IVF/ICSI Support Group

Miss Hae,
ya, get from them, cos hor, we paid for them! Anyway, think TMC give us cos they know we sure find them interesting. True enough, I am one of those suckers they imagine!
That means we had our ET the same day. But TMC uses 17 days wait, instead of 2ww. So mine is on 23, cos 22 June is Sunday. Ya, blood test must wait, so I know urine very fast. Then hor, if urine, should I test on my own first? I not too keen, cos I want to trust God. Will see how lah.
I will have to go back next thursday, for my jab again, no doc appt, just get my bum poke.
Thanks for the prayers! I guess we all needed and I too pray for all who are on this journey. Trying, but enriching!


Ideally, Dr Zou would like to see you twice a week for accup. Accup cost $25 for 40 mins session and medicine will be $35 for 5 days. I told her that due to my work schedule i can only see her on weekends.
i think, it's best not to test on your own, unless you really cannot tahan to know the result!

get your bum poke? is it the prostegerone jab or something?

this time round, i didn't have to take the hcg jab cos the nurse said my hormone level is high already. if they give me the jab, i can get OHSS.

in nuh, i had to go for the pros... jab twice weekly when i knew i got pregnant. painful!

yes, i wish all the best for all the sisters here! must jia yoh all the way!
hi lfb,
hehe, faint again after seeing that tray of eggs?! hehehe.. i can imagine the look on your face, must be horrified seeing that you have to eat them all still.. hehe..

now that i know there's flavoured milk, i may just start drinking soon, even before the 2ww. u know for health sake.. hehe..

U can take yr urine test 2day before tat date. Must buy clear blue HPT and show them the result. No need to test again @ TMC, save abit $$.

If i havent forgot, around $25 + per test @ TMC.I just show them my HPT test and they say clear blue very accurate so no need to retest..
just walloped 3 soft boil eggs, sigh! Will drink a cup of milk b4 I sleep later. Now, my food intake isn't for myself only, must start thinking of the 3 inside.
really? So I can DIY? But then, why they need 17 days instead of 2WW? If I test earlier, is there any different? How much is Clearblue HPT? The digital kind or traditional type? Thanks.
hi all,

how to get ride of the bruises from the injections? or should i just leave it alone and let it heal by itself? will it leave permanent mark?

Here's the contact:
Zou Yumin TCM Physician & Accpuncturist
Blk 505 #01-2670 AMK Ave 8 (560505)
Tel: 6-456-0833

Think she should able to speak simple English bah, I usually talk to her in Mandarin.
Dr Zou do understand English, I showed here all my reports, she knw how to read too....

My AF finally arrived... I've been late for 13 days...
Would like to ask you abt the brew medicine, Dr Zou gave us 5 days and required to take per packet brew 2 times, one for morning and 2nd brew for nite times.... did you follow strictly?
Cos noticed quite difficult to drink in the morning cos the taste.. the color look so muddy...
or did you only brew nite time for the 1st brew and 2nd brew the next day?
I am sorry that i am not able to help you about your question, cos so far I was not given herbs for brewing. I told her that I went through laposcoprpy before and no more endometrosis moreover, I don't have AF pain. You may want to call Dr. Zou if there is other alternative, rather than waking up early in the morning to brew. Or you can ask her if it's OK to brew at night then warm it up again in the morning.
What i do is brew at nite for 2 bowls cos 1 packet can brew 2 bowls. Then drink 1 bowl at nite, the balance bowl, i heat up next morning to drink. Indeed the brew is very hard to drink. Looks yucky and is the most bitter, worst taste ever! But hor, dunno issit due to the herbs, my adeno condition improved! Last fri Dr Loh scan my womb told me the adeno almost not there liao. So i guess its bitter and yucky but very good effects!
Dear ladies who went through 2WW,
just to ask. We are told to rest for the 2WW. Is it ok to walk around at home, or must we have complete bed rest? I mean, I have been like sitting around, walking to toilet and getting water, and also lying down and getting up. These are ok, right?
these are ok.

i have been walking around, shopping as well but i walk slowly and take a short rest when i feel tired.

important thing is to have adequate rest.
Miss Hae,
you went shopping? Wow, my hubby will chop me if I did that man! You did that too for your first IVF? Well I guess whta's yours meant to be yours then. All the best!
oic... but i now don't have endo, but she said tat the brew medicine cos endo, when AF blood will flow back, so tis medicine help to let it flow & clear it...

Momo Bear,
Thanks for your info... Yah, the medicine taste Yucks!! when i saw the color it's like drinking mud.... Tat's the most awful chinese medicine, i've ever tried... but no choice, still have to drink for good...
Did you go accup?
Dr Loh 's back frm leaves... Did you start IVF?
Zeena, ya that med is to discourage backflow of blood so that people with endo wont get condition worsen and people like me with adeno can try to control the growth. Seen Dr Loh last fri and apparently, my adeno growth was well controlled, almost not there, dont even need suppression for 3 months now. I can start IVF anytime already.

My previous IVF, i didnt do anything, no TCM, no ACU. It failed so this time i am not taking chances. Yes, will go for TCM and weekly ACU. Its said at least 3 months of weekly ACU is required rite? 3 months to stimulation jabs or 3 months to ER? Anyway, i will start weekly ACU in Jul and kick start IVF in Aug, ER and ET likely in early Oct.

The med is sooo bad, a few times i drink already, puke right back up again then swallow back. So awful. Sometimes feel like crying, why must go thru sooo much.

LFB, can move around abit. In fact slight walking is good cos improve blood circulation. Just dont go massive shopping or hot and crowded places or take public transport unless really need lah.
Did you went through laproscopy op? How come she never ask me to take brew type? Think maybe my AF not pain. Like what Momo Bear said, the medicine if to discourage backflow of blood.

We can be cycle buddy. Most likely i will be doing second IVF in Aug too!

yes, i did shopping but light short ones. it's more of me walking around slowly, not the rushing for the GSS sale kind! lol!

luckily my best friend is the one who has been going out with me so she has been taking care of me while we are out. i dun buy heavy stuff and all just look see eat and sit kind.

cooping at home makes me call my husband 100 times a day and that makes him crazy!

1st ivf, about the same. after being discharged from my ET, my husband and i went for satay. we didn't really didn't know what to do or not so we just went with the flow.

btw, my bloatedness has reduced significantly.
Budderball, really? Nice to have a buddy to cycle with!
I will probably start after my Aug menses which is after National Day
I did laproscopy op before.. Hmm... I didn't mentioned to Dr Zou abt AF Pain... jus told her I've endo and op before... she told me medicine reason as wat Momo Bear mentioned discourage backflow of blood...

Momo bear & budderball
thk i can't join cycle with u gals, thk i need to "tiao" more, maybe I'll be starting either Oct or Nov...
All the best for u gals, looking forward to ur good news soon...
Miss Hae, you no make your HB take leave to accompany you? Hehe, for my first IVF, HB took a few days leave, be my maid. Served me food, fetch me magazines and remote controls and stuffs. Haha
Nice being served like a queen once in a long while.
Momobear ,
ha ha! actually I don't dare to go out, scarly blur blur fall down, which is so common. I went to visit a company when I was in India in March and I rolled down the stairs! You can imgaine my embarassment and theirs! Ha ha ha!

Miss Hae,
I forgot when I have no bloatedness already. Seems like only for 1 or 2 days only. Now just no appetite, dunno what to eat everytime meal time arrive. Just so sick. But I will go out this Thurs for jab, so may take chance eat from outside. Then this Sun going to Chalet to celebrate Father's Day! Yes!
lol! wah, you more terror than me! hahah!

the first ivf, i never ask him take any leave. he just accompany me for the ER and ET. most of the other times, the visits to NUH, i go on my own.

this second time, coincidentally he is on one week leave cos he'll be away to taiwan for 2wks this Sat (boo hoo!).

for both times, when he's at home, ya lah, like you said, haha, become my maid. help me take medicine, do the hanging, change of my rabbit's place and all. he grumble lah but still go no choice. i only sit on the sofa and smile. hehe! like queen right!!

oh dear. hope you're feeling better. i feel thirsty most of the time though and like you, didn't have much wants to eat anything. on normal days, i can eat everything, now, i don't feel like having any.

yay! take your chance to mingle around ok! just walk slowly, sit and rest most of the time. 2mrw i'm going to see pc wong and after that, i'm off to watch a movie! something to make me laugh lor!
Miss Hae,
if I tell this to my hubby, he will sat,'don't tell me you want to follow her?' He abit paranoid when coming to this. He even wanted to forbid me from cooking. Anyway, now I am counting down to Thurday. You seeing your doc for what reason?
then u should listen to your husband lar. him being paranoid is normal, esp since it's your first time right?

everything that i want to do must be in moderation lah.

im still cooking at home but not the leceh dishes. pity my husband also every day must go out and buy dinner from outside. he is getting thinner and im getting fatter!

hmm, i think to know more about the quality of my embryos and all. the first time they checked me, said i have 9 follicles, then 16, then on the day of ER, it's 20 so i think this time round, the gonal f injections are really making my hormones go up, up, up!
Miss Hae,
my sis just called and told me implantation is 5-7 days after ET. You heard of such thing? Apparently that lady is from KKIVF and that was told to her by the nurse. SHe had complete 2WW bed rest. Thought after ET, first 3 days more important?
Funny, I also told her the same thing (have lap op), and told her that I didn't have AF pain. She also 'pa mai' for us. Maybe from there she will decide what medicine shall we take. After the lap op, you still have AF pain? and heavy flow?
hi lfb,
if i can remember as well, i did ask the nurse how it takes to implant. she mentioned up to 7 days. just don't exert yourself. have adequate rest. i think its better to just play safe and relax for that whole week.

hi yck,
i've got bruises too from the first two days of injections. was wondering what can be done. but today when i did my third, i just made sure i didn't move much. try to be still and inject straight in and then pull straight out. make sure no other movements. and guess what?! no bruise! hehe.. maybe u should try that..
hmm, i never hear about that before. all i know is that for the 2weeks after ET, just to have adequate rest

i never had any bruises from injections but there was once when i had difficulty injecting in and ended up with a bruise. asked the nurse and she said try not to inject at the same area. hope this helps!
YCK i also got bruises, so much until Dr Loh ordered a blood clotting test for me, scared i had some blood clotting disorder. Cos that time amatuer, keep jabbing with pricks so kenna bruised. I do notice if i dont pinch my fats too hard, its gets better. And ya, avoid the same area. I avoided till i have nowhere to jab, mine was quite bad, a black rainbow across my belly.

LFB, your hubby is so sweet, he so concerned, so attentive. Its good, you are fortunate Listen to him bah, make him feel he is important too.
Cos i realised guys tend to feel abit lost esp when we do our jabs and bloodtests and they cant help share our pain. Thats why my hubby was also very attentive and willing to be at my beck and call during 2ww.

Miss Hae, haha, such queen treatment, enjoy it while you can! Now my hubby no more so maidish loh. Hee
Must start another IVF to on the maid mode, haha
Zeena and Budderball,
Thanks for the info on Dr Zou.. will make an appt with her after I come back from my hols.

lfb, Miss Hae and all those in and coming to the 2 weeks,
All the best and take care! hope to hear good news from all of you when I come back!
true enough! on the maid mode-if have any remote control like that, i WANT! i will just press, press, press! lol! but actually ya what. we are the ones who have to go through all the jabs, blood tests, scans, ER, ET. it's not easy for us so to treat us like queen during this IVF stage is only fair mah. lol! must jia yoh for your upcoming cycle in august k!

enjoy your holidays to the max dear! u take care too!
Hi everyone

I'm new to this board. I am currently on my 2WW. I have just undergone a fresh ivf cycle. 3 grade 1 more than 8-celled embryos were placed.My preg. test is due on 12 June.But I think my period is arriving.

I know this sounds gross, but yesterday when I inserted the crinone, and took it out, I saw blacking reddish stains on the applicator so I know my period is coming. I am devastated.

Let me tell you a bit of myself. I've gone through
5 iui cycles. I conceived on the third try but lost the baby at 7 weeks as there was no heartbeat. After that, I had a fresh ivf cycle but failed to conceive. Then I had a frozen embryo cycle which was successful but I lost the baby again for the same reason.

If this current ivf cycle fails, I will have only frozen embryos. I can't take the risk of doing an fet cycle so it has to be a fresh cycle again.

I am already 40 and time is not on my side. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Dear Mala,
welcome. I am on my 2WW too, but my test is 23 June. This is my 1st IVF try.
I really can't advice you much, but to help pray for you. Hang on there, the stain may be implantation bleeding, like what many says. Stay positive, this is how our baby wants us to be. All the best.
Dear Lfb

Thanks for the encouragement. But a few hours ago, my real period actually started.I feel kind of numb.
It hasn't really sunk in yet. I think the tears will come later.

I only have two frozen embryos so I think I have no choice but to go through a fresh cycle again. I am seeing the doctor for a review tomorrow.

I hope you will have better luck. And I will pray for you too. Thanks again
hi all,

just went for my scan this morning. doc detected 23 follicles. est ER either this sat or sun. 13 nos. ranging 10 to 14mm. the rest are 6 to 9mm.
today is my D6 of injection. still on gonal f 150 iu. will see him again on thursday.

you are right tat im in good hand of my doc. at first worry about the low dose reponse. now im starting to worried about OHSS. has actually checked with him y i am given cetrotide so early. he say because of my age, he worried follicles will grow too fast, so need to calm down my system.

i think by e time i am due for ET you will be due for testing. all the best
Dear YCK,
the stretching is due to the follicles growing, sometimes you will feel as if the pelvic area is tight and painful. I experienced that. Asked my TCM, she said it's ok. You have good number of follicles, don't worry. Dr Cheng will make sure they growth to at least 18mm for harvesting. Relax when doing ER. B4 you know it, you will be knocked out and out of theatre real soon! Exciting, right?
My test date on 23 June, your ET should be next Tues or Wed. We will be 1WW buddy.

Just called TFC, asked about eggwhite. SO glad to know that I can cut down to 4 now, since it is suppose to be stablising now. Wow, so happy!

i wonder how many embroyo they will put back in me. i was thinking of 3 to increase the chances. but at the same time afraid of multiples.

yep, they will invite him in. They will also show him one embryo sample. After that, he will stay with you until you wake up.
As for how many, if I am not wrong, it depends on age. Didn't they tell you? You are younger, so prob 2. I put in 3, cos I 35 liao.
