IVF/ICSI Support Group

WY Koo, after AF bleeding the optimum womb lining shld b <3mm ar?

Wah.. if I'm not wrong, I overheard the lady who did my u/s today saying 4mm left, 4mm right n dunno wherelse 4mm also.


are you with Dr Tan?
i am with him too.. my current puregon cycle, i didnt mix with his med even though he told me its suitable.. Dr loh also advised not to mix tcm herbs with puregon
Yeah, sunflower. I am wif Dr Tan. I think most of e western docs won't like we mix chinese herbs wif western medicines. But sometimes it does work successfully. I think I will still go ahead wif Dr Tan accu n herbs.
hi equinox,
yes, i take all the way herbs and accu. If your tcm knows about your ivf, then the herbs should be ok. And to build up the eggs will be good, can start early.
Hi Boon Boon ,

Wow.. 10 years anniversary... Babies will be the best present... Best of luck !!

Hi Chris Baby ,

Hi5... i went for gym too.. it will be good to keep healthy before FET... Jia you Jia you okie...

Hi Equin0x ,

Nice to hear that u feel ease now.. :D

Hi Orangey ,

Ermmm i dun think u resign.. i think u are trying to tell us that u accidentally flushed your pass , is it ?
Gals, ask u ar, can our follicles continue to grow during our Lucrin stage b4 going to Puregon stage?

Just like my case now, my AF oredi ended, follicles shld start to grow after AF ended is it even b4 I start the Puregon?
LOL~ No lah now economic no good, need $$ for IVF cannot quit ah. No matter how tough, I must endure :p

Yah lor, I stand up then my pass drop from my pocket into the toilet bowl and i didn't know until when I flushed, I saw my pass! Arghh..
My AF hasn't arrive on my D14 BT n U/S. It came on D16. On D21 BT n U/S, then they inform me to start puregon on D23. Don't be stress try to be happy so you can produce more follicles.

Thanks for the chicken essence link.

Boon Boon
Hope your wish for 10 yr aniversary will come true. I just went accu with Lyn today, she may go next tue afternoon again.

Wa.. Today you like come back to life, so active here.. My flu is almost gone liao

Hi Ladies
Dr Zou suggest to go daily accu at least 4 times before ER, and 1 time after ER, fyi ya..
Equin0x, aiyoh, 3 or 4 mm is about the same. oic, yr AF has completely stopped, is it? If that's e case, personally, i wonder how to get the lining even thinner since u r not bleeding anymore? Perhaps, they want 2 put u on another week of Lucrin 2 be sure that yr natural hormonal system is completely shutdown? wrt e 4mm remarks, my best guess is that they r talking abt yr follicles? Don't worry, u can be on both puregon and lucrin at the same time.

equin0x, based on my little understanding (feel free 2 correct me), normally, without Puregon to stimulate yr follicles, they shld be completely 'asleep'.

Hi develyn, i m here my dear. These 2 days busy with watching hong kong series thats y not posting at nite.

Hi boon boon my next session is next tues. Juz got to know develyn trying to arrange another gathering. Hope u can be there and at the same time pass u the book. No hurry on the payment.

Tany u still gtg for ivf? Not giving clomid another try?
Hi Tnt

Thanks 4 yr well-wishes. Veging at home all the time, trying not 2 stress. Eating all the 'supplements' advised by the ladies. Quite boring actually, but luckily, my mom is here 2 keep me co. Btw, can i still drink chicken essence and those bottled bird nests?

how's work?

hey wy koo
chicken essence still ok to drink..but some ladies say dun drink bird nest till after 1st tri...u got email add? can i add u in msn?
Hi ladies, would like to join you in your discussions. I've just registered with KKH today for natural FET this month, anybody cycling in April too?
Sunflower - My fsh isn't very high. The last time I checked a year ago, it hovered at 6-8. So, it isn't the fsh problem that is causing the diminshed ovarian reserve.

TNT - Thanks. I am 34 pushing 35. I did some tests in US. My Rheumatoid factor is positive, and I am borderline positive for Anti nuclear antibodies. I believe that my endo is a reason for autoimmune. The problem is that in Singapore, the theory of autoimmune problems causing infertility is not widely accepted. I mentioned it to Dr Loh but he was not convinced.

mngal - I have sent you an email.
Hi Boon Boon
U got married in Yr 1999?? Me too! me trying for soooo long still,'yi li dan ye sheng bu zhu'! (that's what my SIL was insulting me last week when i went over to my inlaw hse for dinner...sigh

Hi libby &amp; Lyn
Agreed, Tampines 1 nothing much to shop lei,some more soooo crowded!
hi mag
oh so u have rheumatoid disease ah.. on any medications? but in sg..autoimmune causing infertility realy hardly heard on it....

where got time to go so often for accu? Moreover I am sure now Dr Zou is overwhelmed with appointments after she got famous here hehe..


I remembered I sign the ER form that time, they also mention that if the doc notice any polyps they have the right ti remove without having to consult us...not sure if that is true hehe.. but it is on the paper.. so those whom have harmless polyps Dr Loh might have removed it while we are in dreamland hehe...
Bo bian leh, think have to make time to go for accu.. last dash liao. Dr Zou's side also got patients graduate lah, so still got slots lor.
gals, i had been having Lucrin jabs for 2 weeks using those syringe fr e Lucrin box. I got Red spots on tat jab area everytime my dh jabbed for me. So i hv several Red spots on my tummy now after 2 weeks on Lucrin. After each jab, tat jab area is a bit itchy like an ant or mosquito bite.

Today i jus started a different set of syringe in a bag. Dunno these new syringe ll give me those Red spots or not. But e itchy ant/mosquito bite is still e same.
Is it normal to get Red spots on those jab areas? I tot we shld get bruises or blue-black instead?

I only got 1 blue-black scar. Tat scar happened after my dh jabbed me EXTREMELY painful in 1 of e days. Tat is e only day wif extremely pain n a lot of blood came out. I tink he poke onto a blood vein.
Hi juju
y u not sleeping at 12am?? mother-to-be need to sleep earlier lei!

Hi orangey,libby &amp; WY Koo
Thank u, thank u! Feeling much better now! Hope all the sisters here can graduate to become mother soon...babies babies babies come come come!! : )
Hi juju
u r giving birth on 18 Apr?? Wishing u have a smooth delivery..&amp; spread the baby dust to us...

Hi orangey
r u feeling better now?(saw your blog that u r sick)

Hi libby
How's your jab? Hope your follicles will continue to grow! Grow, Grow, Grow!

Hi develyn
Is your tummy cramp better? Do take care n take healthy diet k...
morning ladies, thanks yong wei for the wishes. Today is also my 10th anniversary! This morning I took the HPT and it was positive. But my BT is only next Tues. Today will be D14 after ET, so will the HPT be quite safe? I only told hubi about the result and no one else. Previously, I also did the test after my SO-IUI. The + was very faint and the day before went for BT. That afternoon my gynae called to say that I am NOT pregnant. Was puzzled and gynae said that the HCG level not high enough. True enough, period came afew days later.
So for today's results, I'm also quite scared. The + is definitely clearer than last time..... Should I not wait till Tues and just go for the BT tomorrow?
noi - juz ignore ur sil

juju - counting days huh???? Any symptoms???

libby - u mean after ER on the same day go accu or the next day????

Long time didnt log in, cannot catch up with the past threads.

Ya I have lucrin jab for 23 days as KKIVF schedule was tight. Then I jab for another 12 days of lucrin together with puregon
Hi Orangey ,

Haha ... i hope u didnt LS on it before it flushed...

Hi Libby ,

Yesterday still having headache when posting.. yesterday night i have fever again... zzz
Took panadol and feel better today... Worst is cough visited me ... zzz

Hi Lyn ,

Me also lor... finally coming back to post more.. very busy for the past few days.. sianz

Hi Ickle ,

Welcome to the thread .. i am in my mid of lucrin.. Can be your cycle buddy :D ... When is your FET date?

Hi Noi ,

Your SIL is as mean as mine man.. hate it..."smack" remember the way my IL speak.. $%*&amp;## .. Life is fair.. u gain some , u loss some ... U might be still enjoying something while they dun get it... Jia you.. BFP waiting for u okie... hugz !
My tummy okie already.. but now is my flu , cough and headache killing me... But i will make it well by drinking more water..
Still cannot then i will see dr loh le...

Hi Equin0x ,

That's normal.. the syringe in the box has a thicker needle if u realise... so of cos will be pain... hmm abit to late to tell u now..
Libby told me during our gathering at Safra and i only tried one in the box and the rest by the loose bag... I have a pack and
Lina give me a pack.. hope that's enough.. trust me u will find big different... as for the marks , just apply abit of baby lotion during
2ww okie....:D Like that u will look mei mei le... if it is very itchy , try using alcohol wap to clean the spot.. still cannot then call KK le..
Hi Twinstar ,

Can i check with u how many follicles retrieve and how many frozen ? Also how many IU of puregon are u given that time ? Researching now.. haha..
Develyn &amp; Libby-Thanks for your blessing. I really hope so:>

Lyn-Noted with thanks.

Noi-Sorry to hear about the comment from your SIL. Did your HB know about it? Anyway, if I hear any bad comment I normally "One ear in One ear out" so don't keep it inside. Please don't let this comment affect your mind. Let's Jia Yu and I believe God has listen to our wish and will grant us our wish one day.

Sophia-Congratulation for your 10th anniversary!Really hope that your wish come true. Good sign and stay positive. If you don't feel any discomfort then just follow the actual day. Take a good rest and enjoy your weekend. Then your HCG level will continue to raise.
equin0x: I had to take Lurin for 18days b4 i proceeded to puregon..Then another 10days b4 ER. Dun worry k.. The blur black or red spots r normal. Will go away after sometime.

twinstars: how r u feeling? Any symptoms soo far? 4 me i onli cant sleep at night..

Lina: U mentioned ur side effects started after the 2ww. Was it when u were 5 weeks pregnant or after that?? And also when u went for ur heartbeat scan, is it then that the doctor will inform u on the do's n dont's n the due date?? Im juz praying the heartbeat scan goes well.. Also did u go back to work after ur 2ww or rested some more?
Hi ickle,
welcome to the thread.

hi equinox,
i guess you should be allergic to the alchol swaps given. This was what happen to me. For the 1st cycle, i know is the swaps already but could not do anything, just bear with the itch and rash throughout the injection stage. Sometimes really unbearable and not able to fall asleep. Then 2nd cycle, i told Dr Zou about it, she said alchol swaps got different percentage content and some high percentage so we cannot take it due to sensitive skin. Her swaps are ok whenever i did accupuncture so she gave me many cotton balls, seal in plastic and i kept in fridge. So after that no more itch.

hi Sophia,

hi ltjabi,
my morning sickness started only around 5th week pregnant and heartbeat scan at kk is 6th week. Yes, doctor will advise the do's and dont's then. I went back to work right after 2WW as cannot take any more leave due to work piling up.
Congrats! I'm sure it's BFP this time, don't worry

Do you mind running us through again, no. of follicles retreived, fertilised, injections support given daily or inserts and 2WW symptoms? Tks

The scars are normal, mine do itch as well. You will find the syring on the loose pack much easier to use.

You will go accu on the next day after ER, as ER day you will still be blur blur cos sedated.
I just came back from my scan. Just had 7 dayspuregon shots. Abt 6 follicles and 7 follicles on each side. The size is wide range from 9.5 to 14, and lining is 10mm.
Doc say continue 1 more jab tonight, go back tom morning for another scan, then will see if HCG on Sun or Mon.. depending on growth of follicles.
To me, I don't think so fast HCG right? as the follicles size not ideal yet. Met this african doc, like not very patient when I started to ask more questions.
The doc says follicle growth abt 2mm per day.
How do they judge when it's ready for HCG jab? the average follicles size or from the biggest follicle?
Libby, by rite according to the KK schedule, yr 1st Puregon u/s n BT shld b on the D8 of yr Puregon jab rite? I need to know in case it clash wif my TCM appt.
