting to tiao my body and m starting to see Dr Zou. Since that was my first time doing accu with her, can i ask any ladies (who also visit her) - is the current supposed to make your skin shake/move everytime, the current pass thru? I thought it felt abit uncomfortable but would like to make sure if it's normal.

Also, she gave some chinese medicine. Since i felt like i am abit heaty and am recovering from a sore throat, should i still continue to take?

Am now focusing to tiao my system and hopefully after 2-3 months later, i can start on a fresh cycle. I will never give up!!!
Im sorry to hear about you... *hug hug hug* but you still have eggs!

how are you? how was the BT?

yes the current is suppose to shake your skin.. its like having a massage machine electrons going through your body..hehehe

Im not sure about the chinese medicine but why not call her and ask her directly? she can advice you on that she is a wonderful tcm doctor!
good luck to you~~
Hi ladies...

Remember me? Just wanna update that my Nov/Dec cycle might be postponed afterall. Dr Sadhana has called. She was concern over some issues. She doesn't want the many cysts I have to burst during the hormones stimulation.

Actually after my saline sonogram, I was having 2nd thoughts about this Nov/Dec IVF cycle. I was thinking perhaps I should do what I can to make my body as suitable as possible for pregnancy and having ALOT of cysts is definitely not one of them.

Going for scan again tomorrow to see all the cysts. If they are possing a serious threat, I will forego this Nov/Dec cycle and do a laproscopy first then perhaps 3-6 months later, after resting well from the surgery, then I will proceed with the IVF.

Anyone here has done a laproscopy before? How was it? How long does it take for the surgery and how long to heal? Any kind of help is appreciated.
hi Ros
I did laproscopy in March..my tubes were blocked. I did the surgery and the next day i was discharged but was given HL for at least 2 weeks. I dnt really noe how long it takes to heal cos few days after i was discharged i was admitted to Tan tock seng cos i had a reaction to Doxycycline..and was hospitalised for 3 days..The pain after laproscopy takes at least a week to heal (in my case)..i ges it differs for diiferent ppl. U need to go for laproscopy isit?
any ladies on 2WW now..but havent had got any symptoms yet?..and for those ladies who have graduated..during 2ww did u all experience any symptoms or not?? Im very anxious..
Hi Hope & Faith

Thanks for the prompt reply. Appreciate it very much. Most probably I might need to do that first before I go for IVF coz the Dr found alot of cysts and she is concern.

I am going for another scan tomorrow to see how the cysts are doing in there. If still big then perhaps. I will see what Dr Sadhana have to say. I am open to anything at the moment.

To all ladies who are going for BT this coming week, all the best and may you all have the results that you want. BFP
faith& hope

i thought you did your ET (embryo transfer)although you had OHSS? didn't the nurse call you when you missed the progesterone blood test?

if i remember correctly FET, no hospitalisation leave but 7 days of MC is given instead, but you can request for extension. I remembered i requested 14 days for my first FET cycle @ KKH.

No, i don't think D SF Loh sees patients on Sunday, i was equally surprised when he called on Sunday too!!!

I emailed him earlier that week after my E2 bloodtest results as i had some doubts, so i guess he reviewed my case again and gave the go-ahead.

It does get more stressful as time goes by - it's going to get worse during the 2www as it;s the last stretch.

Since now you are still on lucrin, do some exercise like brisk walking or best ...go shopping :p , it's the inactivity during the puregon and 2www stage that's harder to bear.

don't worry so much, that's only a very worse case scenario. afterall a tummy scan is not as accurate as a vaginal scan. yr appt is on this Sat right?

u're back. yep, it's normal to feel that way when the current go through the body. as to the meds, suggest you call Dr Zou directly and ask her.
Updated List

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:
hope & faith

Josephine, Dimple,Bliss, Mel, babyhopes, Faith, Sri, Dwi, Comfort,
Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW

Good luck to those on 2ww
Think positive!!!! BFP BFP BFP!!!
Hi hopefaith,
i don't have symptoms either, only on the 10th day past transfer that i found some brown discharge. When is your BT? BFP to you!

Hi grace,
I request for 14 days mc for current FET. The doctor can give more if you request. I think they are quite flexible on the number of days given.

Yes, My 2nd AF just comes today finally. I can go for my blood test now. 


Yes My AF is very later than the usual one. But glad that it is here now.


I was with Dr Zou too, when the current pass through, sometime my whole leg is shaking involuntarily, usually after the session I will feel abit “suan” at my waist . I feel it is like my skin is jumping. I think I have the same symptom as you, I belong to heaty body so I get sore throat easier. Sometime I skip the medicine if my throat is bad. Because the medicine belong to heaty side.


I went thru laparoscopy two years ago, the operation took less than half an hour. By the time I wake up it is over. I was given 2 weeks leave, which I took about the same period of time to recover. Remember to ask the doc to take a lot of photo. My previous doc who did laparoscopy did not take a lot of photo, she only focus on my tube and neglect my ovaries. So now whenever I show my “inside” photo, it is like a guess game for the doc.
Hi Ros,
I did laproscopy on Feb 2008, to check my uterus lining. I was discharged on the day and given HL for 1 day (luckily my operation on Friday so Saturday-Sunday can rest and monday start work). But we proceed the IVF on Mid of June (sign consignment) then July start the cycle.

Ros, the laproscopy is for what purpose?
What did Dr Sadhana suggest to you? how long to recover?
hi sue, helen & ladies - i went for BT yesterday and it is positive
i meant to post earlier yesterday but was busy running around with my hubby to go temple to pray and for other errands. by the time i got home i was so sleepy and slept the whole afternoon. thanks so much for your well wishes. i went back to clinic this morning for checkup and start on 1st progesterone jab. next fri going back to clinic for 1st scan. i still dont feel any symptoms, other than swollen boobs, but i realise i get tired quite easily. i'm starting work this thurs and dont know how its going to be like...
Hi All,

How much does a Laproscopy cost? Do you all do it in KK?

I was disgnosed with Endomedrial cyst (abt 35mm) and 1 of my tube seems block. I always have infections (can be a few times a year). Thus I'm thinking of an "overhaul". Does anyone has this problem?

My Gynea told me that the only way to remove the cyst is by op or get myself preggy. So hoping for good news for tomorrow BT.
Hi ponytail,
so happy for you....! that's normal to get tired easily, will only be during 1st trimester. By 2nd trimester, you will have lots of energy and no longer feel tired. Take care for the 9mths ahead.
thanks bliss, helen
i still cant believe it. i think i spent whole of yesterday in a daze. still a bit dazed now.

happy - i'm so sorry to hear about your news. *big big hug* take time to take care of your body, maybe take up some light exercise to help take your mind off this babymaking process, you'll surely succeed next round.

hopefaith - i had no symptoms at all. think positive. BFP BFP to your BT this week

helen - i had swollen boobs evern before ER. they continue to remain swoleen until some time last week, when i could feel less painful and swollen, then suddenly on sun they started feeling swollen again. hope to hear good news from your BT tom.
Hi helen,
laparoscopy costs between about 2.5K to 3.5K, depends if there is any removal of cyst, fibriod or any scarred tissues done. Mine was less than 2.5K this April, done by Dr Sadhana in KKH, as nothing was found during the surgery and so only detailed checking was done.

laparoscopy is fast, within half an hour. The healing needs about 1 week to heal, the pain lasted for a few days for me. Just dont strain yourself by carrying any heavy stuff or standing for too long after the surgery. The healing will be fast.

All the best! Everything will be smooth and fine.
hi ponytail,

Hi helen,
I do at KK, my one I think it is abt 1-2k (forgot but I got claim to my company cos I said it's female issue not pregnancy issue). But for my case is different from you. Maybe you can check with your company whether can claim or not but dun said for pregnancy. Hehehehe...
Good luck for your BT.
lina - i dont know cos they didnt say. and i was too stunned to ask anyway. is the level important ?

josephine, pleasance - thanks
i'll need some pointers from the graduates here
Hi ponytail,
hehehe, you must be very shocked...normally they will inform the level. It is not really important. Don't worry about it.
are you with KKH? So they never tell you the beta figure? Heehee...

Anyway, you can just call and ask if you like to know. Of course it will be good to know the exact beta figure.

Ya, I can understand, I was also feeling happy but very blur even until my first scan.
thanks sam

bliss - i'm with nuh and i dont have any beta or hcg or whatever nos. they only tell me whether good or not so good, so i dont have to think too much into it, which in a wierd way is good so i dont misinterpret any info

helen - dont worry abt it, i konw its hard but i think bliss and some other ladies had no symptoms at all, so you could be a BFP without symptoms
thanks bliss and josephine,

seems like KKH pricing is reasonable. 1 of the gynea in ME quoted about $10K to me before and that scares me off.

I will get the contact from u if I'm not graduated tomorrow.
helen - i just remembered, i also had 'anti-symptoms', i.e. i had cough, fever, flu, menstrual like cramps that made me break out in cold sweat. i was very worried when i got those, esp since the last cramps happened only on sat night. thats why i still cant believe i'm positive. so you dont give up hope k ?

Hi helen,
miracles will happen to you tomorrow.

Hi ponytail,
i agree, better not to know the figures. It just get one worried.
