IVF/ICSI Support Group

haha ladies: I bought 4 sticks and tested 2 days apart starting D12 just to convince myself the blue line is there.

Petals: I told Dr Loh I did not want to go for the DS test. and I will be doing my detailed scan when he comes back (in Jan). Dr Loh says baby's neck does not look unusually thick. and also the nose bone looks alright....but he did say his conclusion "tak pa kai" and then laughed.

Lily: So sorry you had to go through this pain. Will be keeping you in prayer.


9dpet for me today. My blood test will be this Sat. feeling very anxious too. I also thot of using the HPT to find out but am scared of the result. Too chicken to find out. Like you say, can fantasize that i have succeeded...O: been trying to get myself busy so that i dont remember it. just few more days....sooner or later, we have to know, huh??

I dont have any more cramps, not sure whtr that is good sign. but I always feel wet down there, thank god, it's not spotting. but i get so paranoid. Could it be the insertion? i read from somewhere that when u r preggy, we suppose to get a lot of discharge? is that true?

anyway, to all other on 2WW, good luck on your test day as well! it's festive season, so i think it will bring luck to all of us.

ur bloodtest so early..? This Sat that means only 13dpet right..? Wishing u all the best!!

which hospital are u with..?

i'm so sorry for yr loss. u must take this time to "bu" yr body then u can come back stronger. the good thing is u can get pregnant so yr chances will be high the next round. must pray n talk to yr embies to stay away from the tubes the next try. don't give up. i pray that God will bless yr womb n conceive very soon

i didn't have the courage to do the hpt. too much dis from it until i have a phobia. b4i was tempted to test i was hospitalized already. even after i was told i am preg, i was not convinced n wanted to do a hpt. God has His way of teasing me when my pee stick turned blank after peeing. i had to dip the stick on the left over pee on the shower floor n the lines appeared. if u think it'll make u feel better if u r mentally prepared b4 the actual test then do it. of it'll make u more scared than stay away from it k cos if u test too early u might b dis 4 nothing. "tong" ok, all the best!

when preg, yr discharge will increase, it's normal
Oh, as long as nasal bone is sighted, it really lowers the risk. You can join us in the MTB thread...

I think those who test so early at D10 could be for blastocyst trsf, as their embies already 5days when ET. For most of us, our ET is 2-3 days after ER. Also if test too early, u might unnecessarily scare urself if it's a false negative. I got a faint positive blue line at D13.

so that means got a little bit of discharge is quite a good sign huh..?


yes..my test on 19th..
probably will do a HPT this wk end..:p at least if negative (touch wood) then i will probably take leave on day of blood test so i won't break down in office..

I've been getting quite a bit of discharge since the ET but I assumed it was either the projesterone or the vag. inserts coming out. Sorry to be gross, but I am pleased that mine is still wet rather than dry- last time the inserts were coming out during the day in my panties and were very dry and spongy-like and orange coloured sometimes... hope it's a good sign still damp!!

Oh this 2ww is terrible!! Going back to Sydney tomorrow night, so will find out there on Friday! Meant to be going out with friends on Friday night- if its bad news I don't know how I will face anyone... then I have a wedding the next day!

kind of envy ur job..u get to travel around..

does all ur friends know u are going thru this IVF thingy..?

Thanks for your wishes!! I did my ICSI in Gleneagles, KL, not in Spore as both of us are working here. This coming Sat is actually D12PET for me but becoz i had a blastocycst transfer (D5 embies), my embies wd have grown to D17 this Sat. Guess, dont have to wait further then.

I'm so anxious and excited. Dont know what to expect.

Good to hear that discharge are good. but i suspect is the insertions that is the culprit. I need to wear panty liner as it can get really wet...

Have a nice trip to Sydney. am sure u can make it this time round. dont think too much of failure (when the time comes,then only cross the bridge lor). Also, we must think positively. jia you...all the best! shall pray for u...

Sorry to hear about the pain you've suffered... Whatever it is , dun give up.. Have lots of rest, recuperate well before FET.. u can make it...


Glad that you have passed the danger stage..

After hearing what happened to Lily, I'm kind of worried that I might encounter the same situation.. I'll only have my scan on my 7th week.. what if it really happens, will it be to late and dangerous for me? I'm probably on my 6th weeks these 2 days and I'm having this constant and mild pain on my lower right abd...It's really frustrating that they have to defer my scan until 7th week... would it be too late for counter measures by that time?
Sorry to hear about abt your loss. Rest as much as possible and come back even stronger then ever. I wish you the best.

All those sis doing their beta test.. the very best from me.

Deer deer,
How are you? Is it ok to do a urine test by D12? I so tempted to try it by then.

Ladies, do you think I should panic. I feel mild cramps on and off. Just very light brown spots. I am on Day 8 since by transfer. Past the 1 week mark today. The sharp pain occured around Day 6 and disappeared within 20 mins. I am feeling really down as each day passes.
Hi Tigg3r

Don't worry too much. I was a bit concerned as well but thought - What the heck! - what will be will be. Don't think about things I cannot control.

I still have pains in my lower right abdomen. Dr Loh has confirmed it is ligament pains so am also trying to ignore even thought sometimes I wonder if baby is affected.

Think positive thoughts Tigg3r.....

Deer Deer,

By this wk end (Sunday), I will be 13 dpet, should be able to test myself already..hehe.. I will do so.. even if it is going to be disappointment, at least I'll be prepared.


anyone experience mild backache during 2WW?
I have some mild backache on and off too, especially at night. not sure if that is normal. It started 2 days ago. Hope it's ok. just two more days for my beta test. Think i'll skipped the HPT. Better be disappointed later than now, i guess. at least, still got hope for this 2 days.
hi tigg3r

To address your concern, would it be possible to go to another gynae for check up first? why is your scan deferred until 7th week? when do we normally have our first scan after finding out that we have BFP? sorry, for the questions....

U have passed one hurdle and come this far. so, just dont worry too much. everything will be fine...just hang in there...

seems that our symptoms quite similar... hope we will both NOT be disappointed with our results.. !! jia you!!

I'm sure u'll understand the kind of worries I've been having.. Well! will try to take it as easy as possible.


Yes, I did went to another gynae for my own scan some days ago... saw one sizable - I don't know what is it? Sac/Follicle /Cysts on my right fallopian tube... Tell me how not to worry? Gynae couldn't give me a definite answer.. bcos can't see any yolk or heartbeat... So, can't be ectopic... Damn! it's so round and yet at the wrong place! After coming home, I started wondering why didn't the doc asked for a bhcg test to see if figures could help...

The pain wasn't that bad until I have to visit 24hrs clinic to request for immediate attention cos it could just be ligament pain... Doc-in-charge is on leave.. Tried changing appointment but not possible... I feel like a walking time bomb...

Sorry to hear about the situation. U must be feeling very restless now. If the pain persist, suggest you should go to another gynae again to do whatever test to ensure it's not ectopic.it might be still to early to tell. In the meantime, try to to think too much about it and rest well.Will keep u in my prayers.

welcome on board. Is this your first IVF? how long have u been trying to TTC?

shazzer, hopes, MML,
how are you? me still had that slight backache and getting easily hungry....very similar to my AF symptoms....kinda of worried.
Hi tigg3r,
i agree that if pain persists or gets worse, do go for 2nd or even 3rd opinion. i feel that in this kind of situation, its better to be over-ly safe, at least for the time being and to have peace of mind... just my opinion

Hi Alone, Hopes, Rose,
been having backaches too! Although my cramping is gone. Actually, Alone, our symtoms are exactly the same, backache and hungry all the time... same as my AF symtoms...

10DPET- and I fell today at home! My HB mopped the floor and didn't tell me ( iwas in the shower), didn't realise the floor was slippery... lucky I managed to turn and land on my thigh instead of on my butt (im very clumsy, always fall, so i know how to "land" so as to avoid maximum impact!)... sigh, another added worry... but i've decided whatever will be, will be... at this stage i'm really just hoping for the best, expecting the worst...

Btw, do anyone here follow celebrity gossip? Just found out that the actress Jessica Alba is pregnant...

Hi Vanilla,
Welcome! It is really a v good support / info network here...
Alone, shazzer

me too!! sleepy and hungry all the time! as for the backache.. i try to sleep with my feet raised nowadays... it does ease it a little.. perhaps u gals wanna try?

jessica alba is preggy..? who's the dad??
pls be careful!!!!! i almost fell in the toilet ehen i was wipong myself after peeing. thank God i fell backwards n lean against the pipes so that i won't fall on my butt. after i heard a scary story, i no longer bathe when there is no one at home jus in case i fall, i wanna make sure hubby is there to rescue me, hee

hi ladies,
i jus came back from the dr.s n i saw my 2 babies today with heartbeats!
it's like a lump of meat pumping away,hee. mt tubes r clear so i can relax n be careful until i c dr dr on 11 jan. so far away. tps' appointment day is like wat tigger mentioned....very long app waiting date to c dr. i'm very tempted to change hospital.

did u consider changing hospital? do u know any other gynae experienced with twins n gd hospital support for twins in case pre mature? today i had a bad experience in the long waiting time in everything n going to amk, hubby was not even allowed in to c the babies! will c how tps is like if still bad, i will change hospital liao

actually we requested to go tps from the start but they couldn't give me an earlier slot but becos i was discharged for ohss, they need to monitor me a wk after tt but tps fully booked so they asked us to go clinic d n becos i wanted to have another check up this wk, i need to go clinic d again. if not i'll end up like tigger with an app only 3wks after my hospitalization but they can't wait too long cos they need to monitor me so no choice.

today i arrived at clinic at 10"30 am only to leave at 1:40pm!
i waited at clinic d for 30-45mins only 4 them to send me to lvl1 amk for scan. when i arrived there, i need to q again for 1hr jus for the scan! after the scan, i need to go go back to clinic d to wait 4 my turn for consultaion thereafter to pharmacy to get vits! i was so mad man! first time encounter such things! then they say at amk, hubby is not allowed to go in to c the scan with me, i don;t know what is the logic. only at tps than the hubby can go in cos scan by dr.
now u know y i wanna change hospital? if anything were to happen to me, i have to wait long long b4 i can see the dr, by then it might b too late. that's y i also told tigger to go c another gynae cos the app time is way too far away for tps! like my next app is 4wks time becos i request for tps. this type of service don;t give me any sense of sercutity leh

Did call this morning to request to bring forward the scheduled date... how was told that if I change den my doc-in-charge will no longer be Dr Loh.. Anyway, she said the appointments are also full until my scheduled date..

Anyway, just got back from another gynae, she knew I was anxious and explained in details during the scan...she doubt it's ectopic, so I felt more assured..It's just that my ovaries are still very expanded... needed sometimes for it to subside... Both of us are also overwhelmed to see the heartbeats. One embie is 4.4mm and the other 6mm..
AT least, I can sleep well tonight..
hi twin - that's why i posted earlier (but no reply kekeke) whether do we change the dr once we are successful? i will be in the same situation as you soon - as in going lvl 1 for scan then going clinic D to c doc etc etc. the nurse told me to prepare to wait v long. oh ye twins - congrats!

so i also thot of changing hospital n dr. hmmm....
Yah, must be very careful. Don't give up, think happy thoughts ok?

Who did u see today? So confirmed twins!! Hurray! I don't understand, you mean your hubby couldn't enter the Dr's room for ur scan today? So far my hubby has been present at all consultations and scans w Dr Loh, whether clinic D or TPS.

I won't be changing hospital cos I feel they have an experienced team of doctors in various fields there in one place, and if babies need NICU (*touch wood*), we can try appeal for subsidies and downgrades in a govt-linked hospital. If you see a pte dr, he'll have to deliver u at a pte hospital and there'll be no subsidies. And your pte Dr's consultations, scans and meds are also more exp. Cos carrying multiples, so it may mean more complications and costs can really escalate in pte side. BTW, pte usually means more attentive service, but the queues are just as long for the popular drs. My preggy friend had to wait 2-3 hrs for each of her consultatns at TMC. But really up to you. You can still try to see another Dr simultaneously, and decide if u want to switch.
Congrats! You managed to see the heartbeats? That's great! Yeah, now it's a huge relief.

Just saw ur recent post. I guess cos urs was not a scheduled appmt today, so u had to wait quite long until they clear everyone else first. And also Dec is when a lot o the docs are on leave, so their appmt bk quite full. Normally I have no prob getting appmt in 2 wks' time.

If u have an urgent case but don't have appmt, call the clinic directly and ask to speak to one of dr loh's nurses to tell her ur prob. So that they are aware that u are going down and will know how to prioritise.
hey tigg3r,
welcome to the twins club!

phew, what a relieve! why the first dr scare u telling u one sac is at the tube. it's a big scare but thank God all's well. mine both 5mm, hee

so far alot of twins mummies to be here. maybe shld start a support group 4 2008 twins ivf mtb. next time can all bring our twins for outing, it'll be so cute!

for me too bad hubby was locked out of the amk scan room! so i can only describe to him what i saw. so angry, i asked them to let him in but they say no n lock the door summo.

i saw dr sudahna today, both hubby n i find her not bad, she listens to what u have to say n advise u accordingly n very assuring as well. we feel that dr loh is more a joker la ,

it's amk's scan room that don;t allow hubby in. cos it's a seperate place to scan. my first scan was in dr loh's off. that one dr asked hubby to see. the only thing that is stopping me from switching hospital is becos mine is a twin preg. if i carrying one, i sure switch. still asking around and see how.
hug me, no one seems to change dr lei. where u thinking of changing to? the other option is to have another stand by dr in case my app time is too far away n i want to c if the babies r fine, i will go to a seperate pte gyane. so get best of both worlds cos like wat petals say about twin preg. i heard icu for premature bb at tmc is at 1k a day! so if twins, it'll cost me 2k a day!

aiyoh... really make no sense leh... the hubby cannot go in part...

ur description of ur time spent there reminds me of those govt polyclinic...if really sick will die from waiting man!!


Congrats on ur twins !! wahh..i also dying to join the twins club leh... really need lots of help from god..
is ur doc Dr Jean Woo?

little twin stars
Congrates!! confirm twin liao.

pheww! must be extra careful at this stage.

Good luck

Congrats! Wow....there are a lot of mommies here carrying twins. that is good news. it would be nice to see a twin clubs set up.

Wow...how did you know? Did you do your IVF at her clinic too? wat's your experience with her? the waiting time at her clinic is also quite long ...she is usually very busy. i did thot of switching to another gynae once confirmed. maybe just get another one for standby ....

Pls becareful....i always remind myself to walk slowly and be more careful with my surrounding...maybe next time when your hubby mopped the floor, he should alert u first? so, tat u take extra precaution lor.

Am feeling restless now, tomolo will be my D-Day. +ve or -ve is all up to God now...cant do much. Well, at least today is my last day for jab. not sure if the jab will cont if confirm +ve.
Tigg3r, congrats on your twins!!

Hopes, Alone, ML, shazzer: all the best for your beta.

Petals, nano, needle, helpme. do you get cold chills easily? i thought our body temp should be higher while preggy? but i have been feeling very cold every day, so much so that my sneezing problem never improve and I get flu like symptoms everyday. Lucky, i dun have MS (touchwood)...
chevall, michelle..

Thanks for ur well wishes..


I also experienced higher body temperature..but maybe ur lungs are cold.? that's why kept having flu like symtoms?


Wishing u all the Best for tomorrow. We'll be rooting for you ya!! Just believe in yourself.. u have done ur best !! The rest is really up to god!
oh yah Michelle..

I just remembered, Preggy women's nose are more sensitive than normal ppl, maybe that's why u kept having the flu symptoms?
hi hopes,
yup, this is my first attempt at IVF. I've tried for maybe 6 mths before i see my first gynae and then i was on clomid for 3 cycles... she then suggested i do HSG which i did and results not good. Did a scope in Oct and confirmed blocked fallopian tubes. I am truly a text book case..also abit KS lah (cos 6mths then see gynae) but it is also good to be KS cos now i know why i could not have a baby.

Was very miserable when i got the HSG results... my first gynae also felt sorry for me...cos she knows i am very determined to have a baby.... she recommended me to Dr Foong so starting with him next week.
Hi shazzer, thanks. U must take care and be careful....
Stardiva and trigg3r congraluations on ur twins!
for the rest of the ladies... i think most of u are in 2ww or over 2ww...all the best to u and take care...

it's always better to start earlier.. as for myself, i kind of regret not seeking help eariler even though i know i got some fertility problem since young..

your tubes are blocked, didn't they suggest that u go thru a op to unblock the tubes first? (sorry..i forgot the term they use..:p)
Ya.. i asked my first gynae and she said that it is blocked from the inside and cannot do the tubal recanalisation ( i think)... I trust her and took her advice to do IVF... i read somewhere as well that there is also no 100% chance that the tubes will be cleared thru that recanalisation.

That day i went to my TCM doctor and the doc mentioned that there are TCM methods to clear the tubes but it will take some time.....Unfort I dont have time on my hand..so decide to proceed with IVF first...

Eu Yan Seng is having a promotion on dong cong ciao. 12.8% off. Until 16 Dec. If u buy more than $380, they giving free bird nest (the dry type) My TCM doc mentioned that after ET, it is good to take it and American Ginseng...
dear little twin and tigger3

cograts to both of you for your twins!!

today i went for my first scan . they see one sac with yolk..so it is singletone... as i put two embryo i feel it was expected that only one implant..
today i am quite relax..i was worrying abt ectopic...now i am praying to my Almighty allah that every thing goes well. 26th dec is my second scan...actually it was schedule on 21st but as my dr wont be in that day so it is shifted a bit later.

however from 17 i am going to start my office. i will take cab every day...i am not feeling any morning sickness. but sometimes i do vomit (may be gastric) and sometimes i feel a bit dizzyness..is it call ms??
tiger3 , what about you? are you feeling any ms?

little twin, i pass my time by seeing hindi movies, drama, reading books..and above all by sleeping..every day around 14 hours!!! hahah
hi pupi,

congrats on seeing yr baby
1 baby is easier to handle. mayb i don;t know what i'm asking for,haha. my next app only in jan 10! very far away.
sounds like ms to me. i also get ms with gastric. in fact if i don;t put food in my tummy when the gastric feeling comes. ms will follow. i want to sleep but find it hard to sleep nowadays cos i keep waking up in the middle of the night to pee n it disrupt my sleep. so i don;t dare sleep too early or i'll end up waking up 3 times a nt! i better force myself to sleep more in the afternoons to make up 4 it. m getting restless. i wanna try going out more

u take care ok!

11dpet- feeling very down as i have AF symptoms. i have slight cramp on and off this afternoon and backache.

sigh, dont even feel like going for the test tomolo. I wonder how many days past ET, AF will come if this cycle fails (touch wood)....still hoping for miracle, i guess.
