IVF/ICSI Support Group

wish you good luck too!

you went to the temple after dinner?? Hehehe, Buddhist temples will always close before sunset. Normally only small taoist temples will still be opened at night.
So the Joo Chiat temple closes at 6.30pm? There was one day I went there at 5.30pm, the staff there were already packing and ready to close the temple.

Hi Sri,
glad to hear your ER went smoothly!
15 eggs retrieved is great! Wish you have many eggs fertilsed and all the best for your ET.

Meanwhile, rest well and drink lots of water and egg whites.

Hi bliss,
Thanks a lot for your wishes dear...
Me too with Dr. sadhana

All the best for your 1st scan

Hi sue,
Hi AkaChan/Sam,

Thanks for the comfort. My hubby cannot take TCM Medicine currently he can only go for accupunture. Zinc helps? Can get from GNC right? I have been to the gyna and try 3 rounds of clomid but now then we realise DH sperm got problem so I did not go back to gynae yet. Currently trying on TCM first and see how.

If I were to go for IVF, any good doctors to recommend?
Dear Sri & Dwi,

My AF is here. Heehee, So happy. 1st time it comes and i am so happy. Hopefully it wont come next month.

Sri, congrats to your good no. of eggs!
hope you are resting well and feeling better.
I will pray hard for you to have your baby very soon at the right time.
Sue, good suggestion! Ok, let me break the drain the eggs then bring to office tomorrow. I even proportion out the milk powder into daily servings in small containers. So now each day i just bring 1 container with eggs and 1 with milk powder to do the magic in office! Hehe, hope all turn out well.

Welcome Phoenix!

Fairyrose, include me too! Write an email to my AF too, tell her go fly kite 10 months, wahahahaa

Orh thanks Faith! Hai, i better learn fast. But i think i may just chicken out go buy a slow cooker instead, hehe

Babyhope wish you BFP!!!

Sri, thats quite abit of eggs there, well done! What did you eat or do during stage 2? U ate egg whites daily too? Drank milk? All the best for ya ET!

AMK, i am with Dr Loh too. Nice doc just that too busy but you will be in good hands cos KKIVF nurses all very nice and caring too. Yup, the vitamins you can buy from GNC, zinc very important, plus good to have vit E. Then if you can, if HB can, can try cordycep powder. More importantly, HB must eat well, dont drink or smoke and wear loose boxers, avoid suanas and hot baths.
Was wondering about you... since you havent been here during the day... you always leave so many foot prints here hehehehehe

thought you werent feeling well since you didnt have enought sleep last night.

Dont worry too much about the twitch for tonight.. if it's still like that tomorrow morning call the clinic to be on the safe side.
Hi Hopfully
Glad to hear ur AF is here... Hopefully it'll be the last AF u'll see for now...

Anyway Ladies,
I'll be going for my ER tomm... Am very nervous...

How I envy u, blessed with so many eggs!!
my doc is DR Loh KKH went to see him last week , he wants me and DH to some test blood,HSG and SA tests afterwich he will see me again end of OCT to see whether which treament is best for us. DH sumitted his's semen and me have to wait for AF to come so i can go for blood test & HSG. me still waiting for for AF to arrive it has been late for 5-7days.Am i really so Heng to concieve in nature hehhheheeh i dun think so.

Hi sue - yes same age , to all the 37 and above jia you !!

0908- ok will add in your name in the letter hehehhe are you same like me waiting and hoping before IVF ?
0908- sorry just saw your post about you are wondering how is your ovaries doing , All the best i wish you luck and sail thur this journey .
Good morning mummies to be! Yes we shall all be mummies!!

Sue, ya lor, i also didnt sleep well last nite. The ovaries twitching abit hard to sleep cos must find a right posture. This morning like better liao. Must wait till mt scan this Sat, oooh so far away..

Thanks Fairyrose, ya, me buttocks sharp one, cant sit still, always active
esp before bedtime like to disturb HB, pillow fight, tickle him etc, sometime play till quite violent. Hai.. i gotta remind myself after ET cannot play like that, abit not used to sit still and be good leh.

good to hear that you are ok... how is your twitching? has it gotten better?

you should try to rest more... since this is two nights that you havent been able to sleep. maybe go to bed early tonight and even if you cant sleep keep your eyes closed and at least rest your mind....
Wow Ponytail, Sue, Grace and Phoenix, you are all cycling together with same doc, how nice!

Me alone leh at KKIVF. I think only Comfort is cycling with me. Who else ah? Comfort how are you?

By the way ladies, can call me
... hehehe 'akachan' means 'baby' so good vibes lah, hehehe hope i will have an 'akachan' soon! Haha
Hi Bakaholic,
Lots of questions in my mind...
I've been waking up in the middle of the nights to visit the washroom. If I tell myself not to drink b4 I sleep, I'll wake up too coz I get too thirsty!
I woke up in the middle of last night, found myself lying on my tummy! I'm so worried if I 'pressed' my little ones...
Felt a bit of cramps yday and today. Not too sure if it's a gd sign. Didn't see any pink stain.. *worried*
Can I use the laptop? I'm getting so bored. I mean, at least there's hubby to chat with me now. He'll b back at work on Thu.

I dunno. *roll eyes*
I just wish the days get by faster...
Babyhopes, how about dont drink too much before bed but still place a small bottle of water next to you so if wake up mid of night can sip abit? Better than wake up go toilet pee as lesser actions. Laptop should be ok bah but use sparingly and dont let it near tummy too long?
I also woke up many times in the middle of the night to pee during my 2WW. But I still continue to drink water whenever i was thirsty or felt like drinking. My cramps was more obvious on 3dpET, 4dpET and later on 13dpET and 14dpET.
Beside that, I felt absolutely nothing special and even better than usual days.
The nurse did tell me must still drink lots of water after ET as the hormone medication has yet to be completely out of the body, so still need to drink water to flush it out.
I think laptop is fine, I had been using laptop everyday during my 2WW, but just remember not to put it on your lap, ok?
So dont worry too much, rest well. Dont be like me feeling so easily stressed and worried that time.

thank you!
Hi Babyhopes,
I have been going toilet to pee many times ever since the ER till now. Not that i drank alot but just the urge to go but not much pee though. It's not UTI or anything.
I get cramps on and off after ET. As long not too painful or bleeding, should be fine. Just make sure you use the crinone as directed. otherwise, can call Prof to ask.

Not sure about the sleeping on tummy part. I dun have the habit but to be safe, just sleep on the side or face up. I only got a desktop at house and I was using it since 2nd day after ET. Was watching movies, playing computer games with it. :p

Remember, just do everything in slow motion and minmise your action as much as possible. And keep yourself happy and calm. Dun think too much.
sue, grace, phoenix - yay, so we're all seeing prof wong and going for ivf. maybe bump into you in the clinic

akachan, comfort and all others in stage 2 - you'll be our guiding light and mentor :p

counting down to my 1st jab. next tue going to do paperwork at nuh 1st. hope i remember to bring my marriage cert...
Hi ladies!

Just joined this forum and I must say you girls are really encouraging. after reading so many of the posts here, I felt like i found someone who shares my concerns.

This is my first time or should I say my next stepping stone on trying for a child. I've been TTC-ing for almost 5 years. i know its not comparable to some who have waited 10 years or more. I'm more concerned with the stress I'm going thru with ppl saying that I cannot produce a child. Dunno what's wrong with these ppl. Like they dun knw hw to care for ppl feeling. Every festive occasion when we visit them, they'll always start that topic on me. So irritating. Not to mention the many many manyyyy BFN i get every month. That also is depressing. So I have finally decided I should meet Prof wong for advise. ( finally got my DH to agree to consult a doc!!)

My appt is on 2nd Oct... it felt like its sooo darn far away. I so really want a baby. :'(
Since 2nd Oct is also my Islamic B'day, i am looking forward to a new journey and hope to share em with you gals! sorry to have blabber so much in the morning =P
Misah - welcome! another person in the prof wong gang. just ignore those irritating ppl. i think we've all come across such ppl, and the best way is to avoid talking to them.
Welcome to the forum!
I know other people may be anoying regarding the baby but, let them say.. because you are you... and every person has their ways..

I am currently seeing Prf Wong at NUH.

By the way,
Does anyone here know the link to <font color="ff0000">MOH IVF success rates</font>? I have been trying to find it.. but cannot....
<font color="ff0000">Please please if any one knows.. tell me!!!</font>
Thank you!! ooopss... yes, I noticed now.. that there are two CAREs and.. yes the one with CARE at paragon..

I was considering CARE... and was wondering how it is there....
yes yes this is encouraging... was feeling very insecure and worried... at NUH...so having 4 of us there is very comforting..

am seeking second oppinions...hehehehe
Phoenix, Pleasance, AMK, Zaza, Misah,

Welcome, Welcome!

15 eggs is a good number. All the best to your ET tomorrow! Remember to drink lots of water these 2 days before your ET.

All the best to your ER tomorrow! Many Many Good eggs for you!

You are so cute. Pillow Fight with your hubby. You must be very loving couple.

You are back. Good girl. Can la, think can use laptop now after 2-3 days ET already right? But don’t use for too long. It is impt for you to gain support from us when your hubby if back to work you know. Hahaha………Bakaholic is right, just keep everything in slow motion and minmise your action as much as possible.
I’m seeing Dr E Chua at TLC, but she is using CARE paragon as the IVF centre. CARE has got very caring staff, they are very warm. Seeing them for 2 months already. Still in stage 1 bec of my E2 was high.

Besides the staff, CARE centre is very cosy. The waiting time is short; they are very accommodating for appt slot if you and your hubby got busy schedule at work. However, the charges there are at private rate. For my whole IVF cycle, my bill may came up to $10-$15K.

Another sister here Mel has done her ET at CARE last week. The embryologist Angela is very experienced. You can read up on her on the CARE webpage. http://www.careivf.net. I find the FAQ useful for me to know what the whole ICF process is about. Hope you find this useful.
Happy reading!
Sri, all the best for your ET

happyever - thanks for the warm welcome

Just to ask for advice - I'm currently pursuing a part-tyme dip in the evenings. Will it jeopardise my chances of having a baby thru IVF? Anyone going thru the same dilemma as me?

Hi sue!

when is the earliest i can start my ivf journey? my af is on 9th oct? any idea?

hi ponytail!

i didnt know we have to produce the marrige cert.

hi fairyrose!

how are u doing?

Hi misah!


Helo to all the ladies here.
Thank you for the infomation!! saw the sight but didnt go into Q&amp;A at the time.... will go through reading it! hehehe
Hi phoenix,
you should have started your lucrin injections from day 21 of your cycle before your AF comes.
Which hospital are you with for your ivf? You should have been told to take the lucrin injections to suppress the natural hormones system before any puregon injections to stimulate the growth of your follicles after AF.
In another words, if your AF starts on 9 Oct, you should have been on lucrin injections now already.
Hi akachan,

Im here, have been injecting myself with 2 jabs daily, no space for jabs as skin are bruised
The nurse estimated that i may be doing ER on 30 Sept if the follicle is growiing well, how abt u? Excited &amp; worry.

Hi bliss,
Have went to the Eu Yan Seng TCM yesterday. Dr Zhong said crash course for me, total 29 needles. Hehe, think already immune to needles.

Sorry to hear abt it. Rest well and look bright ahead. Good things are on your way soon
Hi Ladies,

Has spoken wiv my gf who wanted to try IVF but after consulting doc was told to do ICSI.

Surprise to know that CARE @ SGH is actually pte and not under govt. She was told that she wld need to fork out $4k juz for medicine ....

After speaking to her makes me want to switch to either KK or NUH since govt subsidy could be utilised and I'm also a govt staff ....

Jus confuse of which hospital to decide now????
Hehe Ponytail, nahhh, i am learning from seniors here too, hehe lets jia you you together!

Misah, just smile at them and look away, heck care lor, haha.. Dont let these people affect you.

Hehe Happy, not exactly loving lah, just childish haha. When we fight, we really fight too, just that i am always the bully
my HB gives in cos he knows men cannot hurt women.

Zaza, how about KKIVF? Dont even need to fork out much for medicine. HTH.
Comfort, i also, jab till blue and black and green all over. Hai .. i going back to scan this Sat. Nurse din tell me when about ER leh. But i guess should be same as you if all goes well.

But ER 30 Sep issit Hari Ruaya?
hi zaza,
would your part time dip be stressful or long hours? If you can have sufficient rest/sleep during the study period, should be alright.

hi za za

so hardworking! i'm supposed to be taking my CFA exam in dec but dont intend to study leh. sure fail one. can you postpone or extend your dip course?

akachan - ha ha, moving easter eggs. do you mean we are like easter bunnies ? you know what they say abt bunnies rite :p *wink*

phoenix- yes must produce marriage cert to get the govt subsidy, and your ICs

bliss, comfort - any big upside for doing TCM? am i too late to start TCM now ? going for 1st jab next week... feel a bit like lin2 shi2 bao4 fo2 jiao3
