IVF/ICSI Support Group

yes, I had progesterone jabs from ET to 17dpt. Yes, still had jabs on 16dpt and 17dpt even after my BT on 15dpt. I could not remember my dosage of every jab le. I think it is already safe to take hpt on earliest 14dpt if you only had pregynl 2 days before your ER. The hcg should have be out of your body by then.
Another thing, the progesterone jabs will not affect in the hcg level in the body if pregnant, so no worry about having the progesterone jabs while taking hpt.
Your BT will be next mon, rite? The day is near soon. All the best, excited for you!

Thanks for the quick repond. My injection will finish on Fri, maybe I should call up to ask if I need to collect extra jabs for Sat and Sun. Yap, my BT is next mon, same as ponytail. Very nervous now. Starting to feel the tension.

Dear ladies,
Found this web page that has very useful hints on IVF and how to do your injection.

thank you~~...
I think I will call the clinic and ask, because I was not told of the results of the blood test that was done right before IVF......

good luck to your BT coming soon too BFP BFP BFP to you~~~~~~~~
hi happyever,
you do not need to take Progesterone injection after testing positive for BT. All the best for your BT. BFP....also BFP to ponytail.
Just called up. CARE ask me to collect the extra progesterone. I asked them about the crampy feeling that I'm having, was told that crampy feeling can be due to many reasons, eg bowel movement or wind. So it should not be taken as symptoms.
sue - the thing abt nuh is that they do not give you any numbers unless you can catch the nurses to ask when they have the report in front of them. not sure if it is the same at kk or elsewhere. since i think you have a few ques abt nos., perhaps you can call the nurses and ask if they can sit down with you one day to discuss the nos. otherwise, they tend to dumb it down a lot for us and tell us only whether 'good' or 'bad'. did u manage to speak with prof ? and thanks for your well wishes, i hope your feeling is right *wink*
i still have no symptoms, in fact, my boobs which were really swollen and sore BEFORE ER and ET have now reduced but quite a lot1, less swelling and soreness. not sure what that means, but i'm hoping is cos the gonal F chemicals are leaving the body... trying not to think too much abt other possible reason...

lina - how abt other hobbies, eg reading, cooking. i'm trying to put work out of my brain, but difficult since have to check office email every now and then

ladies- i remember that before going to stage 1, i wsa apprehensive abt taking 2 week HL cos it will mean leaving my colleagues in 'lurch' and giving them my work. then a few of the ladies here told me that family comes first, cos at end of day i'll not see my colleagues when i grow old. true enough, none of my colleagues have asked how i am or asked me to take care of myself during this break. Mei Liang Xin. i'm glad i went ahead with IVF
hi bbw,
i wonder why are u prescribed aspirin?? bliss tan is right... having nutritious meals are impt.

hi blesswbb,
i'm certain that your chances will be much higher in next cycle. i too din had TCM treatment in my last failed cycle. more babydust to you...
Hi ponytail,
Glad you made the right choice to go ahead with the HL. Probably when you return to work, everyone will bombard you on whether succeed or not. I also need to check office email. But i try to check only once a day, if not see the flooded emails very stress.

Hi happyever,
just to share with you, during my 2WW, my swollen breasts and bloated tummy reduced alot after ER and ET. I was also feeling disheartened that time as I had no symptoms at all and in fact I felt a lot better than before which didnt seem like pregnant symptoms such as feeling tired.
But the cramps and swollen breasts just came to me suddenly on my BT day. So once again, no worry about having symptoms or not. Relax.
Hi Bliss,

I had my Et done on 11 November and had cramps only on that day and since yesterday night, my use to be swollen breast subsided..No more cramps, no bloatedness and no swollen breast..

I felt sad as i had no more embroys to transfer already if this cycle fails and also my DH business is on the verge of collapsing due to this recession and i have used up my $ for this IVF already..
can understand the anxiety. Please stay positive and relax more. Believe that good news is coming to you very soon. When is your BT?
mel /bliss
when u first started puking? looks like everyone has started their MS, but not mine. Does that mean that my babies are not developing? I'm on week 7 and have slight spotting the last few days.
I only have bad nausea without vomitting. I started on the day of BT, 15dpt. You had your scan already rite? Dont worry as long as Doc said baby is growing well. You might be one of the lucky ones who does not have nausea. MS is only one of the pregnancy symptoms, not a must. I have many friends experencing no nausea but other discomforts such as skin problems, headaches, fatigue etc. There are also MTBs who dont have any discomforts but smooth pregnancy. So dont worry.
Or perhaps, you are still early to have MS, some MTBs only start to have MS around 9 weeks.
pleasance - dun worry abt it... only abt 30% of pregnancies have the puking part... MS can be simple nausea on and off... even different pregnancies for same lady have different symptoms..

bliss - yeah.. still puking... i thought i was getting better just a few days back... told my hubby and sil abt it... then.. merlion came to visit me.. my sil tell me dun say.. very pang tang.. now, i dun believe also cannot... dunno how to teach the merlion to stay away from me..
now is whatever i can take, i eat.. dun care abt the 'avoids and dun avoids' foods.. cos cannot keep anyhthing down.. i figured that eating a bit bit is better than nothing.. :p well.. can't complain... i am actually happier than normal.. hahah.. must be the hormones...
ya ya, I also became pang tang when last week I told my mum and sis that my nausea was slightly reduced, then my bad nausea was back on that very night! My sis also said cannot say one, pang tang. Hahaha! Now I also dont dare to say le.
Your merlion sounds real bad leh, must also be due to carrying twins. Luckily babies do not need much nutritions during 1st trimester. You must take more good food when appetite is back after 1st trimester.
I was feeling moody at times when nausea and skin itchness come to attack me at the same time. Last night suddenly cried abit when the nausea and itchiness disturbed me so much. But was feeling ok very quickly when hubby gently rubbed my tummy and told baby to protect mummy and make mummy feel better. Hahaha!
Hi Mel, Thanks for your BB dust. Hope BB is knocking on my door this time. Hmmm.. dun think the person u saw is me cos I never have peanut butter sandwich at the clinic wor... But we might have met cos we are both seeing Dr Paul.

Hi Pony, I was given 2 weeks HL but was feeling bored at home liao. So was thinking of going back to do some paperwork and chat with colleagues. Today is my 8th day already. If embies were to implant, should have implanted by now is it? or will it takes longer period for implantation? Last night did not sleep well cos was coughing badly again. So today was staying at home.

Sorry. Me still not familiar with some of the abbreviation. What is BFP?
Hi sam,
stay positive.

Hi pleasance,
my previous pregnancy was smooth one. No nausea, no fainting spells, no food craving at all. I could even walk faster than normal people and carry one bag of 5kg rice. Like bliss and mel mentioned, you are lucky and not all pregnancy is the same. Do take care now.
dear ladies,
i read somewhere that someone posted that there's a lady who does cooking and home delivery for ladies on IVF, does anyone have her contact, care to share?
BFP we all must know. BFP=Big Fat Positive!!

The merlion sound really terrible. You are very good at describing ya. Can really picture it. So are you on mc at home or still working? Pls take care and hope your 2nd trimester is better.

During pregnancy always have mood swing one. Don't feel bad, must let go n release the tension sometime. Your hubby sure understand one.
bliss - thanks for sharing. 4 more days to BT. must be patient... going to piah my vcds now, watching Gilmore Girls...

happy, helen, sam, lina - lets all count down to BFP BFP BFP
My Bt is schedule on the 21 Nov 08 but thinking of it i really dare not face it and go for it as im terribly afraid and really so scared that i receive another bad blow and really don't know if i can take it anymore bad news again..
thanks for ur assurance, feel much better else my tots are running wild.r u ladies back to work or on long leave?

ur vomitting looks bad. please take care and rest well.

ponytail/sam /happy/ helen/lina
Jia You !! Jia You !! lots of babydust !!
I dont work since I quit my job on Aug. So I am lucky to be able to stay at home everyday to spend my pregnancy days.
Hi bliss and Mel,
Hey you should all feel better...one of my friend is going through her MS through out the day...she need to change position every 10mins(from sitting to standing and reverse). I felt bad when i heard it.........so you are all blessed with just MS.
(thought will share with you...of course she has three in her womb).
bliss -
that's cute...

helen - hmm.. no matter what... praying for those positives for you and the rest of the girls(happy, lina, ponytail, sam) whose's BT is next week...

happy, pleasance - well, it sounds bad, but i dun think it is that jialat.. after all, i am mostly happy all the time..
it is like dividing my time between kooning, working and puking... and in-between those, i'm mostly deliriously happy.. haha.. oh.. by the way, i think i got new best friend, Zhou Gong.. i think i see Zhou Gong more than hubby... heh heh..

kalki - whoa.. your friend quite stylio...
anyway, like i said.. i'm not complaining.. it's more of a nuisance than anything..
oh hey.. stay happy and positive..
hi mel & Bliss,
like pleasance, i'm kind of worried of getting nausea & puking in the next few weeks, though m aware that not every preggie lady will have it. presently i find myself being turn-off by the frying smell from food courts. i'm really scared cos after my ER (during 1st fresh cycle in may), i was puking whatever i eat or drink after 2 hrs of taking the anti-biotic (the green pill) given. i asked to stop taking it after 5 dyas of torture. mel...for 1st trimester, are there really any 'avoids & dun avoids' foods??

LOTS of BABYDUSTS to all ladies who's having their 2ww currently. stay postitive & don't fret about having symptoms or not. good enough that there's no bleeding. enjoy the break if you're on mc/hl.
Oh my goodness... I just called NUH... the nurse told me the injections were based on my 1 year back blood test...................

and for all the blood test we went through during our injections... only the E2 level was checked.....
sue - but you went for blood test every few days when you did your gonal Fs right? that should be enough ? are the E2 levels the only ones thats important, thats why no other levels checked ? dont scare yourself like that...

for the IVF progress it is only the E2 level that is needed to be checked....

but to see what range of gonal-f to inject to have maximum effect is based on FSH .. and that is only checked through the hormon test, which is done on the second day of AF....
Hi pleasance and mel,
thanks for the babydust and prayers. My BT is 20 nov, slightly later than happy and ponytail. I just found some light red spotting on the liner. Not sure if implantation because if it is, would it take 10 days after ET to take place?
My best friend is also Zhou Gong. I only see my hubby 3 hrs a day (minus sleeping), but i'm seeing Zhou Gong almost 12 hrs everyday.

My doc didn't do E2 test when i'm in stage 2 leh? I only go every other day to scan. Guess i'll be very stressed up if she does. My E2 gave me lots of problem. So when are you starting your next cycle? How are you feeling now? Do you feel "cool" or " warm"? Are you seeing any TCM doctor to help tiao your body?

I stopped TCM but i still feel that TCM is useful. I feel warmer n stronger even after 2 wks of TCM.
sue - i'm not sure what proper procedure is, but i think they took my BT on day 2 of AF

lina - i read that implantation is 6-10 days after ER, not ET. so yours is perhaps implantation bleeding ?
BFP this time. Don't think so much first. Last time our parents' generation their financial status not as good as us now also can bring up so many kids. So be positive. Singapore Economy will pick up fast too. Jia you!
Hopefully I can start before my birthday in March...

I am considering of going to SGH... so..

will see.. after checking what they will recomend

next after that... will decided wether stay with NUH and start next cycle in January.. or other wise..
so they did a most recent hormon check for you!
that is good!! that is so good..
I wish they did that for me too...
thanks for sharing about what your friend is enduring.

Yes, I am feeling very blessed already with own baby now, even with so much pregnancy discomforts. I think, it is inevitable to feel lots of discomforts during pregnancy as the body is undergoing so many changes. But the truth is being pregnant is never an easy and all the way comfortable thing, there bound to be pain and discomforts one way or another. I have a tamil ex-colleague who suffered alot during her only pregnancy, she was on drip in hospital throughout her 9 months due to some serious hormones changes that her body could not adapt and led to kind of unstable condition. So she never wanted to have a 2nd kid after her daughter.
Anyway, to all of us here or in fact all mothers, I am sure any suffering or pain during pregnancy is worthwhile as long as we can have healthy babies.

I used to feel so alone and upset for having to ttc for so long, but since I joined this support group in Aug when starting my ivf journey, I feel so much better and encouraged and positive. That's why I find it good to also share anything during pregnancy too, so as not to feel alone facing the discomforts and also may be able to get some sharing on how to reduce or ease the discomforts from experienced mothers here.

For example, I am so much encouraged and feel better when I shared my skin problem in the other MTB thread and found that one of the mummies had actually experienced that too during her twins pregnancy(her twins are 5 months old now). And she shared alot with me on how to manage with the rashes and itchiness.

Anyway, you must also share with us your pregnancy journey after this coming FET! Jia you, kalki!

you are very positive, must learn a lot from you.
I guess the discomforts has somehow made me feel quite miserable at times, but I never forget how much I want my own baby, so despite 'complaining' at times and finally experienced the feeling of being pregnant, I still think that it is worthwhile.

We must jia you and encourage one another.
Hi everyone,

Just like to give some encouragement to all the strong ladies trying to concieve thru IVF. I had my babay thru FET last year and could not believe that i am again pregnant 1 year later concieve naturally this time. Another girl in the same group as me (we are in the 2006 achieve) is also pregnant naturally. It was unexpected for both for us. Yes we might be the lucky one but we never thought this could happen if not we would not hv gone thru this stressful process. Please do not give up and keep hope! Anything is possible. Good luck and baby dust to all of you.
Hi Bliss,

Was still worried whether supplements enough or not. Haha ... I very KS ..

Hi Lina, BlesswBB, Pleasance,

Thanks for your well wishes.

Hi Pretyy_lady,

Yes, Mel is right, asprin is to improve blood circulation/flow to the uterus.
I just went to KK 24 hours after work, cos there was a little spotting this afternoon. There was axing happening in the office today, so maybe due to stress, I realised that I was spotting. Anyway, the doc did a vaginal scan for me and said that there is a polyp that could be causing the spotting, nothing to worry about. At the same time, donate blood again just to make sure HCG is progressing .. am waiting for BT result. Haiz ... think I really very KS ...

dear ladies with KKH IVF under SF Loh

anyone has his current email address? i wrote to him a couple of times over the last couple of months but didn't get a reply, wondering if the email address i have is the most current one? can someone pls email me his email account that he replies from.

Thanks v much.
