IVF/ICSI Support Group

so glad u r so positive now..and wish u BFP
give me 5 yeah..
Tany, a big cry is good as it will make you feel much better. Stay strong and do keep up a cheerful spirit

Are you starting IVF already?

yeah that Malay nurse is new. She took my blood also and my eyes nearly pop out. Nurse Angeline stood beside me and watch with a smile. She kalang kabo reach for the alcohol swap after drawing the blood and was shaking while trying to push my blood into the bottle. Nurse Angeline help her. Then I told nurse angeline I only want her to inject my pregnyl hehe.. my arm where the blood test is has a big blue black.. i told nurse Angeline " this is the first time I take blood and so painful" she told me oh ok... sorry.. hehe but she has to practice cause she is new. I nearly fainted and felt like guinea pig.
Hi humbug,

oh got 2 dogs, cocker spaniel mum and pup. Oh i intend to keep it a secret abt my ivf process and even told my hb tat if i successful also dun let her know so soon.. cos long long history. heehee my mum-in-law got 3 sons, my hb is the youngest and she favours her eldest son and daughter-in-law the most. She has been pestering them over 9yrs to have a bb, of cos they ignored her cos they are both very happy with their current lifestyle and don't intend to have kids. And till date, she has no granchild and is always drooling when she looks at her friend's granchildren. Didn't want her to know so much, if not later she come and pester me...i'll be very stressful whether blood test result positive or not.. Even when I went to see Dr Zou, she also want to interfere keep pestering me to see the hougang sinseh instead eventho I told her i'm very comfortable with Dr Zou. Beitahan..She can be very nice sometimes but on the otherhand likes to force her view on others which i don't like.
to libby ang humbg
think the malay nurse deep inside her heart will be very thankful to both of u ..and which is true that i m saying this..cos every new nurse will need practise their skill ma..and soon or later she will be very skillful like other nurse liao..
so u two must be happi cos u two given a very good deed for the malay nurse
Wah ... i didn't login for half a day and the thread is like one earth circumference long liao! Haha!

U Queen of Cruises. Hehehe ... Ya man ... super busy with work now that closing of FY just passed, and moving into new FY. Plus preparaing for my handover for my end-Apr departure. Hardly a breather ... that's why didn't write in the forum for quite a while now. So hard to catch up with everyone's progress! I'll probably be starting in end-Apr lah .. expecting AF to report around 10-12April. So Day 21 should hit abt end of the mth ...
When is yours starting exactly?

Enjoy your hols and may you in be tip-top condition when you come back for the start of your ivf

Yeps, am very excited to start. Today is already April.. I'm just counting down! Hope nothing screws up lah. I keep hvg this fear that the KKH nurse will tell me "I cannot find your name in the April slot". I'll throw a royal fit then. Haha!

Hvn't seen you online for a while now since your +ve pregnancy test leh. Hehe ... anyways, hope you're coping well and looking after yourself good aye
humbug, poor thing. That day my hubby sent me to the 24 hours clinic when I have a very painful cramp, the doc took my BT also super painful. Normally BT taken by experience nurses no pain and no blood after needle removed. But my arm bleed and blue black after the BT. At least angeline is there to guide her along. Imagine no body around to guide her when she is doing the BT! Think I will faint!

All of us here are very brave leh as we have to go through all the pains. Hang on.. we are nearer and nearer to the date of confirmation!
yes humbug, we had been tru so many needles liao and those r less painful .. ..cos i heard later on the inj will needed to support preggy one is 10x even much painful liao..
Yongwei, dun worry, think it's Proluton.. look at Mel, she is all ok and about to be proud mommy of 2!! So you'll be like her k?

Mel, wow, how is it like having twins?

I see that there are alot of care and support for each other here! Kudos! and all the best!
thanks kimberly
but jus wonder duphaston 10mg 2x/day, and folic acid 10mg 2x/day and inj depot 500mg 2x/week..r they sufficient?
Hi humbug, baby

Heehee i very bad, told my hb that I'll will only inform her when i can see the heart beats and when is just after my 1st trimester..Hb say cannot, how to bluff her for 3 mths, i told him to keep his mouth shut can liao..hahahaha i told him i "pan tang" lor ie superstitious.. and i learnt it from him cos he usually goes around advising his fren that it's best to keep a secret and tell others only after the 1st trimester cos its a chinese believe that the bb is 小气 so got to wait till its stable then can tell public..

Hi Sunflower,zaza

oh I didn't tell Dr Loh tat i taking TCM cos anyway didn't get to see him all these while and only gotten to see him during ER and ET. By then if really cannot also too later liao. heheee

Hi Tany,

Didn't know your history, dun be too sad stay positive and I'll pray for you that you'll get your wish this yr !!
Tany, I am sorry for your loss, here's {{{hugs}}}.. Stay positive, this is what you need now, sure your baby in heaven is watching over you to make sure he has siblings soon! I watched the program on quintuplets last weekend, and I cried for the 2 bbs they lost before the couple had their quins.. We will get emotional as we walk this path, but all will be fine dear!! {{{hugs}}}
hi kimberly
besides u mention u had Proluton Depot injection 4x over 2 weeks,wat other medications u on after BFP?
Yongwei, I am sure your doc has followed your body requirements to prescribe the drugs to you. I must check my record to see if I still hv the dosage for Duphaston.. but I vaguely remember my Folic Acid is more (probably bcos I have Thalassemia) and the Proluton is just about the right dosage.. I only took 4 Proluton injections in the start of my 2nd trimester, also twice a week (Mon & Thu) for 2weeks only.

Also, I reacted to Duphaston, I got hungry all the time and had to visit toilet after meal.
Yongwei, I only have Duphaston and Folic Acid from doc, and I had my (GNC) Prenatal Multi-vit. Then I started Krill Oil(Like fish oil but more potent and won't cause burping of fishy breath) from 8weeks gestation. I only had to have the proluton bcos of threaten abortion at beginning of 2nd trimester.

if you need recommendation for the HK drama serial show, you can ask me or Humbug. I think we have watched all the latest series liao .. haha
Hi Sierra ,

Welcome back to Singapore. I am on Microgynon now, starting lucrin on 04/06/09.

Now trying to loose abit of weight again cos i eat quite alot since i started microgynon.. lolz...

Tany Da jie , are u here ... i am sure u are strong de... very sure... !!
<faint> Agree with you, I'd drew blood before so many times, but this time is really most painful. She was alone when she did it, so I totally unaware she's new.. until she went out get another nurse in to draw another one for me. Mole twin twin kana draw blood for both arm. Really like guinea pig lor..

Tks for encouragement

So coincident, I am also a Thalassemia carrier.. Dr Zou told me I'm 贫血, and this will affect implantation. I already had twice failure, so worried now
Did you do anything special to 补血?
Hi Yongwei , 21 days microgynon..zzz...
Yes, Sierra will be back end of April

Then she should be able to start immediately..
Just nice 21 days from menses.. Heez.. i dun think she needs microgynon as hee menses is regular..
Dear TnT, Evelyn, Chris and Kimberly,

Thank you for your encouraging words... felt much better after crying... but when i read your posts, i started crying again... in fact me crying now while typing this post...

sorry to make u worry, dunno wat got into me today... v emotional... on "crying mode" today... paiseh paiseh... dont worry ok, i should be fine after this... just cant control myself today... i need more tissue~~~~~~~~~~

I have not start IVF...
hi libby
thank god.. must take good care of urself..then u need to do regular hemoglobin check or not?
my mum and MIL told me tat cook 'red date' and add a bit of 'dang shen' water and drink oso can help 补血
hi develyn and tany
eve, dunt be zzz...cos one step ahead liao ma..

tany, dun cry liao la..all of us here will give u full support ok..and believe u told me u sure win de ma
Hope after crying you'll feel better, once a while you need to let your emotion out, take care

Tks, I just put red date into my slow cooker to boil 5 mins ago
No need to do regular heomoglobin check leh.. Must meh? Doc never advise before.. Only know it's hereditary, and white blood cells more than red blood cells, and red blood cells dies faster than other people, and renew slower..
Sista .. me not in SIN lah. Still in Indo .. :p Will only be back end-Apr. Haha! You'll be starting Lucrin in 5days! Jia you!
hi libby
i m just asking la..follow ur dr advise la..

'dan shen' can be found at supermarket and chinese medicated store all got sell one
i upload the dan shen pic, have a look
Yaloo Sierra , i know u not in Singapore lahz.. i am welcoming u back on end-Apr.. :D Yupz.. starting again.. lolz..

Tany.. ni bu yao scare me .. i will scare si de.. dun cry liao.. tomorrow we seeing Dr Zou.. it will be a new start of MTB journey..
hi libby
hehe..just add a bit can liao..maybe this pic not tat great oso...the shape is "yi tiao, yi tiao" one, lighter color than this pic la..
ok ladies
need to go out for a while liao ..

and libby the correct term for Dang Shen(Codonopsis Root)党参...cheers
Yongwei, yes, minor then can grow until adult mah, if not we will 1. die at infant stage, or 2. constance blood transfusion to sustain life..

I also heard Red dates and dang shen is good for blood circulation, but don;t take more than 10 or 20 red dates per day or it'll be heaty.

Doc prolong my folic acid consumption to almost end of 2nd trimester cos the blood cells are smaller so will need to boost the number so that the O2 carried to bb is sufficient..

Ya, so long as hubby doesn't have is safe, or there'll be 20% chance of bb being Major Thalassemic which requires constance blood transfusion to sustain life or what I said before.. My cousin's 2nd kid was major Thal, and died after he was born, very very sad, affected them so much now they settle to having just one kid.

Hi Libby,

i was at ivf center at 8.30am..i saw a few couples, and also a few singles, not sure which is you :p. I was wearing green top.
But about 8.40am, i was asked to wait at clinic D. i waited all the way till 11.15am to see Dr Loh. It was a long wait as Dr Loh is performing a c-sect..!

Oh, that malay girl. i think i know which one.. Your incident sound quite scary to me.. But how was your BT? have you already know your results already? Or you need to wait for them to call you??
