IVF/ICSI Support Group

why are you feeling sad? 8 follicles is good enough! Do not be affected by the number of the eggs, the quality is more important.

I remember there was a lady in this thread earlier who had only 2 or 3 eggs extracted. And she had only 1 fertilised somemore. But she is pregnant with that only 1 embryo!! Isnt that great?
So pls dont get disheartened now. It is still too early to think it is a failure. Moreover, your number of follicles really sounds good to me! You may have all the follicles fertilised!

One more thing, the ultrasounds scan may not be absolutely accurate. I was told to have 15 follicles during my scan before my ER. But 18 follicles were retreived during my ER. I was told by the nurse that it may not be totally accurate to check the quantity by scanning.
Hope you will feel better after my sharing.
Just dont feel down now. Who knows, you may have all grade 5 good eggs extracted and all fertilised!

Stay positive, ok?


Dun be too disheartened. Don't you remember just 1 good one will succeed? You haven't even start the ER so dun think of the bad side. Keep yourself happy so that the follicles in you will grow well

When will you be going back for scanning again?

God will bless you!
juju78 - thanks..

kalki - thanks... how have you been?

comfort - hope that they are all good eggs... so long as they are good eggs, it is okie.. remember to be eat well..

dwi - thanks.. big hug back.. dun worry abt the number of eggs retrieved.. my doc always tell me that it is not the number of eggs, it is the quality.. all the best in your 2WW..

akachan - thanks.. cute elephant.. any eeyores?? i love him!! hee.. hey girl.. dun worry abt the follies, okie? it is the egg grade that counts..
A bit bloated. Having a lot of nightmare(hubby say i keep blabbering in my sleep). Feel kind of helpless.
The tummy pain is bad all the er,et and jab pains are slowly coming in.
Anyway trying to cope. All the family and friends are trying to make me feel better.
By next week parents will be back in their place, so hope to be normal by then.
Hi akachan,

BIG HUG.......

Don't feel sorry...it is ok to share with us rather keep it to yrself, not good ya, hug

Pls try to stay relax (may be it is hard but pls try) and eat well (to improve eggs quality).

Will pray for you but you must jia you oh
Don't feel sad. Just relax. Now that is important. All the egg could fertilize and all could be of good quality. So relax and enjoy.
hope you stay well, stay positive and be feeling better very soon.
Dont feel helpless. Your wish will be granted soon.
Praying for you...
dear ladies,
I failed my E2 again. It is extreamly high today. 1000plus in stage 1......crazy right? This morning when I went to CARE to take my blood test, the staff there were very caring and was telling me, don't worry,I'm almost there already. Now, they just called me to told me about this. Sigh........too bad, my body is not reacting well.

Going to see my Doctor tomorrow for a Scan.
Hello, sorry sorry. Thanks for the kind encouragements. Appreciated them. I just feel very sad, dont know why, maybe i am timid by nature, scared of failure somemore this is my 2nd IVF with higher puregon dosage, with TCM, with ACU, seems i was never more prepared than this. So its a disappointment to seem progressing worse than my 1st IVF which i did nothing, no TCM, no ACU etc. I been fighting my tears the whole day, finally it came out alittle just now. So sad. I hope God knows not to shatter my brittle heart again. I feel so small now.
understood. just cried out. Make yourself feel better then and smile again.
You have done your best. You have done a good job trying to fulfil your wish. You will be rewarded.
sorry to hear that. What is the cause of high E2? what can be done then? Did your doc advise anything?
you must not give up. Jia You!
Mel, i like eeyore too, especially baby eeyore!

Like piglet as well. And this is for you ..

Thanks Bliss, i know i have to be stronger cos my journey is only halfway. I still have another 2ww to go thru if God willing and gives me some good eggs to be embryos. So, i m trying, will try harder..
Oh dear Happy, how now? Wait awhile and slowly tiao your body? Take your time to tiao and be in good shape.

Comfort, i have to go back again tomorrow. Today is day7 on puregon, tomorrow will be day8. Tomorrow i will know if my follicle grows well cos today already took down their sizes so hope they are bigger tomorrow. My follicles all in ranges of 12.5 - 14mm, when you going back again? The doc on duty say maybe i can ER on tues.
Dear akachan,
Like many of them say, it takes one solid one to make the entire cycle work! Think positively, it's stil growing remember? *wink* See it from another angle, now you need not spend a bomb on storing the eggs and the insurance money, yours is definitely the BEST!

Hi Dwi,
Welcome to 2ww. Thought I was the only one left in the group.... Feling tired and listless is norm.. not to worry. My doc said just rest loads! It's our priviledge now!
akachan - thanks.. i like any eeyores.. i have like 20 plus eeyores in my house.. and about 5 in my office.. too cute to resist.. bless you girl.. do take time to rest... relax relax relax... **hugz**

happy - oh no.. the E2 seems quite high.. stay happy my dear.. just like your name.. let's see what Dr E.Chua says tomorrow..

kalki - oh dear.. do you do meditation? if yes, pls try... i had bad sleeps after my ectopics.. until the point of shouting out loud and screaming.. :") my dear... big big hugz for you.. i am trying to wish your pains and bad feelings away...
Hi all,
Sorry, I could not access the internet for last 3days, since , this is my HB's laptop & brings them once in a while to home.
I'd my ET on 24th - wednesday. Had 6 embys fertilised & transferred 2,
I'm going to KKH for everydya jabs. so far ok....
I'd cramps only on the day of ET , yesterday & today , i'm normal, no symptoms.

Ladies, can you advice me on the do's & don'ts of the 2WW.
Since , i need to cook for 45 mins in the morning & 30 mins in the evening, i'm scared of exerting myself.
Today, i was standing for 20 mins to get a taxi to KKH... I was really at my wits end...

Praying hard....
I remember my doc advised me not to cook. So do check with your doc. But no choice then try to cook those food stuff which doesn't need constant stirring. Make sure you eat more protein based food.

If possible rest well and order food from outside.Take care
Hi baby hopes, kalki,
Thanks for your suggestions, will surely try to follow it...
On the day of ET, i was on complete bed rest
Next 2 days, i did take a nap in the afternoon, also, i sit on the sofa for major time

Thanks again,
hello ladies

i have a problem at work - things are getting very very busy and i'm thinking i may not have time to take 3 wk HL. also feel very bad abt leaving my colleagues during this busy period to 'go do my own thing'... can anyone give me some advice? i was planning to start suprefact next thur but re-considering now. but if i wait some more, my doc will be on leave whole of december, so may have to wait till early next year, some more dont know whether will be less busy at work. any tips pleassssee?
Hi ponytail,

In my opinion, you need to weight which is more important? To me, i think family is more impt and i want this much more than anything. My workplace is also busy busy but i just tell myself to go ahead. There will not be a good or suitable time.

Go with the flow and who knows? Maybe all will be even better than what you think?
Hi ponytail,
I agree with hopefully, just go with the flow because work life is always busy.
So think twice. Talk to your hubby,because it just involves the two of you more than your colleagues.
Hi Sri,

Pls don't overwork and have plenty of rest. After my ET, nurses keep reminding me not to carry anything heavy, squat and walk slowly. They told me to walk a little bit after resting at bed eg. 2 or 3 hours. This is to ensure good blood circulation. Take care ya!
Wonderful Faith! When's your BT?

Does it mean after Dor calls, if it's BFP I'll need to go back to the clinic to collect the medication you mentioned? How long does it take for my BT results to be out? Hhmmm... Was wondering if I shd test at home rather than ponder and eat breakfast in discomfort..

Ladies using crinone, experiencing any discomfort? I haven't been able to sleep the last 3 nights. Leg cramps, toilet visiting.. These few days I'm very pale. My hubby is also a little worried.

Hi babyhopes,
The lab opens at 8.30am. i was there about 9 to do BT. I got my results about 1pm.
I didn't want to be at home worrying on the results so we went jalan jalan and then have a good lunch. At least, i am distracted by the food.
I feel that whatever the outcome is, we have done our best so i just want to have a good meal to reward ourselves.

Dor asked us to go back to collect the medication and do a jab. Not sure if it's must to do it on the same day. We were just nearby so we went back.
Your leg cramps is probably due to ions imbalance. Are you eating well? I always get leg cramps when i sleep when the weather is cold. Frequent toilets visits still a norm for me ever since i started the cycle. About 2-3x a night. And not that i drank alot of water before i sleep. Anyway, i dun sleep well nowadays. Either weird dreams/nightmares or kept waking up at night. I try to catch up by having naps on weekends.
happy - any news from Dr E.Chua? what did she say?

Sri - thanks... dun worry about anything.. hope to see you as a grad soon.. take good care of yourself..

ponytail - i do agree with the girls here... you will have to put yourself first.. for me.. my place was going through an outsourcing/retrenchment exercise.. and out of a team of 13, we became only 2...and as you can see, it is hell lot of work.. i spoke to my colleague and boss and my director.. well, they were nice.. my boss arranged for my colleague to cover my trip to another site for startup, my director told my dept that i should never be called throughout the 3 weeks of HL.. as for my colleague.. he practically took on my workload..
... dun feel bad abt this... if you are close to your colleagues, talk to them, they probably prefer you to "go do your thing" as you have put it.. dun feel bad about your colleagues... to put it in perspective.. they will not be there your entire life, but your family will..
after saying so much.. i think that you should do what you think is best.. if you decide to go ahead with the cycle, do take the 3 weeks HL, so that you know you have done everything for your baby.. if you decide to postpone it... you'll simply get a sept/oct baby..

Faith, babyhopes, dwi (anyone else in 2WW??) - all the best!! good positive thoughts your way!!
hi ladies!
hv been busy so hv not logged in for a few days.

so happy to learn abt yr BFP, CONGRATULATIONS!!! hopefully this will rub off on all the ladies on this thread

yr 2ww coming to an end? all the best, hope u get a BFP as well!!!

sorry to hear abt yr E2. pardon me for my ignorance, but what does high E2 mean?

i hv still not visited the temple! :p think i will go later today...
hopefully, kalki, mel

thanks for the advice. it really has the priorities right. i think i will just go ahead with it... my colleagues and boss just have to deal with the work load. and hey, i didnt cause any banks to collapse... :p
mel, bliss, faith,
thanks for your encouraging words....
I fell releived....
I praying really hard & my hubby, is visiting temple on my behalf , even now, he is offering prayers on my behalf, I'm reading scriptures to help me keep faith....
Hope GOD listens to our prayers...
Ladies, surely, I will think about all of u, while I offer my prayers....

Thanks for asking.I was at TLC clinic till 3pm today. So many MTB seeing her today. Sat is always packed. And mine is a last min insert appt by CARE, so have to wait from 1pm. Dr Chua is ready very busy.

Dr Chua said that 10% of the woman will react this way to Lucrin and I'm one of them. Hence, Long Protocol is not suitable for me. Instead of helping to keep me suppressed, Lucrin is doing the other way. She'll have to stop this cycle and give me pills to take and wait for my next AF to come.

After that, I'll be put on a new protocol called GnRH-antagonists. I’ll start my Gonal-F on day 2 of my AF and need not go thur stage 1 Lucrin. I don’t really know much about this, need to spend a little time to go and read up first.
I think Mel is right. You may find it awkward to be mafan other. But you must try to learn to put things aside and think of your own need. I would say that you should start as soon as possible if your Doctor recommends you to do IVF.

Look at me, I first started stage 1 in Aug and now I’m still here. Have to wait for another AF cycle to start again. Have to ding dong for 3 months before I get it right. Never did I anticipate such delay when I first started. I’m on 1 yr No-Pay-leave to do IVF and my leave is ending soon. Really regret not starting earlier in June.
Lucrin is use to suppress Estrogen(E2) level. Lucrin suppress the ovulation function. E2 is a indication that my body is under suppression so that I do not ovulate too early.

When you are on Gonal-F (stage 2), you’ll still be on lucrin. If you do not take the suppression drugs you may ovulate on your own before the clinic has a chance to retrieve your eggs. The clinic wants to keep you on suppression drugs, so that they can time the retrieval of the eggs when the follicles are at their optimum size for their number.

So for my case, if I’m not reacting correctly to Lucrin in stage 1, it won’t work in stage 2 either. Doctor will have problem later to find the egg.
happyever, thanks for the advice. i'm telling myself to be more thick skin now and focus on myself. wow, you actually took 1 year off to do ivf. hope you are taking the 1 year off to also do nice things so that it doesnt add too much pressure. hope your AF come soon so you can start on next cycle. how many more months of leave do you have ?

During 2ww, do all of you have to go back to the clinic for jabs and u/s?

Coz the other time during my fresh cycle I was given Crinone inserts 2x a day and utrogestan and to continue with the vitamins and folic acid.

Or does the protocol differ for different individuals? I will be doing my FET in early October. So just want to find out more if anyone else here only had to do the inserts and utrogestan with no u/s nor jabs.

Hi Mystyy,

I dunno whether it depend on how many egg you retrieve or not. Because some ppl said that if your ER got >20 egg then the nurse will offer you the tablet.

You can consult to your doctor which treatment is the best for you whether the tablet or jab.

I know that Cale got used the tablet and her hormone level is quite high.
Hi Josephine,

Thank you for responding, ya! I had my fresh cycle in July and were given crinone and utro pills. But when I read this forum some ladies went for jabs every other day at the clinic and also had u/s. Just wondering what's the difference. Ok. will check and ask with my gynae next week then. Thanks for replying, ya!
Hi Mystyy,
I'm also on Crinone and folic throughout my 2ww. No jabs, no visits to the clinic.

Hi pooh2,
Yup, 2ww coming to an end. Feeling much more stressed, much more worrisome. No specific symptoms, no tummy cramps at the moment. Waiting for Tue to come.. Really looking forward to BFP!

Dear Bakaholic,
Thanks for the info! With regard to this ion thingy, any remedy? Go for slow walks? Diet? I've been only able to sleep in the day but not in the night.. For a moment thought it was rhumatism.. Hahhaaaa!
Thanks Babyhopes, Lina, Happy and all kind ladies here

Me went for another scan today, my follicles have caught up in growth, about 14mm to 17mm now from yesterday's 12.5mm to 14mm. Doc say stop puregon tomorrow so today's puregon is last shot. But issit enough? Today's last shot of puregon can let me grow by another 3-4mm over the next 2days to be in ideal range of 17mm to 21mm for ER? I am abit worried.

Went to consult my TCM Dr Zou at AMK, was half tearing when told her about my eggs that only 8 visible follicles this round. She say although its good to have more but more important to have good quality eggs. So she say dont worry if fewer eggs as more importantly if eggs catch up in sizes fast during last few days of puregon cos that means good quality eggs, higher chance can be used for fertilisation so we are hoping more or all of the 8 visible follicles can be retrieved and fertilised.

I am still sad but i guess God knows best. God will give me just the right numbers i need, not 1 more or less so i just have to trust in him. Also i guess if this is the max my body can do then better this way and have good quality eggs than to hope for high quantity but defective eggs leading to lower viable pregnancies. Hmm, i like self consoling hor? Hai.. i gotta be strong.

So me doing pregnyl tomorrow nite then ER tues. I am abit nervous now that its quite soon. Having a real bad day of headache and nausea today. Aya, so terrible feeling and i am only halfway thru my ivf journey, wow.. hope i can press on.. Sorry, let me blabber abit.. hoooo..

Ponytail, my 2 cents.. actually i in same situation as you, busy period now and boss travelling, really not that good time to be absent and do ivf but well, i guess i weighed my family plans more than anything else now. My company, since they know i have to be absent for a few weeks, they just have to deal with it, train a replacement, re-route work etc. But my family plans? I cant always think for them and shelve my plans aside furthermore even if i shelve my plans a few months, what if a few months later still as busy.. work is never ending plus my precious bio time is ticking away. So this time i am selfish. But i still do what i can to handover as little as possible lah. Then i just hope my boss being a woman also understand. HTH.
