IVF/ICSI Support Group

tks for the detailed explanation. all the best, hope u hv a smooth cycle next round. I can understand the frustration of having to wait to start a new cycle, I missed the chance to do iui last mth too. then had to wait somemore cos AF was late by a full week...

akachan, thanks for the encouragement. now i know i am really not alone. i think very tough for s'pore wormen to have career and also think of family plannng. i will take your advice and everyone here who gave me advice. i hope that since i'm in govt service, my boss will be more understanding. not so sure about my collegaues cos most of them single women who are older than me. but you're right, i must think of my hubby and myself 1st. if i wait next cycle it will be next year and i will be 1 year older. hope all your 8 eggs are good quality. keep you hopes up.
dun stress k? go out or find things to do, tue will be here before u know it. and all of us will be praying for BFP for u!!!
Babyhopes, Josephine,

ANy of you also taking EPO? I have PCOs, but also taking EPO endorsed by my gynae. Any other supplements you take aside from folic acid and crinone? Coz I was thinking of not continuing EPO during 2ww, though it was said to be ok for me to continue.
how are u feeling? Hope ur spotting has stopped. Pls rest more on the bed, if u r still spotting. I had tat problem during my last preggy and was given HL to rest at home. Doctor even instructed me to bed-rest. Try not to go out first these few days. Walking too much is also no good.
I don't know how helpful is this but try to turn to ur side before you get up from bed also.
Do take care.
See they are growing, wat you said is not self-pity, you have the right attitute.
All the best to your ER!

Thanks for comforting me. I feel better after my doctor explained to me the reason and the alternative. I was frastrated due to the uncertainity and dont understand why did my body react so differently. As long as she has an alternative for me,we are still working towards our dream. Jia you to myself.
And jia you to u too!
Hi everyone,
For those who in their 2ww. Pls relax and enjoy being treated like a queen at home.
For those who succeed, CONGRATS!!!

I will be going thru FET next week and is very excited abt it. Has been praying hard that my 2 little embryos will thaw well.

All the best for your FET next week! I will also be doing FET most likely on 10 Oct. Are you doing a D3/5 transfer?
Thank Ponytail, Happy

Ponytail, EPO is evening primrose oil, a health supplement for us ladies.

BlesswBB & Mystyy, you too take care and all the best in advance for your FET. Do you wish for twins?
Wishing you bundle of joy!
hope that you can proceed to the next step very soon and the whole process will take place very soon. Hope everything will be smooth and fine for you.

dont worry too much, ok? Like you said, God has made the arrangement and I am sure it will be good for you too. Rest well for now and just do your best in each step. You will be very fine.

having staining or not will not mean being pregnant or not. It is just that slight staining may be an indication of implantation. There may not be staining when implantation takes place either. I feel that no staining is the best, coz you will not need to worry about if the staining means good or bad.

all the best for your FET next week!

Dear ladies,
I have been feeling nausea many times lately, and lots of stomach acids both when empty stomach or full. I nearly fainted in the toilet at home yesterday morning. Sigh... Saw lots of 'stars'(really stars leh!)when I was feeling weak and nausea. Anyway, I am better now. Hope will not have that kind of 'stars seeing' again. Felt terrible. Rather worried coz I have been experiencing several times of contractions inside my womb since my 2WW. The last time was yesterday morning before I nearly black out. Well, I do not know if this is normal and ok. Worried but try not to think much.

All the ladies here, hope all of you have a smooth journey in whatever ivf/iui stage you are at now! Stay positive and jia you.
Hi Mystyy,
Nope, I do not take EPO because I do not have PCOS. The doctor only asked me to take folic acid and Duphaston (hormone tablet to eat as replacement for progesterone jab after 2WW).
I think you need to consult your doctor whether is ok to take EPO or not for your condition.

Hi Happyever,
I feel helpless. Last friday night my spotting changed to light bleeding. It was really scary. So I went to KK 24Hrs and they could not do anything, the doctor said it might be the little one is not healthy that is why I got on and off bleeding.
My light bleeding stopped the next day.
Don't worry that little one is not healthy. That was what KK 24 hr told me the other time, but later I went to TMC, they gave me medication for extra support? And bleeding stopped after I bed-rest for a few days. Do you want to contact your own Doctor?

Just make sure you don't sit too long, don't drink cold drinks or do anything that will cause contraction to your womb.

Just relax and rest on bed, things will be fine. Baby sure want to be with mummy one.
I went to TMC, Thomson Medical hor, not TCM hor. That was why I change KK to TMC.

I understand some IVF ladies has engage help another gynea which they see if they are uncertain about their babies' condition. And their own Doctor's appointment is till days away. Maybe you can consider trying that as IVF mummy usually need extra attention.
Thanks again, I'll take good care of myself so that I'll be ready for my turn.
Oh mine, you fainted yesterday? Think your nausea is quite bad. Could it bec of low iron level? Will you be seeing your doctor soon? If possible, try to take Broccoli and green leave veg. I know you may not have appetite now, try asking your husband to cut broccoli and carrot into small cubes and cook with porridge, like baby food. Don’t put in the veg too early. You can heat up anytime to take a little bowl at diff time of the day.

Jia You! BFP BFP coming soon. Cheering for you.
Hi Babyhopes,
I am not sure about the remedy. I always get leg cramps when i was doing pilates and my boss who used to be an athelete told me to take bananas as muscle cramps are a sign of potassium deficiency. I took bananas then but no effect leh. I have since given up.
I guess maybe you can try isotonic drink but do not try the banana as i was told certain types of bananas not suitable for pregnancy.
I can't remember when i started having calf cramps in middle of the night but i am sure it's during the cycle. But it kinda went away since.
Hi Bliss,
Tmr's Monday, see a doctor ok. It's not good to be nauseous all the time, what's more, faint.

Thanks Happyever! *smile*

Will try the isotonic drink remedy Bakaholic!
thanks. I guess my blood sugar is low in the morning when wake up, which may be the cause of the fainting. Thanks for the advice. Yes, I will make the suggested 'baby food'.

thanks for concern. I am feeling totally ok today. I also felt strange about my on and off nausea.
All the best for the coming BT!! Wish you have a BFP BFP!!
Hi Happy,

Thanks for your good wishes, u really "have heart", still remember I am doing my FET in Oct. I have become a silent reader of this thread and is so thrilled by the BFP and saddened by the BFN.

I read about your condition and is glad that you are strong enough to shoulder on this arduous IVF journey. Sigh.. I guess only with the tough journey will we find the victory so sweet right? Hmm, sometimes it is almost painful to envision a tiny cute voice calling "mommy mommy!" right? I don't even dare to hope as I fear the pain of failure.
Hi akachan and Happever,

Thank you for your well wishes. I am praying hard that I strike this time round. It doesn't matter to me whether to have singleton or twins. As long as have, I am glad, but of course twins will be an added bonus.

I will be having ER on tues too. Went for pregnyl on Sun night. Painful & numbness on my thigh now.

Not to worry about your follicles. Leave everything to God. Most importantly is must take care of your health to prepare yourself for the ER.

By the way, any idea during ER can hb stay with us?
hubby will not be allowed to be with you during ER. He will have to produce his sperms at the same time when you are having your ER. Anyway, you will be under sedation during ER, you will be in sleep during the procedure.

Good luck for your ER!
i am sure many of us here still remember you! I am one of them! :D
Read your postings in other thread too.

Yes, agreed with what you told happy, the tough journey will really make us cherish the victory so much more. Dont be afraid to hope for, I will pray hard for you. May your FET be a successful and wonderful one! Your little ones are waiting for you. Jia You!
Hi Bliss,

Thanks for your kind words. Couldn't keep up with this thread as too many ladies talking, so didn't post and become silent reader.

Yes, I must cont' trying until I run out of $ or eggs! Ha..ha.. Jia You!
yes, i understand. I always remember you were the first one who responded to me when I first posted in this thread.

Really wish you will succeed this coming round.
mystyy - if twins, can get 8 mths maternity ? i also want. tomorrow i'm going to do my paperwork so that can officially start on ivf... oooh, after such a long wait, its quite exciting... hee hee
Hi ladies!
I got an app to see prof wong only on 15/10 for the first time which i will try to get early if possible ibw what is the duration for the whole procedure to fini starting from 15 oct. My period is on 9/10.Thanks!
Hi babyhopes,
My BT is on next Mon. I try to stay positive as much as I can but sometime can't help to worry. All the best to you tomorrow! *BFP* *BFP* *BFP*

Hi BlesswBB,
Ya, I really like a queen at home now but sometime cannot tahan leh, may be I so use to do thing myself. You take care and will pray for you and yr two little darlings. Jia You!!!

Hi akachan,
Got to be strong
God will give you the best! Have gd rest after ER.
Hi bliss,
fainting spells and nausea feeling will normally only occur during 1st trimester. By 2nd trimester, you will suddenly feel energetic and this faiting spell will outgrow. So just bear with this a little longer. Do take mc if you feel unwell.
thanks. My morning sickness comes and goes these days. I am generally feeling ok now (touchwood)since this is only the beginning of 6th week. I am staying at home everyday as I have quit my job this Aug. Yes, I will and I can bear with all these. I told myself over the years of ttc that I am willing to bear with whatever morning sickness as long as my baby grows well.
Just look forward to my first appointment next week and hope to see my little one. Dont know why, sometimes I feel worried still. So really wish to see what is inside my womb to feel secure. Didnt get to see my little ones since the ET.
Hi ladies

My computer has been giving problems so couldn't access the internet. Just a little update. I will be starting my 5th and final ivf either in Oct or Nov. What the doctor is going to do now is to do away with stage 1 which is surpression. That means I won't be on Lucrin or birth control pills. I will start straight away with Gonal-f.Once the eggs are retrieved, he won't do an ET straight away. I will then start an FET cycle. The doctor said that since I had conceived once with an FET cycle, he hopes that it would work again. I already have 4 frozen embryos but this will be combined with the embryos with my upcoming fresh cycle.

This time also, the doctor will be transferring 4 embryos instead of 3. I've met the criteria for transferring 4 embryos anyway. This will be a last ditch attempt.

I'm going into this with an open mind and also with no expectations. I will still start the adoption process going.

To all the newcomers, welcome! I'll go through the thread and catch up with you all.

To all those in the 2WW, all the best to you.

Hi Kalki

Hugz to you! Don't be too disheartened. You will succeed in your FET cycle and you will definitely be a mummy. Your positive nature will see you through.

Hi Mel

Congratulations! Pls take care of yourself and enjoy your pregnancy. It's better than the horrible 2WW and its worth it.

Hi Bliss

You take care, ok! Your contractions seem to be like what I suffered during the 2ww. Why don't you check with the doctor immediately? It could be nothing though so don't worry too much.
happy to hear that you are ready for your next step soon!
I hope everything will be smooth and wonderful for you this time.

Thanks for your advice. My contractions felt like having orgasms... is it the same as what you felt during your 2WW? I was woke up suddenly by such 'orgasm' like contractions in my sleep. I also noticed that I was having full bladder during the contractions. May I ask was it the same you had? I was worried. I asked those MTB in the other thread, but nobody experienced that at all.
Yes, I will also ask my doc on my first appointment next week.
Hi bliss,
get ready for the tears when you hear the heartbeat. Don't think you can see anything during the scan but for sure you can hear the sound, maybe get a recorder to tape down the beat. It's really exciting.

Thanks for the referral. The massage lady did come down today and the first thing she did was to check my uterus and according to her it is very low because i carry too much of weight(which is true). So she said has fixed it up. (a bit painful but ok).My GF also tell me that it will be painful but the chances of getting pregnant is higher.
Great to hear that you are planning for your next cycle. I am fine and now going for the massage(based on the recommendations i got from my friends). Trying to stay positive. Hope I could bring back my bb soon from the freezer.

Take Care
Hi Mala,
Glad that you are trying for next round. May i know what are the criteria to put in 4 embroyos? would you need to pay for very high insurance then?
dear ladies,

i am new here and from malaysia. actually have been following the thread for some time. i am going to start my ivf treatment next mth. i have some questions to ask here. i underestand that i have to go for a blood test on the 2nd or 3rd day of my menses. my menses just started only an hour ago. today is considered the 1st day or tomorrow only considered the 1st day? and arrghh.. raya's holiday is on wed. if tomorrow is the 1st day, then i won't be able to go for the blood test, sighh...

i am scared and excited at the same time of going through the ivf. been having the most nerve wrecking last few weeks thinking about the treatment. i am so scared of the 'what ifs' question. i am so scared of negative results.

thanks in advance for the answer and all the best to all the ladies here. and good luck to those in 2ww.
Hi venusmaria,
As long as you menses comes after 12pm, next day is considered as day 1. For you, tomorrow should be counted as day 1. Good luck to you.
Glad to hear that you have taken another step towards your dream. We'll all be here to cheer for you again! BFP to you this time!

Aiyo, don't say so la. Of course I'll remember you. We are supposed to be cycle buddy. Let’s hope that we can all have BFP soon.
Welcome, welcome!

Can I know how much does the massage lady charge for per session? Do you need to be wrapped up after the session.
How are you today? Feeling better? My Doctor asked me to stop taking TCM she is not saying that TCM is bad but bec my body is not reacting well to Lucrin. She advice me not to try TCM as it may make it more diff for her to monitor my condition. For others, taking TCM will enhance the cycle. But for me reducing the variable factors may be easier.
The cost is $55 per hour. But she does for more than an hour. Mine was almost 1.5hrs today. No wrapping required. Actually mine she said the uterus has moved downwards and she fixed it up(which took longer). Other than that she also taught me some exercise to reduce the air in some parts of my body(my gf said it is normal for them to do so). Anyway you can PM if you need her number.

(actually she commented that if my uterus is so low how will bb stay,which is true)
Hi Kalki

good to know you had a pleasant experience with the lady.

By the way, does anyone know how to treat AF problem? Mine's like playing peek a boo with me. If I eat BCP or hormonal pills then it will come. Otherwise it'll just hide forever. I've had 3 mths without AF before. . .
thanks, i am better today, feeling as per normal.
Your sinseh is sinseh Zhong from Eu Yan Sang, right? I find that she is quite good, rite? At least she wont tell you to continue TCM or to have acupuncture if it is not advisable to. She is not that kind who will anyhow give advice just to make money for the clinic hor.

I plan to thank her personally after my first trimester. Now still cant tell outside people yet.

yes, I think my tears will drop when hear the heartbeat.
Thanks for telling me this and I really feel happy about it.
Hi happy,
just realised that you mentioned the doc who advised you to stop TCM is your ivf doc, right? Heehee, think I made a mistake, thought it was sinseh Zhong.
You are right, Sinseh Zhong is good. But now I'll just listen to my Doctor's advice first.

Dr Zhong will be very happy to hear about your pregnancy when you are in your 2nd trimester. Don't bother to tell outside pp first.
