IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nicole CONGRATS! I still rem how nervous you were before ER and ET and now you have passed it all with flying colors! Well done gal! Take care!

Tell u wat...I hv tried all kinds of means to treat my endometriosis. i have met a TCM @ Jurong, the one opp IMM where I have to queue very early in the morning. It does not help at all instead my cyst grew even bigger & had to undergone a cystectomy & fallopian removal. I dun blame the TCM but I guess Malay diet is different coz we take spicy stuff, and I tink it plays a part too when taking TCM med.
hi miss hae, nicole,
congrats on your twins!!! hehe.. such good news. must throw confetti already all over! hehe..

hi yck,
can i congrats you in advance? hehe.. i hope the positive is a good sign.

hi blesswbb,
yeah i totally understand what you mean. you'd expect some sympathy after what you've gone through right? hmm.. i guess, if you give him the benefit of the doubt, he's handling a lot of patients.. perhaps that day he's just lapse in the PR part.

hi all,
its my first puregon jab today. did it at kkivf in front of the nurse. yeah, she coached me thru every step of the way. the injection itself wasn't that bad. in fact, i don't really feel the same pain during insertion like that of lucrin. but the effect after that.. woah, had to hold my tummy for about 10 minutes to sort of ease the pain but of course to no effect. had to just let the ache ease itself. i hope tomorrow it won't be so bad.
Momo Bear
My endometrisis is not control by Dr Zou but instead control by her cousin Dr Xia. I went to Yu ren Sheng....the only trouble is that the medicine hv to be boiled. U can check with Dr Zou she can help u.

I know which TCM @ Jurong you referring to. Although she is famous but most of us here think she can't help much. I went there too 2yrs ago. Yes you are rite the cyst actually grow even with the medicine she prescribe. But then after i went to Yu Ren Sheng my endo is controlled. I like spicy food too but that's not 1 of the reason your endo still there. Most of the time is due to stress that cause it. Just don give up on TCM. U just haven find the right person to cure u. U know what? I went to Dr Zou today and is happy to know that my womb improve. She said if this maintain the next few mth i will be ready for my FET.
Maybe you are right. Anyway i hope this FET will make miracle and will see things in him differently.
Try not to hold to your tummy after the jab. After u hv push in the puregon let go yr tummy then pull the needle out it will feel less pain. Oh btw, after a few more puregon u will find it more painful cos u cant find anymore fats around for the jab. Good Luck!!!
Momo Bear,
I know my endo is controlled by going for the scan every 3mths. My gynae told me so. In fact, i know the symptons. My menses is painless now not like the previous time when the pain was unbearable. You try monitor what kind of symptons you have.
hey!!! that's scaring me!! hehe.. the part that is painful is not the injection part.. its the ache after that! that's why i was holding the my tummy after the jab hehe.. i'm disliking the lucrin more now coz of the syringe. can't purchase any other coz that's all they have in kk.

gosh, i never thought i never say this, but where's all the fats when i needed it! hehe..
Yeah u r quite rite perhaps I hv not found the match to my cure. Even tried supplements & oso traditional Malay massage. Anyway where is tis Dr Zou? Is it accupunture or medication. I can't stand the smell of the medication & I hate brewing them. When I have sum stomach pain I always picture that my Endo returns...but rite now I try to keep myself very occupied in order nt to tink abt it at all.
hi all,
today is my 12th day past transfer. tested yesterday and this morning, its still positive. not sure whether is it too early. i really hope that it is true positive.

ms hae,
my actual test is 17th day from transfer, that is on friday. but if were to follow other centre waiting of 14 days, it will be on tuesday.
haha...that's what i asked when i can't find my fats....try light rub on your tummy after the jab it will ease the pain. And don pinch too hard on your tummy when u have the jab it will cause bruises.
Dr Zou do both acupuncture and medication (powder form). Only if you feel pain during your menses then she will encourage you to take those brewing medicine. what stage are u now? I mean your IVF.
don stress yourself. relax...u need to hv a peace of mind. Not all result is accurate at day 12 cos the Hcg is still very high. If u don feel any cramp during this period and still have breast tenderness your chance of pregnancy is still high. Relax ok....
u mean the hcg from my trigger shot before the retrieval could still be in my system? i thought it shoul be out by day 14 max after the shot? today is day 17 after the shot.
anyway im not taking it that im pregnant at this moment. dont want to make myself disappointed later on. actually all along me not pinning much hope on 1st try. i have even started to read on FET during my this 2WW.

initally was thinking to take the test to see whether the hcg shot is out from my system (since i read that it should be out by 10 to 14 days) so that when it turn positive i know it is true positive. but now stuck.
when is your blood test? What i understand is that if your Hcg level is at 25mg your urine test will be positive. But for blood test it must be higher than 60mg to confirm that u r pregnant. So stop your urine test and wait for your blood test. Is more accurate, ok?
i agree with you totally. the nurse told me that my hcg level on that day is 200mg, which is good. for me, the only thing i want to hear is i'm pregnant. all the other readings, i'm not keen to know because like last year, i got stressed unnecessarily comparing all the levels and whatnots.it really killed me!

i think u should just remain positive and just wait for the day that you are supposed to have the test. only then you will be clear that you are really pregnant or not. all these stress and assumptions is not good for you. relax!

to all,
i'm going with my husband tomorrow to have my scan and see how many i am pregnant with. i hope to have twins so i can close shop! today is my birthday and the best birthday gift would be the scan itself tomorrow so wish me luck ladies!

baby dust to all of you and i'm supporting all of you in this journey!
Miss Hae,
& may yr wishes come true....u r preggie wif twins...I believes no other pressies will beat tis pressie....
Good luck on yr scan tml...
hi blesswbb,
haha.. Yeah tdy my jabs not so bad. I really followed some of the ladies' advices in order to jab with least amt of pain. Hehe.. But not too worry, I'll just endure for 5 more days.

Hi yck,
relax, don't think too much now. Jus wait for ur test day and hope for the best. All these thinking is actually unnecessary stress. Not good at all!

Hi miss hae,
happy birthday!! The best present ever is simply knowing u're pregnant. Double joy, as u're with twins.
Dear Ms Hae,
Happy Birthday! Indeed a good birthday gift! Take care and all the best! Hope you got twins too!

think TCM and do early blood test. Don't be overtly stress. Just relax. All the best! Praying you will be lucky this first round!
hi yck and nicole,
Congrats! I am so happy to hear your good news!!

i hope you are coping well.. anyway, any idea when you will be doing FET? My dr said that I would have to wait till my menses is regular again.. I just got my mense mid this month and it's not over yet.. it's the longest mense I ever have.. i guess my hormones is rather erratic right now..
Mis Hae,
Happy birthday dear.. wow it's so exciting for you.. whether you are conceiving a singleton, twins or triplets, the fact that you are pregnant should be the best b'day gift! Take care and tell us the the results of the scan, ok?
I am currently on stage 1, extended lucrin for 2wks. Will go for another scan tis tuesday b4 proceeding to stage 2.
Miss Hae,
Happy birthday miss hae may tomorrow result be a double gift to you. Anyway being pregnant is already a gift...a priceless gift.
hi Miss hae, Nicole,

Congrats!! You2 have made it! BTW dis u all go for accupunture?

Dun think and read too much in2 the blood test.
I will pray for a positive for you.

Hi Merleena,

It seem that the injection can be really painful. WHen r u going to have the eggs extracted?
Hi All, many thanks for ur well wishes...... Still about 8months more to go. Babydust to all of you..

BlessBB, Dr Yu runs Care but I know that there are a few more docs there. Call them and explain ur situation to them, tell them u want to make appointment to see Dr Yu. all the best to you but Im wishing for your FET to be BFP so no need to spend n more $$ and pain! I was on Menogon and Growth Hormones. Not sure what she will give u.

ML, Ya can close shop. but long way to go la..

Bebecraze08, nope I didnt do accu.
hi bebecraze08,

its painful on the 1st day, last Sat. i dunno why coz the way i inject is the same. i think maybe its the hormone being introduced into the body. so i guess, a bit shock. hehe.. now day 2 and day 3 so far so good. no pain. in fact the puregon injection is so much smoother than lucrin. the pen is definitely mightier! no pun intended! hehe..

anyway i dunno honestly when to do ER. coz it all really depends on the scan this sat morning. if the follicles are sizeable enough i guess, it'd be monday. which is a school holiday because of youth day.. hehe, no need mc. but if i still need to continue further with puregon it'll be awhile more..

one question! after ER day, do you go on mc before ET? or do you begin you HL from the ER day? or do you begin HL from ET day? hehe.. confuse? hope someone can enlightened me so i can inform my HOD early on..
Hi Miss Hae

Happy Birthday to you! You've truly been blessed. How are you feeling now? Let us know about your scan, okay? All the best, best to you.

Hi Lfb

Have you seen Dr Cheng yet? What was his advice? Take care. You're in my thoughts.

Hi yck

Keep your fingers crossed and don't be unduly stressed! Have confidence. I'm sure its definitely a positive.

Hi Merlenna

My husband's cousin who has done ivf and who is a teacher took leave on the day of ER and the day after. She then took leave again on ET day and for 1 week after that. She went back to school on the second week as her principal wanted her back. It'll be good if you can take the whole 2 weeks off. All the best.

Hi Nicole

Congratulations! Take care of yourself and rest well.
Anyone has any problem while taking the lowest dosage of puregon/Gonalf and still hv high hormone level?
Am disappointed that despite the lowest dosage but was told that I can't do ET due to hormone level that's too high, body is very sensitive to GonalF...
. Now got to wait 3 mths later to fo FET. Anyone has same/similiar situation as mine?

Do we neeed to jab any thing else b4 FET? Would be great if someone could share with me. Txs.

Hi babywee, how was ur ER today?
I will prob do my FET in Oct, since I needed the time to rest and relax. Will start my acu next week. My menses is longer than usual, started last monday and I am still having it now, just spotting.
Dr Cheng on holiday this week. I will see him next week. Hubby cannot take leave, so we have to settle with Sat.
Ladies, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. Will fight on.

Did ur doc advise on the length of time that u need to rest b4 FET?
Bravo for ur strong will.
I am feeling lousy inside as to hear from doc that I can't do the ET and got to wait for a few mths later....
yap. have to wait that long. abt 2 mths
Got to take 1 month of birth control pills and jab lucrin for abt 1 month before ET for FET.
thank you all!

yes, i agree, getting to know i'm pregnant is the best birthday gift that i could have ever asked for.

went for the scan just now. pc wong is still on leave so i went to see dr mary rauff instead.

guess what, i am expecting TRIPLETS!!!

all 3 of them are growing just fine. 1 of them also has a heartbeat. i shed a tear and held my husband's hand when i saw the flickering light (heartbeat). that was the only thing i was waiting for! the other two are catching up and most probably by next week, i can see the other 2 heartbeats.

i was so stunned. my husband was stunned too but i am very, very, very, thankful.my gynae is going to be shocked when i see him next week.

so far, i am doing quite ok. no vomitting or bad MS. just can't stand some smells and often cannot finish my food.

for my birthday yesterday, i had durian over a cake and managed to have some good seafood but still cannot finish.
from what i know, they will give u HL on the day you do your ER. i was given 19 days.

i didn't go for any acupunture. i did think of doing it b4 i started on the IVF journey but because i was working, i couldn't find the right time and place to do it so i went ahead without it.
Hi Miss Hae,

I feel so happy for you!!! U must be very careful now cos I also know that the risk for triplets would be higher. Wish you will have a smooth pregnancy!!
hi miss hae,
wow! triplets?! fantastic! such wonderful news! hehe.. did you actually put in 3 embryo? take care of yourself yeah?! its will be a challenging path ahead but have faith and persevere!

and thanks for the tip. so now i know roughly when i will be away. have to plan ahead lah!

hi mala,
yeah i guess according to ladies here, it will be from the day i do the ER. so its probably early next week. ok.. thanks for the tip.
Hi Miss Hae,

WOW! Congratulation Miss Hae... TRIPLETS. Wonderful gift rite. Anyway have plenty of rest & take care of yourself.
Miss Hae

Heartiest congratulations! You must take care of yourself and have lots of rest. This must be your first scan after your pregnancy was confirmed. How many weeks pregnant are you? I'll pray for you. Take care!
thank you everyone for your well wishes!

yes, this is my first scan and i am about 5-6wks pregnant.will be meeting my gynae again next week cos he don't know yet! haha!

i am trying to be positive about this pregnancy though i know there are so many other factors to consider since it's triplets. the risks, health, financial and all but i think i should be able to trudge on and persevere for the sake of them. i don't want to worry on the unnessary and shall take each day as it comes. at this moment, i am just thankful and thrilled!

now i can spread as much babydust to all!
Hi Hi,

Can I check how many of you exercise regularly before IVF? Miss Hae did u exercise?

The nurse ask me to keep a healthy lifestyle and to exercise. But I am very lazy to exercise. Wonder if it would affect my chance of success.
Hi yck,
so happy for u,Congrats!

Hi Emma,
why just cannot do it next mth?

Hi Ms Hae,
Happy Belated Birthday!WOW...is triplets,so happy!Really the best birthday presents not 1 but 3,haha...I also cannot stand frying smell & green tea smell in my first preggy.Remember to upddate us next wk when u see the other 2 heartbeats ok.

Hi Babywee,
all the best to yr ER & ET.Take care & rest well.
Dear Ms Hae,
wow! Fantastic news! So happy for you! You must really take care. Do be careful and have plenty of rest! I am sure hoping I am so bless the next round! All the best! Do update us!
actually I haven't meet my doc. Just that I think I better rest well b4 my FET. Got to tio my body and do acu. Yah, why cannot do next month? Did you check with your doc? Don't worry, sometimes this kind cannot rush. Just be stress free and rest well.
Dear ladies who went through FET,
when the embryologist thaw the embryos, will she thaw all and re-freeze again? I mean I have 7 frozen now. Will they thaw all or can they thaw 3 and keep the rest frozen?
Hi Miss Hae,
Happy Belated Birthday :p Wow!! Triplets!! That's really the best birthday present you ever had.

Hi Emma and Chua Family,
Thanks..I'm doing fine..I was very nervous while waiting for my turn to the operating room. The process went on smoothly and when i woke up, I'm already in the recovery room. I can still feel some pains and bloatedness and hopefully tmr I will feel much better. Altogether there are 11 embryos being extracted and my ET will be this Wed.

i asked them before. they say they wil thaw straw by straw. during the consultation with them, they have informed about how they going to freeze it. for mine, is 3 no. per straw. so they will thaw 1 straw at a time. hope this help.
