IVF/ICSI Support Group

u should start acup from the start of ivf. Initially, once a week. After that should be more often. U sure your acupunturist know what he's doing? Most doctor should know when to start. I hv mine every once a week and before ET i hv it everyday.

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm ladies,

My injection has only been two days so far, and I have been having really bad cravings for food... sweet food... and feel hungry... all the time... is this normal?

PGD at NUH they said it is about 6000. Yet the nurse said they will not do for down syndrom..we are trying to find out from the dr...but the nurse told us that we can only consult him at a later time...when i start gonal-f
Hi Blessw,

Where did u go for ur acupuncture ? Is it painful & how long is each session ? I tot have to do only before ER & once after ET ?

Everyday before ET really??
right now, Im seeing the acup doctor once a week and then she said before ET twice a week.... I was kind of getting worried that its so little... cause after acup I can feel my body is warm but after 2-3 days.. it wears off...
hi Angel, Sue

me same TCM dr as Blesswbb so, yes its ACU everyday bef ER for about 5 days then ER rest and before ET 1 more time.

Also, we will have 2 diferent kinda TCM to take, pre and post ER.
Bliss, so excited can see babies later! Share with us your progress ya?

Thanks Mel for the bbdust, hehe, hope to BFP soon!! Arhhh!!
Mel, mine BT either 17 0r 18, thats next weekend, i m scared actually, abit hoping tat day dont come, hee.. me very no guts

Dun mention Angel
All the best! Oh, i go check my PM function,hee..
akachan can PM me too.. on the details of the acupuncture doctor...

Prof PC Wong dont believe in TCM oral medication and told me if Im taking then rest treatment from him...
Hi ladies,
Thank you for all the well wishes. You all are very kind!

For those who are in 2ww, pls have plenty of bedrest (if can), stay relax and have balance diet.

For those who are planning to start IVF journey or already started, pls jia you!

Hi sue,
Tk you for adding my name in the gratuates column. You must jia you! Am waiting for you

Hi mystyy,
Glad to hear that you are in good hand. All the best to yr ET and have plenty of rest in yr 2ww.

Hi Mel,
Congratulations!! Twins leh
Very happy for you!!

Hi Hopefully,
My gynae is Dr LC Cheng from Thomson Medical Centre.

Hi Comfort,
I also kena OHSS before. I follow nurse instructions i.e. drink a lot of water, protein powder drink and eat 10-12 eggs white a day to reduce bloatedness. If you are still not feeling well pls contact yr gynae ya. Tk care.
Dear ladies,
came back from my first scan and appointment. I am having singleton, not twins.
Very happy already, though thought maybe twins.
Saw the beating of the heart of my baby from the screen, so cute! Baby is 8mm long now, haha! so tiny but the heart is beating strongly now.
I also just changed to private suite with my doc for my next appointment onwards, only around $10 more, but shorter waiting time and all scans and tests will be done by my doc personally then, the place is more cosy too. So I think better to switch lor.

I would like to ask ladies who know what do we do with our frozen embryos when the one year of storing is due. Do we need to call the hospital to extend the freezing or will they call us to check if we want to continue with the storing? Thanks!

Congratulations on having twins! So elated for you!!! The embryologists called me earlier today to tell me that she will be thawing 2 embies first and will update me on their progress tom morning. So I hope everything will be fine.

Yippeee!!! A day apart only...
my scan today was on the tummy. So it is not vaginal scan as told by the other MTBs at KKH.

Luckily it was on tummy, I dont really feel comfortable with vaginal scan.
thanks! Yes, very happy really. In fact, I was a bit blur and showing slow response after the scan. Only after the scan and seeing my doc, then I suddenly felt very excited and happy. Hahaha!
Hee Bliss, nvm slowly u will get use to it after a few more scans. When is ur next scan?

Btw, can i ask are u using pill insert of injection aft ET? On wat day did u test urself?

Seriously, it is just so heart warming and encourgaing to see the ladies here graduates 1 by 1. Can i be the next batch of graduates too? Heehee
my next scan will be on the 24 Oct, in another 2 weeks plus.
I choosed to have daily progesterone injections after ET. So need to go KKH everyday for injection during the 2WW. I tested hpt on 14dpt and asked for an earlier BT on 15dpt as the scheduled BT was 17dpt.
Yes, I also feel very happy to see many graduating here.

You will be one very soon. Stay positive and be hopeful always. Wish the very best too!
faith, mystyy - thanks for being happy for me, but until i see the heartbeats, i will then be able to confirm... will let you girls know this friday..

mystyy - i'm thinking of your little embies... sending them lots and lots of love..

faith - take lots of good food and food that you wanna eat.. else, in a few more days, if and when nausea hits.. hoo hoo.. piang... can cry ahh..

bliss - yeah tell me abt it.. i hated all my vaginal scans, though my doc is very gentle.. isn't it exciting to see the baby's heartbeat?? i hope that mine will be strong too..

Sorry to ask so much question, but just wondering if we will have a choice whether to take the daily injection or the pill insert? Going for my ET tomorrow. If everything is smooth and successful, my BT should be on 24 Oct.. Heeheee

ok i shall stay positive, positive & positive. Thanks for ur words, it just make me braver.
yes for sure, your babies will have very strong heartbeat!

what a coincidence to be on the same date.

Hope will hear good news from you that day!
No problem for the questions. Yes, we will be asked to choose either the daily injections or the inserts when the eggs extracted was 15(cant remember is 10 or 15) or more. If lesser, I think the hospital will just give pregynl injections every few days.
Heehee Bliss, THANK YOU :D

You too!! Enjoy this evening with ur HB to share such a wonderful experience you had this afernoon.

Take care, Bliss and baby bliss!
Congrats to all the ladies who have graduated!!..mel, bliss, and faith..and in case i left out anione..sorry...aniways congrats!!.

Congradulations!! ... but so small... 8mm wow...life is so amayzing ...!
want baby dust~~~

Hope to join you really soon..hehehe i really hope sooooo keep my fingers crossed heeeeee..

Congradulations congradulations!! wow... so sweet twins!!!!!!oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh want the baby dust from you~~~

Stay positive relax and dont think negatively!!!
Sue, you dont accept PM leh.

Wow,Bliss, you must be so happy!! Hehe, let me rub off some of your joy and blessing too, hehe
hope i get to see mine soon. *praying hard for BFP!* Baby Bliss must be so cute!

Mel, looking forward to hear about your babies too!
Must be so cuteee! I also wish to have twins but oh well, not up to me to decide, hehe

Hopfully, sleep well tonite ya? And be fully charged to bring home your babies tomorrow!
Blesswbb, carrot will cross out other vitamins ah?!
Huh? Oh dear.. but i drink TCM at about 8am, eat carrot during lunch about 1pm, you think will affect absorption still?

Ladies, you know whether apples are ok to eat now? As in are apples cooling? And i notice eat chicken will bring up cough hor? Everytime eat chicken, i get itchy throat, hm.. or am i imagining?

so sorry.. didnt know it was not activated..
I think I just activated it... can you try sending it again???

i have been avoiding carrot ever since i start taking chinese medicine. I donno whether the timing will affect anot.
i took apple everyday to aavoid constipatiion. Apple shouldn't be cooling don worry. If chicken is making you cough better stop taking as u tend to use your tummy strength.

Think positive. I am sure your little one will continue growing in you and that you will have a smooth 9 mths journey!

Thank you! I am so anxious now waiting for the news tomorrow. will keep you gals updated!

I will post the website of cooling and heaty foods here. I am searching for it now on DH's laptop coz my home lappie is sent for servicing, Watch out for my post! Apples are ok to eat. Watermelon (very cooling), pineapple, orange (acidic). Have you tried brazil nuts that the ladies here are talking about? I just bought it yesterday and started munching it since yesterday and will do so during 2ww. Not sure if it will really help in implantation, but no harm trying! Will look for the website now.
Thanks Blessebb and Msytyy!

So comforted to know apples are ok, they are my fav fruit. Ok ok,i should avoid chicken too.

Thanks Mystyy, will look out for your post but at your convenience hor? So nice of you. Thanks!!

Ya, been munching brazil nuts but run out liao, maybe tom ask hb go buy after work.

This article is on cooling and warming food, but not too sure if this applies to us who are trying to get preggie. But at least a whole lot useful in knowing what's cooling and warm food. Comments if any if you find the article is misleading or anything coz I am relatively new to what's cooling food, ya!


another link:

btw it's a pdf file so u can save it! If the link does not work, let me know, and I will repost it again.
All the best to your ET! Jia You! Jia You!

Twins!Twins! Congrats! So happy for you! Envying you. I used to like Sanyo Little Twin Star when I was a little girl. How I wish I can have a KiKi and Lala! But if only one is also ok. He/she will still be my precious darling. Catching your baby dust again! Enjoy your scan on Fri. You’ll sure see the beautiful blinking heartbeats. Maybe 3? I think Dr Paul was very confidence that day when he did your ET. That’s why he even gave names for them right?

Congrats to you too! Healthy and strong heartbeats! Did you tear when you see the blinking on the screen?

Read that your gynae is Dr LC Cheng from TFC. Can I know wat is your protocol? I heard from my Dr E Chua that Dr Cheng is using a different set of protocol from KK. Were you on Lucrin than Gonal-F?
Thanks for the link. Very interesting. Added to my bookmarks.

Don't worry, you can add abit of ginger to balance the dish when you are preparing "Cold" Vegetable dish. Broccoli is also high in Folic acid.

Like wat the webpage state, the way the food is prepared also affect.

Just eat everything in moderation.
Sorry, need to ask an embarassing qn..

How is correct way to insert the utrogestan pills? Insert all the way past g-spot as deep as possible to be near cervix?

I think i insert a tad too deep today, lost feel of 1 of them, could i have inserted too deep? Or its correct .. to be as deep as possible??

*pasei pasei*

Hi bliss,

Congrats!! Wow....can hear baby's heart beat liao...am very excited for you
I am also looking forward...My 1st scanning is 20/10.

Did you get any medication from yr gynae to reduce MS? Pls take care. If cannot tahan must contact doc.
