IVF/ICSI Support Group

No jabs required. I'm prescribed with Progesterone. It only required to insert it thru the rectum twice daily. This round i'm more relax no jabs at all


Yeah, like akachan says... is there any emergency number you can call? or... just try to relax and wait over night if you can and call nurse first thing in the morning...

That doesnt sound good.... have you been having that pain since ET?

Im afraid that once I start the stimmu.. my lower back will start acheing too.. since I had bad lower back aches taking clomid.... is it ok to take pain killers for the pain? or... maybe put some plaster?? For me Salonpas works... and also the tiger balm rub...
Since I will alone from day2.. of the injections I have asked the nurse if I can come in for them to check if Im doing the injections ok or not and they said its ok...

So, if you still feel kind of insecure of the injections Im sure you can go in too..

They told me that around 9:30am there are less people so is better around that time!
akachan and Sue,

Thank you for replying and giving me the assurance. Since tom is already monday, I will try not to think too much and will just call them tom to check. today also got pink discharge. Any idea if you are on lucrin or progynova, can AF still report?

Wow! You are left with exactly another week before your Beta test. All the best, ya! Ladies here say brazil nuts are good. Tues will drop by Taka after my medical aptmt to get some. now just worried if i can still go ahead with fet on 10 Oct coz i have been having quite a lot of discharge with slight pink tinge.
Those milk powder for mothers-to-be also contain folic acid. EnfaMama even contains DHA.

Thanks. I'll try to do some research on that before buying. Hehe...
I got this while doing some research on Brazil nuts (note the last line):
What you eat or dont eat is crucial to your overall well-being and reproductive health. Getting pregnant is a complex process, one that requires many different body organs and glands to function properly to have proper hormonal balance and functioning. Most people dont get the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables and water per day. This is very basic, but its crucial to pay attention to in order to help increase your fertility and your chances of getting pregnant more quickly. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables (leaf lettuce, kale, collard greens, etc.), whole grains (oatmeal, whole grain breads, brown rice, etc.), raw nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, etc.), and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Organic is best, and fresh is better than canned or processed. (Note that Brazil nuts are especially good for sperm health).
ya....i'm in my D5. Jus hope the implant is successful

Don worry abt the discharge. To tell u the truth i was having spotting all the way till i ovulate. I actually suffer from endometorsis. Sometimes its due to the lucrin taking the effect so don worry. Just relax ya....u be surprise when your doc tells u to go ahead.

Panadol is ok if u r having body or headache during the jabs. Those are side effects. Don take too strong medicine. I din use any plaster during those period i only used medicated oil or tiger balm to relief the pain. For the time being u need to bear with it.
Grace BB!
Thank you for the information.
I will try to eat some more fruits... which I do lack...
I guess I will ask my hubby to have some nuts too.. he would love this..hehehe

Thank you so much for replying regarding on the back ache... I kept on thinking something is wrong with me since not many seemed to have this problem... yeah... bearing.. bearing I will!!its for seeing the cute babies in the near future!
right? BlesswBB
hi ladies
like to ask around if anyone has done 'natural ivf' before?
went to see Prof Ng Soon Chye (O&G), based on my 2 failed ivf earlier, he feels that the quality of eggs is not good and he suggested trying 'natural ivf'. basically to use clomid but skip the lucrin & puregon. this is the first time i heard of 'natural ivf'. just curious if anyone has tried that and whats their opinion. also trying to research if there is any way of improving egg quality. think its due to my age, i'm in my early 40s. but i think in reality there is really not much can be done to improve eggy quality
hello happyhippo

I have heard of natural ivf and many ladies in Japan go thru it. It doesnt put too much stress on the body by using less medication..yet, the number of eggs ER will be a lot less than the long protocol (21 day)

This is information I have read and heard about... so if there are ladies here who has gone thru natural ivf.. please correct me if I am wrong...

Regarding the egg quality... I am worried about it also, being 39... that is why we are thinking of having PGD done....(to choose the good quaility and check the cell defects) yet, it seems that the proceedure is still very new in Singapore... We are going to check with Prof PC Wong tomorrow.
Hello everyone! Hai, hb go to work liao, nobody to 'pei' me
gonna be real bored again. Luckily later 8am got Amazing Race!

BlessBB, i am also with Dr Zou! All the best for your 2ww and BFP at the end! Are you with KKH? Cos my progestron insert is via vagina leh.

Mystyy, are you better already?

Sue, ya since ET, been feeling that pain at chest,maybe cos i eat liao go lie down.
Hai.. now i try to sit up 30mins then go rest at bed.

Grace, thanks for the info! I gotta refill my nuts soon, left 1-2 days supply only. Hope hubby knows how and what to buy.

Hopfully, you ER today? All the best!!
Sue - let us know how your 1st jab went today. Yup if you are scared to do yourself, you can go to any clinic and pay $10 for the doc to give injection for you.
happyhippo - i was on clomid for more than 6 months before i tried iui, now ivf. clomid didnt really work for me, obviously. but you shld check with your doc
Hi bliss,
not suppose to wear contacts but i didn't really fell asleep deeply after ER, so should be ok. During delivery also not suppose to wear contact but i lied to nurse then. Because i wanted to see the first sight of baby right after birth. It's a touching moment of labour, you will experience it when your time comes.

Hi LK,
Welcome to the thread.
Dr Zou vey nice right. After my FET she still called to check on the details. Hope i wont disappoint her.

The progestrone can be insert both vagina or rectum. As the nurse said it will be very messy to insert via vagina so i choose the rectum insertion lor. When will your 2ww end? Who doing the cooking for u? I hv to cook myself leh. No appetite today some more very jia lat.
hi everyone here
this is my first posting here, really like to share and get some support here. i just did my day 2 et at kkivf today, so officially i am on my 2ww. is anyone on 2ww here too?

1st ICSI /2005/ bfp
FET /2007/bfn
2nd ICSI / 2007/bfn
3rd ICSI / 2008 / bfn
4th ICSI / oct 2008 / 2ww
Is this your 4th try? Wow...u really very brave. I don think i brave enough to try so many times. Really mentally stress.

indeed its my 4th try. very tiring to try so many times. so glad to find solace here. this time round, my icsi fertilization rate was only 60%. Quite disappointing. Nevertheless, i managed to transfer 3 embryos today. 2 x 4 cells , and 1 x 2 cells. how about you?
Hello tintedsky welcome to the forum!

Yah, you are so brave going for IVF for 4th time.. wow... so you can teach us things hehehehe..

list of ladies here at their stages are like this for now...

stage 1: (lucrine or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Bebecraze08, Elle, Imel,
Feibb, Maykel, Juju78,
Cale, Josephine, Bakaholic,
Mel Wong

ladies correct me if there should be changes...

I went today!! my first injection... actually it seems kind of fun hahahaha.... it didnt hurt and... its kind of interesting....I was wondering if any ladies here inject yourself in the bum....

oh and going to the clinic thing, not to any clinic here.. but back to NUH.. they said they can assist us like the first day.. hehehe

oh my... I am drinking ensure with an egg but mixed with Macdonalds chocolate milk shake.... my goodness.. it is so sweet........eeeeeeeeeeeee too sweet.....
I read this in a book....called "godiva treatment"

its cute..

go buy a box of godiva chocolate and when you do your injections.. keep the godiva chocolate next to you, every time you finish your injection.. pamper yourself with a chocolate... heeeee cute right?

I told my husband I dont need expensive chocolate but maybe a donut... that means 28 donuts through out the prceedure... with the water retention.. I will gain so much weight hahahaha......probably need to rethink about it...hahahaha
As mine is a natural FET, i'm using progestrone. I only transferred 1 embryos which is only 5 cells. during fresh cycle normally they using pregnyl. So u need to travel to KK for the jab daily? is very tiring right? Don worry abt the grading ya...jus relax. So how many left to froze? I don hv anymore embies left.
progestrone pills better i feel. the 1st round that i got pregnant with my girl, i took progestrone too. Pregnyl injection is done on the tummy every 4th day.. so i can do it myself. for most of my cycles, i dont have enough left to freeze. this round also nothing to freeze.
btw, i blog my ivf at http://ivfsingapore.blogspot.com

2ww is really mentally stressful . i am planning to bed rest for 3 to 5 days. i took the whole week off. very kiasu hehe.
sue - well done, brave girl. injection in the bum not as effective cos medicine has to travel longer to reach impt organs. i like the godiva treatment idea. will try it with ferrero roche. how abt you try the mini donuts ? more guilt free. yesterday i watch national geographic and they were showing this program on animal behavior. every time the animal do something right he gets a treat. haha, like us now right ?

No lah,,, im not injecting in the bum on my tummy... but was wondering if there is any one here if does it there.... cause I feel that it might not be that painful...hehehehe
Bliss, ya Dr Zou very niceee..cos i was worrying about ER not enouf eggs and ET no embryos, she also call me on both ocassions to see how i was, so sweet. I also hope i wont disappoint her and get ask her for another kinda TCM soon.. the an tai med, hehe..

Oo i see can insert both ways ah.. oo. My meals ah.. poor hubby doing it, hehe.. he has to cook all brekkie, lunch and buy back dinner. For brekkie, he will do my TCM and bread then leave me a flask of hot water to make milk, eat med etc.. Oops speaking of which, i forgot the green pills!! aiyaya.. quick gotta go eat

Lunch, its porridge, he will cook before he leave for work, in rice cooker so can keep warm kind. Today i am having porridge with carrot, broccolli and chicken again, and its tasty, like baby food! Dinner, he will buy back.

You try to do likewise, dump things into cooker to cook so wont have to watch over the fire. Try to cook some simple dishes maybe will bring on the appetite? Must eat leh, BABY need food.

Blesswbb, have you checked your baby might be growth? Got this from below webbie:
Our babies should be implanting now, weee!
I dont dare to pass motion now!

Hi Tintedsky, you have a very admirable spirit! Meaning you are ttcing for number 2 now? Mind if i ask what are your embryo gradings? 4cells at day2 is good!

Thanks Sue, me better liao, the trick is sit up and dont eat too much then go lie down. Hai.. i learnt my lesson!
Hola ladies,

hopes - congrats ....

Had a lengthy discussion wiv hubby over the holidays and we had agreed to start IVF only in Jan-Feb next year so as to prepare ourselves better .....

I would also be doing IVF @ NUH as the distance is nearer to bth home n dear hubby working place and of course mine too ..... heheheheh

Would I still be entitle to the govt subsidy and medisave if I choose the doctor to go too? Is there any lady doctor?

Had thots of trying TCM.... anywhere located near jurong west? How' the procedure like? How soon shld I start? What about the cost?

Tintedsky, i read your blog, your dream will come true, the 4cell embryos are great! They might just implant then you will have your twins! All the best and have faith!

As for my 2ww, so far, i bed rested 4 days liao. I basically nua in bed, only get up to pee, bathe, eat etc.. Then while on bed, i read, surf net, watch TV, play some computer games and sleeeep.. yea sleep cos the progesterone pills can bring drowsiness. U are given the same utrogestan pills too?

Ponytail, no, i dont think its crinone leh. The box name is utrogestan. But should be same effect as crinone.
hi akachan

as i am reading your msg, i am also nuaing in bed, its my day 1 of nuaing and i am getting restless. opps. This time round, kk gave me just pregnyl injection 1000units every 4 days until beta test. I think their protocol is such that those with lesser eggs retreived will go on pregnyl.
If you are under 40 years old it should be ok to qualify for the governmental sub. But, you probably should just go to NUH and make an appointment. I think there is a female doctor there but, IVF is only done by Prof. PC Wong.

That is good to hear that you are doing better... but wah... you sound like you are enjoying your time... and wow,,,, you have such a sweet hubby... you lucky lucky lucky!!!
I am reading your blog..!

how did you manage to lose so much weight in such a short while?? was there a specific plan that you were on???that is so magnificent what you did!! Would it be advicable to still go on a healthy diet to lose weight during the surpression period?

And, where do you get your DHEA?and about how much is it?
hi sue
thanks for reading my blog. i took a 6 months break between my 3rd and 4th ivf cycle coz i was just so mentally tired after a few rounds. During this period, i concentrated on healthy lifestyle, my goal was to bring down my bmi to a healthy level. I did lots of regular exercise, mostly running and weight training and also portion control my food intake. The weight came off slowly but steadily.

I think IVF is very stressful already, sue. maybe to add pressure to yourself by dieting for weightlost may not be a very good idea. I would suggest eating wholesome, balanced meal during ivf.

I got my friends to buy dhea for me from overseas. its not expensive, i think like $30 something for a bottle.
Oh forgot to reply you Ponytail, its not difficult to insert cos the pill small will just slide in. In fact a few times, i felt it went lost inside, had to feel for it to be at the centre.

Oo i see, Tintedsky. Pregnyl stays in body longer than pills so its less hassle.

Sue, actually he quite poor thing, must do so many things in the morning, then come home must wash up so much. Can see he is tired maybe cos usually we would have shared the workload. I sneak a peek at kitchen when i go scoop up my lunch, haha.. my hb struggling hehe.
plus must be at my beck and call, so cham
but probably your hubby so caring about you.. that he can manage..

Last night I told my hubby, "you are going to have to take care of me during IVF.."hehehe... and starting tomorrow he will be away...ahhhhhhh... so looks like I will be taking care of myself hahahaha..


You must of had a lot of determination to go on a diet and all... so how much did you weight for this IVF???

In 3 weeks I have managed to lose 3kg... but my goal was to lose 6kg so thought during the surpression period (the two weeks) I can try to lose some more... since I think I will gain about 6kg during the stim period.........ha....

so, although I bought the donuts... I think I will be mostly looking (well maybe a bite here and there hahaha) at it instead of eating it...
