IVF/ICSI Support Group

sue - thanks. yes 1 more day to go, trying not to think abt it... how are you doinng lately ?

hopefaith - good to have you back. take care of your body, its the most important thing right now.
Hi splithair,
Has your spotting stopped? Stay positive. Which hospital are you with?

the increased level looks good. No worries. Next week should be able to see the sac.

Hi ponytail and happy,
BFP! keep us informed tomorrow.

Hi hopefaith,
Do rest well. I found some information here:
It seems like "some cases of miscarriage are different, so the absence of cramps and bleeding is possible."
hi bbw,
doubling HCG is a very good sign that your emmbies are growing. take good care & don't worry too much. however m puzzled how come kkh had asked u to do so many scans? isn't it norm that after tested positive for BT, one will only have scan done sometime in the 6th week, in conjunction to seeing dr loh thereafter??

to all ladies who had BT due for this week... wishing U a BFP!!
hi dawnie,
m praying hard for you on your 2nd beta test... remember that our perssistance will eventually be rewarded.

hi ponytail,
ur anxiety after all that happened is understandable. i'd a similar experience previously as u did. but honestly there're really nothing we/our gyane could do except to hope for the best. m too is praying for you...
Hi ladies,

Managed to find this table and did some updates

stage 1: (lucrine or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:
hope & faith

Bebecraze08, Elle, Imel,
Feibb, Maykel, Juju78,
Cale, Josephine,
Dimple,Bliss, Mel,
babyhopes, Faith, Sri,
Dwi, Comfort, Hopfully,
LFB, Pleasance, akachan,
Pretyy lady, BBW

Let me know if I miss out anybody.
hi all,

need to know from those who have recetly graduate. how much did u spend in all for ur ivf. especially those under dr loh kkivf.


i will getting my lucrin this friday and really cant wait to start, i am hoping my savings is enough. will be using medisave ($6k and the latest $3k given by gvt)
hi there...

anyone experience spotting during stage 1 lucrin injection?

i had spotting for 2 days.. worried....
Helen : 11 days pass ET or Embroy 11 days old?

Im 6 days pass ET, Embroy 11 days old.. Do you think can test? But actually i dun have the courage but DH ask me give him my pee he see...

I had very very bad cramps last night til i break out in sweat...

I really feeling very depressed today .. i really really hope god dun play a trick on me.
I'm 11 days pass ET. I won't be doing any HPT until my BT on 19 Nov. I'm already prepared for the worst. If I have BFP that day, then it would be God's miracle!

6 days pass ET might be too early to test. I think better wait till 10 days after ET.

BFP! BFP to you!
Hi happyever
I'm at stage 1 lucrin.

Hi Chew CL
I don't have spotting and my mens was on the dot but with bad cramps than usual. Don't know if I'm responding well to the jabs...
hi chew cl,

i have spotting too during my 1st stage and my doctor say it is normal to have a bit of spotting. if you are still worried, can check with your doctor.
Hi Pretyy Lady & Happyever,

Yeah, i think normally after tested positive for the BT, the next scan/visit should be around the 6th weeks. However, I had slight spotting on the day after tested positive and the doc in the 24 hours clinic did a BT for me again, and a V-scan though could not see the sac. When the BT results was out, they suggested I go back again for a blood test 2 days later, cos they want to monitor the HCG "trend". So when i went back 2 days later, I requested to see Dr Loh. Though he did a tummy scan for me, he could not see the sac also, that's why he wanted me to go back this week for another scan. I remember i read it somewhere that once HCG is above 1000, the sac can be seen. So now, my HCG is already 2216 but yet not able to see the sac, that's why Dr Loh just want to monitor more closely (i guess so though I did not ask him).

Hopefully, everything will turn out fine this Sat.
hi Josephine,
read ur previous entry, u are with Dr loh right. why do u have to take oral tablets. i was not instructed to do so.

can i know, how much cash did u pay for ur ivf after the medisave deduction and the 3k given by gvt.

Thanks a lot
Thanks for explaining. So you are under Dr Loh, he is very experienced, so maybe he is just being extra careful to monitor. I was just thinking, maybe your HCG was high bec it could be Twins. However, since it is only 4 wks plus, they are still shy to be seem. Not sure if I'm right. Hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Hi Sunflower

yeah, i know what you mean about FSH as not a good predictor of number of eggs for that cycle. There's another test that is more accurate on a per cycle basis, it's a scan called an "antral follicle count" - you may want to google it for more info and see if it will help in your situation.

guess what, with regards to the lucrin extension, the doc got back to me and reviewed my case again. He said my levels were actually borderline - so by now (4 days past the E2 blood test) it should be controlled enough to start on puregon.

there's no further bloodtest required, i guess it's based on the doctor's prior experience. I am glad that SF Loh was willing to review it again, otherwise would have been jabbing another wasted 11 days.

it could be too early - why not try again in a couple of days? also remb to use early morning urine - higher concentration of HCG hormones then.

I'm also in stage 1 lucrin - proceeding to stage 2 puregon today(mon). i didn't have spotting this cycle but previous IVF cycle had spotting thru out the lucin stage before and after the lucrin AF. thought it was something wrong with the lining or a growth (cyst, pylop) so went down to see doctor and did a scan but could not find any abnormalities. it could be just hormones being haywire and is normal if it's not excessive bleeding.

Congrats on the positive, it's good that SF LOh monitors closely...could be just be that a tummy scan is not as detailed as a vaginal scan. or very worse case scenario - there's a possibility that the sac is implanted elsewhere, that's why cannot see in the womb. did he ask you to go back for a HCG blood test again?
Updating the list from happyever

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:
hope & faith

Bebecraze08, Elle, Imel, Feibb, Maykel, Juju78, cale, Josephine, Dimple,Bliss, Mel, babyhopes, Faith, Sri, Dwi, Comfort,
Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW

Good luck to those on 2ww
Think positive!!!! BFP BFP BFP!!!

I read this from the web, it was stated

"Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels can have quite a bit of variance at this point. Anything from 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml is considered normal at 5 weeks. Once the levels have reached at least 2000, some type of development is expected to be seen in the uterus using high resolution vaginal ultrasound. If using a transabdominal ultrasound, some type of development should be seen when the hCG level has reached 3600 mIU/ml. Although development may be seen earlier, these levels provide a guide of when something is expected to be seen. "

So dont worry, since yours is a abdominal scan.
Hi pretyy lady and babymaking,
thanks for the wishes.

Hi happyever,
thanks for updating the list. Hope to hear good news from you and ponytail!

Hi helen,
i also did a HPT few days back on 11th day, also negative. Then i wanted to go buy more HPT. I searched the internet anxiously for answers. I found information that some ladies get positive HPT yet negative BT and some ladies get negative HPT all the way till the morning of BT yet get BFP. Then one doctor advice saying don't try any HPT, it is cheating yourself, wait for the BT and that is the final answer. So i saved $$ by not getting anymore HPT. Hope miracle will happen to us, BFP to you!

Hi sam,
forget about HPT, they are not accurate. BFP to you.

Hi alyssa,
i am also with Dr Loh, 1st fresh cycle was done in june so didn't get the govt. $3K. After my treatment, KK deduct $6K right away from medisave but my total treatment only cost $5K and hospital send me a $1K cash cheque. I used the $1k to pay for medication cost. The total cost that you will be using will still depend on individual.
Hi fellaine & mariayee,

my menses was late for 3days but was ok. no cramps like i had previously. infact this time round quite ok.

Hi babymaking,

we are cycling partners right? i also supposed to go to stage 2 this week but becos of the audit that's why i gotta extend to next week then into stage 2..

what did the doc say about your spotting? how many days you had for spotting?
Hi Alyssa,
Yup, I am under Dr Loh.
Is it? It is contraptation (dunno how to write this) tablet, but i can check in my previous record what is the table called. Hehehehe..
I think Total (all medicine + procedure of IVF) is about 7k plus, medisave can deduct max 6k for 1st IVF.
Is it your 1st IVF? Which stage are you now?
Hi Dawnnie,

I have put my full name and identify as his patient but he never replied my email. Hisk hisk... so sad. I wait for 1 days, 2 days... 1 weeks, 1 mths no replied so frustated.
Hi Josephine,
how about try calling up the nurse to let them know about your queries. They can check with him.

Hi Helen,
HPT is also known as "evil sticks". Yes, no more HPT for now. BFP!
Hi Josephine,
i always encounter the cashier answering my phone calls. She will take down my ic, name, question then ask a nurse to call back. The nurse normally calls back within the day itself. During my visit for scans, i saw Dr Loh walked pass the waiting area and those with questions stopped him to ask.
Hi Lina, it seems that KKIVF pricing is quite reasonable. $5- $7K for a fresh cycle seems ok. I'm with CARE and do u know how much I've spent for my fresh cycle? Dun fall off your chair.

I spent about $10K + $6K (medisave) = Total $16K!!! The cost is slightly higher as I've got OHSS after my first cycle ET. Had to be on drip for 2 full days at CARE Paragon.

Recently, CARE increases some of their service to almost 20%. My current FET cost about S$5K and I need to fork out additional S$1K as this is my 3rd attempt.

Should have done a fresh cycle with KKIVF instead of FET with CARE.
Hi Helen,
wow, such a great difference. But heard that CARE has got good service, still worthwhile. Is the waiting time fast at CARE? My current FET only cost $1K, medication for the inserts, folic, etc cost $200.
hi ladies,
Thanks for all your cheering.
But no good news to share. My urine test was negative. BT also negative. Reason properly bec of E2 again.

So will have to wait for AF to come and do FET.
i am sorry to hear that.

I really wish you will succeed the next try.
Please take good rest and stay happy still.
happy, am sorry to hear tat but in the mean time do prepare your mind n body, eat lots of nutritious food n regular exercise after yr AF. i hope u will succeed in your next try
Thanks. Let hope my FET can bring me true joy.
Quite disappointed bec my 2 embries were of 8 cells. They look so beautiful in the photos.

I'm going back to school in Jan. With all the maddness workload, I'm not so confidence of my FET.
Hi happy,

So sorry to hear that. Life still goes on. Go do something that u like and start planning for this coming holiday seasons.

Do take care of your body and maybe u should tiao your body and prepare yourself for your next try. Maybe after u tiao your body, you will be able to graduate with natural process. ;-) You will sure to succeed one day. Please dun give up, k?

Can I ask why is it due to E2? Thot we always have blood test to determine the level of E2.
Hi happyever,
Hugs, take care. FET will be much easier compare to fresh cycle and shorter rest required. So your school workload should not be affected. Rest well now and you will succeed next try.

Hi Helen,
waiting time at KK can sometimes be quite long and we don't get to talk to doctor during the process. Only nurses will guide us on the procedure. The only advantage that i like is the early opening hours, at 7.30am i can take injection or blood test and then rush to work. AF means menses.
hi hi...

i have being spotting for like 3days already. today especially heavy.. can anyone tell me is this really ok? getting very worried...


sorry to hear that.. take care and stay positive ya..

i called kkivf in the morning, they said its common.. cos i just went toilet and notice its getting heavier.. so worried lor..

I have read about antral follicle count scan. And when I ask Prof about this. He told me this is only estimation only and it is not accurate. It is like every tests I mention, is only estimation. Sigh . Glad that Dr Loh is reviewing your case, shorten the period.


Please take care.
Don’t worry about FET, till then take good care of yourself.


Which stage are you at now?


I am still waiting for my AF after my failed cycle? when should the 2nd one come?
Hi Chew,

If u are worried, u should call them again to check. U dun want to feel worried the whole night right? Just call them up to peace your mind.
Hi sunflower,
AF might sometimes be affected due to the medication used in your previous cycle. It might not be accurate. You will just need to wait till it comes.


HUGZZ... I just wanted to cheer you up. For now, just relax. Take a step at a time. Dun worry abt work plus FET. When the pro comes, i am sure you and hubby will come out with another solution. Jia you and always remember that we are here for you.
