IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thank you girls for your well wishes. Indeed I finally graduate from primary school. I still have to go thru secondary school, college and finally the big moment the university. After the first hurdle cross, I still have to face many hurdles. Think I can only finally graduate when I really see my baby in my arms.

Well during my 2ww, I didn't do much thing. Try to relax. Usually I will just watch TV (thank you for the Olympic and dvds), read books, do cross stiches, moving around the bedroom and studyroom. I think the first 10 days of resting after ET is important, because that's when the implantation begin. I begin to feel cramps on 7 days after ET and the cramp on and off. I still feel the cramps till now, but its mild one and its like being pinch type of feelings. As for bloatedness, I dunno that much coz Im not slim to begin with. So I dunno whether I gain weight or its just from bloatedness. Please note everyone has different symptoms so no need to worry if you don't have too much symptoms. .

Every morning I will drink a glass of Ensure milk (thank you Marlenna for your promotion), and supplements like mega ultra women, follic acid, coq10, vitamin C and anti-oxidant. Then afternoon after lunch I will take another follic acid. I also try to drink chicken broth everyday and sometimes eat pig liver, to increase blood.

But what Cale said is true, perseverance is the key word. Always remain positive and have faith. I really hope I will see more graduates with flying colors. Maykel and Cale, all the best to you and try to rest more. I wish to see you graduates too.

Thank you girls for giving me so much encouragements during my difficult times. May God Bless You All!!!

Hi all Mum-2-Bs,

Reading all your postings are really encouraging. I'm happy for all of you. Your strength and motivations keeps me ALIVE!!!

I've been married for 2 years and still trying HARD to conceive. I've an irregular menses. Not sure whether that's the cause of my difficulty to get pregnant.

Been to KKH and currently on medication to get my period regular.

Recently, thot of trying IVF but not sure whether will it work with my irregular menses.

Is it painful? What are cramps are all about? Is is expensive?
Hi Imel,
Congrats!!! We just have to wait 2 another weeks for the first scan to see the sac.

Hi Starshine,
Maybe u should consult your gyane to see whats the best option for u. Clomid can help u to ovulate if ovulation is your only problem. If you are going for IVF, whether ur menses is irregular or not doesnt matter as u will be given hormones jabs for ovulation/ growth of follicles.

Well IVF is not an easy process, you have to be ready for all the emotional ups and downs.
Hi Happy,
Ya, think most impt is to do with whichever doc that can makes you feel comfortable for your ivf journey
Oh, talk abt walking, I had been to the Henderson waves too, i oso started from Hort Park, its very nice. My fren said at nite the bridge is much nicer.
BTW, which dos you see in Eu an sang? i'm seeing dr zhong xi min. I tried acu but stopped after a few sessions, now on med oni.

Hi Elle,
So happy for you! But at least your 1 precious follicle is a success, must take good care ok?

BTW, you mentioned you've been having cramps right? Today is oni my 6ptd, but early this Am i suddenly got very bad cramp and it stopped after 10mins. I'm so worried leh....

Hey dear Imel,
I'm so happy for you! Finally your long wait is over. Must take good care
Hi Bebecraze08,

Thanks for your reply. I noticed that most of you need at least 10 days of rest. Are you given MC or you still go to work as per normal?
Hi Maykel, I too have cramps. Just try to relax. Watch TV esp. comedy to take your mind off the 2ww. If you start experiencing bloatedness until your BT, this is a good postive sign. this means got chance. Take care.
Hi elle,
Thanks for your advise. I will try not to think so much. Still long way to go for my BT hiaz...i have cramps on and off, but bloating oni after meals leh. Praying hard that things will go smoothly
Hi all
I have been a regular reader of the forum since 2007.
I am in the pill+lucrine stage,just started today.
This is my third cycle hope it works in a positive way.
All the best to you guys
Hi Maykel,
Your symptoms looks very positive to me. Very high chance for you. The bad cramps may due to the implantation, as the dpt 5 - 7 should be the implantation period.

Now i am my turn to worry. I didn't experience much symptoms leh. Don't have bloatedness and cramps

Tomorrow i will wear a black knee length pant and pink top. See you ya
Hi kalki,

it must have been not easy for you to have gone through the two failed ivf and now on your 3rd. You must have been very brave and love to have your own kid so much.

all the best to you too!
Welcome Kalki to the thread. All the best to you, let's work together.

stage 1
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Happyever - 8 Aug
Kalki - 18 Aug

Stage 2
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug, ER 20 Aug
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug

Hi Cale,
I hope so loh...but i dun dare to get my hopes too high hehe....you dun think so much 1st, like they say, all the symptoms are not conclusive of anything right? okie, c ya 2mr!
thanks. I am with dr.suresh nair from mt.e
This is my first cycle in mt.e but had two cycles earlier and was stopped at gonal-f day 4 because of OHSS and second one full cycle but unsuccessful.
Changed my doc and it took me almost 1.5 years to gain confidence.
Hi blisstan
Yes it was really hard and gained weight like crazy,then dr.nair adviced me to loose weight and did it,but was not mentally prepared for another round in sep last year.two months back went had laparoscopy endometriosis.
Hope things get better this time. Married for 6 years and so have to la if not planning to adopt two kids at the same time.
just crossing my fingers.
Any one with Dr.Suresh Nair
Congrats Emel!!! Yippee...

I went for my D5 scan today. Only got 3-4 folicles on each side and they are only 0.7-1.1mm. The doc said it's ok but he needs to see the blood test results.. but i do feel they are rather small.hope they grow up soon.
And I got this aching pain on the pelvic... Sigh...
Hi all

I went for my scan again today. There are still 9 follicles but the doctor still thinks that they are slow in growth.The highest is ll mm and the lowest 5.He thinks my lining is good- 7.1 mm. I have to continue with my Gonal f and see him on Thursday. Tomorrow I start on Cetrotide and Luveris. Luveris is to improve the lining.

Hi Imel

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Take care of yourself, okay?

Hi Maykel

Take it easy and relax, okay? You will surely have a positive!

Hi Josephine

All the best for your ER on Wednesday.. May all your eggs be fertilised and become healthy embryos!

Hi Imel

Congratulations again!

Hi bakaholic

Don't worry! Your follicles will grow!

Hi Happyever

I did try brisk walking before my ivfs but I'm always kind of lazy to contunue. Ha!Ha!

I'm currently doing acupuncture at Raffles Hospital. Its very relaxing but I dread each session though. I practically hyperventilate when the physician is about to place the needles on my legs especially because I feel some kind of current passing through. The pain is quite intense. Some people feel it but some don't. Maybe its just my body.

If you are not afraid of needles, you should give it a try because many doctors believe that it does help in the ivf process.

Hi Catseye

Hugz! Dont' despair, okay? Rest before you make any decisions.
Wah! Congrats Imel and Elle! Good Job! So proud of you guys!

I was so awaiting news from you
3-4 follicles on each side is good rite? Dun worry, must persevere and have faith. I'm sure it'll grow well.

Ya, I too am having aching pain on both sides. It comes and goes. Getting a bit tired as well. Well, I'm going for my scanning tommorow. We'll see how it goes.
Hi Mala,
Thank you. Think now you shld look forward to having these 9 follicles growing
My lining was also 7mm but didn't take any med for that.
Oh ya, Bakaholic,

Was just wondering, are you on both puregon and suprefact for Day1 to Day5 after AF? Do you have to jab yourself both for the past 5 days at the same time or seperate timing?

Hi Mala,
I'm going for my acupuncture at raffles too. I totally agree that it was soo intense when they inserted the needle near the shin area! I swear, I felt like a some kinda current going thru ;)
Hi ladies,

may I know around how many days of puregon injections usually to be taken before ER? I heard from the nurse that it is better to have the follicles grow faster in the first few days rather than later on, is that true?
I am a bit worried, coz my follicles grew rather slow and very few numbers in my previous cycle. I heard from some of you that the dosage had to increase from 200plus units to over 600units when your responses were not that fast at the beginning, that was a lot of increase. Did that help eventually for those of you?
Hi Josephine,

Yah, did my final scan this afternoon then went for accupunture. I have around 16 follicles betw 14-21mm (and many mini mini eggs) and my lining is around 11mm.

My gynae told me during the scan that she sees fluid accumulation in my womb (due to OHSS). She told me if OHSS worsen and the fluid accumulation cont', I may not proceed to ET stage.

She told me to put 4 raw egg whites in a cup, put protein powder on them then pour boiling water and stir then drink for today and tomorrow. I made this mixture just now and drank, ok lah, not as gross as I thought.

Tomorrow going for 1 last round of accupunture and going to Godness of Mercy temple at waterloo street to pray. Sigh... very excited but scared cannot cont' to ET stage.

Let's Jia You together ok?
Hi Kalki,

I read many good review of Dr Suresh Nair at Mt E and I heard your gynae is very busy and the waiting time is very long (even with an appt), is it true?

You got to be brave yah, sure strike this time. The ladies in this thread like very lucky like that, so you must cont' to talk to us ok?
Hi Mala & austere.
Thanks for your encouragement. I am trying to be more positive but the hormones kinda made me weepy..hehe..

I jab both at the same time everyday, alternating them between the 2 sides. I will do suprefact first as it's the most straight forward, followed by puregon as i need to adjust the dial and load new vial every other day.

Are you going for the scan tomorrow?
Hi Imel,

Congratulations! I am very happy for you. When I first join this thread and did my 1st posting, you are the 1st to respond to my questions, that is very kind of you as the threads move very very fast.

I hope you graduate to University! Jia You!
Hi Bakaholic,

Yah, the hormone injection definitely cause mood swings man! I am getting cranky and weepy all the time.

Hi Bliss,

The norm is 8D of Puregon (or Gonal-F) injection. Yes, what the nurse tells you is true, the faster the eggs mature, the younger the eggs thus the better the quality. But say is say lah, like for me, I have PCOS so my eggs tend to grow slowly and not very good quality.

I am going for my ER on wed. I have to do 10days of 200iu Puregon injection as by the 8D, my follicles were only around 13-15mm, so haven't reach the required 18mm size yet. Don't be too stressed by the injection days as the gynae will guide u on the dosage based on the scanning.

all the best for your ER! You have quite a number of follicles leh, 16 is a good number too. May you have all the 16 fertilised.

Welcome welcome! I'm as new as you. Bliss, you and me with be in Stage 1 meaning we are in Lucrin injection stage. hehehe....

Don't worry so much ok, you are doing well. Heard stage 2 very moody bec of the stimulation.
You already cool and steady. Jiayou!
we are super close in our choice of Doctor. Hehe, I also see Dr Zhong at EYS, but only once.

Ruru cat,
You are right, the ladies here like very lucky, 50% IVF success rate now. I hope we'll join in and make the success rate higher.

Positive thoughts generate positive Engergy!
hi rurucat
ya you r right the first appt i almost thought would not meet the doc bse my appt was at 3 and the clinic people called me to inform the delay and asked me to come over at 10:45pm. But now that they know for sure iam going for ivf they give me a call 10min before i see the doc and i manage to go there(i stay like 10min away from hospital). But they do inform you based on the travel time.
But i should say their service is very good and success rate is high.

happy to see a partner. Are you on contraceptive pills also. which doc and which hospital?
hi gals, been reading ur posts so thot i wld share mine as well (had not posted in Motherhood for yrs, so will try to refrain frm posting)

3 jul 08 - cd01
4 jul till 24 jul 08 - microgynon 30 (21 tablets)
18 jul till 12 aug 08 - lucrin jab 10 units

af came on 1 aug 08

2 aug till 11 aug 08 - puregon 200 units
12 aug 08, 9pm - pregnyl 10,000 units
13 aug 08 - no lucrin & puregon, NIL by mouth after 2230hrs

14 aug 08 - egg retrieval under sedation @ 0830hrs, wif fresh semen sample frm hubby. bad cramps for me & had to pop panadol & antibiotics as well as folic acid. 16 eggs were retrieved.
(from past scannings, about 18 eggs frm both sides were avai for ER, maybe some not big enuff, ranging frm 11-18mm)

15 aug 08 - only plain water after 2330hrs

16 aug 08 - embryo transfer @ 0730, but bladder not full enough, so was pushed to 0930 so dat i can drink lotsa water (must drink till wanna pee then counted). 6 embryos were fertilised and 3 of them were transferred. we were shown a short video of how the embryos were extracted and placed into the womb - interesting. we were then given a foto of the 3 li'l babies and a letter of the details of ER & ET. have to insert 2 x utrogestan 100 vaginally for 16 days, 3 times a day

21 aug 08 (7 dpo) - progesterone blood test + abdominal ultrasound scan
2 sep 08 (19 dpo) - hcg blood test
I'm seeing Dr E Chua from Thomson. Still on Lucrin, doing BT tomorrow to see if I can start my Stage 2. Started Gynera pills on 21 July. Ended and started my AF on 14 Aug. Had BT on 14 Aug but my E2 is high. so carry on with Lucrin first.
PM Lee is soo Cute. He say must use Microscope to see the increase in Birthrate after the Baby incentive.

Btw, all the presentation slides he is using now is done by NY Poly. They have spend many late nights rushing the changes. PM Lee vetted the slides himself ok.

Quite impressed by his effort!
So anymore bonus for baby wishing families like us?
hi Juju78,

Welcome and thanks for the link.

Key points for all mummy-to-be:
1) 16 weeks paid maternity leave
2) subsidies IVF

details to be announced later.
mine would have been the same as yours but dn't know y my doc extended my contraceptive pills for another 3 weeks so side effects very bad. Suffering from back pain and side effects killer lost weight also(which is actually good sign)
No sure if we will benefit or not.

But as least a great piece of good news for more Singapore mummy who need IVF help. We've contributed our Qing Chun(youth) to the economy. That's why we are married late and give birth late lor. I'm glad Govt is looking into this area.

At least it eases my mind that I can try again with less $$$ constrains if I have to.

If this try is not subsidied, no choice also, most impt everything goes on smoothly. And Hopefully I can benefit from 16weeks paid maternity leave soon. Yeh!!!!

Hi all,
Subsidy for IVF will start in Sept, heard it from a friend working in the hospital. (That's why i'm only starting mine next month, though I can start this cycle). $3000 subsidy for 1st three tries only. Fourth and subsequent tries not subsidosed because of low success rates. We can still use $6000 from medisave for 1st try, $5000 2nd try, $4000, 3rd try. We have to fork out about cash $1000-$2000+ in the end. However, all these has to be confirmed by the media.

Dear Imel,
Congratulatons! Enjoy your pregnancy! We'll all join you soon. Jia you, ladies!
