IVF/ICSI Support Group

akachan - can consider KKIVF

linaang - to me it is not stressful and so far has been manageable n enjoyable ... the only flaw is 4 times a week

ponytail - I wld be starting my next semester this oct 13 and will last till feb next year afterwhich will rest till apr next year. We have 3 weeks holiday in early dec.

Another alternative wld be to start IVF from feb to apr next year .....do I want to wait tt long would be another issue????
you counted how many needles you had during acupuncture? Hehehe! Ok, good for u! :p

going for your first jab means what? Do you mean starting of lucrin jab?
Well, of course it is not too late to have TCM. Can go and see your sinseh soon then.

Dear ladies,
I have been feeling nausea whole morning today. Quite bloated in the tummy whole day. The nausea was scary. I prepared a plastic bag with me, just for emergency.
Having a feeling that I will experience this everyday.
Sue, i just tried milk with eggwhites, yucks! .. Hai.. but what to do? Want akachan then guess i just have to grit teeth and bear with it.
sob sob .. I also have giddy spells again now as i type, hai .. hope my body still ok to go thru ER and ET

Bliss, i dont mind experiencing that leh cos i so longed to be preggy.. U got start prepare some sour plums or orange skin? Maybe can help abit? And they say take small bites frequently to cope too.
u must rest well hor.
Drink lots of water.
ya, I understand, I am also willing to experiencing all those morning sickness as long as baby is growing well. Just that the nausea was kind of different from what i experienced before. Quite scary.
I dont have those sour titbits leh, my hubby doesnt allow me to take preserved fruits. I did take a small piece of biscuit to curb the nausea, was better then but cant help for long.
I will see how. Thanks!
bliss - yep my 1st jab meaning my 1st time jabbing myself with suprefact. enjoy your morning sickness. i used to fantasise that i was having morning sickness and preggy. was hallucinating...:p

akachan - he he, dancing bunnies and moving eggs. i like.

i think start ivf early is better, cos you may not know, what if the doc quits or retires, or is on leave. or your cycle may not be suitable. very hard to say one.
Thanks, Lina and Grace_BB,
I do take prune juice to reduce constipation too. Think I am having heartburns too. So have tried to eat bits of food when I feel the gastric acids.
Know that this is just the beginning. For the sake of baby, will bear with all these morning sickness.

All the best to all of you! I wish you all will graduate very soon then we can share how to deal with the morning sickness. Hehe!
Hi ladies,
Well, I dunno what I'm feeling now. Just plain bored I guess. I've still got a week more and I'm already starting to feel bored, confused, a little stress, hoping for some signs of implantation.. Sighzz..

Hi Bliss,
Take care yah. This period is taxing but will be rewarding down the memory lane!

Hi akachan,
U r working rite? Must tak care and try to avoid looking at the comp for long hrs.. *shoo shoo shoo the giddy spells away*

Can I check where to buy the chick peas? Fresh or Frozen? My hubby and gf went NTUC, Mustafa.. can't get leh...

To all new members,
Welcome! *hugs*
We'll walk this journey together!
Hi ladies,
let me introduce myself here.
I had 1 miscarriage last year and 2 chemical pregnancies this year..
and right now i'm seeing Dr PC wong from NUH. I'm going to do IUI, if not successful, then i'll try IVF. I go NUH cos i'm a civil servant. however, i find tat there's not really subsidise rate of civil servant... i find tat NUH quite ex.. can anyone enlighten me regarding the rate there? when i can use medisave to pay instead?
Just to share...
I'm on Day 4 of Suprefact, and I feel hungry all the time. Will the injections make us hungry? I'm glad the injections are not so bad after all. Looking forward to ER, ET, BT, 2WW, BFP and finally holding my twins in my arms... To all mothers-to-be: Dream the dream with me and make it become a reality!
Dear kit_mum,
There is no subsidised rate under PC Wong (or any dr you specify). You will be under private rates. The private rate at NUH is comparable to other private hospitals. You may be able to use Medisave if you do IUI. Check with the nurses. You can use medisave for IVF, $6000 for 1st cycle. Get the nurses to tell you more...Since you've paid so much, make use of their services.
Hi Bliss,
with my 1st child pregnancy, it was smooth sailing, no morning sickness, only heartburns at 3rd trimester. For heartburns, just try to eat little amount each meal and not too full before sleeping time.

Hi kit mum2b,
ok thanks.
How many children do you have?

thanks for encouraging.
I feel that we ladies who have gone thru ivf can 'appreciate' all these morning sickness or discomforts during pregnancy than mummies who conceived naturally.
The discomforts during pregnancy is really nothing compared to what we went thru during the ivf journey.
Ihe feeling is definitely different to 'suffer' when we know we have finally gotten our baby inside us, compared to 'suffer and endure' with all the pains during ivf and ttc for years when the result is still unknown.
Not sure if you ladies feel the same way.
You are feeling giddy becasue you havent been <font color="119911">sleeping!</font> try to get some sleep tonight..

I worry about you~~~
wow... the injections are not that bad?
that is music to the ears... since I havent started yet... just the thoughts are haunting me...hahahaha
Akachan &amp; Comfort, I am from KKIVF too. How many days you are on puregon already? I am doing my 1st scan on 25 Sep. Hopefully all is fine and i can proceed to the 2nd stage. For your case, when can you start ur puregon after the scan?

Lina, y can take preserved food? No good?

Babyhopes, i am also trying to find chickpea but also cant find. Seems like no easy to find in supermarket.
Sorry Bliss, didnt know preserved fruits no good. Hai, me amatuer still think i know.
Sorry ah! And i agree with you, after all that injections, anxiety and roller coastal moods while on IVF, what else can be more tuanting for us hor? MS i gladly embrace man! Haha.. .. .. But .. err, now easy for me to say hor? Later MS come i cry ah, haha

Thanks Babyhopes, you are so sweet, shoo away my giddiness. Will you shoo away my AF too? hee..

Ya lor, must be sleep problem, Sue. Hai, i hope i can sleep better tonight. Last nite keep flipping for the best posture to sleep.

Hi Hopfully
you with KKIVF too! Yea, lets cycle together. I am on day 4 of Puregon liao, if all goes well, maybe ER next week.
no need to say sorry lah, I also always thought that pregnant women should take some sour stuff like sour preserved fruits to curb the nausea feeling. In fact, taking those preserved fruits does help the nausea problem in some pregnant women. Just that my hubby is very particular about this, he doesnt allow me to take any 'unhealthy' food.
babyhopes and akachan
chick pea is available in cold storage, and also in carrefour. If you are going to mustafa go to grocery section and you can see a varieties of lentils and thats where chick pea is .
If you still cannot find go to any grocery shop in little india and ask for chick pea....
If not i have to buy and deliver for you ladies..
Take Care
Hi Bliss,
I have a 3yr boy concieve through clomid. This time tried using a few cycles of clomid but doesn't work, that's why have to go through ivf.

I agree with you. All sisters out here are really brave and strong. The pain of delivery, sleepless night, breastfeeding etc is nothing compare to the ivf journey. This is a much harder way and not knowing the results. The emotion pain is very difficult in ivf or iui.
Hi Hopfully,
preserved plums, fruits etc are not fresh, so should cut down. If consume in small quantity should be alright.
good morning Ladies!

ummmmm... it looked like it was going to rain.. and now.. its been raining for an hour....aiya...

oh well....

Ladies at NUH... were you informed that Prof Wong will be in US for two weeks from around the 7th of Nov?..

would you know... what the name of the doctor taking place of IVF for Prof Wong when he is gone?
For me, they didn't tell me who was replacing him when he's away but only reschedule my appt with PC wong 2 days earlier. Else u can always meet up with him on the 18th but dunno if thats too long for you to wait. For me is bo pian lar.. I dun wan to see other doc, so change earlier date also can lor. hehe!

30 Sept is also my birthday. Dun kw whether to consider memorial or unlucky


No worries, like wat bliss said, it is not too late. Better start rather than not. Maybe i more kiasu. hehe.


My husband was there counting for me. Acupunctured back &amp; stomach. Hopefully it's worth it.


Currently today on Day 6 Puregon. After 3 days of scan, i was put to start Puregon.

Is it normal to have cramps when on Puregon? I am having cramps &amp; stomach bloatness. Is it normal? Quite worried as i am a PCOS sufferer.
Babyhopes and Hopefully,

U can find canned chick peas(aka Garbanzo Beans) at NTUC and Cold storage. Cost around $2 to $4 a can. Depending on the quality. Organic or non-Org. If you want dried one, I bought mine at some Organic store. Cost around $3-4 a pack. I think India provision shop should have the non-organic type.
Just saw your sharing after I posted. Delivery service, welcome welcome.

Your BT this Thurs, All the best to you! Jia You! BEP! BEP!
Keep us update, waiting for your good news!
hi ping, hi bliss...
thanks for the well wishes.. yah, BT is tomorrow.. but starting to have mense cramps in the morning... hmm, not too good a sign..

well, will see how... i hope to get BFP too..
who doesn't right??

Ping - how are you feeling?? i didnlt see you post, so didn't ask abt you... paiseh.. you okie?? so decided on your next step liao?? thinking of asking after mala, but have not seen her post...

Bliss - enjoying your pregnancy?? you should be.. for some reason.. you will be very happy.. has to do with the super high endorphins produced.. haha...
hi happy, just saw your post too.. thanks for all the positive thoughts... i'll post the results tomorrow.. i hope i can do some sprinkling of the baby dust..i am usually on "begging to receive" end..
Hi Mel,
I am feeling fine, just tired easily. Thanks. Yes, happy and thankful. I hope you will be feel the same way tomorrow. I pray hard for you.
Hi Mel

I am all right and still visit this thread everyday but did not post. We have already decided to try another fresh cycle in a few mths time.

Don't get upset first as nothing is finalised until you do your BT tomorrow. I will be praying for you, Postive ! positive! positive!

Yes, I do. I am like Lina, I have a 2 years old daughter with the help of clomid. But this time round, clomid also did not work so went on to do 2 IUI and then IVF.

Btw I am also turning 31 this oct and I live in Punggol too. So coincidence, right?
Ping - thanks.. dun worry, i am not too upset.. after all.. the chances of conceiving are only at abt 40% for me.. will see the results tomorrow.. i have not done contingency planning for failure tomorrow.. but i think i'll think abt it after the results.. haha..

Bliss - if your nausea is in the morning.. high chance is that it might be due to low sugar.. i used to have bad nausea in mornings... so, remember not to jump out of bed.. and eat in bed before getting out.. well.. it helped me
really a coincidence! We born in the same year same month and stay in Punggol! Hehehe! We might have seen or passed by each other before. :D

thanks for the advice! I will take note.

I am feeling ok and normal today though yesterday was no good.
