IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi sisters

I've tested and It's a BFP! thanks GOD! i seldom posts here and still like to share my joys with U all. This process is reali a roller coaster. When i was told there is only 1 embryo transfer, i was reali disappointed and sad. During 2WW, i dare not thk too much and i told myself not to think negatively as well and tried to focus on something else. I followed all your To Do list and Not Do list from Ensure / Annum milk, brazil nuts, raise up the legs etc etc. I just tried to do as much as i can. I experience stomache after having milk and i decided to stop it.

Thanks sis, for sharing all the information and i'm reali thankful for this BFP. Now i hv to concentrate on keeping myself healthy and pray that the embryo will continue to grow and develops well.

Wish all sis here will BFP soon ; )
Fresh and Libby
don't worry, you would sure be mummies! BFP BFP BFP pouring!

yah, it was amazing leh... so small ald got heartbeat! my baby heartbeat is 146, do u remember yours?

jux to share with you my case,
my dosage was 112ui of Gonal F,
at day 9, my 11 follicles were all around size 16mm,
then my gynae reduce the dosage to 75ui for another 2 days,
then day 12 night, injection to get ready for the ER which happens on day 14.
but i dun think it's advisable to reduce the dosage by yourself leh, maybe the doctor got his own point of view for making such decision?
That's really great news and congrats! Really happy to read so many good news. So, I guess the To Do list/Not To Do list will become my "bible" for the next few weeks! How many brazil nuts did you take and when did you start to take it? What did you do for your puregon stage? Had chicken essence as well every 3 days? You really took white eggs everyday from puregon stage?
Develyn, i very shocked to hear this! Any compensation? If not can go MOM to report them and write to strait times. Government encouraged ppl to give birth but companies r not supportive then how to live like that?????

Equinox, my frd went for scanning 2day after 7 days of puregon told me there r 3 follicles of 17mm already and ER on mon.
Congrats!! So happy to hear another BFP. Babydust to us here! Continue to rest well..

Pau Le
Thanks for babydust, am opening mouth big big drinking it

Wa.. your friend so fast can confirm ER on monday. she no need any more additional jab? how many follicles in total?
hi tomatoes,
congrats! miracle do happen with even one embryo. Do have a smooth 9 months ahead.

hi pau le,
my gynae visit, the doctor never mention the heartbeat rate. Next time i will try asking.
Libby, dun know leh. Hers seems so diff from u all here. So soon can ER meh?? She only jab 10 days of puregon. She says can c 15 follicles liao.
I see.. i thought that cost was for KKH.

You mean your friend jab 7 days not 10 days puregon right? You must be feeling more and more excited liao..
hi lina
seems like in singapore the practice is like that one... my friend also told me that for her, is to see a blinking light to indicate the heartbeat... no numbers one...
hi pau le,
oh then that is the practice. Baby heartbeat very fast compare to adults one, this shows that baby growing rapidly.
libby, i feeling more and more scaredar... Also worried abt how to tell my boss. libby talk to u 2nite, hb cme bk liao gtg out for dinner..........
tomatoes - congrats

develyn - hugz for you and dun dwell too much into the matter as you need to be relax for 2WW...

pau le - hope u enjot the heartbeat
Hi PauLe,
I share your happiness on seeing baby's heartbeat the first time. It can really be emotionally high! =)

Hi Tomatoes,
Congrats! Enjoy every moment as it is truly a blessing.
Hi Develyn,
If you can, try consulting MOM on your case. On the other hand, take this opportunity to take care of yourself and focus on what's really important. Because once you get blessed with your sacrifices, you'll have your work cut out for you. I wish you well in this battle.
tomatoes - congratulations.. may you have a happy and healthy 9 months ahead..

pau le - congrats on seeing the heartbeat..
usually the baby's heartbeats will be really fast... i can't remember.. but i think that the hb is supposed to rise into the 180s range..

twinnie, lina - thanks for your kind words abt the babies weight.. i hope that the babies weights will increase by leaps and bounds.. haha..

equinox - are you on purgeon only? usually, you should be on both purgeon and a type of suppressant to prevent ovulation while waiting for the rest of the eggs to catch up.. anyway, even if the biggest were to grow too big, i'm sure your doc will know how to deal with this... my gynae told me that he will consider sacrificing the biggest egg so that he havest the rest of the eggs at optimum size... trust your doc, my friend...

develyn - oh dear.. my friend's company retrenched her when she was abt to be due..
these companies are so unfair.. anyway, look on the bright side.. mabbe it is fate's way of telling you that this cycle will be successful, and you need to rest at home for this?
take heart little girl..
do stay positive.. you need to generate the happy environment for the eggs to grow...
hi Develyn,

your follicles are of great size at Day 7. if everything goes well, your ER will be on 4may and ET on 6may, right?

and hey, 12mm for womb lining is PERFECT! you're really doing very well!
Happi to be able to share your good news! Congrats and do take good care of yourself, yeah!

Hi Sue,
WOW! looks like scanning today is very "ji li" hor. all results seems to lead to BIG FAT POSITIVE! lots of luck to you!

YES, i agree having symptoms are really good! i do not have as much symptoms from taking the GnF! hence, very poor result ;-(
call from lab this afternoon reveals 7 follicles were retrieved. only 4 with eggs. 2 were immature. so they did ICSI to the balance 2 eggs. both fertilised today. ET on 2 May.
Gloriajeans, do u know ur FSH level? If 2 fertilized with good grades u chances r still pretty good. Btw when we use the government grant we can also only put in 2. So 2 fertilized still ok la. Think positively.

Develyn, hope u r not too upset with wat had happened at work place. Hugz.
Hi ladies, so far when u all talk to ur boss abt gtg IVF do u prepare ur boss that u be gtg for 2ww HL before u start the process or tell them only after ER?
yes, i agree with you. i was sitting in the waiting area inside OT for my turn to ER. he walked past and i couldnt recognise him in his full operation suit so i didnt greet him. but instead he greeted me. he does remember names!
by the way, i've never seen him stern to his staff. but to his intern, i believe he does has some expectations! well, isnt that for their good too!

addition to your list:
antibiotics will be given to hubby prior to ER
antibiotic will be given to us after ER.
Pau la,
so so happy for you.. wish we can all reach your stage soon...
Spread your bb dust to us ok..

I am so shock to see your message. Just back from class.. is everything ok? How come no tell me when I call you this afternoon? When did this happen? Geez...your boss as mean as mine... sigh...INHUMANS!!!
lyn - I had inform my bosses way ahead before I start my injections .... my bosses had also started rescheduling my work to my other olleagues
so far bth of them had been understanding
Hi Ladies,

I am ok ... just came back from East Coast for dinner.. hmm it is kinda of heartless that i feel.. the boss knows i am gtg for embryo transfer.. and this is what happen lor.. Still considering on the transfer now as will be financially tight up... MOM cannot do anything as the rule stated that onlt 3 mths and above pregnancy can be illegal to terminate.. And u need to have a salary of below 1.6K before they fight any case for u... I recall something similar happen to one of the gal here as well.. being terminated before embies transfer.. still considering to put it to freezing or they shoot all the way..
But dun worry, i am not cry baby.. so will not cry cos of work.. most importantly still my babies ...

jus read your post. Sorry to hear that! and glad to know u're feeling better now.

Hey, you should be happier coz you have super good lining and many follicles of very good sizes. let's concentrate on the ER, ET and 2WW for now.

you've come so far, some more with sooo +ve attitute that all sisters here receive so much reassurances from you... you've going to be one of the BFPs here. KamBaTei 2gether!

really share your joy. and its kinda reassuring since i only have 2 embies. worried will the number count down when tomorrow comes! ;-(
no worries!

thanks for the insight to induction. certainly hope i wun need any induction!

tummy bloated now due to hormones. dun worry abt it! can think of bfp for visualisation help!

ur scan looks good. hope ER soon wif good follicles!

pau le,

ladies going to dr zou's tmr - meetup is @ dr zou's or amk hub? if amk hub, can meet u ladies if u dun mind see fei por.

oh dear... it realli happened. nvr mind, take it as a rest period. after u give birth, can look for another job!

i was on GnF 225 for 7 days, then increased to 300 for another 6 days.

FSH is 9.6IU/L, LH 7.2IU/L in Sept 2008.
now i know y my eggs are bad eggs.
9.6 is real bad! ideal should be around 5-6.

hi Sisters,
anyone know how to bring down the FSH??? Help!
hi Ladies,

LiYing said really cannot squeeze me in for tomorrow morning. my time remains at 12noon.

so, wont be seeing your gals!

tomorrow is my last accu b4 my ET on Sat. so unlikely to bump into u at Dr Zou's for the next 2 weeks.

please, ladies, take care and enjoy the gathering tomorrow!
hi develyn,

sorry to hear abt your unfair treatment from your boss. nvm, concentrate on having healthy babies first.

hi lyn
are u feeling better?
u work in a clinic? so will your boss be more understanding if you told him/her u going thru ivf? i already told my boss in advance.. telling him i would need to take hosp leave cos of this procedure..
luckily he is quite understanding..

hi ladies.. the thread is growing so fast.. i can hardly catch up on the reading!
hi meow, ya i work in a gynea clinic. Really really hope he is understanding and generous enuff to grant me the HL........

Tomato, do u remember ur fsh level?
hi lyn..

work in gynae clinic somemore.. i am sure he is understanding.. if not.. wah.. dun fit to be gynae leh..
i guess if u tell him in advance.. shld be ok. then at least he can plan his resources..
so ur hosp leave shld be somewhere in august loh.
meow, thats wat i thought but sometimes bosses only take into consideration with who benefits them most. Anyway i will fight back if he dun agrees... hehehehe
hi lyn..
does he know u are TTC?
haiz.. my case.. although boss understanding.. but he also likes to talk a lot..
as in.. tell others abt what i told him loh
but boh bian.. he is direct boss.. got to tell him mah.. so now my private life like public life liao
Meow, ya he knows i ttcing for 3 yrs liao. But he didnt know i took clomid and did iui coz i did it in other clinic.... Thats y i hope he dun get shock when i tell him i gtg ivf lor
are you a nurse? that's very good. u know how to inject the least painful method!

me also with Prof Wong. which stage are u at now?
