IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi all,

I am new to this forum, but have been reading for quite a long time. I have been trying to conceive since 2005, have taken all the necessary tests and checkups and HSG xray test after one year of trying naturally. Just did laparoscopy this April. I am perfectly healthy, reproductive system is working well, my hubby has very slight sperm quality problem. Have been seeing Chinese sinsehs all along too, been to the jurong east sinseh(woke up at 3am for many Saturdays just to queue up) and a few other Chinese physicians, taking Eu Yan Seng TCM and acupuncture at Paragon now since last Aug. I tried clomid for six cycles before when I was tested not ovulating on the month I had blood test. Had one failed IUI at KKHIVF this June. I am doing my first IVF at KKH presently, on 3rd day of Lucrin injections so far.

Have been throught lots of disappointments and depressions over the 3 years but still trying every single month without giving up. Have been through the long period of reading lots of books about infertility and searching for all the accessible information on the net and anywhere. Been through the days where I used to cry every month when menses came, been through the period when trying to conceive have been the only concern in my life, suffering from depressions, causing my hormones system became so imbalanced that I got weakened immune system and infected with recurrent vaginal infectins for lots of months.

I can totally feel and understand the feelings of going through all the treatments and the waiting again and again. It is not easy really especially if there is no one around facing such problem, and friends and people around just seemed to be able to conceive so easily and one baby after another so fast. It can be stressful and lonely and helpless. I have been through all that and still facing it. Just want to encourage myself and everyone here.

I love and long for my own kids very much and I still don't wish to give up till now.

All the best to all of you here. Being happy and healthy in life is the most important no matter what.


Hi BlessBB,
Thanks for the explaining and well wishes. I am relieved to know that it's normal

Hi Nita,
I was at the KK this morning also. What are you wearing?

Hi RuRu_Cat,
I am also having PCOS condition. Really pray that the quality will not affect the egg quality.

Hi BlessTan,
Don't be dishearten. You are not alone. I have been going through pretty much the same as what you have gone through. Countless disappointment, but still have to keep trying, just hope that one day our wish would be granted when the time come. Sometimes god has his own timing, we can only try our best, and let him decide our fate.

Some updates, my scanning this morning went quite well. Had total of 17 follicles that range from 11-17.5mm. Doctor said i might have some risk of OHSS and advised me to drink more water. My ER is confirmed to be on next Tue. Very anxious and excited
Hi Marlenna,

Understand that you are doing your IVF at KK also. May I know if you are transferring your day 2 or day 3 embryo? The nurse told me that usually they are transferring day 2 embryo and the success rate is higher. Do we have an option to transfer a Day 3 embryo? I thought if we are transfering a Day 3 embryo, they would be able to select the better embryo that able to survive up to day 3, thus a stronger one.

How many days of hospitalisation leave is given after the ER?
I transfered only 1 embryo cos I was developing OHSS afer my ER. Tummy was bloated and filled with fluid. Just at the beginning of the OHSS stage. My doc was very concern if I transfer more, the condition will get worse. Originally, was planned to transfer 2.

The embryologist told me I have 29 very good grade of eggs, managed to fertilised 25 with ICSI. Got to use ICSI due to my hubby's sperm quality. But also due to that sperm quality, many did not survive past day 3. Have few frozen, did not asked how many, as I do not want to be bother by this now. I just one to concentrate on the one transferred into my womb for the time being. And also was too sad when the doc told me can only transfer 1 on ET day.

My doc had initiallywanted to call off the transfer and admit me. He advise to remove the fluid from my tummy by 'installing' a temporary tap on my tummy to drain the fluid.

To avoid/minimized OHSS, suggest you to start taking 2 egg whites/day when you start stimulating. That will helps.
Hi Catzeye
Same here...I'm hungry almost around the clock...had been eating none stop. I Think it is due to the progesterone.
Bliss, I have added you in

Stage 1
Ping - start on 31 Jul
Bakaholic, Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Austere - start on 2 Aug
RuRucat - start on 5 Aug
Bliss Tan - 6 Aug

Stage 2
Maykel - start 26 Jul
Cale - 1 Aug
Mala - start 11 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
catzeye, lmel - ET 30 Jul
Bebecraze08 - ET 31 Jul
Elle - ET 1 Aug
Yin - ET 1 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug
I'm not sure if u've done SO-IUI b4 ur IVF.

But I too hv PCOS. And when I was doing my 1st SO-IUI, from 75IU jab, I manage to get 2 follicles. Then for my 2nd SO-IUI attempt, somehow doesn't react well to the 75IU, hv to be increase to 100IU for another 5 days.. and this time, only manage 1 follicle.

I wonder how my body wil react to IVF treatment...

For all the ladies who's been feeling down...
Go out n pamper urself a little this wkend.. I thk it wil do us a lot of good.

For every sad story, there's an equally encouraging success story that wil keep us trying.

We must jia you, add oil... add oil!!
Catzeye, littlebee - me too ! DH has to buy extra bread to feed me. Haha! He commented I am getting more expensive to feed.

Today, I suddenly have the urge to cook chicken mushroom with chinese wine.

Are we allow to take food with chinese wine during 2ww?
Ping, thanks for the list.
Updated ET for mine and Yin to 2 Aug instead.

Stage 1
Ping - start on 31 Jul
Bakaholic, Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Austere - start on 2 Aug
RuRucat - start on 5 Aug
Bliss Tan - 6 Aug

Stage 2
Maykel - start 26 Jul
Cale - 1 Aug
Mala - start 11 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
catzeye, lmel - ET 30 Jul
Bebecraze08 - ET 31 Jul
Elle - ET 2 Aug
Yin - ET 2 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug
Hi Bakaholic
I used GonalF instead of puregon. It should be after 5/6 days after GonalF that I did the 1st scan to see if follicles are developing.Then doc will determine to increase or decrease the dosage of Gonalf/puregon.
I continued GonalF and back for scanning every 3/4 days till doc says follicles are of rite sizes and rite time to do ER. (but for my case, I injected GonalF till 11 days when doc said my Estrogen was too high that I should either abolish the treatment or stopped GonalF for 2 days and see if estrogen gone down and that follicles are still at right sizes.)Lucky that my estrogen level came down drastically and that I could continued the treatment like OR and ET.

Imagine I'm the sort, who sees syringes will tear and freak out but I always tell myself that since im on this track, I should looked forward and be brave. Babydust to all of you.
Stage 1
Ping - start on 31 Jul
Bakaholic, Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Austere - start on 2 Aug
RuRucat - start on 5 Aug
Bliss Tan - 6 Aug

Stage 2
Maykel - start 26 Jul
Cale - 1 Aug
Mala - start 11 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Bebecraze08 - ET 31 Jul
catzeye, lmel - ET 1 Aug
Elle, Yin - ET 2 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug

Oh, I got Catzeye and imel mixed up with Elle and Yin
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the info. It's been only a wk of suprefact and i am getting phobia for needles. Can't imagine doing puregon jabs. I try not to think about it when i jab. Just do it and get it over with. The more i think, i get more frightened.. Hehe..
Hi Littlebee,

Thanks for the information. It is very encouraging that you have so many good quality eggs even with your PCOS condition. Don't worry, I did some research and the chances of a blastocyst embryo surviving is almost twice the chance of a 4-day cell embryo leh, so your 1 embryo will surely stick to your womb lah.

Ok, will start Puregon injection tonite so start eating egg whites tomorrow. Thanks for the advice. Thinking of drinking Ensure milk as in the previous posting, the ladies were raving about its delicious taste, like drinking melted ice-cream like that! Yum..yum..
Hi Bliss,

Woah, you been through alot these 3 years man! I am really encouraged and hope I will be as strong as you in times to come. I had 2 failed clomid cycles and 2 failed SO-IUI cycles and is now embarking on my 1st IVF journey.

I think I am at the stage of life where you describe as having babies is the only focus in my life. I am trying very hard to balance my expectation but it is really not easy especially with friends and relatives getting pregnant so easily.

Thanks for the encouragement! Have a great weekend!
Hi Bakaholic
Don't worry, as you go along, u will eventually get used to it. Ice pack does help before and after each jab (it works for me).
By the way, I remembered I bought a pack of 10 'super thin syringes'-1cc for the use of suprefact as thinnest syringes will not be so painful. U can check with Dorothy, cos the ones she gave us are bit thick. Think each pack of 10 'super thin syringes' cost $10.
Actually if puregone and Gonalf are of the same pen like jab,it is not that painful though. Dun stress yourself ya.
Hi rurucat, thanks for your encouragement. Will enjoy my weekend. You take care!

Hi Ping, sorry, my IVF starting date is 5 Aug. Thanks.

Hi Cale, thanks for your support and encouragement. Yes, perhaps it is a matter of time. I will continue waiting patiently for my baby to come one day, hopefully soon. All the best too.
Hi Bakaholic, Tell me about it! I'm so sick of needles too! And to think it's been only 6 days! Oh my...its quite stinging when my hubby pressed in the suprefact.
How many glasses of Ensure to drink and when? Egg whites to be eaten raw?
The things we go through *sigh*..
Hey Emma,
It's seems to get worst as it goes along. Perhaps it's becos PMS that i get more tender? Anyway, my body temp is higher than normal and i am feeling feverish (dun think i'm ill). Not sure if it's the side effects.
The needles i have is the 30G. According to the manufacturer website, there should be a 31G (more fine) needle/syringe available. Think i will check with dorothy when i finish my 20 syringes. BTw, i think can get the syringes cheaper at hospital pharmacy. TTSH online pharmacy selling at $4.40/pack of 10s. IT's a hassle of going there to buy though.

Hey Austere,
We must hang in there and hope for the best...

Have you tried ensure milk? I drank before. The chocolate flavour is rather artificial.. I am allergic to eggs so i can only drink milk and take high protein food.
Hi Sisters,

May I ask if anyone knows the ET is done with the guidance of ultrasound at KK? During the ET, are you aware of the procedure after given the sedation?

When should we start eating the egg white to minimise the OHSS risk?
Hey ladies,
Finally! I can go for my ER on monday. Tonite going kk 24hr clinic to jab pregnyl. My scan yest shows 8 follicles, at least not bad from the initial 4...but oni got 2 promising ones measuring 19mm and 15mm, the rest are still oni 11mm-13mm. But the doc say hopefully these few would grow bigger in these few days.

Even thou 8 is not a large number but i am still hopeful, cos to me it is a blessing to have even 8 now compare to 4 tiny ones previously. i must be positive and have faith
Wish me good luck ladies.

Hi Ping,
Thank you so much for the list, now it seems very clear who is at which stage

Hi Cale,
Welcome to the thread. I am doing with SF Loh at kkivf. Yes, I oso felt that I have quite a bit of whitish discharge during puregon, think should be normal, so dun worry.

Hi Bebecraze and Imel,
Bebe, I agree with Imel that we must constantly keep ourseles positive during the whole journey cos it is not an easy 1.

I was also very depressed initially when the doc told me we may need to terminate the whole ivf as my initial scan shows only 4 tiny follicles. But we persevere and now i am going for my ER on monday with 8 follicles. I think that watever the outcome, we gals shld give ourselves a hug and love ourselves more for coming so far. Know that at least we did our best *muackz*

Hi Bliss,
Welcome to the thread
I think my exprience is similar to you. I've been ttc since end 2004 and had an ectopic in 2006, very depressive. since then had tried iui once but wasn't successful and i dun have high hope i that too as i'm left with only 1 fallapion tube. Had also tried many cyles of clomid before I decided to try ivf.

I am oso seeing doc at Eu Yan Seng TCM. Was taking med and started acupuncture when i was at puregon stage, but dun feel comfy with it. My doc is zhong ximin, are we having the same doc?

jia you and take heart that you are nvr alone here, we'll be here to listen anytime you need to ok?

Hey Austere,
Must be positive ok? Dun think that you are getting sick of the needle cos this is just the start of ur journey. Anyway, the 1st week i was oso jittery with the needle, but after that somehow get use to it. The stinging sensation is quite normal, dun wori.
Hi Maykel,
Its a wonderful news. 8 is good number -- "fa" mah! So its going to be a lucky one. Im so happy that you manage to go for ER, all your efforts won't go wasted.

Hi Cale,
We are not given any sedation during ET. Its a simple procedure, similar to IUI. So you will aware al the time and its fast, about 5 minutes. Its during ER that you will be given sedation.

Well I hope everyone of you have a good weekend and manage to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremony yesterday. Its very grand!! But then I had a severe backache yesterday and bladder problem. Seems I went to toilet every 5 minutes and come out very little. Hope its not urine infection. Anyway, have a good weekend gals.
Hi Cale,
I was at KKH on the 7th morning, wearing gray top.. I guess u r there on the 8th right? Btw, how many days puregon jab do u have to take? What is ur dosage.. Me on 2nd day of puregon, 400ui, I don't feel any effect so far...Is si normal?

U miss me in the list...I'm in 2nd stage...Start puregon on 08th August.
Hi Nita,
Yes, I was there on 8th. I thought you was there on the same day too, then I could guess which one
. I have been taking 8 jabs of puregon 200iu. Today would be my last jab and going for a pregynl shot tomorrow night. ER on next tue morning.

At start, I dont feel any effect too. Only after few days of puregon jabs, i started to have more stretchy/white discharge and these few days felt more tense at the lower abs and nipple quite sensitive and pain when press on.

So don't worry. You are perfectly normal that you dont experience any effect yet.

Hi Imel,
Oh, it's same as IUI. I read somewhere that with guidance of ultrasound it will give a better success rate. Reason is that, the embryo would be placed at a more ideal location with the aid of visual. Wondering if any hospital practice this.

You mentioned the ER would be given the sedation. Are you aware of the whole procedure going on? Do you feel any pain during the procedure? How are you doing so far? Wish you best for your coming blood test. Relax and stay happy ya.

Hi Maykel,
Thanks for the warm welcome. I am glad to know that you are given green light to proceed to ER. I found a cycle buddies who are so close to my dates
. Your ER would be one day earlier than mine. Jia you, jia you! Wish you all the best.
Stage 1
Ping - start on 31 Jul
Bakaholic, Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Austere - start on 2 Aug
RuRucat, Bliss - start on 5 Aug

Stage 2
Maykel - start 26 Jul
Cale - 1 Aug
Nita - 8 Aug
Mala - start 11 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Bebecraze08 - ET 31 Jul
catzeye, lmel - ET 1 Aug
Elle, Yin - ET 2 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug
My ET was done with untrasound guidance. Can see the whole process. My hubby can see the embryo being put in from a TV screen in another room. It took me about 10-15 min as the doc need to clear the Crinone gel from previous day. The procedure was fast but the difficult part is to hold the full bladder. Later was pushed to day surgery resting room to rest for 4 hrs. No walking around during that 4 hrs.

I thought the procedure is the same for all hospital. Am I right? I did mine @ MT E
Hi Maykel,

yes, I have been seeing the same sinseh, Zhong Xi Ming for one year so far. I usually have 3 times of acupuncture before ovulation. I have been taking my BBT every morning when I started seeing this Zhong physician, still doing that now. The charges at Eu Yan Seng are rather expensive and I don't find the acupuncture so very effective, so I am considering not to go for acupuncture sessions this time and just taking the chinese medicine as usual will do. I think my husband and I had spent over 10K solely on the Eu Yan Seng treatment already, cos I have been faithfully going to see the sinseh regularly and taking TCM everyday.

Thanks for your encouragement.
I will not give up on trying for baby. In fact I used to wish to have 3 to 4 kids, but not sure for now as I am no longer young now. Well, it can be rather frustrating to me at times, as my infertility problem has been unexplained. So all I can do is to pray hard, try hard and wait, and of course I believe having good thoughts and doing good deeds will help too.

I took one year leave from work last june to rest and relax due to my weakened immune system. After going back to work this June, I finally thought it through and decided to resign from my hectic and stressful job. I am now staying at home and doing some part time job, feeling happier now. I am fortunate to have the support from my husband and encouragement from my parents. For now, I just want to be happy and healthy in life with or without kids, while trying my best to make my 'baby wish' come true.

I have been wishing to have the precious chance to have my own child and play my part to be a good mother. It is rather difficult to describe the strong feeling of wanting to experience motherhood. I am always so touched by the love of a mother for her children. Really wish to have the chance to be a good mother of my own child, I believe that will make my life more meaningful and special and complete. I am sure all of us here long for such feeling too.

By the way, I go to the Guan Yin temple at Joo Chiat every week to pray and also the Si Ma Lu temple downtown to pray for baby. I will pray for all of you here, even if we may not be having the same belief.
hi all,

may I know what is the purpose of taking more egg whites and Ensure milk? And when to start consume more during IVF?

What about soy bean products? I heard that should avoid, anyone can tell me the reason behind it?

And also, is there any other food we should eat more that may help and any other food must avoid during this critical period? My doc only reminded me to avoid all preserved food.

Thank you so much!
Hi littlebee,

I also not sure, as I have yet to come to this stage. Last time i did my IUI at KK, is without the ultrasound guidance. Understand from Imel, the ER would be same like IUI. That would mean no ultrasound during the transfer.

I really hope that the procedure is similar to Mt E. It's so great to be able to see our embroys being place comfortably in the womb.
Hi, Austere,

I just drink 1 glass of Ensure shake today as just bought from Cold Storage. Ok lah, the taste. I don't intend to eat raw eat white, just 2 hard-boiled egg whites tomorrow onwards.

Hi Bliss,

I am also not very sure about the purpose of eating egg white and drinking protein drink (not necessarily Ensure brand lah). It is just that my IVF nurse told me that I should eat such items after ET to prevent OHSS and several postings in this thread also mention such food items to eat. I quite like the protein drink and egg white so no harm eating during the Injection period. Got 1 lady says such items are "food" for the follicles, not sure got scientific basic.

As for soya bean products, we should not eat them becos of the high estrogen content. I read in Straits Times recently that a research done on men who ate soya bean product everyday over a period of time has poorer sperm quality and quantity! As to why estrogen affect our fertility, I also not very sure leh. Sorry!
Hi Cale,
ER is different from ET. ER procedure is that you will be given sedation and you won't even know whats going on. Once you wake up, you will be in the recovery room and your eggs have been retrieved.
ET is where the fertilized egg will be transfered back to your uterus. No sedation so you will fully aware and you must have full bladder. The doctor will use the ultrasound guidance to make sure that they put at the far up of uterus. The whole procedure is painless and almost the same as IUI.
Hi Imel,

Thanks! I got an idea now

Btw, are you able to see from the ultrasound screen where did doctor put in the embryo? Did you husband able to view it through TV from another room like what described by littlebee?
Hi Ladies,

Talking abt full bladder....just sharing my experience. After ER, I was really feeling very bloated and had to take abt 6-8 egg whites a day, of which I did not manage too. Only had abt 5 raw egg whites a day. Was told that the more the better, to ease the bloatedness, coz after ER, our ovaries are still secreting fluid (since I have PCOs). For those who feel bloatedness, its best to listen to their advice. I was in an embarrassing situation during ET.

Because of bloatedness, so when I had drank 2 small bottles of water, I felt that I had enough water for a full bladder, but boy I was wrong. Bloatedness made me feel that my bladder was full coz I was always on the verge of peeing. Anyway in the OT, when the procedure was abt to be done, I cannot tahan so told doc to drain out a bit of urine.

Yeah, keeping a full bladder is a real torture, but what to do? Anyway after the whole procedure, I asked for bedpan to pee and boy was I relieved that I cried! So paiseh....the nurse thought I was overwhelmed, I told her repeatedly I was relieved coz I managed to relieve myself. hehe...such things we have to go through.

Jia you, ladies! Don't give up even though we have to go through things we have never been through before. Keep the spirits up!

Oh ya...beijing olympics opening was superb...as compared to err yest's NDP.
Since u're taking abt full bladder here: U mean u hv to hold ur bladder for 4 full hrs for IVF??? Or u hv to lay down so can only pee via bedpan aft that?

Abt the egg whites, there mus be some other things u can eat other than raw egg whites rite? Or there's really no other alternatives? My DH dun believe me when I told him hv to take raw egg whites leh...
hi wanBB,
haha, very drama ah your jabs! hehe.. no, i meant when nurse angeline did for me, i don't feel it at all. she's very good with needles. but if others do for me, i fell the initial poke but its over pretty fast. not too bad. i only felt painful during 2 of the times i did the progesterone jabs with the same nurse. won't say who lah, but through out the jab, i could feel my whole leg up to my butt cramp up.. urgh!

hi imel,
my progesterone jab is 50mg per day. have to jab for 17 days. i missed the last day coz i misplaced the vial. but the clinic got me one on my beta test day.. so jabbed on day 18.

hi cale,
i've done the day 2 transfer. i think that is standard protocol for kk. i'm not sure if we can choose coz all instructions are given to me. i believe they wanna make full use of the chances coz if you wait til day 3 or 5, chances of your embryos not developing are higher. what if you end up with nothing fertilized?

after ER, usually they'll give you 14days of hospitalisation leave.

hi ladies,
just to reassure some of you whose feeling AF symptoms during your 2ww. i had cramps on and off, twinges during the 2ww. especially when i'm in bed. i've even had headaches, and spottings very near the end. all these are also signs of AF. i don't allow myself to think too much of it. its really a lot of self-control to keep thinking positively and not despair too soon! you've come so far now, don't give up yet. not until you get the confirmation either way. at the moment, just keep thinking of the embryos implanting.

as for the egg whites, i've said earlier, i didn't take any egg whites during my 2ww. i don't like the idea.. coz i believe other food high in protein will help too.. that's why i turn to ENSURE milk. considering i was really in pain after ER, i made it til the end of 2ww without having to eat egg whites. bloating wasn't too bad after a few days.. so i just continued drinking the milk..

just an update. i've had some small spottings the past few days.. usually after a slight exertion on my part. (can't help it lah, school had games day, so very busy) its just light brown stains.. i think m/s kicked in this afternoon. all because i ate slightly late. i felt the intense nausea but didn't throw up although i was already at the toilet bowl. heh..
Dear Merlenna,
Ha? You mean after confirmed pregnancy, we still need to take some more jabs? I thought progesterone can be given orally? I'll be starting my 1st fresh cycle next mth.

Dear Imel,
May i know which hospital uses ultrasound for ET? Do you know if NUH does that?

Hi Cale and ladies,
When you say you've been taking 8 jabs of Puregon, you mean 1 jab per day for 8 days or 8 jabs in one day? Really feel scared reading about all the jabs. I think all of you are very brave. I'll have to consult all of you when I start.
Thanks first.
hi graceBB,
no the progesterone jabs are taken during the 2ww. my jabs ended with the 2ww. but i do hear some ladies still getting jabs.. perhaps to further support their pregnancies. orally i'm not sure.. but i got thru jabs at the butt. good luck in your attempt!
merlenna, why don't you have to continue the jabs? have to do it twice a week until 12 weeks! i just have my first jab last friday. I almost scream. Angeline say nowsaday the girls are very brave and i'm the only one complaining. My right leg(jab on right bum) is aching so much at night i can hardly sleep. Tomorrow i'm going for my jab again... SOBZ!!!!
Hi Merlenna & WanBB,
Oh, when I did my IUI, the gynae gave me oral progesterone in case I got preggie. It comes in white salmon-egg-like capsules. I guess injectible progesterone is stronger and more effective for IVF. Do you have to go to the clinic to get the jabs, or can be done at home?

You only need to have you bladder full during the ET. You can ask for a bedpan after ET was done or if you really cannot tahan, you can request for your gynae to release a bit of urine, before he/she performs the ET. If you need to pee immediately after ET, just ask for bedpan. I was not allowed to walk or get up from bed for the 4 hours. Do expect to get lower back pain, though, coz they will raise your bed(where your leg is). Lying down straight was indeed challenging. But nurses told me, I can lie on my side, but I dare not. I had a bad experience holding full bladder coz I was really bloated after ET. I think if you don't feel bloated keeping a full bladder should be fine.

As for egg whites, alternatively you can take protein shake instead. If you can't take so many raw egg whites, perhaps you can take 3 a day, one at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Try to take them, dear, coz it does help to reduce the bloatedness after ER. You can subsequently reduce the intake if you don't feel bloated anymore. Taking protein is important as was told by my gyane, especially after ER, mainly to reduce the bloatedness and to replace the lost in protein.

If you don't like the protein shake, you can make your own milkshake. What I normally do is to make strawberry milk shake, by adding in abt 2 caps of protein powder.
Hi Grace BB,
The 8 jabs is one per day, total of 8 days. If it's 8 jabs at one shot, I would be fainted :p. If you are ok with the lucrin injection, you shouldn't have problem with Puregon. The needle is finer for puregon and easier to push in.

Hi mystyy,
Can we take the boiled egg white instead of raw egg white? Are they the same? I don't dare to eat the raw one

Hi Josephine,
ET = Egg Transfer
ER = Egg Retrieval
When are you plan to start your IVF?
hey!thnks gals!
the flu is much better but the headaches are on n off.. but trying to keep myself occupied so i wont think bout it..
bakaholic...so ull be gg back for the scan on 14th i presume?
all the best to all
Hi Cale,

Ooooo ic. Thanks.
I start my Purgeon on 9 Aug, so which stage am I? (I think it is suppose under stage 2, but i am not sure ^_^) Is ET and ER in the stage 2?

How about you?
Hi Josephine,

You should be under Stage 2 (Stimulation stage). I am at the end of Stage 2 now. Going for ER tomorrow. Wish me luck

The stage 3 is referring to 2WW (2 Weeks Wait), so i think only after the ET then consider stage 3.
Hi Ping,

I have updated your list to include Josephine and latest status of Maykel and myself if you don't mind.

Stage 1
Ping - start on 31 Jul
Bakaholic, Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Austere - start on 2 Aug
RuRucat, Bliss - start on 5 Aug

Stage 2
Maykel - 26 Jul, ER 11 Aug
Cale - 1 Aug, ER 12 Aug
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Bebecraze08 - ET 31 Jul
catzeye, lmel - ET 1 Aug
Elle, Yin - ET 2 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug

Grace, the progesterone injections has to be done by the nurse cos it's oil based and must be injected to the correct place. I also have to take oral progesterone pills. Maybe I'm bleeding now so have to support the pregnancy.
