IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Nita,
Dun stress yourself too much as it will affect the number and quality of eggs. Eat more egg whites i think it help the follicles to grow.

Hi Imel,
Nurse never ask me to go back for blood test anymore. Have to go back 1 week later to get a jab and 2 weeks later see doctor hopefully can see the sac. Think TMC practise is to give jabs to till 12 weeks of pregnancy to play safe. Was given the crinone inserts as well.

Hi Elle,
Do you feel bloated?

Hi All,
Just want to let all of you in stage know that the OHSS normally kicks in after ER. Hence must eat alot of egg whites and drink lots of water after ER.
Hi Catzeye and Yin,
Please have a good rest and not think too much. Take a short break for holiday if you can. Life can be crappy but we have to make the best out of it. So, try to think of the good things we have as life could be much worst.
Be strong, ladies!
Hey Bebecraze and elle,
Congrats to you!!!

Hi bebecraze08,
How many egg whites do you take per day after ER? i am allergic to eggs so i have to calculate how much protein i need from alternative sources.
Wah!!Congratulations Bebecraze08 and Elle. You are all so inspiring! Gives me hope and persevere

stage 1
Dimple - start on 1 Aug
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Happyever - 8 Aug

Stage 2
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Imel - ET 1 Aug
littlebee - ET 5 Aug
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug

hi bebecraze08 and elle,
congratulations on the postive! see, i told you, bebecraze, don't look too much into the symptoms. they can be nerve-wrecking to some. just wait for the BT and results. so happy for you!! congrats again! so how many successful? singleton or multiples?

hi all,
if my calculations are right, i should be on my week 7 now. will be going for my 1st scan on Tues to confirm whether its one or two. hehe.. so exciting.. i'm hoping to hear 2 separate heartbeats..
Hi all,
i am back on my feet again after all the dissapointment. Life has to go on. My cramps has subside so is my tummy. The worst was that on friday nite i was rushed to kkh coz a clot of 1/2 the size of my palm drop while i was in the toilet. I felt faint. The doctor cld nt see anything when doing u/s they suspect miscarriage. B/t came out negative and suspect it was an early stage miscarriage or perhaps leftover tissues. Will be seeing dr loh in 2weeks time. My hubby and boys were so nice to make me breakfast on bed while i am recovering and they did all the housework. Boy i am so touch to hv such caring family that i am determine that life has to go on.
Hi Cale,
Ya, hopefully it'll turn out good for us. Looking forward to see ya too.

Hi Bebe,
Thanks for your reply. You are right, we do have endless worries. Its gonna be 1 thing after another, haha...you take good care for now
Hi Nita
Maybe I share with you wat i went through. I started with 250iu of puregon and on my Day 7th puregon, i oni have 4 follicles, 5-7mm small.
I continue 2 more days puregon at 600iu and i have 7 follicles 7-11mm on Day 9. Doc oso asked if i wantd to stop or continue cos the dosage already very high and results still very slow. But I knew the i wan to continue til the end no matter wats the result. So i continue with 700iu after that til Day 14 when my 7 follicles measure from 9-15mm and the 1 biggest 1 is 19.5mm.
Eventually i went thru ER with 7 follicles and was lucky to get 6 fertilised. Now i'm in my 2ww. Dun worry even if you have oni 1 ovary, I have 2 but my result may not be as good as yours. Most impt is not the amt of eggs, but the quality.
Dun worry, i oso have not much bloating during puregon stage. Must keep urself cheerful and positive ok? Jia you!
Hi Maykel.
Thanks for your encouragement, I really hope that my result will turn out like urs.. I hope I will have few more follicles by tomorrow.. I've gone this far and hope I will succeed... I dun expect too much in this IVF, but at least I do not want to end everything too soon... Been praying hard for miracles to happen..
I feel better after reading your experience..
Good luck to you and have a good weekend..darl...
Hi Josephine,
I only eat about 2-3 egg white per day and drink at least 1.5 litre per day (using my water bottle to measure). Most of the time i half boil the egg, sometimes hard boil. For half boil, i will mixed a bit of soya souce and white pepper, so that it taste better

Hi Nita,
Since already go these far, i think it's wise to continue higher dosage for a few more days and monitor the progress. A lot of ladies here have few follicle to begin with, but after the increase dosage, most responding with encouraging result. Keep your spirit high and Jia you!
Hi bakaholic,
Nurse advise me to take 6-8 egg whites a day. But i only mananged to take 5 on average. I also drink a glass of Ensure milk as well.

Hi Merleena,
I dun know how many am i pregnant with but i do hope it will be twins. How come ur scan is on the 7th week? I tot normally 6 weeks can scan liao. I'm abt 3 weeks behind you. Going to scan on the 29 Aug.

Hi Catzeye,
So happy that u recovered emotionally so fast. U r lucky to have a supportive husband and sons.
Hi catzeye, good tat you are so positive!

for me, i also has a huge blood clot come out before my menses flow. doc says it seems to hv implantation signs since my bt is slightly positive. very likely i too hv early miscarriage.

late fri nite, my gal got hand foot mouth.. even now, dun hv time to really rest yet.
Hi all
My menses came this morning. But was advised to go for BT tmr as planned.

Elle, Bebecraze
Congratulations!!! Take care
hi bebecraze,
i dunno. coz if i calculated right i shld be in my 7th week. maybe there is a lot of ppl in line.. i just managed to squeezed in tues's appointment. they gave me the date.. haha, just follow lah!!
Elle and Bebecraze,

Any tips to share during 2ww? during my 2ww, I was so restless and moved around a lot...just couldn't get my butt down at one spot for long ...hehhe..

So you have seen my Doctor for a few years before you switch to KKH. For me it is the other way round. During my last pregnancy, I didn't have a good experience at KK. Than after I switched to TMC, I had a better medical treatment.

I find Dr Chua good bec she is skillful when she is doing the viginal insert Ultra-sound Scan. I also find less awkward to see a female Doctor.

Like they always say, must always choose a Doctor who has "yuan" with you.
Imel, Grace BB, Yaya, Bliss and Mala,

This is my first IVF and I really need alot of sharing from all of you.

Thanks for sharing your stories with us, it really give me more strength to move on with IVF.

Tears rounded in my eyes when I read about these touching stories. All of you are so strong. Especially Mala, on her 4th IVF already. With living cost going up up and up, Mala is still willing to spend so much money on IVF. Just bec we all have the same dream. To have our own children and happy family!

I'm not very good at writing, but I'm really moved by all the stories I read here.
jia you jie mei men! We all can be good mothers!
Hi happyever,

actually this is my first IVF too! I had 6 cycles on clomid and 1 failed IUI. Understand how you are feeling. I am also moved by many of the ladies' stories here. It has never been easy for all of us here.

Once again, all the best to all of us here. May we all be mothers sooner or later.
In fact, I was hesitating whether to go for another round of IUI or go for IVF earlier on. But I got a chance to talk with a colleague of mine and realised that she had gone through 5 failed IUIs and 4 IVFs, and she is now with 2 sons from her 1st IVF and 4th IVF! Her sons are 3 years old and 6 months old now. I was in tears when she shared her story with me. She is now 38 years old, I cannot imagine how much she has gone through all those years of trying and waiting. Even now when she has already successfully gotten 2 sons, I can still see in her eyes the pain and hardship she had experienced for past years when she was telling me. So, I am very much encouraged by her story and decided to go for IVF then and try my best, but have to remind myself not to forget to take good care of my emotional health too.

So I also hope by sharing my colleague's story with you gals, all of us will be more confident and braver to face any pain or hardships during our IVF journey.
Dear happyever,
When will you be starting your cycle?

Bliss tan,
Thanks for sharing your colleague's experience. Its really encouraging to know that its possible to have more than 1 child. Most people will not share about their IVF experience face to face. I don't think I have the courage to share openly with friends and relatives without breaking down in tears...
I'm still on Lucrin since 8 Aug. Did a bloodtest last wk but my E2 was high. So need to carry on with Lucrin first. Haven't done any scan yet too.

Will be doing my E2 again tomorrow, hopefully it is better by now.
Hi mystyy,
I did not take any special diet during the 2ww. I still walk around in the house watching tv and reading and surfing the net. I also went back to work 10 days after transfer. Hence, i think having enough rest for the first 10 days after transfer would be good enough. All the best to you!!
hi ladies,

Any of you into any form of excersie before you started IVF?

I only started to do Brisk walking last month. Not sure if it will help to improve blood circulations.

I'm curious about Acu. Wanted to try out bec my Doctor also said no harm trying. But didn't have the courage to try.

Have been taking lots ginger in my food. Ginger in fried rice, Cystal sugar ginger etc.
Here are a couple of benefits of brisk walking:

It helps to fight against stress, by providing complete relaxation to your mind.
It protects you from the clutches of diseases like osteoporosis, colon cancer, constipation etc.
It increases the longevity of your life, by maintaining your fitness.
It helps in reducing the problem of depression, thus enabling you to derive mental peace.
It relieves you from backache trouble and also acts as a great remedy for arthritis problem.
It helps in increasing your flexibility, by strengthening your muscles, bones and joints, thereby toning your body.
It ensures that you have a proper sleep at night.

Gotten fm: http://www.iloveindia.com/fitness/walking/index.html
Just went for a walk on Sunday Morning.

Enjoyed the Henderson Waves and the Forest walk. For those of you who are not in ur 2WW yet, maybe you can try out the walk if u love the greens. It helps take my mind off the injections and the blood test.


I find it easier to start from Hort park. Take about half an hour to reach the Henderson Walk. If you have enough, can turn back to Hort park to visit the beautiful flora in the park, FOC.
Congrats Bebecraze08 & Elle. Take good care of yourself ya!

Catzeye - It's good to know that you have bounced back! Rmrbr, Failure is the Mother of SUccess.. We have to Perserve here
All of us r with u! *Hugz*

BlissTan, Happyever, me too had many cycles of CLOMID and IUI with a private gynae. Though im quite young, they didnt work out for me. So keeping my fingers cross for IVF.. I guess we just need to be positive. Hard work would eventually pay off.

For myself, went for BT & US. Result were Ok. So moved on Puregon on 17th August(stage 2). Am supposed to go back on 23rd for a scan to see the follicles & review with the doc.
Can i ask how long does this appointment normally take? Coz i do voluntary teaching on Saturdays and my school starts @ 8.30am...

All the best to the rest
Hi happyever,

I have been undergoing acupuncture treatment at Eu Yan Seng Paragon for 12 months so far. Went for 3 sessions of acupuncture before ovulation for every cycle. It has been ok for me, as I am not afraid of needles. The acupuncture does help better ovulation to certain extent, however it is expensive, $50 per session which is about half an hour. (but for iui or ivf treatment, the acupuncture is $70 plus.)

So for now, I am deciding not to go for acupuncture sessions during my ivf cycle, I am just taking the chinese medicine for the time being.

If you would like to try, it may be good for you. I can feel acupuncture helps to promote the body's blood circulation, I mean can really feel it during and after the acupuncture. But if you are kind of scared of needles, then it may be a bit difficult, coz each session needs about 20 over needles to be used.
Hi Dimple

I am also going for the scan on 23rd. From the material that KK provides me, it seems like it will take about 1.5 hours.

stage 1
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Happyever - 8 Aug

Stage 2
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Imel - ET 1 Aug
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug
Hi happyever,

I agree with you to take briskwalking regularly does help. My husband and I are nature lovers, so we have a habit going to changi beach and east coast park every week to enjoy the nature surroundings, so exercise abit in a way and spend some time chatting with each other. Walking in a more 'nature' environment is more relaxing and make ourselves in happier mood (but must go only during early mornings or around sunset, coz it is more windy and cooling).

We go to McRitchie reservoir and sungei buloh at times. Swimming is a good form of exercise for this period too, but think I will stop after the ER.
Hi Happyever,

U are right when u says exercise improve blood circulation which according to TCM thinking, will "warm" the womb and encourage the embryos to implant on the lining.

The 1st time I met my gynae, she straightaway told me that I must exercise regularly and cut down on my starch, sugars and fats intake. Sigh, this is becos I am PCOS so even harder to get good-quality eggs.

Woah, I want to go to this Hort Park leh, alot of rave reviews from my friends also. Hmm, but going for ER on wed leh.
Hi cale,
ooo ic. This morning the doctor told me to eat white egg and drink more water. Now eating 2 white egg... Hahahaha.. *No choice ... for the babies anything do.. hahahahaha...
Cale, I only got 21 good folicles detects this morning and will do ER on 20 Aug 08.

Hi Nita,
Dont give up.

Hi Ruru,
Me and you will be do ER on the same day. I just confirm to do ER on 20 Aug 08. Hahahaha..
I got 21 good folicles with measurements 11.5-18.5mm, and lining 11mm. How about u?
Hi Josephine,
Wow, 21 follicles is quite a lot. So happy for you. May your ER go smoothly and all eggs extracted are fertilized. Keep us updated on your progress

Yes, the lots of water intake and the egg white did help me to recover faster from the bloatedness, so must follow doctor's advice ya.

You would likely be offered to participate in the study after your ET as you would have more than 20 eggs extracted looking at your follicles count. You may start to consider your option now, if you want to have the daily progesterone jabs or the utogestan insert.

Hi Imel,
How's your beta test today? Lots of luck to you and hope you got a positive!!
hi Bliss,

thanks for the info on Acu. $50-$70 is a reasonable price range. But 20 needles is scary. Let me kou tao to you.
so brave!

Actually, after my operation in Feb to remove the Fibroid. I had a very bad AF in March. Doctor told me that this is normal. But she did suggest that I go n do Acu to build up my body since I need to rest for at least 3mths bef I start IVF.

In April, I finally took up the courage to try Acu. So I went to Eu Yan Seng Paragon. But the Dr only give me Medication. I ask if I can do Acu but she says no need.

She said that some pp dont like Acu. I was confused but didn't asked more. I mean must trust Doctor right? if they say drinking medication can help than just follow.

A piece of good news is that now my Endometriosis is cleared. I was having Endom and was having very bad AF pain for a few years. In my last scan in July, Doctor told me tat the bloodclot on my lining is cleared. That make it a better "house" for my baby is settle down in my womb I hope.
Josephine, I have added your ER date

stage 1
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Happyever - 8 Aug

Stage 2
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug, ER 20 Aug
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Imel - ET 1 Aug
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug

You are doing such a great job! When is your ER?

Josphine and RuRucat are doing ER on same day.
Jia you jia you!

Looks like Bliss and mine will be close.

I will going my scan on 23rd. Hopefully by then the ER date will be confirmed. otherwise have to continue with the Puregon. So expensive, sign.........
Hi girls,
Its confirmed Im pregnant. Its positive! Have to control myself not to jump around....nearly burst to tears. Finally I can become a mother. Oh God...its miracle!!! Thank you girls for being so supportive to me during this difficult time. I will be going back to see the doctor tomorrow to ask a few questions and 2weeks later for the scan. Still another question whether its going to be viable one. Bebecraze is rite, its a non ending worries for us. For those in the 2ww, don't give up. Try to be positive and have faith!!
Hi Imel,

Big congratulation to you!! Really so happy for you.

Any symptoms you experience this cycle? Got experience any cramping or spotting? How did you pass your 2WW time?

Btw, did the nurse told you on your beta reading? Got chances to get multiples?
Hi Dimple,
I am going for my US and BT tomorrow morning, hopefully I can start my puregon then.

Hi happyever,
I also had laparoscopy this April after I seek 2nd opinion from my doc in KKH. The doc suggested me to have the surgery to check for endo before I go for any iui or ivf, since all my test reports showed I have no fertilty problem but I still cant get pregnant after so long.
However, my sinseh actually discouraged me from going for the surgery, she was quite certain that I have no endometriosis, and felt that I do not need to spend money for the surgery and experience pain from that. However, I am kiase and want to feel 'an xin', so still went for laparoscopy.

So like what my sinseh expected, I have no endo, but anyway I feel 'an xin' and better even though had gone through the surgery for nothing in a way.

Good that your endo has cleared! Must take good care still coz I heard and read from books that endo may come back anytime, the only way to stop it is to get pregnant. All the best to you!

By the way, what stage are you at now? When are you starting puregon?
Hi Imel,

Congrats!! So happy to hear another good news here! :D

I am so touched by your good news, can really feel your 'nearly burst into tears'.
Do share with us your progress, will definitely give us lots of encouragement!
Another good news from Imel! Hurray!!!

stage 1
Bliss - start on 5 Aug
Happyever - 8 Aug

Stage 2
Nita - 8 Aug
Josphine - 9 Aug, ER 20 Aug
RuRucat - ER 20 Aug
Mala - 11 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug

Imel! Congragulations!

I jump jump for you! So happy for the 3 of you!
Bebecraze, Elle and Imel!

More Good News coming please!

Don't worry too much! Good hearted you will have good news very soon too!

ya, Endo is troublesome, Doctor also say getting pregnant will help me solve this problem. But I wish that I will not have Endo so that I can carry my baby thru the 9 mths. Don't want to lose my darling anymore.

I'm going for BT tomorrow also.
Hi Ladies, my 2nd BT this morning and result is still positive. Yippee !!! I am so relieved. Got the call during my meeting. Have to leave the meeting cos this is too impt for me to know the result amongst the colleagues. When I went back to the meeting, i am smiling silly.

Imel, Mala, austere, maykel, cale, josephine, bliss, ping, nita, bakaholic, merlenna, littlebee, mystyy, dimple - Thanks vm

Maykel, I did the BT in the morning around 9am, and the doc called me around noon to inform me on the same day. So I waited for about 3 hours. No scan yet. I think this will take place 2 weeks later from the BT to confirm if there is any heartbeat.

Cale - No twins or triples lah. Cos I only got 1 egg for ET. But for me, this one egg is my miracle and I am so happy.

Bebecraze, yup, I feel bloated and also cramps. I notice I get more stomach cramps in the night. Not sure what this means but I try not to read too much into it.

mystyy, during my 2ww, I was restless too. Usu. I lay in bed/sofa as much and move around the living room and bedroom, surfing the net too. Then near 2nd week, I am already working (read & replying mails from home) and trying to relax and rest. I think the key is to relax. Yah, I know it is really hard cos I am constantly worrying but I tell myself not to think too much or read too much into any symptom.

Hi elle,
Congratulation! I am really touched by all the good news here. The perseverance finally paid off.

Best wishes to all the MTB. Have a smooth pregnancy ahead. Cheers!
