IVF/ICSI Support Group

mine is 19th, I am 3 days older!

yes, I had cramps and bloatedness during puregon too. It is normal coz your ovaries are producing many follicles and the follicles are growing bigger and bigger. Your ovaries are bloated with the follicles but yet not able to ovulate due to lucrin injections at the same time.
dont worry about it. Must rest well, ok?
Hi Ping,
does your gal understand about having a sibling? my boy just wants a baby to play with. Don't think he knows what it means by having a didi / meimei.
Hi Lina

Haha, I don't know if she understand or not. I have never ask her before leh.

Can i ask how many Ivf have you tried? so you decided to do FET next ah?

I will be doing another fresh cycle
Hi Mel,
I wanted to wish you good luck for tomorrow. Take good care
Waiting to hear the good news from you.
I am feeling a bit ok. My doc just spoke to me yesterday and even my embryologist. According to both of them the embryo was very good,but couldn't implant so need to reduce my weight(i am around 4to5 kg more than my actual bmi) and also my periods came in early need to check that before i go for FET (i have pcos so the other thing to look at is the AF popping in 10 days in advance).
Anyway hubby is back and that gives me ample strength. He is confident that things will be positive and we will soon have a kid. So just looking forward to good things happening.
Anyway feeling better after doc called me. My nurses did not want to talk to me said they all feel sad for me(can see their reaction,they mean it). So there are a lot of people wishing me so i am getting stronger. Hope will manage the situation.

Mel be strong. Just keep your negative thoughts away.

Actually i do buy all my groceries through online and it is delivered.Anyway you can approach any grocery shop in serangoon to buy.

All oct babies,

Advance birthday wishes.
Hi Ping,
I tried about 4-5 rounds of clomid this time round but Dr Loh says should not continue trying. He didn't give me other option, just go straight to ivf. This is due to DH low SA test, only have pathetic 1% for the result. I had my fresh cycle in June, succeed after 2WW, had a BFP but not sure why 3 weeks later, couldn't make it.

I will try FET next round, as 2 more stored eggs. Due to time and cost, will not be possible for fresh cycle. I find it more stressful as with a toddler, to go injection daily, worry for the daily needs, such as feeding and taking care is really difficult. So if FET fail again, then go fresh cycle. When are you starting the fresh cycle?
Hi Lina

I too felt the same way. Apart from letting myself rest physically, I also need to let my pocket rest for a while. We still need to worry about our toddler. Now that she is getting older, there are more demands i.e. more enrichment programmes, more quality time spent.

We are thinking of doing it in Jan next year and hoping for a Oct baby too.
thanks for the advice.

I am happy to see you staying strong and positive still. Yes, you will have your baby very soon.

Thank you for the birthday wishes too!
Hi ladies!
Good luck to everyone!

Hi Kalki!
Have been reading your posts!God's will u will get a baby soon.Just tell yourself and be strong!wish you all the best!
Hi Ping,
During my ivf injection and 2WW, did try to ignore my child, as in spend lesser time, talk less to him and try not to carry. I thought that might help to reduce some of my physical stress but unfortunately doesn't quite work, when i see his pathetic expression, just can't help giving in. Recently I try to explain about sibling, hope he understand. All the best in your next fresh cycle.

You are a SAHM? During my 2WW, I left my daughter with my mum and did not visit her for 4 days. Later on, I stayed at my parent's place and also tried not to carry her. Somehow my daughter became more independent during the 2WW and learn to walk by herself, especially when I told her I am "sick". Before that, I got a hard time with her when we go out, she always want people to carry and refused to walk by herself. This is something that I gain during this IVF. Haha...

When are you doing your FET?
Hi Ping,
Oh that's a good chance to train her. And she learns independent. Maybe i should try that next round. I am working mom so will try to see if any family member can help out. I want to start FET asap but still waiting for menses to come. And strangely it has not come for 2 months.
zaza - thanks.. wish you are right... thanks for the good thoughts..

kalki - glad you are feeling ok... i've always figured that implantation is a game of chance.. heee... it is always great to improve the chances... my heart and thoughts are with you... glad that your hubby is back...

lina - sorry, can't help but to butt in.. you sure that you are not preggy?? heh heh... well, if you are sure, **wink wink** i hope that your AF comes soon.. my body take about 3-6 months to recover from a miscarriage..
Thanks Kalki!
You do your shopping for groceries online? Which webby? I want to try too..

Oh yes, thanks Kalki and Happy for your info, gf just called to say she got the peas! New menu tmr!

Hi Mel, BFP tmr yah? *wink*
Well, my ER can be done by Prof Wong..but because of the date.. I was told that another doctor will be doing the ET.. unless I make it a month later...

Thank you for the information...I tried goggleing him...but doesnt pop up... can you send me a link?
Thank you so much~~.. just thought I should do some research on him too...

Good luck tomorrow on your BT.
will be waiting for your post here for a positive result! then will want baby dust from you like bliss hehehe

good to see you back! Im putting myself on a diet right now ... so that the bloatedness will not effect me too much, and try to keep myself within the bmi...but so little time..yet slowly getting there...

Thank you!,, I was talking to my hubby about that.. and... we might prolong the IVF for another month....
Thank you so much!

thanks for the link. was q stressed out at work these few days given that economy is so bad. and next week starting suprefact. hope i can keep stress free.
Hi Mel,
Nope, definitely not preggy as i checked with doctor. He say just wait for AF to come. I used to have irregular AF, so might need to wait longer. Hope you have BFP.
lina - teasing you...
well, i do hope that your AF is soon...
sooner it is, sooner you can start...

All - i got a BFP..
but am still waiting for my beta.. hope that my beta is high enough.. at least is indication that it is not ectopic!!
my hubby is happy, but reserved.. i think after the 2 disappointments that i gave him.. he is reluctant to be elated... he calls himself my mood damper...

in any case, for the moment, i am sprinkling baby dust on you girls to get that elusive BFP...

**sprinkle sprinkle**

**sprinkle sprinkle**

**sprinkle sprinkle**

**sprinkle sprinkle**

**sprinkle sprinkle**

**sprinkle sprinkle**
So happy to hear another graduate in the group! Hmm... U tested on your own? I hope it'll be a BFP for me next week too!
Oh.. C'mon Mel-hubby, say "Yaahoooohooo....!"
bliss - thanks....
nope, i've not gotten my beta yet.. and yah the clinic did a urine test first before taking blood for beta.. cos my e2 was low, they gave me more progynova, crinone, utro and even a pregnyl shot to help support the pregnancy first.. will have to see the beta first.. i am so loaded with medication...
so you are given more medication after a positive urine test?
Dont worry, sure get a very good beta result!
Remember to update us and share your happiness!
bliss - yah, they gave me more medication..
whatever beliefs i have abt "minimal medications" is flying out the window.. i believe that i have to go back next monday and thursday for more jabs...

Congrats! So happy for you! Take care and hope you have a smooth 9 month! Do visit us when you are free like Bliss to give us advice ok!

Thank you for your baby dust!

Good News! Good News! More Good News! Jia You!
