IVF/ICSI Support Group

If everything is going smoothly for me, think I’ll be going for ER/ET end of the mth...hopefully I can succeed this time! Yah, although Prof Wong is a man of a few words, I like his professionalism…
Before I’m going for this IVF, I start acu n tcm with Dr Zou and at the same time, I also take dong chong cao everyday (rain or shine)..also take a balance diet…

hi ML, thats great news. Baby dust to you. HOpe to hear good news from you
oic. heh heh.. so i will be hearing good news from you first!
wah! dong chong cao sounds very ex.... think will ask Dr zou to see if she gives me any meds to eat to tiao...

thanks! Yap. hope all things goes smoothly from now on. Good luck to you too. Will you be the same as Noi? ER/ET in this cycle? I got big bag waiting to collect your babydust!!!
Thanks you to all the ladies (ML, Cheekygal, Noi, Nancy, Nicole-G) of your warm and kind wishes

Nicole G - Sorry for my late reply was away for acupunture with Dr Zou this afternoon.
Back to your question : I started off with IVF/ICSI with SGH-care, reason age issue and hubby sperms problem.

Beside 6K Medisave total cash spend around $7K due to high dosages of Puregon(450IU) used and Gynae was from private clinic at MT E.

I had quit my job when I started the IVF so i am not aware what the nurse will indicate in the MC.

Currently I am with care-paragon, I started off with Lucrin (0.2ML) for 1 week, then follow Lucrin (0.1ml), Gonal-F (450IU) for 5 days and then continue with Menogon (150IU) for another week , together with baby Asprin and Folic acid from start.

Menogon is not as expensive as Gonal-F, the cost for menogon is about $50 Plus per bot and Gonal-F cost $1370 (Inclusive 7% GST) per bot. (Pls noted prices are from Private Clinic)

You will be asleep during ER so no pain in the process but you will find some discomfort at the womb for about a day after ER.
ET no pain at all but need to rest and be sure no carry heavy things and don't walk too much.

All the best to you on your 1st try in your IVF
prof wong wont like you taking chinese medicine e lor. u better consult him whatever u take. i was with him oso last time ad he forbid chinese medicine e.
Thanks for your reminder. I had stopped taking all chinese medicine once I started my IVF treatment. Had mentioned to him before I started this cycle, he said to me “ can continue to do acupuncture but, no chinese medicine!” I ‘kuai kuai’ obey his instruction.

How r u? Reading from your other posting, u had gave birth to a twin..how’s your darling bbs?? R u with Prof Wong for your IVF journey? Take care n enjoy your motherhood!
Hi Oink Oink

Thanks for all your ans.. Its a big help. Hope ur feeling better.. Hope this cycle works for u! Best of luck. Keep us posted oks. : ) Rest well..

Will put up more questions to u later this week. Have to think of more. glad to find someone who did IVF @ SGH - Care.

As the rest says, Babay dust to u!
Hi Lenny

Where did u get ur ER done? KK? How was it. Im planning IVF. Done all the necessary blood test. Now it just when we want to begin this journey. Done 2 PIO and didnt work. Hope u feel better.
take more eggwhites and drink lots of water. also encouraged to drink ginger and longan water. must drink at least 2 litres of water daily. it should help
Hi Lenny, this is the OHSS symptons. The good news is that if ur are bloated and the bloating continues means the chances of success are higher. I was very bloated and my belly area expanded to once 37 inches (I think i am a usual 27inches) and upper tummy also bloated till about 34 inches. I look like 5 mths pregnant.

Try to eat egg whites and drink the high protein milk. Also drink the istonic drink - 100 + or H2O -just make sure the gas goes off and the drink is flat.

But then again if u are feeling v uncomfortable, it is necessary to go for a blood test -- for them to check on the protein and other components. Cos is ur OHSS is bad, u might need to be put on drip.

Anotther thing to be aware of -- the amt of water u drink and the amt of pee u let out. If u are peeing very little, then ur chances of dehydration is very high and that is when u need to be put on drip.

Take protein rich food. For me I was so sick from the bloatedness that i did not eat anything much except egg whites in the morning for 2.5 weeks and lost alot of weight.

But ironically, I was told that this bloatedness is a good sign, so even though u will be suffering, but think it as a positive thing.
i started eating once i started the jabs (Gonal F). but you should check with your dr first. I had a lot of folicles so needed the extra protein. not sure if you need to eat as many or not.
I'm seeing Dr LC Cheng from TMC.

eh... Ya. he sort of recommend TCM to prep myself for ET. mine is complicated as my cycle was converted from SO-IUI to IVF

No worries. will try to answer your qns if i can. btw, what abt you? which doc and hospital?

I'm seeing Dr FS Loh frm KKH

I did SO-IUI but failed last yr... follicies not so many...

I've just started IVF 1st stage, injecting puregon... I'm quite worried.. hope there'll be more follicies this round...

Any TCM recommend... do u find accupunture helps?
oic. i also had a fail SO-IUI. then converted the second cycle to IVF due to complications. I'm now in the "shake leg" stage. I won't be doing ET this cycle as i have mild OHSS. had around 60 folicles due to my PCOS status. So now got to rest for abt 2 mths before doing FET (frozen embryo transfer)

Don't worry too much. sure it will work with the increased dosage.

Erm.. i'm going to the TCM that the gals in this thread recommend. Dr Zou at AMK. I hope acu helps. Read several articles abt the increased chances with acu. Hope it works for me.

wow so many follicles... do take care... rest more & take more "bu" and prepare the best for FET

are u able to give mr Dr Zou address & contact?

here it is

Dr Zou
Blk 505 AMK ave 8 #01-2670
Tel: 6456 0833

it's opp Anderson Sec school. Must call to make appt.

aiyo.. no good lah. so many folicles but still very few eggs. ho ho ho...

Good luck!
How r u? have u started your first acu session with Dr Zou already?

Is your body responsing well to puregon jab? Hope everything going well for u.
Hi Ladies (ML, Noi & Nicole G),
My ER was quite smooth this morning, just right side got some block so the Gynae need to insert the needle twice to extract the eggs, got some pain after ER and have to take pain killer.
vomitted after ER, feels sort of giddy the whole day but no more stain liao

To my suprise 10 eggs were collected, actually is more than what I have expected (cos last scan only 7 follicles).
Tomorrow then will know the no. of eggs fertilise and ET will be this Sat morning.
Hope can have a many fertilise as possible and so can freeze some.
Thanks again ladies and all the best ladies and have a smooth journey too
Hi Noi, Body not responding too well to the puregon jab, Dr not too happy that with Puregon 600iu, my follicles are still growing too slowly (D6 scan), and on top of that also having slight bleeding the past 2 days
.Thus increased to the maximum dose of 700iu. Going for scan again tomorrow. Hope all goes on fine for tomorrow's scan.
Oink oink
Rest well n all the best to your ET this sat. Wish u succeed in this cycle!

Emm, u mean u r not at home for the past few days??
Thanks, I’m fine. today on day 3 gonal f jab, so far so good, I just feels sleepy after the jab, will be seeing doc tmr for blood test n scanning, hope my body is responsing well to the jab...

Don’t worry, everything will be fine for u, stay positive! All the best to your scanning tmr!
Hi Nicole,
I had mine done at KKH under SFLoh, I didnt have any complication during ER. Everything went fine and they collected 25 eggs from me. I am waiting for ET tomorrow. My bloatness is still managable, I try to drink more water...

Hi ML and Vanillla, thank you for your advice I definately will head them....
Hi Lenny,
Erm just another question, would my husband be asked to give a sperm sample on the first visit as well? or blood test for him as well?
Only blood test for me? nothing else? does not matter which day on my cycle i am at?
oh and what chinese medicine or doc to see for me to take medicine? i am not going for acupuncture, scared of needles.... i dun mind take medication though. any TCM doc to recommand to get medication for me and hubby? will likely start in june, july
I am seeing dr zou tomorrow for my first acu. dun know what to expect hee... thanks.
how r u? Ur gynae asked u to stop the chinese medication? Dun know if dr cheng is okay.
Are u resting at home? hope the injection response well. is this ur first ivf? sorry got confused
Don’t worry for the acu session, Dr zou’s will put 5 needles on your womb and 2 each on your leg n ankle, then she’ll put the heat current connect to the needle, u should feel the heat current but shouldn’t have pain, let her know if the current is too strong for u, she can adjust accordingly, n for the back(kidney), she’ll put 5-7 needles..u just relax during the acu session…I’m fine, thanks… my gynae believe that acu would helps in IVF success. Think u have to consult your doc whether u can take Chinese medicine during ivf treatment..

Your husband need to provide sperm sample for the lab to do sermen analyis n also he has to take blood test during your first visit. For your blood test, think u need to do on your menses day (between day2-3).
oink oink
that's good to hear. hope all fertilise today! Yeah!!! Hope you are feeling better today too. Envious leh... can do ET this cycle... i wait till neck long long liaoz...

don't worry. I can sleep throughout the session. ha ha ha... btw, dr cheng also don't encourage TCM during the injection period.

don't worry. mine also sama sama.. the eggs will wake up and grow faster one. good luck!!!

oic. hope to hear good news soon! now in dilemma. don't know whether to postpone the ET or not. Work wise got complications. Dr Zou also propose to tiao for 3 mths before ET. but now to ET only abt 2mths. haiz.. i very gan cheong leh!!! ho ho ho... how??? :p
Hi gals

Would like to check whether do you gals have same experience as mine, after injection lucrin, I've felt bloatness... it's normal?
don't worry too much lah. if that's an issue, dr will let you know. just maintain healthy diet. SMILE!!!

abt the bloatedness.. i don't really have it. but some other gals i know do... and they swear that eating eggwhites helps. why don't you check it out?

All the best!!!
hi Lenny,..sorry, i thot ur bloatedness is after ET. so my above comments is for after ET.

On how many egg whites to eat - it all depends on how much u can stomach ..for me 3 is like the max cos i could not eat anything for 2.5weeks after ET cos of the bloatedness.
Hi ladies, (ML, Noi, Nancy, Cheekygal
Recieved call from the clinic and was told out of 10 eggs only 5 eggs were fertilised but is still a good no. better then non

ML - Do rest well and build up your body during this waiting period, from what I know those with high OHS got the higher chance of getting pregnant so be positive and stong, god will be at you side.

Cheekygal - I don't really respond well to Puregon and Gonal-F at the start also but neartest to ER date the folicles will speed up the grow and within a day you will see your body change and relise you are just like 3 months pregnant.
Don't worried and just follow your gynae instruction will be fine. take care
yup, me with Prof Wong last time. speechless man but very wise, being a mother of twins is quite tiring but seeing them will make the tired gone. i still have 3 frozen embies, will try for natural preg if possible, hahahah... dunno if i can handle triple cause twins is oredi so busy.

to all sisters, jia you jia you, you can make it. just remember after the result is positive, dont overwork, walk must be very slowly, and eat hard boiled egg.
Oink oink
All the best to your ET tmr…Hope to hear your good news soon!

If your appt date doesn’t coincide with your menses, u can call up the clinic to request for the blood test..

Don’t rush to do ET, just take this 3 mths time to boost up your body, at the same time, do acu n tcm to strengthen your womb n success will be on your way!

Hi ML & OinkOink, thanks for your reassurances. Went for scanning today and the follicle growth seem to have picked up a fair bid. Hopefully no more hiccups from now on.

All the best to you both ladies. Hope to embark on the path of motherhood together Loads of babydust to all!!
