IVF/ICSI Support Group


Thanks. I read your blog and am very touched by your prayers. I am also seeing Dr Cheng from TFC.

I'm quite surprised that the nurses told you to continue with the egg whites after your ET. They didn't tell me anything about this. I stopped eating the egg whites after my ER.

Yes, I am seeing TCM. I'm seeing Ms Jin from Raffles Hospital. I've been with her since my FET cycle (which succeeded). After that I continued seeing her for 3 months. Who are you seeing? The TFC nurse mentioned a Ms Low whom they are familiar with. But I forgot to ask where she was from? I'm wondering whether I should switch my Chinese physician.


Don't worry about the stretching feeling. I remember my doctor not looking too pleased when I told him that I felt nothing after the Gonal F injections. Apparently, some twitching, stretching or bloating is good. That means the follicles are growing. All the best to you.

Dear Mala,
;) Thanks for visiting my blog. This is a way for me to chart my progress and let me communicate with my Father.
I am seeing that Ms Low they mentioned. She is from Tong Ji Chinese Medical Hall, Outram Road. She only practice on certain days. You can call and ask them about her days she practices.
Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution
Thong Chai Building (T.C. Medical Institution)
50 Chin Swee Road #01-00, Singapore 169874
Located @ Tiong Bahru
Phone : 67336905
Fax : 67333552
It's a free clinic, depending on donation.
Beside that, I also do acu, thanks to the sisters here who recommended when I decided to start IVF. The clinic is at AMK Ave 5 Blk 505, Dr Zou Yu Min. Her number is 64560833, by appt only. Dr Zou also see patient. It's just that I have seen Dr Loh for 2 years and I'm use to her. Both are aware of IVF procedure very well, so they know what is happening at what stage. They believe in tiao-ing the body b4 IVF, to maximise the chance and increase success rate. Hope these info helps.

hubby will only produce sperm after i woke up?

no. they did not tell me. i also never asked. i thought too early to ask. but during counselling session the nurse did say most probably 2 cos my hubby is a twin himself. but i thought twin does not inherit from male side.
ok, this is how the morning is like.
That morning, prob you are not the only one doing ER. They did other 3 when I did mine. If your hubby is comfortable to give sperm in clinic, they will tell you. If not, produce at home and bring over. When you reach clinic, tell them you have the sperm sample in the bottle and they will take it from you. You will change when they are ready to do ER. After changing(bottom off, put on a robe)you will be shown to the theatre. Hubby will be with you then. They will get the Anesthetic in and b4 long, you will be in sleep. They take the eggs out and will show your hubby one. After that, they will wheel you back to a bed and rest. When you wake up, you will be abit goggy, but that;s normal. Nurse will give you milo and biscuits(cos you fast b4 ER). Take some and when you are ready to go off, you will pay and go home for rest. You may experience some pain(I did) but it will go off soon. This is becos the anesthetic wears off already. Hope these help.
sorry to ask you this. did the doctor tell you the reason why there wasn't any heartbeat detected for your first and second pregnancy?

it happened to me to. no heartbeat detected on the 8th wk and waited till 10th. still the same. i was in your shoes so i feel the pain too.

but please don't ever give up. i don't want to give up that's why i am trying again.

our prayers are with you!
hello my dear.

the doc's visit was fine. he just checked my tummy and i told him im not having any more bloatedness liao. he kept saying good, good, good and good luck for the 18th. all the more kan cheong i get! 8 more days to go!

my remaining embryos weren't of good quality so there won't be any freezing. i do feel a bit sad for that cos i was hoping to have some of the embryos frozen, so i don't have to go through a fresh cycle but what to do. anyway, last year also the same, no frozen embryos.

keeping my fingers crossed that 3 'babies' are still intact, doing well.

you know what, last year, i kept looking out for any bleeding which i didn't have during the 2wks so i thought i must be pregnant with twins since last year i put 2. then i found out that at times, even though there is no bleeding, the emrbyos that didn't implant will be absorbed into our body. that was what happened when i found out i was pregnant with a singleton. asked him about it and he told me the above.

so i am praying hard for this 2nd time round.

the sex and city movie is great! funny, entertaining and you should see all the clothes and shoes! haha!

counting down to 18th....

how are you today? feeling better or not?
Miss Hae

Hi. I had 2 miscarriages because of an absent heart beat. After the second miscarriage, a chromosomal study was done after my D&C to check for genetic abnormalities. It turned out to be normal. It was called Trisomy 22 which is common in early trimester miscarriages. The doctor says that it is nothing to worry about. It is just that as we age, the quality of the eggs decrease. But it does not mean that the same thing will happen again in the next pregnancy.The doctor said that sometimes it is pure luck that the right egg gets implanted.

I too understand how you feel. Till today, I have not really recovered. I will pray for you too. May I ask whether you have completed your second cycle? Don't worry, everything will turn out well.


Thanks a lot for the information. I will consider my options carefully. By the way, do they speak English? I guess it all boils down to who you are comfortable with.
i see. that was what my gynae told me too. he also said that if we do ever get pregnant from ivf and miscarried later, we should do it cos chances of having a pregnancy and maintaining it will be higher. i don't know lah. these are all the facts that are given to us. for me, if it's meant to be, it will be. on our part, we have to be brave and keep on trying, never give up.

when i read ur messages earlier, i feel so sad for you as i could also feel my pain when i experienced it last year. when i had to go for the d/c, before and after, i didn't cry at all. i was calm and normal. only after my husband went for a 2wk trip overseas and i'm left alone, then all the crying started. i nvr got over that until now. it's such a painful thing to go through.

but mala, take heart, trudge on. never give up. glad you joined us here so we can support each other.

i have completed my 2nd cycle and i have 8 days to go before my pregnancy test. i hope i'll pull through this second time round.
Dear Mala,
both speak simple English. Dr Loh is a local, so she has no problem. She is also seeing a few non Chinese speaking patients too. As for Dr Zou, she is from China, she's been here for more than 10 years. Understanding is ok, I think. But she may not be very fluent. The reason I kept on seeing Dr Loh was because her medicine is good(hubby's opinion). I am more use to her and she has been seeing me all these while. Dr Zou is very familiar with IVF procedure, knowing when and what drugs to use at different phrase. Acupuncture is suppose to relax us and make the drug easily absorb by our body. Honestly, hubby said that his situation did improve after starting acupuncture. For us, both went through TCM and Acu. We also did alot of lifestyle changes 3 months b4 IVF. We quit Chinese tea, coffee, cold and raw food, took alot of strawberries, blueberries and mangoes. We started on multi vit too. Anyway, these are the changes, I know it's up to individual, but TCM docs instructed us, so we follow.

Miss Hae,
I am ok. Got a bit of cramp here and there.

Don't worry about the frozen ones. Just pray hard this time you bingo twin or triplets, then you can close shop already! Everyday, hubby and I will talk to our babies 123, telling them to be strong and hang on. I just want to do my best, the rest, God will take care. I also understand how thin a thread we are on once we are in this programme. So I was telling hubby to pray hard for healthy babies. I know TCM do 'an tai'. If you believe, you can ask. My sis and SIL went through that. SIL got chicken pox b4 she knew she was pregnant, so when everything cleared, she had 7-8 months of TCM medicine to help her keep her baby. I intented to do so if I am pregnant. Have already told my TCM and she also think it's better.
hi zeena & budderball,
wonder if the AFs both of u are expecting this month the 1st after ivf?? m thinking if such lateness is common ??
hi mala & miss hae,
having read both of you posts..... i really admire both your courage & determination.
can understand the up & down emotions which both had experienced before & at present. hopefully persistence will eventually get rewarded.
best of luck to both of you!
pretyy lady, Thanks for your good wishes.At what stage are you in? Many, many good wishes in advance!

Hi to all

I just saw Dr Cheng at TFC today. He was quite upset that my cycle had failed. He too thinks that doing an FET with 2 frozen embryos is quite risky.So I will be starting a fresh cycle. I will have to rest for 2 months. Next month, I go on the pill followed by all the injections and stuff in August.


Thanks again!Did you do acupuncture on the day of your ET and immediately after your ET and then one more 3 days later? If so, were the needles placed on your tummy? My Chinese physician did not place any needles on my tummy after my ET. I wonder whether putting the needles on the tummy after ET would have helped.

To all those who are waiting for their pregnancy results, all the best, best, best! I will continue to pray for all of you.
Dear Mala,
acupuncture is done preferberbly 3 months b4 IVF process. It is done twice a week, for men and women. B4 ER, we are to do continously for 5 days and everyday too b4 ET. Once ET is done, acupuncture will stop. I have placed some pictures of myself being poked by the needles on my blog, you can take a look.
After Lap on and off have AF pain...
recently this AF flow not tat much...

Momo bear
would like to ask u, after taken the brew medicine, do u feel giddy sometimes?
Any other symptoms?
My AF was late for almost 2weeks...

Pretty lady
I'm not so sure, thk cos of the jabs most of the ladies will late for the next AF... some even delay for almost a month, so depending on individual body....
After failed IVF, my AF came on 1st May, and the next one suppose to come on 27th May but did not come was delay till 9th Jun... Therefore, was late for 14 days...
thanks for your well wishes!

be strong ok and never give up. we can all be mothers.

what's an tai? what does it do? i'll have to wait after the 18th then i see my next step.

btw, what's AF?
Miss Hae,
an tai is 安胎, means taking Chinese medicine to 'take care' of the baby and the mother. It is usually done to prevent any complication.
AF is Aunty Flo, means Menses.
hi all,

will be going for my pregnyl jab tonight and ER on sat. hope that everything will go smoothly.

btw, is the pregnyl jab very painful?
Dear all, I have been a silent reader of this forum for the past 2 years. Just thot that I would like to motivate you all. I have been TTC-ing for about 3 years. Tried TCM as well, spend thousands of money, but no results. We were given so much hope by the TCM, but realised that this TCM person has been sucking dry our months of time in brewing herbs, money, all were wasted. Finally decided to try IVF.. the last resort. Comtemplated for very long as this is the last resort. If doesn't work, we will be really lost. We just finished the whole process, all the needles, pain, money, OHSS even till now, hospitalised... And yes!! We finally got a positive blood test. We prayed every single day, and praise GOD, he answered our prayers. Thus, please don't give up hope. I'm sure your turn will come real soon!
Hi bawbaw, congratulations ! Thanks for sharing your joy and it defintely help to motivate the ladies here.........
Dear bawbaw,
wow! that's good news to us. Praise the Lord! We really need good news to motivate us along. Thanks for sharing. God bless! Praying that you will have a smooth nine month ahead.

all the best! Just relax when you take the jab. It's not painful when the nurse jab, it is after that when the medicine goes into you. Just slight discomfort, not too great a pain to endure. Don't worry.
hi bawbaw,
yay! congratulations to you.. after going thru so much, its all worth it when you get that BFP! it gives us hope to know that there are success stories among us! congrats again, take care of yourself yeah?!

hi yck,
woah so fast already stage pregnyl jab! gd luck!
lfb, thanks for the advice.

merlenna, i find it really fast too. everyday just go back jab jab jab and now ready for collection. but the dreadful 2WW is coming soon if everything proceed smoothly to ET.

btw, do you gals realise that those tested positive has bloatness and/or slight OHSS for those undergoing fresh cycle? gather from previous post and other threads, it seems so. read from the other thread that nicole tested positive and she has the same sign.
Dear LFB & Merlenna,
Thanks. It's definitely worth it all when you see the BFP.
Hopefully my backaches and aching tummy will subside and have a smooth 9 mths ahead.

YCK, I have OHSS when tested positive. Was actually hospitalised for 1 week. Only took the tube off my tummy yesterday.
Hi, I'm new to this forum. Will be starting my cycle probably in July. My first attempt with IVF.

Any of you is seeing Dr Suresh Nair @ Mt E? Any idea what is the success rate of Mt E IVF centre?
how was your injection today?

i feel very nervous as the date is drawing near. do you feel the same way too?

as much as im trying to be calm like the previous days, like cannot! esp since my husband is leaving me for a good 2wks this saturday.

boo hoo
Dea LBF,
yesterday's jab was ok. I told the opportunity to ask nurse some questions too. Asked about the cramps, she said it's normal since the ovary is contracting back to original size. I also asked about the urine test. She said for urine, I can only test either on 21 or 22 June, not too near. I probably will do so. Still have an entire week ahead!
Ya, I felt nervous when I read from YCK that we are suppose to have some syptoms. Then I read what's on the net and realised that not all have the same syptoms b4 they tested positive. So I thought better not think too much.
When I know I get abit worried, I pray immediately. Calm me down real fast. As mentioned, I leave to God, so even if I am excited and nervous, it's not going to help. So I tell myself to see open lor. Yesterday I read some blogs of real young ladies, who due to cancer, either battling with the disease or has passed away. I cried a bucketful after reading. I started thanking God that I am alive.

Welcome. Haven't heard of Dr Suresh Nair. Recommendation from anyone? How do you know about him?
LFB, don't be affected by my findings
shouldn't have posted that. just don't think too much. you can make it
read from your blog, you take really good care of yourself and did alot of preparation works. me, no TCM, no 10 eggwhite per day, only 6. i think i did not put in much effort.

do you still have to go back for jab? what time were you there yesterday?

me have my pregnyl last night. tomorrow will be my ER.
Dear YCK,
don't worry, not affected lah, just hu si luan xiang abit. Common in 2WW.

Abt TCM, been on that for almost 2 years. Acu is intro by sisters in this blog. 10 eggs white? No choice, worried about bloatedness. Don't worry about effort, it's trying your personal best. For me, God's will be done. He will reward me when He thinks the right time.

I went for jab yesterday, around 1130am. Acc to Rebecca, if I am pregnant, 23 June I need to jab too. Praying hard I will have that jab. This is the only time I pray for a jab! Wahaahaaha......

All the best for your ER. Remember to be 10min earlier for your pregnyl. Somtimes the clinic does get too busy. Will pray for good number of eggs for you! All the best!
Miss Hae,
oops. Blur me, wrote a reply for myself. The reply from me after your post is meant for you. Hee hee, watch too much TV and drank too much Ribena liao!
Hi Every1,

Waiting for AF now b4 embarking on my IVF journey. Had dinner last night with some friends who are either pregnant or already have kids. 1 of them just married and announced pregnant. Feel happy for her but sorry for myself. Didnt tell them that i am going for IVF cos i dun feel comfortable telling it all to my friends (all who seem to have a very easy TTC journey). And they ask my how is my TTC going on and some even probe me for more info. 1 of them suspected that i have problems in TTC.

I am sure I am not the only who feel this way. It makes me wonder why is so tough on all of us here.....while others are having such easy life. 1 of my friend (who is 8mths pregnant) complained that she had spent (till now) 1000 plus on gyane fees. Why do we all here have to spend 10K plus just to buy a chance for having a baby......and many would be spending more...

I feel so miserable. Any comments?

Hi Bawbaw

Congratulations! I'll take cheer in your happiness! Rest well and take care!

Hi Lfb

Don't worry about symptoms. In my first pregnancy, I did have bloating and period cramps but in my second pregnancy, I had zero symptoms. I did ask the nurse and she said not to look for symptoms during the 2WW as there may not be any. They may come much later.

Hi Panny

Welcome on board! I've heard that Dr Suresh Nair is friendly and approachable but about his skills, I do not know.All I know is that he has loads of experience. Take care, have confidence and all the best to you.
