IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Ruru,

Actually i dun intend to tell anybody abt this. Not even my boss. But bcos i am woking as a supporting role, thus it's my responsibility to inform her abt the long mc. Hmmm mayb will just say I will need to go for some day surgery.

Hi ladies,
Like to know for those who r working, how did u tell ur bosses?

I really duno wot to say when my time comes... it's already quite difficult hving to go off for scans during my SO-IUI.
My doctor is SF Loh too..When is your next appt? How many days puregon u r in now? Do u feel any effect?
Hi Kurn..
We are seeing same doctor...HE he he...
Hi Kurn..
I'm in stage 2 now..Today is the 5th day of puregon.. Got to go back to KK for scanning this friday..Hope to be able to do ER by next week..
Hi ruru,

I understand now. Thanks for clarifying. Hope everything will go smoothly and successfully for you. Hear your good news soon.
Hi Bliss,
Ya, hubby was there throughout. I think he was quite worried when I was brought bk to recovery the 2nd time haha....I managed to pass more urine when I get home cos hubby made me drink lotsa water, but it was painful when i passed.

I only retrieved 7 follicles, so now hoping for the best 2mr. Thank you, will keep you gals updated 2mr

Hi Cale,
Glad to hear that the ER process is alright for you. I only has 7 follicles taken out so dun know why my side effect so bad.

My tummy still bloated and tender when I walk, hope it will not affect 2mr's ET....I still have some staining now, but much better than yest.

Haha, ya man....my hubby very worried and dun let me do anything. Keep ya updated again 2mr

hi Merlenna,
You mean each time the needle go in can collect 1 follicle only?? I didn't know that...

I think the vommiting is due to the sedation right? But how come yours lasted so many days? I'm having exactly the same feeling as you, gotta hold my tummy when walking up til now. Thanks for your reassurance, I'm so worried my ET would be affected, but i oso worry cos i find it diff to hold my urine for long oso. You so poor thing oso...but at least all the pains paid off Do take care too.

Hi Momo bear,
I'm with kkivf under dr SF Loh and tcm with Eu yan sang. Dr Loh did told me that tcm shld be fine during ivf so i was taking it throughout my lucrin and puregon.
Hi Austere,

Have you started your puregon jab yet? My AF is yet to come. Seems it's delayed. Maybe i am too stressed?
So you have a planned a trip in sept? Good for you but try not to be too anxious on the ET date as we have to be as relaxed as we can. You can always go next time.
I also wanted to travel in oct. If things didn't work out, then we will go for the trip. But if we get lucky, then we will just go for a weekend hotel stay for our wedding anni and plan a shorter trip early next year. Guess I am more "kiasi" when it comes to this. Hehe..

Afterall, we went thr so much and it's not worth to jepardise our efforts rite?
Hi Maykel,
Sorry that you have to suffer great pain from ER. I experienced the same thing with my first one, I had pain when pee. That's why I was so scared when I went for my 2nd ER. But then lucky enuf, it turned out allrite. The bloatedness will continue after ET. It will be gone probably 2 days after ET for my case. So don't you worry.
Good luck for your ET today and I pray that more eggs can be fertilized. Take care.

Hi gals,
I haven't post anything for quite sometime. Just to upadate myself, Im still in my 2ww till 18August. My buttocks are sore from all the progesterone injections. Try not to complain too much coz I think as long my embies stick on me, all the sacrifices are worth it. My boobs for these 2 days are not as sore as before but they look full. Good! since I have been dreaming of having Bcup hahahaha. Anyway Im having backpain on and off. Been occupying myself with Olympic Games, so I won't think too much. I hope all in the 2ww are doing ok too.

Bebecraze how are you feeling? I hope you still remain positive. I read so many forums regarding IVF and most of them experiencing cramps due to progesterone, so dun think too much and remain positive!
Hi Cale,
Nope, I've never had puregon jab before. It's my first time. So not sure how I'll respond.

I totally agree with you! I'm like planning my life around this. It's kinda stressful but it'll be worth it. Still quite anxious now and then when I think about it. *sigh* must really learn how to relax ;) Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! I hope you'll get very good news soon.
Yup, I'm still waiting for my AF which should be either today or tomorrow... might be slightly delayed due to my anxiety.
Hi Nita,
My next appt will be 16 Aug 2008, Saturday.
I start my purgeon on 9 Aug, I think you start on 8 Aug 2008.
So we got 1 day different hehehe.

Now, I feel tiredness, bodyaches and bloated.
How about you? Do you get the same effect as mine?
hi cale,
for my ER, 27 eggs were taken from me. 7 eggs tried to be fertilised naturally but none did except one, still not good quality. another 7 eggs fertilised by icsi, all successful. 2 now confirmed pregnancy, another 5 frozen. yeah, i dread the trip down to just jab. i took the butt jab. less pain but aching when you sleep on your back at night lah.. but that is bearable..

hi maykel,
yup, this was told to me by nurse nora, she said i'm suffering swollen ovaries coz of that lah.. bloating like expecting already at that time. hehe.. i vomitted a few days after that, only once. actually felt better after i vomitted. did something silly lah, i took my antibiotic, then my folic acid. then i rub ointment on my back.. i think the combination of taste and smell drove my stomach contents into a roller coaster. haha.. threw up just b4 i go to bed. but it took me about 5 days to recover from ER. after that, i can finally walk at my own pace.
Hi Ladies on 2ww,

After reading thru't the posting, it seems that almost all the ladies experience back pain, stomach bloating and difficulty in urinating and nauseousness from the ER surgery right? Oh my goodness, very gan jiong now as due for my ER next week!

My HB can't pick me up from the ER surgery somemore leh. I told him I will stay in the day surgery recovery ward until I feel fine then I take taxi to my parents' home then he fetches me home after work. My parents are old and not very good with directions so I didn't ask them to fetch me home. Ok, have to see how that day.
Hi Nita,
Yes, I also hope that all eggs are able to fertilised beautifully too
. I intend to transfer 2, but depends on the grade, if turn out not so good, may transfer 3 to maximise the chance.

Hi Rurucat,
Actually i am having similar protocol like yours. I think due to our PCOS condition, we need to be on birth control pill in order to have the menses come at a regular time. I was on BCP starting day 2. Two weeks after the BCP, I started my lucrin jabs while still continue the pill for another 1 week. After 2 weeks of lucrin jabs, went for the baseline E2 and ultrasound scan to check if we can proceed to Puregon stage. Btw, how come need to separate the lucrin and puregon injection day and night? I did mine at the same timing, just that one one the left and the other jabs on the right.

Hi kurn,
yes, i also pray hard that he can create miracle for all of us here. Think a lot of sister here also under his care.

Hi Josphine,
That's great, we are having the same doctor
. Regarding the lucrin injection that you mentioned earlier, i also experience small red rashes pop up after i administered the lucrin. But it will go away shortly. Don't worry, it's a normal side effect.

Hi Hazeline,
I told my boss what i am going through now and seek their understanding. Cos we will be taking time off in the morning for scan quite often, plus the 2 weeks hospitalisation leave. It's really difficult to get excuses if we don't tell them the truth.

Hi Marlenna,
If we ops to jabs on the butt, need to sign the consent form right? What could be the possible consequences, should the jabs go wrong on the butt?

Hi Maykel,
Today is your ET. Good luck to you! Keep us inform on your progress ya.
Hi Cale,

Not sure leh, I asked my gynae can do the Lucrin and Puregon jabs at the same time also, she says definitely not. So I follow her instruction loh.

R u on metformin (Glucopage) for your PCOS condition? My gynae mentioned an interesting point yesterday when I went for my 1st scan yesterday. She said that during the IVF ER procedure, she will be poking holes in our ovary to draw out our follicles and this process of poking holes is very close to the idea of ovarian drilling (one of the prescribed method of curing PCOS. U can research on this topic by keying in "ovarian drilling".)

The clinical research shown that PCOS woman who undergoes ovarian drilling can ovulate successfully on her own or respond better to fertility hormonal treatment. Woah, can u imagine? We are killing two birds with one stone, value-for-$ for our IVF treatment right?

I am definitely going for my 2nd round of IVF (I know it is wrong to think negative but I also must plan ahead) in the minimum rest time period prescribed by my gynae as the clinical research says the ovarian drilling procedure works best within a 6months period.

And I never thought our PCOS condition can be cured! Good luck for your ET tomorrow!
Hi austere and bakaholic,

are both of you on lucrin injections now? I am in stage 1 too. When are both of your first ultrasound scan then? Mine is next Tuesday. I was wondering if my AF comes early and if by next tuesday, it is already past D3 / D4 of menses, is it ok to take the puregon then? Not sure if it will be bit late for stimulation of the follicles, coz I know that puregon should be started from either D2 or D3 for iui. Any idea?
I a bit headache as my immediate sup is not such an understanding person. But I thk no choice, stil hv to tell.

Ruru Cat
Were u put on this jab that is suppose to put PCOS condition on hold for abt 6 mths b4 u start ur IUI treatment previously? I can't rem the name of the jab..

I was given the 'all-clear' to start my IUI aft that.. but he say only last for abt 6 mths.
Hi, Hazeline,

No leh. I only eat metformin these few months to control the insulin level in my body. Woah, can you help me to ask your gynae (iz the same one who did your 2 SO-IUI?)on the 23rd august? Just for my information, thanks!

On my research on PCOS, i never come across any injection treatment leh. Only eating metformin, reducing starchs, sugar, carbo and exercising is the norm for PCOS treatment (which I have been following religiously). Then again, most of the webpages are not local, as local gynaes and clinics seem to be very "shy" leh.
Hi Josephine..
Today is my 6th day of puregon, i feel normal..only some bloatedness..I didn't know is it because of puregon or the food intake..hehe.. I have no bodyaches or cramping...
Doc appt on Friday..hope I will have many eggs by then.. Do not want to prolong my puregon if poss... To extend on high dosage means more money..Sigh...
Dear ladies on 2ww..
I understand that some of the ladies here need to go for progesterone injection during the 2ww..Do we have to pay for the daily injection? If so how much does it cost?
Hi Bliss

I was on lucrin since 31 Jul and and today I did my first scan. Today is the fifth day of AF and I just got a call from KKIVF that I can start Puregon on Sat. So I guess puregon need not start on D2/D3 of the AF.
Hi Bliss,

I am on suprefact which is similar to lucrin. I am still waiting for AF to come to start puregon. i was told to start puregon on D1 of AF but then if it comes when i am at work, can only jab when reach home loh.. i guess D2 is more impt. I have to call them when AF comes. The scanning date i am not sure yet but i think it's on D5.

Ruru cat,
Maybe you can get a friend to accompany you? it may be good if someone is beside you in case you need some help on walking.

I am not sure about the hospital you are doing your ER but for KK, I was informed that they will not allow patient to go home alone unless there is someone to accompany. They are afraid of the after effect of sedation
Ruru Cat
Ok, I wil check the name of the jab when I reach home... I ned to ask my gynae again also cos my 'due date' for that jab is Dec. Duno in time to last me at least 1 IVF cycle or not.

I rem the cost though... $350 per jab! (expensive so I rem... haha) And I ned to take 2...

Hv u done a lap for ur cysts problem? I hv endo too. Cos it's the same jab most gynaes wil giv aft the op... so u can start TTCing aft that n the cyst wun come back for the time being. I wasn't given that aft my op.. instead put straight on clomid at dosage of 4 tablets for 2 cycles!

So many diff types of treatment for IVF... but I thk as long as the end results is wot u want, doesn't matter lor.
Hi ladies,
I went for my ET today, was very lucky cos I got 6 out of 7 follicles fertilised. Managed to put 3 in and the other 3 frozen. After the procedure I oni lie on the bed 5mins then nurse Sara asked me to go PU (pass urine) then can go and eat already, very fast, my appt was 9.30 and I was out at 10am
She told me that these few days the embryos would grow and by 4-5th day then the implantation would start

So guess my terrible ER was worth it after all. I was given pregnyl, can give by myself at home cos its thru the tummy, must jab every 3 days.

So now I'm on 2ww til 29th aug then go bk for blood test.

Hi Imel,
Nice to hear from you, my tummy still bloated now, but much better. Thank you so much, you take care too gal, hope you'll have good news on the 18th
Maybe you have more follicles, thats why need progesterone, do you have to take it daily? Yup, you are right, think our sacrifices are worth it if our embies stick to us.

Haha...at least you are occupied with Olympics, I haven't been following and i feel so bored already today and its oni my 1dpt!

Hi Merlenna,
Was thinking actually your follicles really alot hor, sounds so much compare to my mini 7 hehe...but I'm ok with it, cos at least I can continue with the procedure

haha..me too, my tummy so bloated now and when i went pharmacy, the Anmum promoter tot i preggie and keep asking me to but her milk, eventually i bought lah, taste quite nice heehee...

Hi hi cale,
2mr is your turn to do ET, all the best, and may you have many many fertilised embies!
Hi All in 2ww and Merleena,
Thanks for all the encouragement.

Hi Imel & Catzeye
Your symptoms looks positive too. Hope we will all be tested positive!!!
Hi Rurucat,
My post ER was terrible cos I got faintness twice and was very scared. But dun worry, not all would experienced it badly after ER. I did in kkivf and the protocol is that they need someone to accompany you home. If you really need to go bk alone, ask the nurse to send you into the taxi then see if your parents could pick you from downstairs, safer for you.

Dun worry, must be positive ok? Tats how i survived, cos my initial scan was oni 4 tiny follicles and the doc asked if i wana terminate the whole thing, but i persevere with puregon and got 7 in the end
All the best for your ER next week!

By the way, I was reading your exchange with Cale. I oso took my lucrin and puregon at the same time, 1 on each side, how come yours so different?
Hi sweeties,
I had updated the list

Stage 1
Ping - start on 31 Jul
Bakaholic, Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Austere - start on 2 Aug
RuRucat, Bliss - start on 5 Aug

Stage 2
Cale - 1 Aug, ER 12 Aug
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Bebecraze08 - ET 31 Jul
catzeye, lmel - ET 1 Aug
Elle, Yin - ET 2 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug
Maykel - ET 13 Aug

Cale, waiting for you to join me 2mr ;)
Hi Bliss,
My procedure is similar to bakaholic. Gotta wait till AF comes then jab myself with puregon. Only will go for checkup on Day 5 of AF.

I will have to call and inform Dorothy before starting on puregon when my AF starts. Do you need to go for scanning before starting on puregon? Seems like most of the ladies here scanned before starting.
Hi Maykel,

so happy to hear about your smooth ET and almost all are fertilised. So good.

Ya, it is all worth to go through the painful ER if good news arrives at last!

Take good care and rest well, eat well.
Hi Josephine

FET means frozen embryo transfer. I did conceive from this but miscarried. Prior to this, I had conceived through my third iui but miscarrried.

Today will be day 3 of my Gonal F injections and clomid but I hardly feel anything except for some mild cramps and discomfort.I'll be going for the scan this Saturday 16 August.

If you are feeling bloated, its actually considered good bec that means that you are producing lots of follicles. Hope you are getting adequate rest!

Hi Cale

That's a wonderful number of eggs. All the best for your ET.

Hi Nita

I too don't feel much bloating. Today will be my Day 4 of the injections. Yeah, I can understand about the cost.But in Thomson, if we need do a second round of injections, the nurses will draw out the remnants from our previous injections to save on the cost. It really helps! anyway, all the best to you.

Hi Maykel

Glad that your ET turned out well. You must have plenty of rest. Try not to walk around too much, okay? And the most important thing during the 2WW is to stay positive. All the best.
Hi Maykel,
Very very happy for you on your smooth ER. Some more got 6 fertilised. That's great! Still have 3 more frozen as a backup
. Did the doctor brief you on the grading of the embryo? How do you decide if you wanted to put in 2 or 3? Is it on doctor's recommendation? Take care and have lots of rest. Especially these few days. Try not to move around too much.
Tomorrow will be my ET day. Hopefully i can be as smooth as yours. Wish me lots of luck!

Hi RuRucat,
Last time when i tried for clomid, remember there is only one cycle i took the metformin, but the metformin seems not working for me. Plus, i felt i loss my appetite while on this medicine. Don't really like it. I asked doctor, he said if not comfortable then don't take wor. Since then, i stopped liao.

Your gynae associated the ER with the ovarian drilling. That's very interesting. If it's really the same, it's really a good news for us. It's the best treatment for us to be able to ovulate regularly in future. Like what you said, killing 2 birds with 1 stone
. If got chances, next time i shall check with my gynae on this too.

Hi Bliss Tan,
I did my baseline ultrasound on my day 4 and only start my puregon on day 7. The nurse told me it doesn't really have to start on day 2. As IVF is a control cycle, it's not similar to IUI.

Hi Hazeline,
Ya, think if really no choice. stil have to tell. Just think of how to put it nicely and find a good timing to talk to your boss. Try to catch her when her mood is good.

Hi Nita,
So far, KK are charging me injection fees when there is a need for them to inject for me. I guess likely they will charge for it during the daily progesterone injection too. I am not sure, will be able to confirm once i start the progesterone jabs.
Ruru Cat
It's Lucrin... 3.75mg.. isn't it wot u ladies r jabbing??? I was told when I jab that, I can't get preggie. And I checked the net... it's used to treat thin lining & also endo... and also cancer!

My gynae did measure my lining aft that.. n the size of my womb.. and he seems pretty happy with the results aft 2 jabs.

U hv to jab it daily? Hmm... shd ask my gynae again.

Yahlor.. wil find a right time to tell.
Woah, Hazeline,

Really? Lucrin? Yah, I jab 10iu every morning leh. The purpose of Lucrin in IVF is to suppress ovulation leh.

I don't have cysts leh, I did have a polyp removal resurgery done in Mar 08 leh. My gynae never jab anything for me leh.

Ok, tomorrow I will ask my gynae about Lucrin and PCOS.

Dear ladies,

Thanks for your kind advice. Not sure whether the nurse at mt e will discharge me if I am alone. I must check with them tomorrow. Sigh... nevermind, if really can't discharge myself only, then I "thick-faced" and stay until 6pm to wait for my HB to pick me up.
Ruru Cat
I always go checkup on my own too.. if it's during wkdays. My DH only hv time to go with me on Sat.. a good thing my gynae open Sat half day.

I'm used to it already lah. I always c ppl's DH with them. And I'm alone.. a bit awkward.. esp my tummy is flat.. and theirs not.

I rem once at my 1st gynae's. Woah.. I cannot tahan leh. I even break down once in his clinic aft I can't get preggie aft numerous cycles of clomid. Cos I c all the pregnant ladies n kids running there, very stress leh n wonder why I can't be like them.

Maybe also cos of clomid then that's why even more emotional! haha

I'm on my own this cycle... trying to measure my BBT but it's D15 n stil very low at abt 36.10. Thk my mense aft IUI is stil a mess. Duno if I can O this cycle on my own.
Hi All 2ww,
How are you all feeling? Today when i urine, i saw the dried crinone is stained with red colour. seems like i may have started to bleed. So scared.
hi bebecraze,

when will be ur beta test? i am hving it tom. so scared. till now, i think i hv no symptoms. but i am just gog to trust Him to make the best decision for me.
have faith & stay positive...izzit a lot. If just a little it could be implantation.

wow...ur beta tomorrow. Mine & imel will be on monday...good luck to u! I am having on & off cramp today...but am trying not to think of anything yet.
Hi haze1ine,

can deeply understand the stress and sadness u described. Of course the use of those hormone medication definitely can make a person more emotional, but it is mainly the kind of helplessness and 'wu nai' we are facing that caused the depression. I also felt like crying out many times when seeing pregnant women and kids outside, but have to control myself still.

I had 6 cycles of clomid in the past too. I personally didnt respond well with clomid as I had serious side effects and clomid simply didn't help for my case. My chinese sinseh told me that she attended medical talks, saying that clomid is no good for health in long term (but western doctors don't really look at the problem in the whole body functioning), and may cause some damage to body in future, so she actually discouraged me to be on clomid, especially I didnt respond well to it too.

Well, anyway, dont worry too much about BBT, I also have one whole stack of BBT charts, sometimes BBT may not be very accurate to gauge the exact functioning of ovulation and other all the time. But I must admit that taking BBT can be addicting, once started, very hard to stop taking temperature and keep trying to analyse from all the temperatures. Try to relax.
Sometimes ovulation just takes place late.
Hi bebecraze,
Don't think negatively. Heard that its common to have spotting. As long its not a full flow blood, you will be ok.

So fast your beta tomorrow. Good luck and you are rite, just trust Him to make the best decision for you.

I had a very bad backache yesterday nite and frequent urination and it continues till now. I can't sleep well. I have a mild cramp on and off too but I think my backache is worst than the cramp. Im having cold sweat now and not feel well.
Hi Austere,

I got my menses this morning when i woke up so i started the puregon too. I remember that Dorothy told me to start the jab once my menses start.. but she did say 1st day not so impt so you can start puregon on D2. The jab is not as painful as i think though needle is slightly bigger. Need to pinch alot of fats (good thing i got tons! haha).

Anyway, i called her just now and i have to go for scanning on D5.
You can look up the puregon website for instructions in video. I find the instruction booklet not as good.
Hey All,
I have updated the list..

Stage 1
Ping - start on 31 Jul
Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Austere - start on 2 Aug
RuRucat, Bliss - start on 5 Aug

Stage 2
Cale - 1 Aug, ER 12 Aug
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Bebecraze08 - ET 31 Jul
catzeye, lmel - ET 1 Aug
Elle, Yin - ET 2 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Hi Yin,
How come u r going to test so early? I tot normally pple test on day dpt 17? I am going to test on sat. 1 day after u. if u dun have menses....meaning u stand a good chance right? All the best to u. Are you working or still on MC? Are you going to buy the clearblue test kit for testing before tom's test?

Hi Imel & catzeye,
let pray hard for a postive result.Actually i do not have spottg just that when i urine a small lump of dried crinone came out and its stained with red colour. Do you intend to test yourself for pregancy first?
bliss Tan
My TCM sinseh then also scold me... say my previous gynae anyhow let me eat clomid n 'wasted' my chances. Since I've taken so many liao, it's ineffective for me already. Actually she's against all these hormone jabs also. She say nex time, chances of getting cancer is higher. But bopian wot.. I take TCM also no use.. til she herself ask me to stop leh n rest.

That's why I rejected when my current gynae ask me if I want to try my SO-IUI with a clomid n metformin mix, I say no, I'd rather take the puregon jab.

How r all the ladies feeling today? Hope we get a lot of good news from u ladies soon in the nex few days...
ya, pretty fast hor? actually doc ask me to test on Sat but i wanna do it tom. if not sucessful, at least i can go n spend quality time on sat.

i hv not tested myself yet, think i dun really dare to do it myself.

i hv ask dr if i shld expect my mense if this cycle fails. seems tat we are on progestrone supplements so we will not hv mense. if the result is negative, then we will stop all medications to allow the mense to come
Hi Sisters,
I am back from my ET today. Out of 21 eggs, got 14 fertilised. Doctor transferred two grade 4 embryos and have the rest frozen. I am officially in 2WW now.

I was offered by KK to participate in their project/study in using the ultragesteron for 2WW support. For this study, I can choose to insert the Ultrageston vaginal insert instead of daily progesterone jabs. The ultrageston is free of charge if we are participating in this study. The nurse told me that some countries like france and other hospitals in SG already using this insert.

Any of the sister out there doing IVF at other hospital are given this type of insert for support instead of progesterone jabs during the 2WW? Wanted to find out what claim by the nurse is true.

Hi Maykel,
Did KK offer you an option to participate in their project/study? Did you participate? I am participating, so i don't have to go back to KK for the daily progesterone jabs. Just need to insert 2 tablets 3 times a day.
Hey All,
I have updated the list.

Stage 1
Ping - start on 31 Jul
Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Austere - start on 2 Aug
RuRucat, Bliss - start on 5 Aug

Stage 2
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Bebecraze08 - ET 31 Jul
catzeye, lmel - ET 1 Aug
Elle, Yin - ET 2 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug
Hi Yin,
Did you transfer day 5 embryo? I think its really too early to test for positive leh. We wont have menses meh if we are having the progesterone vaginal meh? My doc never say leh. He say as long as menses is not here, I am still in the game leh. Dun scare me leh.
Hi all,
nw its my turn to worry coz i saw sum pink stain on my liner...pray hard dat its juz implantation bleeding.

merlenna & miss hae,
how long was your spotting?

Wot is grade 4 embryos? Hope to hear good news from u 2 wks from now.

Any ladies here doing ICSI? Anyone know the cost diff?
