IVF/ICSI Support Group


yup.. I'll be with TPS but the long queueing time is quite a concern for me.. but my hubby refuse to let me change to another hosp/gynae as he feels that in case of complication, KKH is still the best hosp to handle such cases. so.. guess i just got to stick with them for a while..


yup.. I'll be with TPS but the long queueing time is quite a concern for me.. but my hubby refuse to let me change to another hosp/gynae as he feels that in case of complication, KKH is still the best hosp to handle such cases. so.. guess i just got to stick with them for a while..
hi ladies,

Need you advice urgently..

I left my puregon in room temperature for slightly more than 24 hours. Do you think i should get a need one or proceed with the existing?
hi ladies,

Need you advice urgently..

I left my puregon in room temperature for slightly more than 24 hours. Do you think i should get a need one or proceed with the existing?
hi ML,
I'm ok, thanks! Starting to feel giddy and nauseous when hungry and boobs are starting to get sore also. I'm anxious abt the scan, hoping to see a heartbeat then also.

hi hopes,
you will be at TPS? when's your scan? mine's on the 8th jan and nurse told me to go to AMC for scanning before seeing dr loh at clinic d.

hi rose,
hope you're well today. take care, sister.

to everyone... Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
hi shazzer,

at least teh nurse is nice enough to ask u to go straight to amc. i waited at clinic d for 45mins for them to send me there!!!!!
i switched to tps liao. don;t want my blood pressure to boil. hehe

i'm getting hungier by the days! this 2 days, sudd vvery hungry. not that my app is gd. it's jus that i get this gastric feeling very fast after meals...like 1-2hrs after meals n if i don;t feed myself.....nausea will follow! what's happening to my body?! i;ve gained 1 kg as a result this wk. the babies r really getting hungry man! making me eat n eat
do u have it too?
hi shazzer,

Yes... i immediately switch to TPS after my beta test bcoz Dr Loh can do the scanning and advise me at the same time, rather than wait for scanning at amc and then wait for consultation at clinic D again..

My scan is on 5 Jan.

twin star..

i also got gastric all the time leh.. dunno whether it's the medication or result of the pregnancy. also gets hungry very easily but feels full after eating just a little bit
Hi Sisters,

Thanks for all the information and encouragement. My beta reading fell from 28 to 12 iu/l. So, I do not have ectopic preg. That is relief. My mensus is lot heavier but can't wait to start on the FET.

ML- I would assume that I have to wait for the next Mensus in Jan 08 to start? That would be the earliest?

I have booked an appt with KK on 2 Jan 08 for further advise on the FET.

Can't wait to start. I went for the blood test today and felt really teary and heavy hearted and the nurse was so nice that she gave me a big hug.

Jan is very fast.. before u know it.. u are there again

FET is really quite relaxed.. I'm sure you won't feel as stressed up as this time.
hi hopes,

sigh, m stuck at home on x;'mas eve. first time! no choice
hope u had a great day though. today i threw up my lunch cos i didn't feed my stomach fast enough during tea time!!! my babies r unbelivable this wk.they get so hungry all the time. last wk i had no app and couldn;t eat. this wk although i had no app, i need to eat or i'll puke cos too much gas.
i also have a heavy pelvic feeling es after i eat. do u have that?
Hopes , thks. Can't wait to see the Dr... to start again.

What do the Doctor look at in order to decide between FET natural cycle or medicated?

ML -thks for the details.
I would like to wish all my friends here on the thread a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New year. For those trying to get pregnant, my prayers are with you. And for those who are pregnant, my best wishes to them for a smooth 9 months.

God bless all of you.
If appetite is small, just eat small but frequent meals. I'm eating evry 3-4 hrs. In betwn main meals, i try to snack healthily w wholemeal bread, yoghurt, or milk/cereal most of the time. Of course i eat the occasional fries n curry puff too. Don't worry abt ur weight gain now, as ur metabolism is higher, esp w twins.
Hi Everyone

Merry Christmas!! It's a cold 12 degrees here so feels very Chrismassy!!!


Yes, I couldn't wait to start on my FET- I think they may make you wait until you've had your next period in Jan to start. My Dr let me go natural because my periods were always regular, we could easily detect ovulation and my lining was pretty good. Not sure what else they look at? After 2 previous failed implantations he put me on Asprin which he's had some success with before with ladies who have failed to implant, but from reading on the web, there's certainly no guarantee, sometimes it can help, other times not- the jury is out!

There were also a few other things I did differently this time
- My other Dr put me on a 3 day course of antibiotics in case there were any lingering infections in the uterus from my husbands infection (which affected his count)
- I went to chiro every day to have my spine adjusted (apparently it can help align your spine and help the nerve messages and circulation to your uterus...)
- I went to accu, but this time I went for one session straight after the ET as well
- I took some fertility supplements like vitamin A, C, E, Zinc and Selenium, Omega 3...
- Went to massage every weekend before the ET

I pretty much went overkill on everything I thought may help- it cost me a fortune and I ddn't know which may have helped... but one seemed to!!!

The interesting thing was that these 2 embryo's were the worst quality we'd put in so far- one had lost one cell in the thaw and the other had lost 2, whereas all the others had been perfect!

Hopes, Shazzer, Stardiva

I also have gastro, and need to eat constantly, even though I don't feel like it! Only thing that holds off the MS! Tummy and boobs very big already!

Take care and best Christmas wishes everyone!
Hi ML,

Thanks for the update. Do you remember the name of the antibiotic given to you?

I guess I will wait to see what the doc says. For my period is fairly regular, but it has been a few days late since all the medicine I have been taking. My lining was 10 mm the last time.

Did they give you progestrone after the ET? Was it an injection or oral medicine, pessaries?

What kind of folate/vitamin brand are you taking before you were pregnant? Any recommendation?

Wow! A massage is good as it keeps you relaxed. Where did you do yours?

Did you do a blood test before ET to check on your blood count( HCT test)? If yes, was your readings ok? I think they will use this to determine whether you should be given aspirin.. i think.

Sorry I have to ask you all this questions.
hello ladies,
i just had an unpleasant wake-up call from KKH 24 hrs clinic this morning. apparently from the last blood test that i took there, it seems that my hcg levels are not rising as well as they should. the nurse wants me to come back tomorrow to the clinic for a detailed scan. i told her that i want to see dr loh instead, so she's arranged for me to come down to see dr loh at 10 am tomorrow morning.

sigh... i'm kinda numb right now... just hoping for the best...
Sorry to hear that. See if dr loh can help tmrw. Think it'll be v crowded tmrw as it's his first day back, so just be prepared to wait a while. See if he can give u more progesterone or something...
Sorry to hear that. See if dr loh can help tmrw. Think it'll be v crowded tmrw as it's his first day back, so just be prepared to wait a while. See if he can give u more progesterone or something...whatever that can help.
hi shazzer,

you are starting to feel nausea etc. it shows that yr hormones are increasing. what we can hope for is that the day that u did the hcg level was the day of your spotting so it explains the drop. but since spotting stopped we can hope that it has increased since. i'm hoping for the best for you. it is good that you meet dr loh,, he'll be able to help you better.
hi petals, stardiva,
strangely enough, my boobs are not so sore this morning...
more than anything i'm just sick and tired of it all, from 1 worry to the next... negative - positve, symptoms - no symptoms... just don't feel like dealing with it all!
sorry... just need to vent... hope everyone else will have a much better day today.

So sorry to hear that.. hope you will give us good news again tomorrow.

btw ladies..

do u all experienced white discharge after being tested positive? I've been having some white discharge lately. quite worrying, wondering whether it's normal.
hi gals

scheduled to do FET in early Jan, just wondering for those who went through FET at KKH IVF., how many days MC was given after the procedure?

also the luteal phase support after the insertion, is it progesterone jabs or inserts? can we opt for jabs instead of inserts?

this is my first FET after failing a fresh cycle in Aug this year.
symptom-wise, don't worry too much about it cos the symptoms come and go...not every day is the same. Boobs will expand for a while then later not much. Just sorry that your christmas is stressful...Hope u get gd news tmrw.
Hi babymaking,

We are in the same boat. I also failed a fresh cycle in Dec. Are you with Dr Loh at KK ivf? Did KK IVF centre make you wait for a couple months before you start your FET?

Gd luck
Hi babymaking, I asked for 3 days of MC for my FET. The progesterone is a form of pessaries, insert into the rectum. It is actually very easy and painless. Why do you want injection instead?

Good luck for your FET.

Shazzer, stay strong and positive...
Hi babymaking, I asked for 3 days of MC for my FET. The progesterone is a form of pessaries, insert into the rectum. It is actually very easy and painless. Why do you want injection instead?

Good luck for your FET.

Shazzer, stay strong and positive...
Hi babymaking, I asked for 3 days of MC for my FET. The progesterone is a form of pessaries, insert into the rectum. It is actually very easy and painless. Why do you want injection instead?

Good luck for your FET.

Shazzer, stay strong and positive...
Hi babymaking, I asked for 3 days of MC for my FET. The progesterone is a form of pessaries, insert into the rectum. It is actually very easy and painless. Why do you want injection instead?

Good luck for your FET.

Shazzer, stay strong and positive...
Hi babymaking, I asked for 3 days of MC for my FET. The progesterone is a form of pessaries, insert into the rectum. It is actually very easy and painless. Why do you want injection instead?

Good luck for your FET.

Shazzer, stay strong and positive...
Hi babymaking, I asked for 3 days of MC for my FET. The progesterone is a form of pessaries, insert into the rectum. It is actually very easy and painless. Why do you want injection instead?

Good luck for your FET.

Shazzer, stay strong and positive...
Hi Babymaking, i asked for 3 days MC for my FET. The progesterone given is a pessaries, insert into the rectum. It is very easy and painless, why opt for injection?

Rose, i only waited for 1 cycle to do my FET.

Shazzer, stay strong and positive.
hi rose

yes, under SF Loh also, they didn't ask me to wait but i wasn't ready to start on the FET emotionally. finally mustered the courage to start in NOv but had to go through induction of AF and OCP for one month before finally getting the date for FET in early Jan 08.


thanks for the info about the MC, 3 days mc sounds good. did you have to do a progesterone blood test. and on which day do you have to do the blood test?

I am just worried that body will not absorb the pessaries versus jabs - cause i did pessaries and oral progesterone to help save a previous pregnancy but failed as body wasn't absorbing it.

anyone here took jabs instead of oral or pessaries during FET at KKH? are we allowed to choose?
babymaking, for natural cycle FET, there is no blood test for progesterone level. I suppose you could request for a test jus to confirm that your level is alright. Perhaps based on your history, they could put you on a different track. all the best.
Hi Babymaking

The only time I had a blood test on FET was when I was having trouble detecting my LH surge for Ovulation with the home test kit. I got a bit anxious I may have missed it, went into the clinic, they tested me, then before I got the results back I got the surge anyway... they could also see from the blood it was about to happen to. Best of luck!


How are you going today? Sure everything will be fine....!
Thanks ML for the info

Will check with KKH IVF or Dr Loh directly, i guess different pple have different protocol when it comes to FET.
Hi everyone,
Back from seing Dr Loh. My HCG is indeed not doubling enough but he did a v-scan, and thankfully, could see the gestational sac in the womb... phew! But becos of my slow-rising level, would need to monitor weekly, so seeing him again on the 2nd of Jan. Again, thank you all so much for your best wishes... let's hope the good news keep on coming!
Hi all,

We r considering whether to go KKH or private for fertility tests. Pls advise on how's the proceed?

We would like to go for Dr SF Loh so we can only c him at TPS? May I know how's the cost like?

Will we go for the necessary checkup & test straight on our 1st visit? Or will it be drag for mths & mths, some said they wait for 6mths for the test results.

That's great news that u can see the sac...happy for u! I'm sure all will be fine.

Mrs Choo,
You can see Dr Loh at TPS, just call up the general appmt line to make ur 1st appmt. Cost slightly more compared to Clinic D, but you can request for after office hours if u r working. He's at TPS on certain days only. KKH will be cheaper than pvte for IVF. 1st consultn is abt $80+ at TPS, then follow-up consultn is $50+, excl any tests.
