IVF/ICSI Support Group

the cost of IVF differs...this 10K range is NUH, Gleneagles is higher...but medisave deduction same everywhere --

U have to check with the hospital u want to do what is the price.
Thanks Vanilla,

Actually i have made an appointed with KK but cant wait to know more information, therefore, would like to know from you gals. I have more question, hope you dont mind.

From which CD we will start the jabs. Will we still have menses once we start the jab?

Will MC be given for 2ww, or we have to use our own leave?
If u r put on long protocol, u start lucrin on cd21 for 2 wks, then go for scan & blood test to see if u need to extend or proceed to puregon stage. You will get your period during the lucrin stage. KKH will cost abt $6k-$8k including the puregon jabs, before any medisave dedn.
no lor.. I still working ..
now at home liao
my contraction is harder but now about 15 mins - 30mins pain once. gosh..
Petal bloom,

Actually i had made an appointment with KK in Jan for first consultation. But can't wait to find out more infor.

How often is the jab? twice a day?

What will be the payment like? Progressive payment or we have to payment the cost ($6k-$8k) upfront then reimburse later after CPF deduction?
Hi AngelBee,
the Lurin injection is once a day (preferably in the morning) for about 12-14 days (u will do a bloodtest to see if u are responding to it). Then u do puregon for another 12 -14days (daily) and more blood tests before ER.
Not sure abt KK's policy on the payment. Also i rem reading in this thread that KK's 2ww policy is different from say Gleneagles (not sure if changed now). Sorry, not much of a help here...hope other sisters using KK can help.

Hopes - did u manage to get the article?
Oh, when the dr approves ur ivf, they'll trsf u to the ivf centre and the nurses there will run thru the whole process with u and hubby. Lucrin and puregon are both once-daily jabs. You'll have to pay for the counselling, blood tests and jab medications as and when required. I paid abt $3k+ cash for these, before getting my cheque refund. As for the ER & ET procedures, KK will claim from ur medisave. Any excess of medisave claim, KK will give u a cheque refund.
hi ladies,
it is a blessed positive for me
. i'm relieved, but then again, like hopes, dun dare to be too happy becos of a previous experience as well.

thank you all very much here for your support and kind words... my next appt for scan is another long 3 weeks away on 8 jan...

dun give up... your turn will be next!
I'm doing my IVF at KK too. I just started my lurin injections for 1 week now. My doc is Dr Kelly Loi but currently she is away for training and will only be back sometime in Mar. But the nurse attending to me at IVF centre is Angeline Teng. She's really good and helpful. So far, the procedure has been smooth sailing.
Vanilla Pod and Petal Bloom,

Is it alternate days we have to go back to KK for scanning while having jab? Understand that after ER will entitle 5 days MC. What aout during 2ww? Is MC given as well or we have to take our own leave? I have to start to plan for my leave carefully so that no one in company will know i go for ivf.

yes..managed to find the article.. thanks alot !!



Let's Hold On to our embies for a Long long time this time ya!! Let's jia you together!!

Congratulations!I am very happy for you.

My test is on 21 Dec. I am not putting too much hope on this. But hopefully it will be a gd outcome.

So far, no bleeding. 1 day late for period. But I think it is due to the progestrone injection.
No cramps, if any very mild. I have no other symtoms. SO SAD.. hope its normal.

I had similar symptoms during IUI (failed twice), however, in the previous 2 IUIs I would have started bleeding on my period day itself. Can't really say yet.

I did my ER on 5 Dec. When can I take a HPT?

Shazzer, did you do a HPT before the blood test?
Congrats on ur BFP!! Wish u a smooth n happy 9 mths!

If u see my earlier post to u, you will jab lucrin daily, then go back for ur scan and blood test only 2 wks later. Based on the results they will give u a date to start puregon. After one wk of puregon, u will have to return to scan ur follicles and lining. They will then give u ur ER date. May be quite hard to plan ur 2ww leave exactly, cos they can extend either ur lucrin stage or puregon stage. I'm not sure abt MC given, but I think u can request for more than the usual 5 days.

I think u can take ur HPT tmrw since it's D13PET...is yours a D2 transfer? Good luck! Babydust to you!
Shazzer, Congrats Congrats!! many good news from here... think the babydust spreading is working!!

Angelbee, I asked for and got my 14 days MC for my 2WW (starting from ER). I knew my ER date only 4 days before.

u still working? sounds so scary leh, better rest at hm n get everything ready for delivery wow. really peifu u, if me, i would became a mad n panic woman.... pls take care,

my first two times.. i took abt one wk mc only.. the rest of the 2ww i took my own leave.

3rd time.. getting more "experienced" ..haha.. i asked for 2 wks MC straight.. coz my leave all depleted already :p
Shazzer - CONGRATS!!

Angelbee - i think for KK u can ask ur doctor to give u the 14 days MC. Like what petals said it is difficult to plan for when that 2ww is cos one might need to extend on the lurin stage if one is not responding to it. The 1st scan for me will be at the end of 14days during the lurin stage. During the puregon stage i think there are more scans but i will only get a confirmed dates later. Need to pass this first lurin stage first. For myself I told my boss and team mates cos we are fairly close and I think it is just fair on my boss to know why i am away for so long given the work i am doing.

Rose - take care and all the best to ur test on 21st!

Hi FHC..glad to see u on this thread!
Thanks everyone! The babydust is indeed spreading wide...

Rose, dun worry, I also didn't have any symptoms... even til now, so there's still hope for you yet. No, I didn't do HPT.
Vanilla, Shazzer - thanks for your gd wishes.
I certainly hope things work out.

I am having mild cramps now. Can't really say until the test date.

congrats!!!!!! u've made it

now pls continue to take good care of yourself. the first trimester is very important. don;t walk too much or carry too heavy stuffs. always rest and take a break when tired.
have a smooth 9mths!

when is yr edd? r u counting down yet? i post a ques to nano but no reply from her yet. i read in the mtb section about mozart music for babies. do u know where i can get it? is it jus any mozart cd? no specific one es for babies?
yest was the first day i went nausea free! actually i was trying very hard. when silva is gathering at my mouth, i quickly pyhsco myself and pop a plum n it went away

2 more days to go. positive vibes r on yr way. babaydust!
Still long way to go for me... Abt Mozart music, i think any one will do, cos I'm not sure how the Baby Mozart cds are any diff. You can prob check out Amazon for details, but I would think a few of our local maternity shops will carry it. Maybe u can ask those shops at KK, like The First Few Years and Mothercare. Looks like u can control ur nausea somewhat...that's great. Keep it up...things will get better from now...
Hello Twin Stars,
Sorie for my late reply. Gd tat Petals have replied u. Bought 2 CDs for baby at IMM CD-Rama. They have a few selection for baby although not alot. You can go and take a look, prob other branches also have.
Yr HCG quite high..might be twins

Try to relaz by listening to some music. Also, if u feel nausea, try not to take too much water during meals. You can take it in between meals, in this case, you will lessen the bloatness too.

Twins would be great..!!
Coz if I were to pull thru this time..I probably won't be trying again as I have no frozen ones left.. :p

If triplets.. I will be damn stress.. hope not.. crossing my fingers.

sounds like someone might join the twins club

i have to wait until 10 jan for my next app.....so far away, wander how r my babies


went to a few cd shops to c, dunno wat to get. i use to get insomia but nowadays i have no prob sleeping except when i feel terrible i tot of listening to some music. i tot of buying those spa music to help me relax but dunno wat to buy n nowadays i don;t have walking stamina so can't really shop. mayb i do wat petals say search amazon first. if i like it than get hubby to buy.

do u know for twins, when can we know the gender?
Is it normal to have food craving during your lurin injects? My appetite have increased recently, I get hungry very fast. By the way, my period is within these few days, will there be any slight discharge since I'm taking my lurin? I heard from somewhere you may??
For me, I just bought those classical music compilation cds. Actually classical music doesn't really relax me...hee...
Actually i read that the babies' gender will be visible around wk15 onwards, but depends on babies' positions. Usually, most find out during the wk 20 detailed scan, which scans every part of the baby, but also baby must cooperate to show his/her gender.

Maybe twins yah? can join the club...
wah pupi, yr icon very cute,hee


spa music relaxes me. those they play at the spas r very nice but those they sell in the shop, not very nice. abit new age. oh...15 to 20 wks...can look 4ward to that

do u know yr babies' gender yet?
Petals, mine is a D2 transfer. Actually my blood test should be tmr.. but tmr public holiday leh..

My husband doesn't want me to a HPT.. although I am very tempted. hehehe

I guess if i waited for 2 weeks , I should be able to wait for 1 more day.

So far, no cramps. Just a tight feeling of the abdomen and no spotting.

Is this normal? I do not want to be too optimistic as I feel the delayed period could be due to the progestrone japs.

Thank you everyone for your well wishes. I pray everything goes well for all of us.

... have a smooth 9 months


Looks like it's gonna be Twins!! Congrats again!


Yes, I tried to drink less water right after meals... only drinking after about 20-30 mins.. kind of helped a bit..

Petals, Stardiva

Just got back from my scan @ TPS... my hubby was extremely delighted to see the heartbeats.. he was smiling all the way.. we were both focusing on the screen until we totally forgotten to take video clip with the handphone... maybe next time... Will be seeing Dr Loh on the 9th Jan..
Don't worry, a few of us also didn't have many symptoms when we got out BFP result. Good luck for whichever test u take!

Seeing their heartbeats are very reassuring...how many weeks r u now? Same as Pupi and Stardiva?

No, don't know yet. But Dr said one may be a girl...not confirmed yet.
little twin star, pupi, chevall, weiwei, petals, vanilla ,

Thank u all for ur encouragement!! I'm certainly hoping for twins too!


you can do it too!! we will all gradutate together..remember..? we will be rooting for you tmr!!
do remember to update us on ur results ya!!


LFT?? wow !! hope u get this ultimate combo!!
How many wks then we'll get to know the gender of the baby(s) huh?
morning ladies,

the weather is sooooooo good to sleep. this is the only time i slep until now.hee

i also can't wait to let poor hubby see the babies. he didn;t get to see the alst time. now we have to wait till 11 jan to c. so worried. everyday praying that the babies r growing well

wa, i'm hoping u'll get LFT!!!! n spread the dust to us twin mtb

let's cross our fingers together!
Petals, Stardiva

Currently in my 7th week... trying hard to get use to MS... the unfortunate part is everynight I will have stupid dreams which is totally senseless.. And I can't get to sleep after I walk up to pee... by the time it's morning... I can only catch some sleep... so I get more dizzy and headache in the morning... haizzz... All I wan and peaceful nites...
Haven't been on line for a few days and boy have I missed some developments!!!!

Hopes and Shazzer


I've just seen your news and so happy for the both of you!

Hopes- your Beta is very high, looks like twins! So pleased for you!

Shazzer- my scan is on the 7th, just one day before yours!

Rose- Sending out babydust for you on your test- really hoping you will join us!!

Starting to feel a little nausea on and off now, and VERY tired. Keep reminding myself that this is a good thing, but not looking forward to it getting into full swing!

Had my work Christmas party tonight and tried to not blow my cover by holding onto a glass of champagne and pretending to sip every now and then! Didn't fool the people who know me though and a couple of them were definitely onto me!!!

Take care everyone and best of luck Rose!


Yes, I find that take water before sleeping only makes me feel more bloated... so I usually take a glass of milk half an hour before sleeping.. it does help a bit...
Jade- mom

R u out there? Have been thinking about you and hoping things are improving- hopefully you will join us next year.

Hopes, Stardiva,
You'll prob find out ur babies gender anytime from 15 wks onwards, but quite hard to spot during the quick scans cos most of the time babies cross their legs. I don't know for sure yet, and I'm also hoping for LFT, but as long as babies are healthy, I don't mind any combi. Hopefully will find out during my next scan. Me anxious to see babies again...my appmt is 5 wks from the prev one.

Me too, still getting funny vivid dreams even now. I used to get up abt 2-3 times at nite to go to toilet, but it has reduced once a nite now in 2nd tri. But doesn't mean i sleep better cos now tummy bigger so have to find a comfy position. Ah, the joys of pregnancy...

i had 2 "strange erotic" dreams in my 5th wk of preg, hee. but now ok liao.last nt i dreamt of traveling with my girlfriends. other times no dreams at all cos too exhasted. i'm sleeping later n later, cos i wanna pee finish first b4 i sleep. it works. i can tahan till morn for next pee. but i sleep at 1am la. not too gd. strangely i can't stomach alot of water in the day time. mayb that y i have "night sickness" instead.

after telling u i am able to control my ms. i only had 1 ms free day....that was the day! the next day i had it once, then twice a day. yest, i didn;thave then start to worry and ask my babies to givee me a sign or a dream to tell me they r growing well. then last nt, bad ms man. almost threw out my porridge n after that gastric so need to eat something! i itchy mouth right?!!!! haha

oh ya tigg3r,
yest, went out with family to eat. 20mins later, i was cramping away! i searched for the toilet n the q was soooo long. while waiting i cramp until leg shiver! then went to pian pian. everything ok. OMG, now tummy wanna pian means wanna pian...how to go out with friends for a meal or celebrations? i will scare them man!

petals already in 2nd trimester, sure got bump lei, summo she twins

me.....actually have although i lost weight but i also dunno is it left over from ohss which i doubt so cos i lost 7 kgo face sharp but tummy like a balloon


Nope I dun have obvious bumps.. how ever sometimes if I eat the wrong food and have slow digestion, it will show a bit, usually towards the end of the day.. these few days been experimenting on food.. I realised I can't take rice or noodles.. sure gets very bloated after meals..


Yeah! the joy of pregnancy is soooo unpredictable...
