IVF/ICSI Support Group

Don stress too much on the no. of average egg ok? I hv 22 eggs retrieved only 4 fertilised. So what the point of stress the no. of eggs. Relax ya....

Do you feel bloated especially during the night? Do u still check on your Temp?? Sometimes i feel bloated during the night. And its very uncomfortable.
Hi Ladies!
It's been awhile since I last visit this forum. I'm very anxious waiting for this Sat to test for pregnancy... Btw, I did my own HPT twice yesterday and 2 days before - results : double lines for both! But DH said to wait for blood test on Sat to confirm it. Counting the days...!!!

Hi Faith,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I so envy you...
Yeap..we can be cycle buddies. By the way im doing my IVF at KK..with dr mariane. Anyone on stage 1 at kk?
And is there are special diet on stage 1?..sighh..i dnt noe anything abt wht are the good food to eat..cos i eat anything..ahahhah..
Hello evrybody!

Hi Bliss, glad you are ok thou still nursing your MS. Hmm.. cant help you on the tips to curb nauseas but i have heard old folks say before, got MS is good, means baby developing well thus give out hormones causing you to suffer abit. Hang in there ok? JY!!

For mi, dont know why today LS

Hopfully, finished your pok pok session today? Hey, i forgot 1 more thing i took since Zou yishi say ok to take. Its chicken essence, more for general wellbeing esp from ER to ET to make sure body is well and jing1 shen2 is good so that wont fall sick. Hb drank during those days too, right up to ER. You feeling like an active dragon today? Hehe, enjoy cos after ET, everything become snail, slow slow slow motion, hehe

Mystyy, thats great to hear! Your lining is great! 12mm is very conducive. Now you just have to prep up for the big day ya?! JY and all the best!! Dont be discouraged, think of your lovely embies smiling at you ya! Like what Mel say, happy thoughts! BFP BFP BFP!!

Grace ah, Gonal F pen and puregon pen same same ma? I like the pen leh, easy to use, not so scary as the lucrin jabs which i total didnt jab. I made my hb jabbed me every morning for lucrin. The lucrin ones so scary, hit nerves a few times and bled, then i scold poor hb, hehe..
me so bad but i know not his fault lah, he cant see the nerves ma.

Sue, how much is PGD? U know?

Welcome Hope&Faith! I like your nick, must remind myself to have Hope and Faith too!

Oh Comfort, hello hello! What you described is really OHSS symptoms but since its getting better slowly, thats good. What i know is same as Sue.. drink more water, eat some egg whites and if you can, try protein milk? Ya some of us are taking it, believing to relieve OHSS and produce much needed protein. U should get better, if still in pain, then recommend ring KKIVF. If really bad, they can keep you on the drips (think its the same ones after ER at resting bay) and monitor you. Aiyo, must take care ya. Try to eat a balanced diet with lotsa fluids. HTH.

I think your hubby is anxious yet dont know how best to help you thats why only can ask you? I think he sure very heartpain see you go thru so much.
My hb say he also heartpain esp when i took the big fat hcg jab. But guys are clueless how to help de, he also didnt know what to do. Post ET chores, partly he also has to learn his ropes along the way. I know he trying hard to juggle cos once i sneaked inside kitchen, wow, err.. not that neat hahaha. My TCM drawer was left opened too. Haha, guys..

Ponytail, partly i believe is how your body respond to puregon. My last IVF i have only 8 eggs, this time i have 16. Huge diff rite? Cos Dr Loh increased my puregon from 200 to 400 units a day this time.

Blesswbb, i dont check temp leh, dont want to stress myself. Ya, alittle bloated but not that bad, can bear with it still. Try to reduce rice intake? I now eat half bowl rice only. I eat more of the vege and dishes than the rice. Hehe.. My hb ok lah, he has to help, no choice de cos we got no parents at home here to help. If he dont take care of me, who else? So he try lor. Hehe.. i think he trying very hard cos hor.. wash dishes, he took almost 1 hr! Hahahaha.. And now he snore alittle at nite, must be very tired, haha.. Hai, i feel alittle bad
hope i dont let him down.
Hi Bliss,
I've read some forums that double lines could be from Pregnyl. Is this true?
However, my AF is 3 days overdue now & I've been on a regular 28-day cycle. But I do feel slight cramps now on my lower abdomen, and have a slight dizziness & nausea.

Hi Hopfully,
Yes, I went to KK for Pregnyl injections every 3 days since the ET for 4 times.
Bliss, i think 17 or 18 bah, KKIVF so blur gave me 2 appointment forms, now i can choose 17 or 18 to go for Beta. Hehe.. see how if i dont feel preggy then i will go on 17, earlier face it, earlier pack emotions and be ready for work the following week.
Hi Akachan
It's not confirm yet tho... I think blood test will be more accurate, so I dun wanna have any false hopes

Counting the days to Sat..!!

Anyway, the nurse said that my HCG blood test was good, anything above 100 is good and mine was 300 plus. Does anyone know is this is a good sign??
hi hopefully

i am also from kk and currently on 2ww. my luteal phase support is pregnyl every 4 days. are some of the others getting a different support/drugs ? why must go back to kk for the injections?
Hi Dwi,

Dun worry, it will be gd news. But can i ask when do u need to do HCG blood test after ET?

Akachan, i going later at 4pm. Heeheee watching DVD so made it abit later. Ya i m feeling very normal now. Hope you are feeling good too.

Can anybody advise when should be a good date to test at home if we are on pregnyl after ET?
There are 2 blood test which I had to undergo post transfer - one is the HCG (as mentioned on the form), the other is the pregnancy blood test.
KKH will offer those ladies with more than 10 or 15 eggs extracted to go for daily progesterone injections or the progesterone inserts. For those with lesser eggs extracted, will just need to inject pregnyl every few days.
The reason is that pregnyl injections will cause bloatedness and so ladies with huge number of eggs extracted are having more bloatedness problem, so cannot have pregnyl injections then, as progesterone injections will not cause bloatedness.

i think you are refering to the progestrone blood test.

i see, the daily shots are progestrone intra muscular injections.
dwi - actually pregnyl is hcg, and it all depends on how much are you injected with...

from http://www.fertilityplus.org/faq/hpt.html

Q: Can I use an HPT if I had an hCG injection (such as
Profasi, Pregnyl or Novarel)?

A: You can, but you should wait 7-14 days after your last injection before the shot is out of your system.
If you test too soon, you might get a false positive.
Wait 14 days after a 10,000 IU injection, 10 days
after a 5,000 IU injection, or 7 days after a 2,500 IU injection.

try this too...

on the other hand.. since your AF is late, and you have always been regular.. i have high hopes for you!!

and oh.. girls, my beta at 28dp3dt is 24624...(i think it's quite high!!) i would like to spare some and sprinkle everyone with baby dust, bfps and good betas..
Jia You!! wish all of you graduate!!
Actually i dun noe also. I think some of the ladies here are using pill insert rather than injection. When will be ur BT? Guess i will only know more tomorrow when i do my ET.

Is there any specific qns u all ask before starting the ET?
no lah, your BT is this Sat, your hpt couldnt be taken on 1dpt. Hahaha! if this Sat is 17dpt, then 2 days ago should be 11dpt, which may be a bit early... coz pregnyl may stay in the body up to 12 days. However, it is hard to say too. Perhaps you would like to test again on this thur or fri to confirm.
Btw, I dont really understand the HCG blood test you mentioned leh. Is it progesterone level? Why need to measure HCG level during 2WW since hcg hormones is only meant to be checked for pregnancy.
Me me!
Mel *catching your bbdust!* Hehe
Me so thick skinned! Your Beta is good meaning babies developing well and strong. Gratz!!

Mi have to go KKH now, for the prog test too.
i am sure you will get bfp news this sat!
I am on 1dp2dt, at least 11 more days to go before i can pee on a stick. I keep telling myself to relax relax and think positive or dont be anxious... i am constantly trying to remind myself whatever will be will be.. no matter how i worry or not.
you had your scan and appointment already? You had blood tests so many times to check ah? KK never check one, only once for the pregnancy blood test.
It is great! Happy for you!

'catching the babydust!!'
you have twins!! congrats! its my dream to have twins. can you tell me how many embryos u transfered,was it a day 2 or 3? how are the grades? so envy and very happy for you.
akachan - throwing alot in your direction..
.. beta high high = bad morning sickness.. well, can't complain.. i had wanted it badly in the first place..

dwi - i think they probably have a diff protocol for you.. not too sure abt kk, but one of the girls in the States in my PCOS forum has regular HCG tests in 2WW too.. as far as i know from her, it is to make sure that the hcg shots are staying in the body to help produce E2.. and high E2 = aching boobs... hee..

tintedsky - i told my hubby abt my new heroine (aka you) and he was like.. "dun start to stalk her ahh"
Dear Ladies

Cld any one advise me on this, i had two cancelled IVF cycles due to egg size not mature got only 7mm. How to get mature follicle eggs for retrieval. I also did my purgeon 600 ml for 7 days.

Thanks in advance for your adivse.
hi latha
were you on the long protocol previously? have you tried the short antagonist protocol. some women's egg goes to sleep with lucrin shots, the antagonist protocol does not include lucrin, it goes straight to fsh injection and coupled with an antagonist drug like orgalutron or cetrodite from day 5 or 6 onwards to prevent ovulation.
bliss - yah.. i think becos of my past ectopics, they have been rather careful for me.. ivf is supposed to have higher chances of getting ectopic, but it does seldom occur.. they even took an early u/s for me, just to set my heart at ease.. so i had the chance to see 2 sacs in the womb.. it was a big relief to actually see them in the womb.. now, my next hurdle is to see the tiny heartbeats.. hee..
if i remember your date correctly, i think you should be able to see the babies heartbeats today.. all the best.. and bring tissue.. knowing you, you probably will burst into tears.. **grin grin**

tintedsky - yup, so far it looks like twins..
i transfered 3 grade1-8cell embies... they should be 3 days old when they went in.. for private practices, the grades are reversed from KKH, i believe.. Grade 1 is supposed to be good.. i have you in my thoughts.. throwing a lot of sticky baby dust at you too!!

lata - i thought that the doc would decide on this for you.. but i think there are some food that will help improve egg growth/quality.. are you trying TCM??
Hi Tintedsky,
Thanks for clearing my 'clouded' mind... Super blur..!! :p Anyway, dun worry & think of it too much okay..??

Hi Mel,
Thanks for the info & the links given... very informative

Hehehe... Wrong info... It is the progesterone level.
Btw, my ET was on 23 Sep. What is 'BT' and 'dpt'?
wow, that was really early!

good that can already see 2 sacs so early.

I was still wondering if can see the exact no of sac in the womb by now or not. Coz one of the mummies with twins in the other thread shared that she can only see 1 sac in week 6 and later one 2 sacs in week7.
BT is blood test or hcg beta test for pregnancy.
dpt is day post transfer.
So your progesterone level is very high, good leh!
Hi Ladies,

Anyone knows when is the best time to do the acupunture for IVF. Is it during the Lucrin stage or Puregon & how often does it needs to be done ? Thanks in advance!
bliss - what time is your scan? today right? important thing is to drink alot of water and keep your bladder full.. it will enable them to see the womb clearly.. hey for your morning sickness, not too sure if my way will help you.. i have a sack of lollypops with me at all times, it elevates the nausea when i am on the road.. at work.. i keep slivers of cut fresh fruits beside me to nibble on all the time.. try it..
yes, I am going to KKH soon. I was told that the first scan in KK is vaginal scan so as to have a clearer view of the sac(in the early stage), so I need to clear my bladder.
Thanks! I tried sweets and sour plums already, at first was quite helpful, but all tasted very bitter this week. So not useful liao. I tried fresh fruits, lucky I am able to take in fruits, however, the fruits also tasted weird. Everything tastes bitter and unpleasant. Heehee... I also dont know what to do.
Tell me if you heard of any other ways too. Thanks!
My sis used to take ginseng slices(pao sheng pian) to curb her serious nausea, and it was effective throughout her pregnancy. But I tried yest, it was not helpful at all. Sigh...
bliss - hmm... vaginal scan.. well.. different protocol for different places, i guess... poor you... eat whatever you feel like, for now.. eating is better than not eating.. i guess you can worry abt eating healthily a bit later, when you are feeling better... lastly.. be happy..
hi angel,
give the tcm clinic a call and they will share with you a schedule. In fact, some have ivf packages for accpunture too.
Thanks tintedsky,

Actually i am seeing a TCM, but just wanted to be sure if he knows the dates as he seems to be asking me instead, so tot i'll check. Maybe i shld check with another TCM clinic. Thanks!
