IVF/ICSI Support Group

That's great! Happy for u!
What's ur 2nd hcg level? To calc ur EDD, u r approx 2wks on ur ET date. So on D14PET, u r already considered 4 wks preggy.
But please try to avoid housework like mopping and carrying heavy stuff or over-stretching. We put in so much effort to get preg, our preg is very precious. House a little dirty or messy doesn't matter for these 9 mths.

hi petals - thanks! n you are right our baby is v precious i will bear your advice in mind. *hugz* my second reading is 400 plus. Praise God! but frankly i do not find mopping tiring actually. but i will definitely reduce the house chores. thanks!
Hi ML, thx for replying! follicle was 9mm at Day 10 and today, Day 14, it's only 9.5mm! I know it doesn't look gd but m hoping la. I know 4 a fact that I ovulate on a reg basis cos I get the cervical mucus and eventually a sharp pain when I ovulate....n when I count 14 days after that, my period will come, right on time! I just wish this will be an ovulatory cycle! We'll see.

i tot i had an easy day today with little nausea, then came my daily egg sandwhich to control my ohss. when my hubby brot the sandwhich to me the smell of it triggered very bad nausea n eventually vommiting of gastric juice cos i didn't eat much. my hubby was shocked n frightened by me, i was tearing non stop while trying to vomit
but i need my protein....m gaining water at tummy again
now everything is experimental as in i don't know wat will trigger nausea 4 me. i heard having twins will make ms bad...is it true? did u have it as well?

sorry girls, i know i shld post on the mtb site but i don't dare post until things r stable.......

as 4 bedrest after et. i did bed rest cos there's stairs in my place n i'm scared the constant walking up n down might jeopardize it. also i felt bloated after et so i was ks but i read tt bedrest is not necc so think u have to judge 4 yrself cos u know yr body best. rule of thumb, rest when tired don't strain yrself n vacuuming is def a no no. all the best! hope u can join us soon so we can share our first trimester experience
How about trying Ensure, a powder milk-like drink that comes in a tin, and contains supplements and protein. I remember some of the other sisters taking it for ohss when they had enough of eggs. Just take note of what type of foods trigger ur nausea. I've been lucky not really having ms, other than a few times feeling nauseous so far. Having multiples may make ur ms worse, but try to remain positive ok? Being preggy is a happy thing, but it comes with a lot of worries too. We'll have to take it in stride. Maybe u can drop Dr Loh an email about ur symptoms and see what he recommends. He said can email even if on leave.

yah i know what u mean. Initially I had to constantly remind myself that I had to slow down, cos I felt very fit. But some of these tasks may not tire us out but may exert unnecessary pressure on our womb that we may not realise. So just be careful.

As for bedrest, usually Dr will advise case by case on the degree needed. After ET, I just rested at home reading books, surfing internet and watching tv. Only going out to neighbourhood mall for short walk on some days.
Hello Friends,

I am newbie on this site. I have just completed my 1st ICSI at KK. Currently, on my 2 week wait period. My ET was on 5 Dec 07. My ER was on 3 Dec 07. I just needed some advise regarding some of my symptoms:

1.My serum blood test on 10 Dec 07 showed a reading of 208 nmol/l. Is this normal?

2. I had cramping at midnight that lasted for about 20 minutes and went off.. God I hope its not AF.I did not have any major spotting. Do you think it is implantation cramping?

Love to hear from all of you. Best of luck

Welcome! How many eggs u retrieved and trsfd? R u on hcg jabs or daily progest jabs now? I believe ur blood test was for progesterone right? For progest, kkh will increase ur progest dose if ur level is < 60nmol/L, so urs looks ok. The nurse didn't say u need to do anything, right? Cramping on ER day is normal. Just try to rest more. Take some warm drinks to ease it. Good luck! Babydust to you!
rose - ya like what petals said, cramps is normal. i experience that too. i thought AF coming too but just ignore it. So please do not lose hope yet.

petals -
i will rest this time. hee.. but really can't stand the house so dirty. i got 2 dogs at home. hmm. . . .
hi ladies,
8dpet- and am feeling down. lower back ache, terrible mood swings and my sore boobs are completely gone. typical AF- is coming symptoms for me. sigh... dun even feel like going for my progest jab today...

i got hubby to go kk later to buy ensure milk 4 me. think i need it. now i don;t go toilet base on urges but base on bladder. if bladder feels pain n full.....time to go. u r indeed v fortunate not to have much ms. my mom can tell me it's phschological! faint

hi treasures,
welcome.yr cramps is today or after er? cos it's normal to have cramps a few days after er or et. relax n stay positive.

pls get yr hubby to help u with hsework. u have no one to help u clean the hse? my dog feel very rejected n neglected by me cos i'm so sick

i had mense like cramps 7 dpet n i turn out preg so stay positive. even until now i do have on off mense like ache. my boobs were not sore too by then so i was worried too...only nipples sensitive. can't wait to increase a cup size..hahahaha
Hi Shazzer and Rose

I know exactly how you feel guys... I had AF like cramping over the weekend, very moodly, and today it's back a little- I'm D10 PET... dreading test now on Friday now as I feel quite worried about the result... Such an awful feeling!
Hello... Petals, hug_me , little twin stars and ML.

Thanks for replying so quickly. I am really glad to find friends like you who I can share my feelings too.

Petals - I retrieved 19 eggs of which 13 made it as Grade 4 embryo. I transfered 3 embryos (done by ICSI). I am on IM progestrone japs for the next 6 days more. My preg test is on 21 Dec 07. Fingers crossed...

Little twin stars - My cramping started 6 days after my embryo transfer. Cramps lasted for 20 mins and then stopped. Not sure what it means?

ML and huh_me - Thank you for your encouragement. Stay strong.

I also had very little brown spots on my liner... really worried. I had two failed IUIs earlier .

Is they any specific diet I should take to improve my chances of implantation?

Baby dust to all of you! I pray that all your wishes come true.
I think u can find Ensure at the supermarkets too, either NTUC or Cold Storage...they have various types. There's Ensure Life (powder mix in a tin) in vanilla or strawberry, and there's Ensure Plus which is ready to drink. Not sure which one's good. Maybe u can call the ivf centre to check with them which they recommend, and how much to drink. Hee, MS is definitely not psychological. But my mum didn't have it too, so I count myself lucky. If ur 'cramping' is more at the sides near the hips, it's prob the ligaments stretching and expanding.

it could b implantation cramps n putting 3 in, u stand a gd chance. all the best!

wheni was in the hospital, they rec me the ready to drink ones. my mom didn;'t have ms, she had 2 smooth preg so she thinks mine is psy.....sigh. try telling it to her. as if i enjoy ms. each time i have ms i always tear. actually i have aches on n off at lower ab....oh ya, i do get it at my sides but not cramps, jus aches, cramps i only get when i need to pass motion or gas. cos of constipation n ibs. so there is alot goin on in my body tt needs adjustments. i'm preg with ohss, ibs n ms!!!!
I been also having mild cramps on and off. I hope is not the dreaded AF...sigh

Little twin stars,
I really hope its implantation. Please take care of yourself. Drink lots of water.

Did any of you gals go for acupunture? Does it work?

I am so tempted to do a preg kit test at home one day before my actual date.. My hearts tells me to do it...but mind says wait..

I have no other symptoms for now, very mild sore breasts.
twin - my hubby work till quite late. so its difficult to get him to do house work. and tummy not showing yet so its not convincing enough that i cannot 'move' lol. but twin i eat a lot. feel super hungry almost every 3 hours. even in the middle of the nite i wake up to eat. gosh.

shazzer, Ml and rose - i remember telling the nurse who did the progestone jab for me that i had cramps and was worried that AF coming but she told me got cramps means good news. That's really what she told me. So ladies, do not be discourage by the cramps. Maybe you can check out with the nurses too?
hi ladies,

Wow....this thread has been certainly moving real fast. Ever since my spotting, i have been bed resting at home most of the time. dont dare to walk to much. Luckily, it stopped. After the spotting, I start to get the slight cramping feeling, like AF coming for the next 2 days. Sigh, one thing after another. my cramping usually come either early morning or afternoon. cant even have a peaceful sleep! But since yesterday, it's getting better, i dont have any more cramps. Dont know whether that is good or bad sign. I also dont have sore breasts or bloated feeling in my stomach. Gosh, this 2WW is really killing me. i feel so restless and worried all the time....every time, i go to the toilet, I scared seeing AF. getting so paranoid with every single signs that i have.

pls dont give up or feeling despair. think it's the hormone that is making us crazy. anyway, it's not over yet.U still got the chance. just hang in there. still have a few days to go. your test is on 18 dec?

welcome. Your spotting came after ET ? how many days after ET? mine happened on D3 of ET. Pls take good care and have a lot of bed rest.

Good luck on your test. hope you can bring us all some good news.
Hi Everyone

Thankyou everyone about the cramping posts! I'm hoping this will be right and it's actually a good sign sometimes (sounds like a lot of you preggy sisters also had- thanks for mentioning!). Mine are still on and off, but very light...

Now I also feel quite nauseous... trying not to get my hopes up though as I think I felt a little unwell last time too... this 2ww is really doing my head in!!

Hang in there 2ww budies- hopefully we can have some good news!

Petals, Joanna

Wow! the thread is really moving fast... How's things getting on for u gals?

I'm still having the bad cough and it really making me worried... seen the GP 3 times and nothing seemed to help and they can't anyhow give me med... haizzz.. To make things worst my scan is on the 19th... more torturous den the 2ww... dun know if my frequent coughing has caused any damages to my bb (s) ... r they still there? r they doing well? I absolutely have no clue...

I made the greatest mistake just now n it's making me more worried... After drinking plain water for almost 2 months, I suddenly wanted to drink something flavoured so I drank a packet of the Pokka White Chrysanthemum tea... only to realise I shouldn't after finishing it.... urgghhhh I forced myself to vomit it out and I think only less den half the amount was thrown out....

Shazzer, Alone, ML

Hang in there ladies! Cramps may just be lagiment stretching... For me, I did have cramps at the beginning of the 2ww... after that almost back to normal... no bloatedness or tender breast.. only until 2 days before my blood test den I started feeling a little bloated... so dun worry u can make it ..jia you!

I to get paranoid about going to toilet. It seems that it is in my head. I think we need to keep ourselves occupied with other tasks so that we don't think of this too often.
Try meditating, give yourself about 15 mins to just relax and close your eyes. It really helps.

My spotting came 2 days after ET.Could be due to the ET procedure itself. i asked the nurse and she said that could be some residue from the uterine lining.

I checked with the nurse on Mon, 10 Dec morning.She said it is too early to say. However, the cramps only happen later that night. I just hope everything is fine.

Mrs Teng,
How are you? Pls take care of yourself. I know sometimes we do get this temptations to drink apart from plain water. Just the other day I wanted to get a rose syrup drink for myself..luckily my husband scolded me..hehehe.

Is it ok for me to drink honey in warm water?
Hi Tigg3r

I just went to Nature's Farm and checked out their NZ organic Manuka Honey UMF+20. A 500ml bottle costs $83 and second bottle is 35% off. My uncle flies to NZ often and buys for me. BUt since the price is comparable, I think i will buy here. Why don't you ask hubby to get for you. Where do you live? I will be starting my leave from work this friday (for 2 whole weeks!! hurray!). If you need, I can get for you. Can you pm me if you need?

Oh yes, Eu Yen Sang also having deals on bird's nest. I might stock up. A tael(?) costs $128 (original price $170+) buy 3 get half teal of a higher grade bird's nest. When I was preg with son, I was in Australia and had no bird's nest (could not afford too la). So thought I'd make up for it now...hoho

Why can't you take the Pokka White Chrysanthemum? Should be fine. I take anything drink that makes me feel good cos I am still throwing up. In fact coke calms me down, but i try to avoid. I try to take lots of fluid cos I am on multi vits now...v heaty.

Just had a scan last wed. could see baby's fingers and feet and baby kept waving hands and changing position.....I am going into 13th week now and taking things easy.

Thanks for your concern. To avoid too much tremors, I'm controlling myself from coughing too much... I decided to ban myself from any sweet drink since my stupid mistake.. sticking to just plain warm water n milk and maybe an occasional mild ginger tea to help me burp...

I believe these few days should be where implantation occurs.. I suggest you have lots of rest... ur cramps may be ligament stretching.. so not to worry.. i had that too...

I did not go for any acu or tcm bcos by the time I wanted to do so, it was kind of too late...

Regarding honey in warm water, Some chinese herbalist says that raw honey is cooling while cooked honey is heaty... but I dun know what form exactly raw and cooked, so I really can't comment to much... think taking in moderation should be fine...

Thanks, I've got honey at home but I dare not take too much. Did follow wat u suggested but still not working for me...

Regarding Bird Nest.. I really have no idea how benefical it's for pregnancy... heard of contradiction comments. Some say good... some say no good... I also blurr.. they say will help to induce contraction for those passed full term.. dun know real or not...

Btw, need to check with u if u dun might me asking.. I remembered u mentioning about suppected ectopic preg.. how was it?
It's so comforting to hear that cramping is not unusual from those have succesful in getting preggy. I guess for us who are on 2WW, we tend to get jumpy and paranoid whenever we have that feeling similar to getting AF. Few days ago, when i had my cramp, i tried restraining from going to toilet for the fear of seeing AF. I know it's silly but couldnt help it.

So, ML, Rose and Shazzer, all is not lost yet. Am trying to stay positive and sometimes i'll talk to my embies...makes me feel better.

I have been feeling very sleepy and dizzy. maybe it's the side effects from the progestrone pills i'm taking. cant wait to finish work and go back to lie down. today is my first day at work after ET. had a one week break oredi. wish i can take longer and stay at home to zzzz.....

mrs teng,
dont worry about the drink. u r not taking it daily so it shouldnt affect your bb. i know preggy women tend to have some craving ...me also getting sick of plain water liao..
rose - i think honey is cooling, maybe u should just stick with warm water first? during my 2ww i only drink warm water. only now then i drink a little of cold milk coz milk need to be kept in fridge.

Mrs teng - joanna already can see her baby waving fingers at her, so she must be fine now! lol.
Um, what's wrong with chrysanthemum leh? Don't need to get too paranoid and make urself puke out. Hee, other MTBs having uncontrollable nausea, but yet u willingly puke out. Try not to exert urself ok? I myself do drink chrysanthemum tea once in a while. Personally I find generally most food and drinks (except alcohol & excessive caffeine) are ok as long as in moderation. Once in a while to satisfy craving is ok, esp since we are drinking lots of water in betwn.

Wow, so fast 13 wks already! You have passed ur 1st trim...congrats! R u on the supplements now? I saw my babies sucking their thumbs too. Very reassuring when I see them moving and bouncing around. Are u going for FTS DS screening?
Abt bird's nest, think I'll check with SIL, who bought the Golden something (Horse?) brand prev... maybe I'll start to take too.

think 4 tigger's case, it's not the drink but anything sweet will trigger bad cough 4 her that's y. today has been a gd day 4 me. starting to understand my ms. certain food n smell n indigestion triggers ms 4 me. lunch when mom made a veg dish, i swear it smells fishy n imm asked her to put it away b4 the urge to puke comes. when she was cooking jus now i smell eggs n quickly close the door to avoid the smell n eat prune n potatoe chips to curp the ms. i finally made mom understand tt ms is not psy but 4 me, smell really plays a big part to trigger it. n now she finally ask me what i feel like eating n she will cook 4 me. cos i told her if she cooks anything funny or fishy, don;t blame me if i get my hubby to buy mc's back for me ,hee
it's hard 4 her to understand ms cos she had 2 very smooth preg with no ms so she though i'm just being fussy n making it up. mil on the other hand understands cos she had bad ms when she bore my hubby
petals, tigger,

i really wanna faint already. my mom jus came to tell me she's going to do fried rice4 me which i requested n insist on cooking fish 4 me. she say she will fry it so it will b easier 4 me to eat! what part of ms does she not understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me blur blur...just realised the birds nest is Horse Brand, not Golden Horse?! (hee, must have stuck in my mind since i watched the Golden Horse awards on Sunday).

Hmm, maybe tell ur mum that your sense of smell now is very sensitive now and that it's the smell of any kind of fish that u can't take. Have u tried whether u can tahan teriyaki salmon? It's tasty and the teriyaki sauce will mask the fish smell n taste, also salmon is good for us too. Since now u have aversion to fish, u can check with Dr Loh if u can take Neurogain vegicaps, a DHA fish oil supplement for preggy women. Nano and I are taking it now.
Thanks for the updates. I will not take too much honey. I think a warm glass of milk will help before going to bed. I have been having trouble sleeping.

Hope the milk will help. As of today, I have survived 8 days since ER. Today, I don't feel any nausea (even with the prog jap) and no pain.. hope is not a bad sign.

I am just wondering is it good to eat fish at this stage? Is sardines ok?
What kind of food should I avoid during this period?

I did accu before IVF (had around 8 sessions)and they told me I had a cold uterus problem. So far, is better now. Hopefully my embies are strong and will stick to me soon.
Thank you so much everyone on the cramping / symptom updates...

Its excatly 1 week to my Beta test date. Last week I was in a v good mood, positive and happy... then dunno why this morning I woke and instantly felt depressed. Had a little cry on my way back from kkh. Then went to my mom's house and played with my cousin's 6 mth old baby and felt better. Sigh... I'm so hormonal...

I keep feeling 'wet' down there too, everytime go to toilet to check if its spotting / AF.

ML, Alone, Rose, Hopes, hang in there! Stay positive!

Stardiva, mrs teng, take care and rest well!

petals, joanna, hope you have a smooth pregnancy throughout.
Who is your doctor at KK? Do you go to KK daily for your japs? I am sure all will be well for you. Are you doing your Beta on 18 Dec 07? Will pray for you as well for the rest of us waiting for the good news.

I can understand the hormones can get to us.. however do someting that makes you laugh ... you feel better.

As for myself, I am having mild cramps on my right hand side. No spotting as of yet.
Hi Rose,
I'm with Dr Loh. Yes, I go for my jabs to KK everyday until my beta test on 18 Dec. I did my ET 2 days before you, on the day of your your ER...hmm.. we might have bumped into each other at the waiting room...

My cramps are on and off... no spotting too...
hi shazzer, ML..

i also have cramps on and off.. not very unbearable thou.. hope it is a good sign

twin star..

u very cute leh..i everytime tok to my mum i also wanna vomit blood... everytime i ask her not to do certain things.. she will insist on doing.. sometimes i also dunno how to get her to understand what's the meaning of "NO". Maybe old ppl sometimes just like to insist on their way. :p

hi rose..!!

welcome to the thread! i also did acupunture for abt 9 mths ...till my recent FET
All the best for coming beta test. Mine is on 21 Dec as 20 Dec is a public holiday. We might have bumped into each other..

Where did you do your acupunture? How does FET work? I have no cramps for now. Just very slight on and off feeling and a bit wet downunder but no spotting. Hope its a good sign for all of us. When is your beta due?
Hihi Tigg3r: I am passed the danger stage already. Cos of earlier high HCG level, Dr Loh thot ectopic cos cannot see other baby. But now, confirmed it's one.

I think you have to let this cough run its course and start building up your immune system after.

Dun force yourself to throw up lah. So poor thing. Do you use the "puffer"? I find that helps to clear the chest. Also, rub some Vicks on your chest, which should be quite soothing.

Hi Petals: I am not quite convinced of the benefits bird's nest but i do like the taste. My mom asked me to buy 1 box and try. If good then buy some more. Seems quite crazy to pay so much for what is essentially spit! hoho

Yes, Dr Loh gave me multi-vits and fish oil to take daily.

Hi Shazzer: Thanks for the well-wishes. I am looking to resting at home over the Xmas break.

To all other sis in this forum: This thread is moving really fast and although I have been reading regularly, I cannot keep up. In the case where anyone directs a question at me, I will definitely answer. Petals Jie Jie is the best, she is so good at keeping up and patiently attending to everyone's concern.
hi Rose..

I went for my acupuncture at AMK, under Dr Zou, heard of her before..??
I think alot of the sisters here is under her also

FET is bascially using frozen embryos from our last fresh cycle to implant insde our womb.. so..it is less complicated then fresh cycle

I also got a little bit of white foamy discharge now and then.. hope it is not a bad thing :p

My bloodtest is on 19 Dec, how abt urs?


Just wondering.. when is the earliest we can do HPT test at home...any advise ? Now i'm abt 10 days post ET, too early right? :p
Shazzer, Rose, Hopes and Alone

Thanks for sharing your symptoms on the 2ww... less cramping now, seems to come more in the afternoon and I think it's the progesterone that's making me tired. Not long to go for me now, blood test tomorrow afternoon and then results Friday. Getting nervous now.

In some ways I don't want to find out because for now I can at least fantasize that it may have worked...

How much does DR Zou charge? I am sure everything will be fine for you. Stay positive.

Really funny we have beta test one after another.
Shazzer's 18 Dec , yours(hopes) is 19 Dec and mine is 21 Dec (due to holiday on the 20 Dec).

Lots of baby dust to all sisters who waiting during this period.

I think you can do the HPT only after 14 days..
Hi ML,

My prayers are with you. Eveything will be fine. Progestrone is alo making me feel tired. Just rest and have a good night sleep before your big day.

As for me, I don't seem to feel anything since the cramps on 11 Dec.. hope everything is fine with my embies.
hi Rose,

Dr Zou charge $25 per session of abt 40 mins.

Thank u for ur encouragement... we shall all jia you together ya!!

i noe what u are trying to say..sometimes we dun feel anything also a bit worrying right..?
all the best to u tom
babydust to u!

ya, mothers don't really listen unless they see u in a pitiful state. i couldn't stomach the fried brown rice she cooked 4 me. i didn't know it's goin to b brown rice. i took 1 mouth n spat it out. she offer to recook 4 me....i was happy........then to my shock.....fried brown rice again!!!! jus diff veg! i forced myself to eat cos i was having bad gastric liao. after 2 mouths..i was belching. but cos of my gastric, i had no choice but to eat plain bread n drink ensure cos i did not eat much at all. i'm loosing weight again cos i really cannot stand home cooked food anymore es when mom is so experimental n just want to cook her own way according to some preg cook books!!!! i appreciate her taking leave to take care of me but i really wanna give up already n jus drink ensure milk everyday cos their cooking only trigger bad ms 4 me
if only she will jus listen, she doesn't know she's jus adding so much stress to me during meal times. i have no energy to argue with her anymore. i have to use my last resort. get my hubby to talk to her cos she's scared of my hubby, hee no choice

hopes, shazzer, alone, rose.....the 2ww is gi=oing to end soon....hang in there
babydust to u all....join me so we can start "nagging" haha
Hi Gals,

Sori to share my bad news :-
Monday I did another scan and could see 2 sac in my tube.One with an embryo (6 weeks) and the other one is empty.
It was comfirmed that I had an ectopic pregnancy and straight away the surgery was done on the same day.I was discharged ystdy.

I still hope all the sisters here have a smooth pregnancy throughout and baby dust to those who are in there 2ww.
Sorry to hear that! Hugz... Please have a good rest and recuperate. Just don't give up ok.

All the best for ur blood test tmrw!

Aiyo, u notti notti! U know D10 is too early, right?
I think best is D14PET for HPT.

I know it's difficult, but I think u need to let ur mum know she's stressing u out and she's not helping. You can order food to be delivered to ur place as an alternative.

So sorry to hear ur news.. take some time off to recuperate and try again ya!! Dun give up.. at least u are almost there this time.. next time u'll surely succeed ya!!


Ya lor.. i very itchy fingers leh...bought a few HCG test strips and sticks on standby .. soooo tempted!! Shall wait till this wk end then test then..hehe..

Know how you feel! I have one test left over from last time and I was seriously thinking I might do tomorrow morning, but think I'll wait to Friday morning now... as I;ll be back in Australia I won't get the results until late afternoon there- the waiting is going to be horrendous!

Just don't get too worried if there aren't to lines right away... your test day isn't until 19th right?

Hi sunshine,
Sorry to hear about your ectopic... was your tube ok? rest well, and try again in a few months!

Hopes, I read on some IFV sites, that can test after 10dpet. hehe, yesterday i also went to check my cupboard whether got extra test kits lying around... but heng, dun have! i also have a bit of creamy whitish discharge...

Hi ML, which part of Australia are you at? I was just telling my hb that if this cycle doesnt work (touch wood!) I might wanna go to Perth and stay there for about 1 month to relax, cos I've got family and friends there...

thanks for your prayers. will pary for everyone here too. i guess at this stage, there's nothing else we can do but just leave it in the hands of a higher power.

9dpet- cramps gone since this last night, absolutely no other symptoms. although last night was soo tired, went to sleep at around 10 plus and woke up at 10 plus this morning!
