IVF/ICSI Support Group

$55 for 1.5hr is reasonable. But I'm not trying first. My hubby ask me to relax and keep things simple. So I'll just stick to brisk walking and swimming.


8 mths as long as money comes in is good! hehe....I took 2 mths of NPL and the rest HL up till end of the year. During the NPL, wah really felt the pinch in not having that money at the end of the month in the bank! You will be taking how many months leave? Think our body really needs to feel rested and be rested during this journey. How to rest fully when we are working at the same time, right?
Hello ladies...!

My husband and I have decided to go with this cycle.... and will be starting my superfact Oct 6th.

I have a question, I have read in a book that people who are above 38 years old recieve less medication at the begining of the cycle... have any of you been adviced in that way?

or is it all the same that from day 21 of your period to inject superfact for about 14 days?
Dear Mala,
I am glad to hear that you are ready for the next step. Don't give up. My colleague just conceived after 8 years. You will experience the joy of motherhood too. God bless you!

Dear ladies,
I'll know if I can go on to stage 2 this Friday.
So exciting... Will update all of you.
thanks for the answer. and luckily the lab ppl are kind enough to let me go take the test tomorrow although it is a public holiday.

but one more question though. not sure why, but my menses till now is still not those normal heavy flow. it is just like the starting or ending of menses. normally my menses are normal but not sure why this cycle is like this. will this effect the blood test or the ivf treatment? arghh.. so many problems when i have decided to go ahead with the ivf. thanks again..

dear mala,
don't give up. you sure can do it this time round. good luck to you...
mystyy - i'm not taking any extra leave other than the 3 week HL. think cannot lah, if i take leave, my desk may be empty when i get back. heh heh. i'm also busy fighting these few days in the office. trying to calm myself down. today going to do paperwork for ivf and blood tests. yay...

venusmaria - maybe you're too stressed thinking abt your AF and everything, thats why your cycle not like normal. you think so ?

sue, i'm counting down to stage 1 too. starting this thur. yay ...
hi ponytail,
yeah i think my AF has gone haywire with all those stress.keep telling myself not to be stressed about it but i m not able to stop myself from thinking about it.

not sure whether it will affect the result of the blood test which i am planning to take tonmorrow....
Hi venusmaria,
if you are still having light menses, should still be considered okay. Unless totally stop, then might not be accurate.
Hi ladies,is there anyone with Dr Suresh Nair or Dr Peter Chew for IVF? What is the average cost per fresh cycle and any comments. Thanks.
Hi ladies

Thanks for all your good wishes. They mean so much to me.

Hi Bliss

Yes, what I had were, which I had never admitted before, were orgasm type of contractions which also woke me up in the middle fo the night and which were very, very intense and which almost had me rolling on the floor. I had it about 3 times during the 2ww and it was really scary. During my two brief pregnancies, I had very similar contractions but I don't think they were the cause of my miscarriages because there was no bleeding.

I actually wanted to mention this when I saw my doctor last week for a review but I was too embarrassed to let him know that it was orgasm type of contractions. But I think when I start my ivf again, I have to ask him about this.

But don't worry! As long as there is no bleeding, it should be okay! Your first scan will definitely put your mind at ease.

Hi Lina

As far as I know the criteria transferring 4 embryos is as follows: You must be above 35, you must have at least 3 failed cycles and you must not have conceived before through an assisted cycle. I meet the first two criterias. My doctor says that I can still proceed eventhough I do not meet the thrid criteria. In my previous ivfs, I paid about $700 plus for 3 embryos. If I put in 4, I think it would be about $900 plus.

Hi Mel

I've decided to stick with my doctor who is LC Chheng from Thomson Fetility Centre. I did consider changing doctors but decided not to because I'm very comfortable with him and moreover I've already 4 frozen embryos there which are going to be combined with the embryos from my coming cycle. This time its going to be long process because after ER, I would be doing an FET which should take me right up to January. I start in november and am going into Gonal-f straight away.

Take care!

Hi Kalki

I'm glad that you are enjoying your massages. How are you sleeping now? Better? When are you starting your FET? Take care.
Hi Kalki

I am interested in the contact for the massage. I have just PM u. Me now on Lupron for 3 mths bef the program. Hope the massage will help to prepare me for the start of program. Thanks
Dear Mala,

I am also with Dr Cheng, and now I'm 9 weeks pregnant, conceived with my 3rd IVF transfer. For the last cycle I also did not transfer during the fresh cycle, but rather waited for my body to recover and do an FET - and it worked!!! They have great success rates at TFC for FETs so there is a lot of hope for you
I wish you the best of luck, I know what you are going thru and I know it is so hard, you'll be in my prayers. It's now time to take care of yourself.
Hi ladies,

I was surfing the internet just now and I read a consumer watchdog article (USA) that First Response Early Detection Pregnancy kit is the most accurate HPT in the market. It can detect HCG level as low as 6.5iu! HCG level less than 5iu is considered not pregnant and betw 6-20iu is non-conclusive, and more than 20iu is considered pregnant. First Response allow the lady to test 4-5 days earlier than the expected 1st date of period!

So good right? But the bad news is that I think the pharmacies in S'pore don't carry this brand leh! In Guardian, I only see ClearBlue and some other less-famous brand. Even my ex-gynae recommend ClearBlue but this brand is not even listed as the top 3 brands recommended by the US article.
Hi MaybeBaby,

Congrats on your pregnancy. May I know how long did you wait for your body to recover before doing a FET? Is you FET a natural cycle FET or Dr Cheng gave you medication to prep u for the FET?
Hi Molecule,

I am with Dr.nair.The average cost is between 11k-13k. But the service is worth the amount, that's mine and my hubby also agree with it. The waiting time to see DR. Nair is anywhere between 2hrs to 4hrs(evening hours). But that is only until we decide on the cycle when that is done things change. We will mostly be the first customer to see him(in the morning).
If you need to be referred PM me i can help you.
I am fine. I just cried loud one day and after that things went on fine. After my doc called me and spoke to me i felt much more relaxed and also my embryologist called me to assure me. So everyone is trying to make me feel comfortable, that has changed my feelings.
Good to hear that you are going to for your next cycle. Take Care
Hi RuRu Cat, thank you. I did a medicated FET, (one month birth control, then lucrin, and another medication to then grow the endo lining). Basically the whole FET took 2 months. In between the IVF and FET I decided to go on vacation and took a one month break. Then I started the BCP and FET cycle. Hope that helps. Best of luck to you!
Dear ladies,
I've got a BFP! BFP! BFP! *blush*
Had a bad night last night, a stressful morning as well, until the call came to say "I've got good news for you!"

My reading is a little different from you all. Consulted doctor, he said above 25 is preggy and above 50 may be multiples. I've got 78! He's looking forward to see hubby and me smile when I visit him in 3 wks time to share further gd news with us!

Thank you ladies for all your support and 'question-and-answer' sessions. Learnt a lot from all of you here! From the already preggies to the going-to-be preggies.

Life has been very tough the last 6 mths with the opertaion, the failure of IUIs, the jabs, the medication. All has turned out well. Ladies who are on the journey, you will reap the fruits too!

Share something with all, just went back for an oil-based jab on my bum, OOOOUUUCHCCCHHHHHHH!!!! For the first time after so many jabs, I nearly tear-ed! It hurts!

I'll enjoy my pregnancy journey and be here to share too! I'm a GRADUATE now!!!! La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!
Soooo happy for you!
Spend the whole of today and tomorrow to digest this joy with your hubby. It is really wonderful feeling.
pls take care of yourself, especially emotional health. I know it is never easy. But you are always so cheerful and positive, must not let these wonderful side of you disappear, ok?
Hang in there and it will be your turn to enjoy the joy of being a mother very soon. You must believe that, really. Dont be disheartened. Your little ones are waiting for you to get ready and coming to you soon. **smile**
Congrats Babyhopes!!
Well done! Rest well and nurse your pregnancy well okie!!

Mala, i admire you, you always have this never quit attitude. U will be blessed! Lets persevere!

How r your ER? Is your ET on thurs too?

I have OHSS, total 35 follicles! Am afraid that i might not able to proceed with ET. The nurse said Dr Loh will assess me again. Sob
praying hard.

Have u known the grading yet? I asked the nurse but was told that will be known on Thurs.
Wow comfort, tats alot! Oh dear,drink more water ya? U are in good hands Dr Loh personally assess, no worry okie?

How are u now? I am aching at the ovaries, turn left turn right all not rite
, hehe, hope can sleep well tonite =p

Yup, my ET thurs. Also dunno grading yet, thurs then will know. I have 16 eggs, was shocked cos initially thot only scan 8!

Me too. Sometimes having sharp pain. Have to walk extremely slow. Like old auntie, hehe.

Must drink more water so as to get rid of the hormones. Was told by nurse that if the hormones are still in body, the eggs will grow & ovulate again.
hi akachan & comfort,

I on my 5th day of puregon n not much feeling. Is it normal? I am on 200 unit of puregon. Going for my scan on friday. Not sure if i can proceed with ER next week? How long is ur puregon duration?
woo, scary hor? ovulate again, aiyoo.. i also walking like preggy liao, haha

Hopfully, my puregon was about 9-10 days. 5th day should be early to tell bah, day 7 onwards more growth leh, according to my TCM, then maybe more feeling by then. i think you shd be able to ER by late next week. Eat well ah, so that eggs can grow well.
Thanks akachan! I am just scare cos dun really feel much wor.
Approximately how long is the ER? Where did ur HB produce his work?

Btw, how old r u and is this ur 1st IVF?

I started to feel discomfort around day 6. Probably due to i have too many follicles. My TCM dr told me shouldn't have much feeling, if not will be like me having OHSS.

I took about 8 days of puregon before ER.
Hi Comfort, oic. Cos i thot with some bloatedness means eggs r growing. Hopefully i m wrong. Now i also dun noe if my eggs are growing anot. Aiya, mayb thinking too much...

Did u still go for ur accupunture after ER or ET?

Akachan & Comfort: Are you both thinking of taking chinese med after ET?

Oh ya comfort, can i know how old r u?

I am trying to eat more protein food like brown rice, beans, beancurb, hoping it will help with the grow. Recently realised that tempeh has lots of protein too. However, I am not sure is it ok for us to eat since nobody recommend here? Anybody can advise?
