IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi littletwin,
last night i was also feeling some strange pulling lowerpart of my body then i wake up and went for pee. today i am not feeling very good..feeling headech and also very stressed ..morning during the breakfast time my husband scold me very badly because i threw some food..can not swallow the cold milk..he just forget i am pregnant..
... he become tierd and stressed within last two weeks..but till now i am taking 2 painfull jab every week..my pain is not touching him. i cried a lot after i came to the office..i am not feeling well ...but there is nobody with whom i can share..


must be the hormones getting into you..

sometimes..it's really beyond ur control..

have a good heart to heart talk with ur hubby..i'm sure he'll understand the pain u are going thru.

Be strong !!

all these r the discomforts of first trimester. it will be over soon n you'll feel much better
most first time dads dunno how to take care of their wife n they do not know what to do with them during this time. my hubby is also like that. yr hubby might also be stressed at work or worried for the future etc.

sit him down, talk to him. tell him what he can do to make u feel better. let him know this is a very uncomfortable season for u n u need his support. i did talk to my hubby n he is now much more sensitive to my needs n emotions.
guys need to be taught at times

hang in there!

My pregnancy beta test results were borderline. Not a good sign. The reading was 27.9 iu/l.

I have to go for another test on Monday to see whether it improves. So far, still no bleeding.

Could be a chemical pregnancy.

I don't think it was successful.
Just received a terrible news from the clinic. The clinic called to tell me that my husband has low sperm count - actually a zero sperm count! I am really devastated. I myself have irregular periods but was hoping that there would be help by taking clomid. Now I realised there is another obstacle.....I cried in the office today..and feeling very shitty...i love kids very much. But it seems like my dreams of having my own kids would not be very possible

I am wondering if anyone of you having the same problem as me? Can anyone share their experience? WHat a terrible day for me!!!

Don't worry. I believe there is a technique called TESA where the doc might operate on your husband to extract it from the source. I know how you feel. I feel terrible as well after my blood test today. You will be fine.
Don't feel sad, as it's the preg hormones that cause us to be more emotional. Just explain to ur hubby that ur tastebuds change and r more sensitive and he will need some time to get used to it. He might be at a loss as to how to handle a preggy wife now. I also couldn't control myself and cried a few times over something trivial that normally doesn't bother me too.

As long as the hcg doubles every 1-2 days, shld be a gd sign. Hang in there...wait for Monday's test first.
Thanks rose,

Doctor ask my hubby to do another test in 2 months time. But i got a feeling that the test results would be the same. I believe if i wana to pursue my baby dream i would have to go thru' IVF/ICSI if there is still hope that there is some sperm somewhere....

I will be visiting the doctor in Jan to ask for more advise....i still find it hard to accept....hubby is also devastated...he never expect the results to be like this

BTW how many cycles have you undergone? Are you working? I wonder if i would have to quit my job to go for IVF.

Tho' i feel like shit today but i will still pray for you rose!! Hope everything will work out for you!
Dont get upset..my bhcg was also very low..but it double by 2-3 days...and dr could saw the sac after 10 days of my blood test..dont get disappointment..pray to GOD.

Hi hopes and littletwin,
thanks for your support..yes i have to be strong.
today i got 2 jab at backside..i went to raffles clinic..the dr could not poke properly..she hurt me...still now it is very painful..really a very very bad day for me!!

dun despair. have ur hubby seen the doc yet?
there is plenty of ways to explore to improve ur hubby's condition. medication, surgery or even TCM, so.. dun give up yet ya! we have many many miricles happened here before in the forum, who knows, you might succeed with just a little bit of help here and there!


yes, i agreed with pupi, our hcg will double everyday. even thou it is low... there is still a good chance. hang on dear!
hi rose,
dun worry, wait for the test again on monday... i strongly believe its not over yet for you... you're in my prayers...
Thks shazzer.

I really don't know what i can do now except wait. The following are possible scenarios that can happen:

1. Beta level doubles.. which is gd
2. Chemical pregnancy
3. Ectopic pregnancy. (Really hope this is not ectopic)
4. Or I get my mensus. Start on the FET.

Ladies, did any of you did FET? How long do I have to wait before I start on FET? Does my husband need to give his sperms earlier for FET as he has a business trip overseas? Just in case.

I have to look at all possible options.
Hi Rose

I did FET and have just had success on my second FET (one fresh and 2 FET transfers in total). I'm really hoping and sending out positive vibes to you for scenario 1! Stay positive and hopefully all will be fine!

My clinic likes you to wait at least one cycle until you do FET to let the drugs from IVF clear your system- that way they can monitor you better for your ovulation. Check with your Dr, but I think many clinics make you wait.

Take care and rest.

I can understand how you are feeling- but keep positive becuase there are many things they can do to help you have a successful pregnancy.

One of the girls in my mothers groups husband had exactly the same thing- NO sperm count and as one of the other girls said they went straight to the 'source' and she now has a gorgeous baby.

My husband found out he had an extremely low sperm count a year ago. We were devistated- him particularly becuase we had successfully conceived my son naturally 4 years ago, so something had happended to him over the following 2 years! Lots of times it can be the result of an infection or virus... He took it really badly and wouldn't talk about it for so long and I think it really affected him. It's the last thing boys expect and it really affects their confidence.

He took vitamins and drugs for months, but unfortunately didn't help much. It takes around 2-4 months to grow sperm which I didn't know, so even if it starts improving today you see the results a lot later.

We did ICSI and I am now pregnant after a year of treatment, so don't be too down OK, I'm sure there are many things they can do to help you achieve your dream! Take care, M
Hi gals
Just done my ER yestersday afternoon, 1st time and I am now resting at home. So bore to have to keep lying down in the bed. Have to lie for 2 weeks..imagine its only the 1st day and I cannot tahan liao

Thanks for the updates. What do you mean by fresh? Does it mean yOU had to go through another ER process to get a freah one? Is it possible to transfer only Frozen embryos?

Thanks for the updates. What do you mean by fresh? Does it mean you had to go through another ER process to get a freah one? Is it possible to transfer only Frozen embryos?
hi Ling!!

welcome to the thread!

i actually welcome the break during the 2WW. :p guess i'm quite a "nua" person...hehe..
do come in the chat with us if u are bored.


like ML, i also went thru one Fresh and two FET. Your hubby need not be around when doing Frozen embryo transfer, coz they are now using your excess fertilised eggs that are kept in the special freezer to implant into ur womb. Until all your frozen embryos are used up (touch wood), then you will need to go thru it all over again (puregon.. ER, ET).

Hope my explaination is clear. Btw.. FET is much more relaxed than fresh cycle!! No jabs!!
hi ladies,
i just had a scare, came back from lunch and found that i was spotting, brownish discharge... straightaway went to kkh 24hrs clinic... dr scanned and of cos, saw nothing in the womb but that could be cos its still way too early, the only thing they can do is to monitor thru beta test, just did 1 today and might have to go down again either tmrw or monday depending on the result... i'm really, really just hoping for the best now and just rest i guess... sigh...
As long as the spotting stops in a day, shld be ok. Just get plenty of rest this weekend. You're abt 4.5wks now? Will be too early to see the sac yet, so don't be worried. Hugz...
Shazzer, don't worry. Just rest. Everything will be fine.

Hi Ling - Welcome. The wait can be agonising. But,you will pull through it. take care

I also remembered the nurse telling me that I should not take any more progestrone. Should i conclude that this pregnancy is not viable because of what the nurse said?


pls take care..dun move around too much ya..

have more bed rest.


not sure abt that leh..hope petals or the other sisters can advise..
Are u under Dr loh? I suggest u email him with all ur details to check before stopping ur progest/duphaston. Get his confirmation first.

for the time being, like what hope say bedrest is best. it will help stop the spotting. rest well, no x'mas shopping for now k. rest well, don't worry. tell yr baby to hang in there

since you are having another test on mom, i don't think you shld stop the pregesterone. as it will give yr baby an extra push and help. wait till mon's test n ask yr dr for advice. hang in there!

I agree with stardiva- take it easy, rest and of course make sure you are taking all your drugs- in fact my clinic gave me extra progesterone to take and even a couple of jabs (which I had to take with my luggage on the plane!) in case I got cramping or spotting. I have my fingers crossed for you!! Too early to see anything yet,so don't let that worry you! Take care!

Rose- I agree too on the progesterone- keep taking it until you see your doctor- the last thing you want is to not give your baby enough support- all my babydust vibes going out to you too. Hang in there. Oh also, on your other question, I had 3 transfers in all, so one was the 'fresh' one directly after the ER and then we froze the 15 embryo's we had left, so I've had 2 frozen transfers after that. The second one looks to have worked...

Everyone, I've been really ill the last couple of days with a gastro virus. At first I thought it was bad MS but then I was aching all over, sore, throat, eyes, then for the past 12 hrs I've had really bad diaroehea... kept me up though the night. So now I'm a little worried about my baby/s. Trying to drink more water to bring fluids up, but tempted to do another HPT test today just to check that it's still there. Possibly silly but you know how it is...

hi hopes,petals ,littletwin
i am counting day for my second scan on 26.. a bit tense about my baby..dont know how it is growing. however,yesterday i got a very nice day..me and my hubby applied for sg citzenship..after that we watch a comedy hindi movie..all the time i was laughing .. it was very nice movie..than have launch at thai restaurant...haha and i did not throw any food.
my hubby is worrying that i am not taking enough food..
you have any idea if my baby born as a sg citzen what are the benifits i will get during my delivery/ or for my baby? actually i am PR in australia..my sis are insisting me to go for my delivery over there but i prefer in sg... so thinking to get citz.
hi hopes, ml, stardiva, rose, petals,
slept for about 10hrs last night... feel better today and so far no spotting since that 1 time yesterday. i think i might know why it happened, i went out for lunch then walked around for abt 1 hr and when i got home realised i hadn't taken my duphaston in the morning. saw brown disharge and panicked... although i remember the kkivf nurse telling me that brown spotting is ok... anyway, planning to veg at home whole day today, cos i have to go to work tomorrow for abt 4 hrs...

ML, gastro flu is the worst, i remember having it just before my ER... try drinking lots of fluids esp energy ones like H2O (the non-gassy one) or even Ribena and rest well too.

hi pupi,
glad to hear you had a good day yesterday...

hi ling,
welcome! how are you today? are you on 2ww?

I have got my mensus.Wipe with tissue and saw a bit of red blood. I guess I have to try again now. Must have been a chemical preg. Next round will be FET for me.

I will still need to do the blood test to ensure that the HCG clears the system.

I hope to start the next stage as soon as possible. I am going to keep trying until I get it.

Sorry to hear that.

But I admire your spirit! Fight on gal!!

Do you want to try our some TCM or acupunture first to build up your body?

I would love to try out TCM or accu. Do you have the details and tel? Does the person speak english? When should I start? thks

BTW, just wanted to check on FET..
What kind of japs do I need to take for this cycle? Hopefully, the 10 frozen embryos I have left will work for me.
hi rose, sorry to hear about your menses... but yes, do continue to try and never give-up. btw, i got this list frm this thread many, many posts ago (think abt 2 years), not sure if the details are still correct, but you might want o check it out. take care!<center><table border=1><tr><td>

TCM.xls (36.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>
sorry to hear that...Don't give up ok.

Gd to hear the spotting has stopped. One of the pharmacists prev told me to take my progesterone at regular intervals, e.g. if twice a day, to take at 12-hr intervals like 8am and 8pm. What I do is to use my hp alarm to remind me to take my meds cos I'm quite forgetful. Maybe u can try that too.
Thanks for all your support.

I have a few questions regarding FET:

1. How long is the process?
2. I was told there are 2 cycle: natural and stimulated. Which cycle does KK do first?

The FET process' duration is dependant on ur body.
You will be given medication to thicken up ur womb. Once ur womb lining is of the optimum thickness, Doc will suggest the Embryo Transfer within the next few days.

For me, it takes abt 2 wks from my last menstrual cycle to reach the optimum thickness.
Dearest Sisters,

<font size="+1"><font color="119911">Merry X'mas !!</font></font>

May this X'mas be filled with Joy, Happiess and Hopes for all of you !!

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Cheers!!</font></font>
Dearest Sisters,

<font size="+1"><font color="119911">Merry X'mas !!</font></font>

May this X'mas be filled with Joy, Happiess and Hopes for all of you !!

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Cheers!!</font></font>

m so sorry, just don't give up. at least u have a pregnancy detacted. this time, take some tcm n go to the amk acupuncture to strengthen yr womb. next round sure bingo! all the best!
Hi Rose - I am doing TCM at Raffles Hospital (under Ms Jin). She is rather nice and experienced. She speaks English. Take care and rest well.

Shazzer - take care and have a good rest over the holidays too...

To everyone else - Merry Christmas and God will bless all of us!

I am still coping now with my side effects from Suprefact -- not having the usual side effects...am feeling nausea and giddy. Only 2 nites ago then feel the usual side effects of hot flushes and last nite moody swings.... maybe the good thing will be me not eating too much over the holidays!!
Hi Rose - I am doing TCM at Raffles Hospital (under Ms Jin). She is rather nice and experienced. She speaks English. Take care and rest well.

Shazzer - take care and have a good rest over the holidays too...

To everyone else - Merry Christmas and God will bless all of us!

I am still coping now with my side effects from Suprefact -- not having the usual side effects...am feeling nausea and giddy. Only 2 nites ago then feel the usual side effects of hot flushes and last nite moody swings.... maybe the good thing will be me not eating too much over the holidays!!
Hi Rose

Sorry to hear that it didn't work this time but given you have 10 in the freezer you have a very good chance!

Speak to your Dr about when you can start your FET cycle and whether you can go natural or whether you need drugs. If they can monitor your cycle easily and detect when you're about to ovulate, and you have a good natural lining thickness then you can go fully natural and they just put the embryos back in about 5 days after you detect ovulation via the home kit/ blood test. Or you may need some hormones to help thicken the lining... just depends on what your Dr thinks.

I went to the TCM centre at Paragon, 13th flr, Dr Tang Yue, who works with Eu Yan Sang. She's lovely and has a few IVF patients. I also did one accu session directly after my ET this time. My Dr also put me on Asprin this time around to thin the blood and hopefully help implantation.

Like Hopes, we both had success on our second Fet, so don't be too disheartened OK? I'm sure you'll be fine as you have so many embryo's!

Shazzer, how are you going today- glad spotting has stopped!

I also feel much better today- gastro has stopped and I almost feel back to normal, apart from tiredness and a little MS when I don't eat... can't wait, but also anxious about my scan 7th Jan- I just hope they can see at least one heart beat there!


I'm with CARE @ Paragon at the moment under Paul Tseng, so will do first scan there, but thinking of transferring back to my previous Obst. I had in Singapore for the ongoing care. Are you at TPS?
