IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Maykel,
I also have cramps abt the 3rd day after transfer but it was mild cramps. Then the cramps started to become more intense on the 7thday after transfer. If pain not very intense should be okay bah. I am still having cramps off and on.
Hi Austere,
Welcome to stage 2.
I am feeling some discomfort on D2 of puregon. Stomach crampy and headache and fatigue. not sure if it's due to the hormone or just AF. Sigh...Had to stay home today to rest.
I hope it's not the onset of OHSS.
Hi Happy

I still cry now whenever I think about my own two miscarriages conceived through iui and ivf. There were no heartbeats too. The pain might never go away but we have to move on and think about other good possibilities.

I've decided this time not to tell even my best friends about my impending ivf. In fact, I've told them that I would be in Malaysia for 1 month. This is to avoid meeting them. I just feel that they are not in a similar situation like us and may not truly understand. This thread is truly a Godsend.

I'm also with Thompson but seeing Dr LC Cheng instead. How are you doing with the injections? Any bloating so far? Anyway, all the best to you.
Hi Yin and Catzeye

Don't despair and don't give up hope. Stay calm! All the best to you.

Hi Bebecraze

Hang in there and continue to be positive. What you are experiencing may be pregnancy symptoms.
Hi Josephine,

Heh, I am going for my ER on either 18 or 19th aug leh! So good, we are just 1 day apart. Tomorrow I am going for my scan also to decide whether do ER on mon or tues.

Great, we motivate each other ok? Will let you know how my scanning goes tomorrow.
cAtZeye and Yin,

don't give up hope, jia you!

Hi Josephine,
you r right, I am on D11 of lucrin, menses just came this morning, hopefully can start puregon next tuesday after my blood test and ultrsound scan. All the best to you!
Dear All,
Just nd to speak out my thoughts cos i cant share it with anyone around me.
When i got married, i told myself i want to hv my first kid before 30. I waited for 2 years and nothing happened.I started to panic and seek help... I did test for block tubes, few rounds of clomid, IUI and TCM... I gave myself hope whenever i try out new methods
Finally after 5 years, i was tested positive and before i can even share my joy to anyone.... i started bleeding and lost it... I cried non-stop, blaming myself why can't i protect it ... 2 months later, i get back to my "fighting" mode again, i decided to embark on my first IVF. However, the first round failed. i cried non-stop, feeling really down and lousy. i blame myself.... why cant i be a mother. why do i need to go through all this ... many many whys in my mind....
my heart ache with real sour and pain whenever friends shared with me their joy.. How happy they are with their children.. I tried to hid my feeling and pain, I continue to chit-chat and show concern to their new bundle of joy... I felt so useless and helpless at times.
Dear Hazeline,
Wow! This thread moves really fast! I'll be doing mine at NUH next mth. Made booking with NUH already. So, I'll be on my own this month. I still hope for a miracle to conceive before I do IVF.

Dear Josephine,
My stupid doctor also prescribed me almost 10 cycles of clomid--with no results! And he is super expensive! His clinic is at Camden Medical Ctr... together with super expensive aesthetic doctors like Woffles Wu and the likes. Therefore I've stopped going to him.

Dear ladies in Stage 3,
You've come thus far, stay positive! I'll need your advice and encouragement when I come to that stage. Meanwhile, tune in to good news this Sunday.
The Straits Times has been gearing up to the Rally speech.
Dear Yaya,
Hey, you sounded like me. I wanted to have 2 before 30. I thought it could be possible when I had my 1st one at 29(it was a miracle) after 3 years of intensive treatment and trying. I thought No.2 will come really soon, alas, it was not so. I can't share with anyone around me too. They will not understand. Even those 'bad-hearted' people can get pregnant. I've got a colleague who boasted that its so easy to get pregnant... the month she tried, she'll get preg. I also have a stupid SIL who always ask why I haven't got preg.
Well, I try to avoid baby showers. Just ask someone else to give an ang pow on my behalf lor...
You will have your child. You must believe it. I tell myself that too.
Hi Yaya,
I know that feeling. I was diagnosed with cysts at both my ovaries when I was 21 and had it operated when I was 22 just when I graduated. When all my frens went for holiday, I was in hospital licking my wound. The doctor told me to get married asap, and try to have kids before 30. But then this marriage thing cannot be forced what. I finally met my soulmate when I was about to turn 30. I have been trying for 1 year but cannot conceive. When we check, I have partial block tube and my hubby got low morphology. No choice have to go ICSI. Did that last year and turned out to be blighted ovum. After 6 months, I stand up again and go for another one and and this time I feel more confident. But then somehow, yesterday nite I experienced piercing pain. Not AF cramps. The experience is something like my vagina being ripped open.It lasted only 2 mins but I remembered that pain so well, it is so similar with my last year experience. Iam scared now. Im scared its another failure for me. My test is on Monday and Im lost.
Hi all

I went for my scan today after 5 days of injections and clomid. I thought that I will have a better number of follicles since I was on 450 iu gonal-f.

But it turned out that I have only 9 follicles the highest measuring 11mm. The rest are mostly on the small side.My lining is only 4.9mm. The doctor has given me another 2 days of Gonal f and I have to do a scan again on Monday. Now the scans will be every two days. I'm so worried!

Hi Yaya

I understand exactly how you feel having gone through two miscarriages myself. I blamed myself too for losing my babies. I always feel a pang when I hear of others getting pregnant and giving birth. I'm not jealous but I can't help feeling sorry for myself. I think these feelings are all natural.I don't know what to say to make your pain any lesser because the pain will always be there.

The important thing is to move on and stay positive. I've told myself that if all these ivf treatments fail, I shall adopt. So there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I wish you all the best.

Hi Imel

Pls take care and hang in there. Yours might turn out to be a positive!
hi ladies awaiting your results,
hang on in there k? don't despair yet! hang on! i wish you all all the best!! really.. we're all here praying the best for you!
Hi Happy,
I was seeing Dr E Chua for many years b4 I change to KKH last year...I think her PR is good and the nurses there are so nice, but then again...i need a 2nd opinion to help me get preggie...

Hi Cale,
The nurse ask me to go between 7.30-9.30am leh. Maybe i try to go later then see can meet up with you or not. Mon then cnf time and my clothings to you

We are driving down. Do you have direct bus from ur place? If have I dun see why not, unless you are worried. Anyway, i was thinking that taxi doesn't mean smoother ride cos i've met with alot of reckless taxi-drivers. At least bus or train is slower and steadier.

Haha, you are right...our life is very routine now....but enjoy it for now b4 we go bk to work. Oh are you still working? My bosses always xiao leh, 1 moment supportive, 1 moment seems unhappy that i nvr go work for so long, hiaz...thinking of quitting if i preggie, praying hard now ;)

Ya loh, my cramp on and off, then today got diarrhoea again leh....i think i stopped the milk 1st and see got improvement or not. Anyway, the nurse did say that the antibiotics would cause tummy upset oso.

Hi Bebecraze08,
Think we have similar symtoms. Any idea why we have cramps? Possible sign of implantation? Cos the nurse tod me implantation is around 4-5th days post ET. Today is my 4th day. Good luck for your hCG test!
Dear Yaya and GraceBB,
Hey, I know exactly wat you gals are going thru. Cos Grace, I oso had a sickening colleague who always boast to me that she got 2 boys and wana try for a gal. Then tell me 'my hubby would always score if we want baby', how to tahan right?? Then sekali she got another boy and dare to complain to me some more, say dun know wat to do with 3 boys! If we got 1 we'll be very happy already, who cares wat gender. Complacent pple. Anyway, ur child is a blessing to you, so take heart that you at least have child now, not like most of us here, still trying for the 1st precious one

Haha..think we have similar coping mechanism, cos I oso avoid baby showers and kids b'days xcept for a couple of close frens'.
Yaya, all the best and stay positive, you can do it
Hi Imel,
Dun think so much for now, rest well and all the best for your test on monday, jia you!

Hey Mala,
Dun worry, you are not the worse, I had oni 4 follicles and biggest is 7mm on my 7th day of puregon. The dr ask if i wana consider stopping cos the size increment is oni 3-4mm each time, but i dun wana give up. So i kept continuing 2 days puregon then scan, puregon then scan until my 14th day when i got 7 follicles. And see, i am in my 2ww now. So as long as you dun give up, there is a chance ok? I understand your anxiety, cos I've been thru exactly the same thing. Dun give up ok?
Hi Maykel,
The nurse asked me to go down at 10am. Never mind, i try to go earlier also, see if can meet you there. Yes, we confirm our clothing again next monday

You are right. Sometimes the taxi don't gurantee a smooth ride also. I got a direct bus to KK, but need to walk about 5 minutes to the bus stop as it's not very near my house.

I also working now. My boss still ok lar, looks quite supportive and understanding.

I think the milk will aggravate the diarrhea. You are right to stop it for a while. Monitor your condition then decide when to continue ya.

How's your bloatedness now? Got feeling better already. I have recovered quite a bit. Now can walk faster liao
. Just that when bladder full, still can feel the pain.

Regarding the cramps, i read from some sites on the 2WW symptoms, quite a number of ladies who experience cramps turn out to be positive. So don't worry to much, it could be a good sign

Hi imel/bebecraze08/elle,
All the best to your beta test. BFP! BFP!
Hi Bliss,
Hahaha. So, you do not need worry. Finally your AF come. Yea, hopefully your test and scan are OK so you can straight away start the puregon (if not you must continue the lucrin).
Wish you the best.

Dear Grace,
Hahaha. Yea, somemore he (my stupid doctor) said that I'm still young.. no need to hurry. Sigh.. remember what he said made me angry. Wakakakaka :D
Luckily I manage to found this forum about SF Loh. And straight away change to SF Loh, Hopefully He can me a miracle. ^_^

Hi Ruru,
How is your scan today? Is it good folicles? When is your ER?

My ER seems will be on Wed, 20 Aug 08,Today I got about 16 folicles with the highest measuring is 15 and smallest 9. They said still small and wait till Monday to see my folicles size.
Hi ladies, I am in my 2ww and just went for blood test this morning. Due to Sat, the nurses told me that the result will only be available by next Monday. Can't wait, so I did the urine test kit myself and it is negative.....Sigh...so sad.
Hi Maykel

Thanks for your encouragement! Its just that this is my 4th ivf and I don't whether its going to be my final one so that's why I was so upset with my response so far! Your experience has given me some hope that all is not lost. How are you feeling by the way? I'll pray that you have a positive result.All the best!

Hi Josephine

That's a good number of follicles. Congratulations! I'm happy for you. All the best!
Hi ladies,
Went for BT this morning and Dr foong called around noon to say it's good news. It's like winning the silver medal !
Then he says would need me to do another BT this monday to confirm. Aiya, my mood went down so quickly and my heart stopped.
I have been sleeping badly this few days before the BT. Pray all's ok on Monday. Will let you all know the news on Monday.

To all of you, thanks for this forum and encouragement.

Bebecraze08/mel/littlebee/Maykel/Cale, Jia Yu ! Y tin !

Baby dust to all of us.
Hi Josephine,

I went for my scan this morning at 9am but detoured to my parents' place for breakfast and to bathe my 10years old cat (yes, cat do bathe, about once monthly

I am also same as you leh, confirm 9am on 20th august (wed). Follicle size also around the same leh! The follicles are also around 13-15mm! Woah! I am going for final scan on monday afternoon and collecting my pregynl solution (HCG shot) for self-injection at night.

And you know what? Up to now, my gynae refused to tell me how many ok-size follicles I have as she keep saying the follicles quality are more impt than the number, but I am very sure don't have 16 follicles like you. But my gynae already prepared me as she says PCOS lady usually have many mini-mini eggs and very few good-size eggs. I also become bloated from yest morning so I ate 5 egg whites this morning to reduce the bloatedness. I scared I ganna the OHSS even before my ER.

How about you? r you feeling alright?
Hi All,
Came back from the blood test. I'm tested positive!!! So happy but i still do feel the off and on cramp and am very bloated. Looks like 4 mths pregnant.

With what i have experienced during the 2ww, i think u cant read too much into the symptoms...cramp or no cramp can still get pregnant. Hope every1 still in 2ww will strike the gold medal!!
Im sorry to hear your news (hug). This 2 ww has been cruel to everyone of us, but its part of our life that we have to go thru. Its not easy to ask for a gift of life. May God give you strength to go thru this difficult journey and the strength to embark a new one. I hope you don't give up hope Yin. Just take a rest for awhile and enjoy being pampered by your hubby. After you "tiao hao" your body, you can fight again. Don't give up easily! Take care.
Elle and Bebecraze

Congratulations to both of you!!! I knew you will make it. After all you have gone thru in 2ww made today seems so worth it. So happy for two of you, finally your dreams of motherhood seems so near. Go go Olympic!!!
Dear Maykel,
That's why I say you guys are very strong. You know, the period before I conceived, I even thought of dying...I was so frustrated that I wanted to jump off a building. That was how much I wanted a child. I think God knows I cannot take it anymore and gave me one. So, I must count my blessings. You must persevere and know that you will receive your miracle too.

Dear Josephine,
Indeed, every child is a miracle. Having so much difficulty conceiving has taught me not to take things for granted, especially our own children.
Hi Bebecraze and Elle

So So happy for you! Congratulations! Take care of yourselves okay? Eat and rest well!

Hi Yin

Hugz! Don't despair and don't give up hope. Take care and rest too before tyring again!
Hi Cale,
Oic....if you really wana take bus then you walk slowly bah. If dun want then when you take cab just tell the uncle you not well, drive slower.

Ya loh, my immed head oso looks quite supportive and understanding. But she always gossip behind pple's back, so i worry i may be the next victim haha....anyway, i try not to bother too much cos dun wana stress myself

Today i didn't drink milk and my tummy felt better. Think i better stopped until my antibiotic finishes. Oh, I dun have bloatedness already and it feels alright. But if i hold my bladder too long then go toilet, i will feel a bit of discomfort.

Thanks alot for your reassurance on the cramps, appreciate it very much, makes me felt better
Hi Mala,
Please be positive all the way ok? We'll be here for you

Hey Elle and Bebecraze08,
I'm so happy for both of you, congrats!!
We can know the blood test result immediately or gotta wait 1hr? So must wait for scan then can know how many right?

Hi GraceBB,
Dun think of the unhappy things again, we must move forward and be positive okie?
Hi Bebecraze08/Elle,
Big congratulation to both of you! You bring hopes to us in 2WW. What is your beta reading? Any chances to conceive twins? Rest well and take care.

Hi Josephine,
Last time i only did 1 scanning. The first scanning show 17 follicles ranging from 11 to 17.5mm. On the same day, doctor prescribed another 200iu puregon (different from the one that we bought) and nurse administered the injection for me. While i still have balance of 200iu at home, was instructed to jabs the next days, which is my last dosage of puregon.

Hi Maykel,
Glad that you also recovered liao. With bebecraze08's positive result, you should be more assured now on the cramping symptoms
. Continue to rest well and looking forward to meet you on next tue. Jia you!
Hi Josephine,
Looking at the number of follicles that you have now. I guess likely you will have more than 20 eggs extracted during your ER. Good luck to you!
Hi Imel,
I'll pray for a BFP for you too. Test on Mon right?

Hi Maykel,
I know my blood test in an hr's time. Have to wait till you are 6 weeks pregnant than can scan to see the sac.

Hi all,
Realised that we all have endless worry here. After 2ww....we will start worrying if it will be a viable pregnancy...

Anyway....let us all JIA YOU JIA YOU!!!!!
Thank you and yes my test on monday, pray its going to be a good beta. So we still need to have another 2weeks for the scan? The waiting seems eternity. Btw are you going for another blood test to check whether your beta increase?
Hi Ruru,
I also feel bloated. I do not really like egg. So everytime feel bloated I just keep drink water or play game to forget the bloatedness. Hehehehe. Which hospital you go? and under which doctor?

Hi Bebe, Elle,
Congratulations. Welcome to MTB.

Hi Grace,
Yea. you are absolutely correct. Hope the miracles come to us.

Hi Cale,
That means the procedure that you face is almost the same like mine. But your folicles is bigger and better than me because the range is 11-17.5mm and more folicles, mine only 9-15mm. Hope I hear a good news on this Monday. Hehehe... How is your 2ww? bloated?
Hi Josephine,

U can drink protein drink such as Ensure or Complan (buy from any supermarket), can reduce the bloatedness also.

I will be doing my IVF at mt e under Dr Christine Yap. How about u?
Hi Mala,

I am on D7 of puregon do the scan and it shows me about 16 folicles. Dont worry, I think you got 9 folicles because you do scan on D5. Hopefully on the next time you got scan you will got more folicles and bigger size.

Keep us update ^_^.
Hi Josephine,

Yes, I am sure you will have good news on next monday
. So your ER confirm on next wed? Do keep us updated ya.

My 2ww other than boring, is still ok. Just went to library today to borrow some books to pass time. My bloatedness has subsided quite a lot since yesterday. Now i can walk with ease without feeling the pain or bloatedness liao. I guess the egg white and plenty of water intake did help. Occasionally, if i have full bladder, will feel a bit of pain.
Hi cale,

Yup hopefully i have a good news on next monday.
They said most probably the ER will be on next wed (if the result on monday is good).

Wow... you eat only the egg white? boil egg? 1 day how many egg you eat? Yea i know how you feel. Now I feel a bit of pain if the bladder is full. sigh.. and also cramps... Hahahaha..

I think eating egg white really helps. I was doubtful at first. But as I was feeling very bloated(don't know why even during lucrin injection also feeling bloated), I ate 3 egg whites daily for the past 3 days, and my bloatedness disappears!
So I guess I will continue to take egg whites in the days of feeling bloated.

Bebecraze and Elle,
congrats! :D So happy for the both of you. I can imagine how happy you two were when heard of the good news! Can't imagine how I would response if I were to hear my beta test positive, think I would be in tears really. I am already so touched to hear about any good news from anyone here... feel like crying.

All the best to myself and all here.
Bebecraze and Elle
Congrats. Your good news really brings encouragement to all of us here on the thread.

stage 1
Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Happyever - 8 Aug

Stage 2
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug
Aisha - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Imel - ET 1 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug

Hi all..
Congratulations to bebecraze n elle...
I went for scanning yesterday on my Day8 of puregon and they can only see 3 follicles ranging from 9.5mm to 11mm . I'm on 400iu of puregon. Doc give me 2 choices to stop the ivf or continue with higher dosage.. I was very upset that I cried in front of the doc. I feel so dissapointed. Discuss with my DH and he decide that we just continue with 3 more days of 700iu puregon and scan again on Day11 of puregon and see if there will be more follicles. I only left with my 1 ovary due I had ops done for my endo in 2004 and left ovary been removed.
I'm very sad and hv to accept whatever the scan might be this Monday..Been praying hard for more eggs since I've been thru this far...
This moment I had felt nothin...no crampin and no bloating...I'm very worried as Mon comes........
Try for another more days and see how it is. I really hope your follicles will increase. Some of the ladies here also having the same problems as you. Having few follicles in the beginning and in the end their perserverance bear fruits. Don't give up!!! You can do it!!!
