IVF/ICSI Support Group

happy -
oh.. i did my stimming with TLC, but once ER, everything is handed over to CARE.. until pregnancyis confirmed or heartbeat is seen.. not too sure if it is the same as you, but yes, once i did ER, i was given crinone.. supposed to start the day after ER, if there is no bleeding.. they will give you a whole lot of other medications, etc utro, asprin, folic acid.. and a lot of instructions.. they will have a piece of paper stating the instructions and dates to start meds..

after ET, during 2WW, they will get you to go for 2 blood tests, at 4dpt and 8dpt to check on your progesterone and E2 levels, and add meds or jabs if needed...

oh.. the girls there told me abt you..
they asked if we have met, i told them that we met on this forum.. haha..

Hi Happyever,
I sure hope so.. As the days get nearer, can't help but to panic more, think more.. Thots of 'what if' just comes in when I'm free, when I 'hibernate' and when I see my hubby doing so much for me this period.. Can't realy describe the feeling but then, guess it's a tough period most will go through. No staining from implantation, nothing. I felt more confident then the past IUIs but then again I dun wan to raise my hopes too high... Trying very hard to manage and stay positive.. I hope all things turn out well..
can totally understand how you are feeling now. I was like that too. The 2WW is a tough period.
Dont think too much, these days will pass very quickly! Stay positive.

Will pray hard for you. Hope to hear good news from you very soon.
When will your BT be then?
You mean the girls asked told you about my E2 story??? Maybe my E2 is those one of a kind. All sisters here do not have tat problem. Sigh......My test is tomorrow. So now I dare not think of "wat if?". Went out to walk walk almost everyday recently so that I won't think too much.

Thanks for sharing with me. Think I don't ask too much first lor. Haven't even pass my Elementary, what for ask about Advance level.
Bliss is right, 2ww is a tough period. But you have been doing very well so far, so don't worry. It is very good that you feel confident. And most imptly, ur hubby doing a lot to give you the support. Your baby will feel it and choose to implant in order to meet mummy and daddy. Jiayou! Cheering for you!
happy.. nope, they did not tell me abt your E2 story... they simply told me that there is 1 couple from Dr E.Chua at CARE, and they asked if i know you.. that's all.... dun worry abt your E2 levels... i had a had time with my E2 levels too..
yes, you will be blessed with your baby real soon!
I used to envy my sisters, many friends and many ladies here who got successfully pregnant earlier on. Yes, now I realise it is really just a matter of time!
You will have your BFP before you even notice.

Be happy, just like your nickname 'happy'! :D
happy - yup.. we are both at TLC.. mabbe we hsould exchange names, or even arrange a time to meet at CARE or TLC.... hahaha...

me?? oh.. my E2 was okie at ET.. but the next blood test at 4dpt, the levels dropped 90%..
so, they gave me progynova to help the E2, i thought that this cycle was bust, cos my thinking is, if my body is not producing the Estrogen, my
body is not ready to accept this pregnancy... at the blood test for E2 at 8dpt, my levels went up.. with the aid of medication... the 2nd week of 2WW was the hardest for me...

in any case, at the end of 2WW, i have a BFP.. hee..

oh.. Girls !! CARE just called... my beta at 15dpt is 934.8... YYAAAAAHHHHH.. not ectopic!!! 1 more hurdle over!!!
baby dust everywhere!!! baby dust everywhere!!! baby dust everywhere!!!
bliss - i put in 3 embies.. 3 8-cell divisions..

so, at least likely not ectopic... **phew**

babyhopes - you know what my hubby did? when i recieved the beta levels news, i was shouting at him over the xbox.. the only thing he said was.. "hey hey hey.. no jumping, or i'll tell your mum..." haha.. he is not the expressive type... in any case, i am sending you more positive thoughts...
So your problem with E2 is during your 2ww. You are right. Don't worry about all these E2 or F1??hahaha........

Yeh! Yeh! Congrats to you again! Very high beta.
Catching your baby dust sprinkles!

Thank you. I'm actually quite a negative person. So I choose this nickname bec I want to be happy.
hehehe! Me too, I am a pessimistic person too, that's why I called myself 'bliss', I want to live a blissful life and bring bliss to people.

Good good, you will soon become what you named yourself! :D
You are right, maybe we should exchange names. I got alot to learn from you. You know how to PM?

Twins and Triplets coming your way. I remember Dr Paul even gave nicknames to these 3 embryos on your ET day right? So Cute!

Your dream has come true. Blissful life with your hubby, your beautiful children and your cutie hamster.

Let's all be blissed and happy everafter.
Once again, CONGRATULATIONS Mel! Multi-babies, multi in number, multi in talents, wonderful little oneS! Ohh.... Mel-hubby's shy... hahhahaaa.. Hey hey hey, do you see fireworks in his thots, in his eyes and in his tummy too!?!?!?

I also had 3 8-cell embryo replaced. Hope to share the same joy next week...

Hi bliss,
My BT's next tue. Btw, what's a gd beta indication for singleton, multi-babies?

Thanks Lina and happyever,
Trying, trying very hard to stay positive!
so cute, 'let's be blissful and happy everafter', I like it!

Same to you too!
Gotten pregnant is just the beginning, the route ahead may not be easy and always happy too. But will definitely have good thoughts and think positively.
Ya, "let's all be blissful and happy everafter".
This sounds better.

sorry, I'm more of a Chinese person. So can't write very well. hehehe.........

Once preggy, the road ahead is not easy I know. But you must take care ok. Must always tell yourself it is a baby/babies. It is our dream, so must really take every effort to make sure our children grow well and healthy. Jia you!

I'll also Jiayou!
I've PM you, not sure if I do it right.
Anyway, you take a good rest. No hurry to reply. I still got a long way to go before I get BFP.
oh next tue is soon to come! hurray, your 2WW is going to come to an end.

Actually, beta is not a confirmed clear indication of having singleton or multiples. High beta only shows a high possiblity of having multiples. The most accurate way is using ultrasounds scanning at about 6 weeks.
You may look at this webpage, showing the hcg levels of having singleton and twins.
tata, see you all tomorrow.

I'm going out for friend's birthday dinner later. Got to prepare now.

Keep myself engaged with something else so that I can stay happy.
Hi babyhopes,
Yah, i went in the morning. will get results in the afternoon. Dor will call.
When is yours? have to do the proluton jabs and take hormone med to support the pregnancy if positive.
Good luck to you! dun think too much, ok?
Dear all,
I went for my scan & blood test and all are fine. So i will collect my puregon tomorrow n start tomorrow. I m happy and just like to share with you all.

Btw, when the nurse do the v/s, she mentioned 6 & 7, do you all know wat is she refering too?
Hi Mel

All the ladies here,
Do you know any Malay lady who can do a good massage. I feel that my baby had gotten implanted and then gone,so got a lot of air and having restless nights. Also bloated. So thought can check with you ladies.
Thanks in advance.
Hi kalki,

I used to ask this malay lady to massage. She learned massaging techniques from a chinese guy if I'm not wrong and have certifications on massaging. She's a very nice lady. If you want her number you can PM me. She does massaging for pre-pregnancy and post natal. Oh by the way, i like her work cos after the massage my whole body feels light. She even tought me how to tighten up all those flabby meat. LOL!
Hi everybody,

So happy to see mums-to-be. Hope all of us can be a graduates soon.

Went for scanning this morning, having 14 follicles on right & 10 on left. The doctor said i have too much follicles & there's risk of getting OHSS. Sign

Is it good or bad to have more follicles? 1 nurse said no good as over the normal range & the other nurse said good. Puzzled, dun kw who to listen!
Hi Mel,

Had my ER yesterday... Afterwards, I felt very very tired and listless. Is this normal..??
the main concern of having too many follicles is OHSS. Coz OHSS can be life threatening. However, OHSS can be prevented. So since your risk seems to be higher, you need to drink lots of water after the ER.
It is good to have lots of follicles as you would probably have more fertilised embryos after ER. That means there are more to select from for your ET as well as more to keep frozen.
Of course, all these still have to depend on the grades of your follicles.
I guess the nurse who said no good, felt that it is better to have very good quality follicles rather than large quantity of follicles. No matter what, you have a great number of follicles, that's good. As for the grading, you will have to wait for the result before your ET then. There is nothing we can do with the quality of our eggs, since they are there since we are born. My sinseh also told me before that, the TCM we are taking for infertility treatments only helps to improve blood circulations and thicken the uterus lining and of course to strengthen our general health. TCM cannot do much to improve the quality of our eggs too, unlike quality of sperms.
All the best. Don't worry, you have done your best. Just pray hard and everything will be very fine!
glad that your ER went smoothly. How many eggs were retreived?
Yes, I guess it is normal. Remember to drink more water and eat lots of egg whites and milk.
Most importantly, get more quality rest.

All the best for your ET! When will it be?
Hi Bliss,
Sorry... Had my ET yesterday. ER was done on 23rd Sep. Had only 5 eggs retrieved
Out of these 5 eggs, 4 are usable. Transferred only 2 embies yesterday since this is the max amt when using the govt co-op.
great to hear that. So you can begin your 2WW now. Do you know the grades of your fertilised embryos?
You rest well and eat well!

Good luck!
Hi Bliss,
How do u know the grades? Dr Loh didn't say anything abt the grades

But he only said that the eggs fertilized are good.
Comfort, i also went for scanning this morning. Sad to say, i only have 8 follicles in total. I am your total opposite. I think i have too few follicles and i am on 400 puregon already, so hopeless.
My last IVF, i was on 200 puregon only and yet have about 15 follicles in total. Compared to the last round, this round like so disappointing.

I am very sad, like that so few follicles, means gonna have few eggs extracted then what if low fertilisation rate then i have none to transfer? If fail again, gonna do another fresh cycle a 3rd time?

Starting to feel, i am hopeless, even IVF also cant help me. So so sad. Think i gonna fail again. So sad, dont dare tell HB now, so sad, How to carry on?

boo hoo hoo
