IVF/ICSI Support Group

thanks! So mine should be 3, 2 and 2, right? When are you testing? Will pray for you! Must have faith and be positive. I think you will be bless this round. All the best!

Dear all,
I'm new to teh forum. It's wonderful to be able to talk to others who are also going through teh same thig. It's a lot emotionally and for me I'm glad that I found this site. I'm hoping to undergo ivf treatment with Dr. Foong. Have any of you undergone treatment under him? How was it like?
When does the ivf cycle normally start? From day one of the period or the day 21 of the previous period?
refer to the letter on the embryo picture thay gave to us. they indicated there.

i know i should wait for friday. but i just cant resist to test since i have started to. just now test again, its still positive and the line has actually turn darker. still keeping my finger crossed. i will opt for a blood test to be done to confirm since they only do urine test.
congrats. ms hae. take very good care of yourself and happy belated birthday.

my birthday also falls in jun. 20th. althought its over but if i were to get pregnant, it will still be a belated present for me.
hi little flower,
welcome to the thread, its from day 21 of the previous cycle. that's when you begin your lucrin injections. but before that you gotta get all the admin stuff done like counselling, registration, any other matters you need to prepare b4 embarking on this journey.

hi yck,
looks like perhaps another good news from you?! let's pray your positive tests turned out great for you!
hi Little Flower, I did my IVF with Dr Foong. He is very professional and really knows his stuff...u will be very assured under him. I forgot my lurin is 16th day or 21 day after 1st day of period...but dont worry he will guide u along. U will have a first consultation with him - if u have previuos tests done can show him. I had a lap done so i took a 2 mths break before i start my IVF prgm with him. So 1 mth, on 2nd or 3rd day of period, he will scan to see ur womb. and also some blood tests to see ur hormone level.

So technically u can start ur prgm anytime unless u have surgery and need to rest ur womb.

He is a v nice doc.. I am glad I was referred to him.
Today mark 28 days i am stuck in stage 1. Has anyone else here does longer lucrin? Today i did another scan to see if i cld proceed to stage 2. It seems like i hv cyst. Hopefully my blood test will be ok. I tot i cld be calm doing tis ivf but i proof myself wrong despite keeping myself occupied. I wonder if anyone here with severe endometriosis has succeed in è ivf.
hi babywee,
thanks for the info. anyone else?

hi catzeye,
hang in there yeah? its the challenge that u have to go through in order to achieve your goal. have faith and i wish u good luck for the results of your blood test.
Hi Merlenna,
Thank you for welcoming me. I'm flying in to Singapore to do the Ivf. My doctor at home will be doing the first part that is the injections from the 21st day of my period. He is coordinating with Dr.Foong to do it. Then I'm supposed to fly in to Singapore to do the rest right after my period with Dr. Foong. It's all very confusing to me. A friend of mine who underwent IVF under Dr. Foong told me that she only started the treatment from day 1 of her period.

Hi Vanilla,
It's great to hear your recommendation of Dr. Foong. My laperoscopy was done in September last year and all this time my husband and I have been saving to do the ivf. We've only got enough now, I'm really worried whether it's too late now. But my doc says it should be still ok. I had severe endometriosis and also adenomyosis in my womb.
Hi catzeye,
I also had severe endometriosis and also i'm still having adenomyosis in the womb. Doc didn't operate in my womb since I want to get pregnant. I'm also wondering whether people with sever endometriosis have succeeded with ivf.
Hi chua family and LFB

was told by my gynae that I hv to wait for menses to be regular again b4 starting the FET. That will probably need 3 mths time.
BUT surprisingly my hormorne level (E2)drop from 21000 to 2000(all in 2 days,weird)and doc gives the go ahead sign and am going for my OR tmrw but doc said they might not be able to pick up too many gd eggs and not too sure if ET could be done in few days or not
fingers crossed.

Hi babywee
Wat did ur doc advise on the no. of embryos? Good luck tmrw for ur ET and planty of rest after that.
Hi Catzeye

there is a cyst in 1 of my ovaries now but was told by doc that they will 'suck' out the cyst during eggs extraction. Had a ruptured cyst few yrs back and now knowing that there is a cyst, makes me worried.
hi little flower,
wow, ur ivf plans really do sound complicated. U're not staying here. Just take one day at a time. Or like the nurse always says, take one stage at a time.
Hi Merlenna,
Yeah hanging on tightly currently... almost let loose earlier on when they told me to wait till tomorrow for the result. Imagine being the 1st patient to do the scan but have to wait till tomorrow for result. Haiz...

Hi Little Flower,
Hope that we will be the people with ENDO to succeed in IVF. Currently I am left with an ovary after a cystectomy 2 years ago.

Hi Emma,
I dunno how many cyst I have. This morning during the scan heard the radiologist mentioned abt the size to the nurse but they don't want to disclose anything yet. They told me that the doctor need to review. Unfortunately, the result will only be disclose tomorrow. Seems like I have to wait another day to know if I cld proceed to stage 2.
Dear Emma,
don't worry too much, just relax and see what the doc can do. All the best for your ER today and hope you have good quality eggs. Take care.
hi Little Flower, some people start their traetment at day 1 i think is becos they start on birth control pills etc... diff people has different protocol and dosage.

Another way to "boost" the sucess of IVF is to use TCM - accupture as well. There are studies shown that this helps with the IVF. U might want to try that too. Dr Foong is ok with TCM - he said as long as we are comfortable with the TCM doc and experience.

Another thing abt endo - think u might want to cut down on wheat... i was helping my fren do research and it was mentioned that wheat will aggravate endo.

I have adenomyosis fibriods which i remove 4 of them during lap. Now got 2 fibriods with my baby... hopefully they will not "harm" my pregnancy in some way...
Does anyone have a good TCM doc to recommend to complement IVF with accupunture?

Little Flower, I started on Suprefact on Day 3 of my cycle with Dr Foong. He is a good doctor and always very reassuring, so you are in good hands
i didn't really exercise before the ivf. i only went cyceling with my husband every sunday at east coast park. that's about it.

all the best!
Hi all,
it seems dat my body does not respond well to lucrin. Dr loh has instructed me to continue è jab another 2 more wks. The nurse mention that my hormone level is still nt stabilize. Gosh it seems like i have to take it more than 1 mth. Is it due to è daily food i'm taking or is it juz my body?
hi all,
i have called up to tell them about my positive testing and will be going down for my blood test tomorrow morning. i am praying for the best.
Dear YCK,
all the best! Tell us the good news, ok? Don't worry, seems like you are going to be lucky this time!
hi miss hae,
up til when did you stop cycling? did you continue while doing injections? coz my family kinda ban me from cycling. haha, told me to take precautions. i have to abandon my bicycle at home now.

hi catzeye,
perhaps, they have a reason for telling you to continue lucrin. take care yeah? just rest well and hang in there!

hi yck,
good luck! hope for good news tomorrow!

Feel so anxious as well....hope u will bring us positive news!! I have a good feeling abt ur test.....i bet u will pass with flying colours.

Good luck!
all the best!

throughout the whole 1 month injections, i continued to cycle and stopped before the ER. at least the cycling helps take my mind off the injections and all.
Hi yaya,
It depends on ur body responds too. Doc estimated dat each patient takes ard 2-4wks to go to the nxt stage. Bv my system r kind of late due to Endo so i have gt to do ard 6wks to maybe 8wks. Hope tis enlighten u.
hi miss hae,
that is what i would do too but looks like i've quit cycling about a month before starting ivf. my family will flip if they find out i'm still cycling.. hehe, used to cycle from my place to east coast and back.. very shiok.. but now cannot..

hi yaya,
i had 3 weeks of lucrin before starting puregon. aft 14 days i was given the go ahead to start puregon. but had to continue for one more week b4 that.
Hi Catzeye

Don't worry, things will be alright on ur side
All the best


Thanks for ur constant positive advise and support. Will wait for my gynae to call tmrw regards on the quality n quatity of eggs n embryos. Fingers crossed!!
ms hae,
i know that you do not have sore breast around your test date. how about now?

do you think it is normal not to have sore breast?
Hi Vanilla,
Thank you very much for the information. I will cut down on my wheat intake. It's good to know that the adenomyosis did not affect your pregnancy. Hope everything goes well for you.
im not having any sore breasts, now or previously, except during my 2ww. normal or not, im not sure as each will experience differently.

my husband didn't want me to cycle too but i thought there's no harm done since i've not gone through the ER/ET and there is no embryo in me. it was just light cycling, not the strenous kind. if like that,i also give up! lol!
hi emma,
my doc has advised us to put in 2 embryos and i have left 3 to be frozen. i will need to take 4 hcg injections (every 3 days) and my bloodtest will be on 8 and 18 jul.

hope ur process will go on smoothly and we can go through the waiting time (2ww) together. wish you all the best :p
Hi gals,

I need your advice on something. How much does it generally cost to do one cycle of IVF with KK and with a private hospital? I am seriously considering it before I reach 35. Am 32 this year. Would appreciate any input a lot a lot. Thanks in advance.
Hello, read a few of us here have adeno. I also have. But my condition improved after a few months of TCM. So just sharing with you gals. I went to Dr Zou for TCM, she gave me something to brew and take first few dys of AF. Apparently that was supposed to repel blood and discourage adeno growth. It worked! When i saw Dr Loh again last month, he said the adeno shrunk and almost not there!
Hi babywee

I got a call from my doc and told me that there'r only 4 embryos altho 9 eggs were retrieved. Eggs were not that great hence, he suggested to put 3 embryos instead of 2 but am worried of getting triplets :p

I'll be going for my ET on sat. HCG jabs on the stomache? painful? Let's kip each other company during our 2ww. Rent hkg series and bought books and magazines and chocolate to go thru the 2ww

Update soon again.
hi miss hae,
yeah i guess have to sacrifice lah. hehe.. i love cycling.. so looks like i gotta wait looong time before i start again.

hi bubbleteahut,
in kkivf, for the first cycle at least, it costs between $7 - 9k depending on your body's reception to the program. sgeans can claim up to $6k of medisave. but you need to have about $4-5k cash in hand first before you can get reimbursed. the package will vary, really depending on you and your body. that's just a rough idea.
Hi catzeye,
I hope we succeed too!!. I read that you had to do more than normal amount of 1st stage injections because of the endo. I'm worried that I mgith have to go through the same. But I'm willing to do just about anything right now to have a baby.....I oh so love babies...Was it lurcin injections that you had to take?

Dear all,
I'm still not exactly familiar with teh terms used when you talk about the cycle. Is there a site where I could go to and find good information about how a cycle proceeds in Singapore? Thanks.
hi all,
i am confirmed pregnant. but will only go for scan on the 17th.

For me, the next 2WW waiting is worse than the previous. start to woory whether it will be a viable pregnancy.

ms hae,
i also no sore breast. only a bit of fullness.
Hi Joie,
It's good to know that you also got treatment done under Dr. Foong. How is everything with you now? Which part of the treatment are you undergoing now?
