IVF/ICSI Support Group

thanks for the detailed acu info. Dr zou did exactly what u said. I was expecting some body ache but felt okay. She was very gentle. Thanks. I heard that prof wong in NUH is very good too. u are in good hands.

If both docs propose a wait before ET, why dun u consider? If tiao longer then first time successful isn't better? I am also thinking maybe i should let Dr zou tiao more than one month before starting ivf. actually plan to do it next cycle , will see how along the way.

Hi All...I am new to this forum and hope all the experienced sisters cld gv me more confidence and hope on IVF...
I will be seeing Dr SF Loh for my 2nd Appt in May...and by then I will decide whether to go ahead with IVF program or not?
In my 1st appt, he suggests us to go for IVF due to HB's low sperm count...
However, I dunno y till now I still has the fear in me wheneva I tort of the jabs, failures and the 2 mths tat I hv to go thru....and I also dunno wat to tel my boss tat I have to go on 2 weeks hospitalisation leave...
Just wan to check whether anyone of u still can work as normal after the FET? Really hv to be on hospitalisation leave for 2 weeks? Or mabbe a few days will do?
Please help...thanks....
Hi babychole

would like to check is this ur 1st time doing IVF?

FYI- I've started my IVF in March and now injecting Lucrin. Jabs not tat scary at all, in the first place u must be well prepared for IVF before u start.

thk KKH only give 5 days m.c (i'm not tat sure) heard from the counselor
hi zeena,

I had 14 days hospitalization leave at KKIVF.

hi babychole,
personally i feel that it is better to conceive when younger as the risks in a pregnancy tends to increase with age.
the jabs are not that bad, but i do feel some bloatedness. although i had 14 days hospitalization leave, i did go back to office on some days. It is important not to feel to be too stressed during the period of implantation.
i had all these thoughts, fears as well before i embark on the program, things will sort out gradually
hi all
can I ask for some advice from all of you who have seen Dr Tan Kian Seng (Chung Hwa Clinic in Toa Payoh) and/or Dr Tan Siew Buoy (Thong Chai)

1)I've seen Dr Tan Siew Buoy for few times.She is generally nice but I find that she doesnt explain your body condition to you. When I asked her how is my condition and what food I shd take or avoid. She just said she wouldnt explain condition coz we probably wont understand. And said just take her medicine and didnt advise on what food to take or avoid. How is your experience with her? She seems to have moods. Its like you need to watch what questions to ask her else she will tell you off type. Its jus so hard to discuss things with her, including how to increase chances with IVF.

2)Does Dr Tan Siew Buoy do acupuncture? or does she reccommend you to do acupuncture?

3)Dr Tan Kian Seng (at Chung Hwa Toa Payoh Clinic)- when I called the clinic, they said that he is with the male sheng yu group, that means he only treat male problems. But I read in the thread that he treats some of you ladies in this thread. I'm quite confused. Can someone advise me?

4) Does Dr Tan Kian Seng do acupuncture? or does he arrange acupuncture sessions for the ladies?

5) Do you know which TCM doc (at Chung Hwa Clinic Toa Payoh) I should see for female problems? I'm hoping to see docs for me and my hubby plus do acupuncture at the same place.

I hope some one can advise me on my questions, cause I'm quite confused and not sure which TCM doc to see now. And if I want acupuncture, will the same TCM doc do or he/she will reccommend or do I need to find acupuncturist separately on my own. Thanks all for your advise !
Hi Rabbit, yes, tis is my 1st time....Still hving the fear in me and trying hard to get myself prepared these 2 mths before miting Dr in May....Just now hving lunch with my koligs and they were talking abt IVF and they also encourage me to go for it since I am still considered young...Bt I did not tel them I am going to embark on it soon as my company a lot of politics...Well, well...sometimes if we really wan something, we gotta make some sacrifices...
Hi Onik Onik
Hope all went well. Rest well and looking fwd to hearing ur good news soon.

Thanks Lenny. Looks like alot of you here are from KKIVF. : )

All the best to all.
hi zeena,
you can tell the nurse abt your request and they will inform the dr. i did not keep track of the total expenses, i think it is more than 6K.

hi happyhippo,
i have been consulting Dr Tan Kian Seng at his clementi clinic together with hubby.

hi babychole,
i can understand your fear. In life, it is difficult to have the best of everything, there has to be some gains and loss. In my case, going thru IVF and being pregnant will definitely mean that I have to sacrifice my work (in some way) as compared to others. But you will also gain something much more valuable in life
hi babychole,

you need to go for the counselling session at KKIVF once u sign up to understand the risks involved e.g. multiple pregnancies, etopic pregnancy etc.
hi happyhippo,

sorry forgot about your Q4:
4) Does Dr Tan Kian Seng do acupuncture? or does he arrange acupuncture sessions for the ladies?
Yes, he does it for both men and women at his clinic. his medicine also comes in the form of packets and pills.
Hi Everyone,

Been a silent reader on this forum for a while. Did my ET on 10 Mar, at Mt E, now 2WW at home, really bored as DH does not allow me to do anything, or eat anything risky to the pregnancy.
Hi ladies, (ML, Cheekygal, nancy, Noi & Nocole-G)
ET on sat was smooth, now 2WW resting at home, feel a bit bloated and got insonmia in the night. bascially just doing nothing beside sleep, eat, watch TV and shit.

2WW is really hard to pass.... sigh
Lenny - The bloatedness is still there and hope can get better soon .

Nicole G - I never sub. cable cos I don't intend to let's my girl watch cartoon the whole afternoon like my friend daughter. Thanks for your wishes will keep you posted.
Ohh yes I know what u mean about cartooons. My niece watches it non stop. feel like cutting the cable cord when I go over. : ) U have a girl. My I ask if not being rude, did u have her naturally or thru ivf? Rest well.
Hi oink oink, I'll be joining you soon. My ER is on Thursday and ET will be on Saturday. Bloatedness can also be a good sign. Keep your thoughts positive and rest well. Lets "jia you" together.
oink oink, cheekygal
envious!!! me still got long way before ET. haiz.. wait till neck long long ah!!!!

i still very worried if the embies will survive the thaw or not. still got another 2 more months to wait to do FET. hope that it works if not got to restart the whole IVF cycle. dunno whether i can take it or not. arghhhH!!!! i hate all this waiting!

Anyway, all the best to the gals in 2ww. may we hear good news soon!!!!
Oink Oink - How many embies you put in? frozen? Will be following you to CARE Paragon soon as felt that IVF success rate higher for old lady like me! My last IVF doc did not advice that the 10th day very impt for embroy implantation so I drove & lost all embies so really remember don't do anything around 10th day, very impt. Angela said start with pills first, did you? Very envious you managed to harvest 10 eggs, I only got 3 last time.

Happyhippo - Both my DH & me are having treatment under Dr Tan Kian Seng at Clementi. He does accupunture & prescribes sachets/pills herbs. Went to him after my first failed IVF this year and he tried so hard for both my recent menses to get me pregnant but seems my body went haywire since IVF & didn't produce any egg. Very sad so going for 2nd IVF soon.
Oink oink
Glad to hear that your ET went smoothly..Rest well n stay positive, we’ll be hearing your good news soon!

All the best to your ER this thurs..

It’s nice talking to u at Dr Zou’s clinic…Take care n rest well!
Cherish baby, good luck on yr 2nd IVF. Tink I will be going to Dr Tan by tis week, hope he will "tio" my body before my IVF cycle starts....

Tat means after the FET, we cannot do much on the 10th day oni???

Does tat means tat I oni need to go on hospitalisation on the 2nd week instead of 1st week?

Sorry all for my lor-so...
Babychole - no, don't do anything during 2ww especially around the 10th day where implantation supposed to take place. The embies float around inside your womb before 10th day trying to decide where's the warmest spot to implant. Don't do anything is really not easy and your lower body muscles go into spasm after initial few days during 2ww. Really regretted getting treatments from what Dr Tan described as "TCM Fertility GPs" for the past 2 years so do start TCM early and start with the right TCM specialist. Dr Tan's by appointment.
Dear All,

I am also cycling now... Started Lucrin on 28/02

Today the 6 days on Gonal-F... last 5 days on 150IUI and today was told to go on 225IUI ....

My eggs are still only about 5mm big and i think i am responding slow to Gonal-F... worried that medical course will goes rock high if my eggs still dun response well
Oink oink. cheekgal
All the best , stay positive. 2ww will pass soon and ET will be smooth, cheekygal.

may i know how many of u actually go to work during the injections? some said they feel okay some feel very tired. will stress at work affect the eggs ? thanks for sharing..
Oink Oink, how many eggs did you transfer ??

I am still deciding.... actualli i am more keen on going for 3 .... BUT my husband worried about have triplets ...

I just want to increase my chance....

I dun really feel much though....

Work as per usual for Lucrin but since i started Gonal F... body ache abit though .... but still able to tahan ....
hi Rabbit, Cherish Baby
Thks for the info.
I did 2 rounds of IVF but failed. Got 1 more last try at IVF, so want to find the right TCM to see and improve body condition before next attempt. Heard that acupuncture helps, so thinking of trying too.
I'm a bit confused... Is Dr Tan Kian Seng at Clementi and Chung Hwa Toa Payoh the same doctor?

how can Dr Tan tell that u didnt produce any eggs after IVF? Btw, what did he mean by 'TCM Fertility GPs?
Thanks to all the ladies for your kind and warm wishes.

ML - God will be a your side and your embies will be strong , be positive and always think of the good side and things will work out in your way ... take care

Cherish baby - I put in 3 embryos and 2 was frozen.
yes I think care-paragon got higher success rate for old ladies cos I am 1 of them too (above 40)ha ha.
yes, I started with pills for 21 days before Lucrin injection, Due to age , Angela got me a lot of vitamine too. After ET I was given 2 jabs on the bum to strenghen my womb and crump and given pill due to low in hormone. Angela is very prof, as 2nd day after ET I needs to have a jab she make arrangement and get some 1 to my home to do the jab instead of me travelling to her clinic on Sunday. I am very touch
hi oink oink
dont worry, u got company. i'm like you, reaching 40 this year liao. are u familiar with the ivf law in SG? I vaguely remember that we can do maximum of 3 times of ivf once reach 40 years. I've done 2x, reaching 40 this year, so think I'm left with only one more try.
Nicole G - Yes I got my girl naturally and she is 10 yrs old now. Actually she is from my previous married, I was divorce when she was 3 and re married 2 yrs ago cos I think o owe my girl a complete family.
Due to age and hubby sperms problem so we decided to try IVF. if success is a gift if not is fate.
I hope and wish you success in you IVF too.
All the best to your ER this thurs and hope to have good new from you too.. let's try hard together

By law when you reaches 40-45 maximum attempts 5 times
medisave deduction only 3 attempts.
I believe you are Singaporean, The law here is if you are above 40 you are allow to place 3 embryos and is a compulsory to buy (Neonatal insurance cost $700 plus) for all Singaporean or if you are going to deliver your baby in Singapore for foreigner (If not mistaken).
do drop me your question and I will try my very best to ans you.
Oink, Oink - i am also keen on 3 but as my family has history of 2 twins thus .... doctor not keen.... But i really like to increase my chance.....

baby dust to all ..... Go Go Jia You...
HappyHippo - Dr Tan Kian Seng has his own clinic in Clementi and you pay more compared to the charity one at Chung Hwa Toa Payoh. Like the western GPs, there are plenty of TCM GPs commonly called "physicians" that profess able to treat anything including fertility. However, count your fingers for the number of TCM specialists in Singapore who obtained PHD and given the title Doctors of which Dr Tan Kian Seng is one, a TCM fertility specialist. Go to a specialist for specific treatment if want better results.

Based on personal deduction as my white mucus discharges were embrassingly little (about a tenth of usual), hardly discernable positive ovulation kit test results & not much basal temp hike nor substained high temp so most probably no eggs or any of quality to ovulate to meet sperm. Poor DH, worked very hard too.

The only 2 Singapore regulations I know of are ladies 46 yrs & above cannot have IVF and each IVF woman can only withdraw 3 times from CPF medisave in decreasing amounts.

Oink oink - Glad you chose to ET 3 embryos, greater chances for old gals like me too, already 42. Glad to hear Angela got more heightened treatment processes and you will be my inspiration for better results this time. Remember: no stress, be happy, you should be in bed right now and give us good results soon.

MSFamily - You seemed to be responding well with such low doses, must be young? First week of jabs important in getting enough follicles to form, after that your doc will monitor and recommend enough dosages to grow the follicles uniformally to aid maximum no. of egg extractions during ER. Not all follicles have eggs so how many you got?
Hi Ladies,
Having terrible insonmia, can't sleep till now (3am) so decided to get up and surf the net... sigh sigh sigh

How how how ? think gg to ask for sleeping pill from the clinic tomorrow ....
Oink - Pls no sleeping pills, even Dr Tan was hesitant to prescribe chinese herbs for my insomnia after my failed IVF. It's just stress so just read or surf the net or cross stitch etc. Just lie on bed with eyes closed and relax your brain, let your thoughts wander but don't think deeply & you'll fall asleep in no time.
oink oink
what happen? better don't take sleeping pills. could it be one of the pregnancy symptoms? Maybe can try to pray or medidate?
Thanks ML, noi and oink oink.

ML, don't worry, your darling embies would definitely survive the thawing, as its just 2 months later that you will be using them. Will be rooting for you. "Jia you, jia you"

noi, are you at the stimulation stage now? How many days have you had your Gonal-F jabs? Should be joing me an onik onik pretty soon, right? Jia you

Oink oink, no no to sleeping pills. Hard as it may seem, but try your best to stay relaxed and rested. Perhaps you could get some korean drama or HK serials to watch to keep yourself occupied
Thanks Cheekygal! these 2 mths wait is torturing!!! :p Don't dare to hope for much! hopefully can get 3 for transfer! All i pray for is just 1 baby i happy till siao liaoz!!!
hi nancy, i dont think working during the injection phase will affect cos our eggs creation and size will be all dependent on the drugs. It is more impt not to work during the 2ww.

Hi MSFamily, actually the growth of the eggs can be rapid during the last few days...so dont worry. furthermore ur dosage is increased so the results of the growth will be in soon.
Hi ladies (Cheekygal, ML, Cherish Baby)
Thanks for all your kind concerned.
Just about to fall asleep around 6am the alram ring,sigh
it's time to prepare my girl for school. went to bed again 6.30am and got up at 8.00am cos need to be at the clinic for blood test and injection.
asked the nurse was it the medication that causes insonmia but she told me should be the reverse, should causes tiredness.. oh my god! what's happening ? I am just so lively, can even kill a tiger right now ....

ML - I totally agreed 2 months for you is really torturing, likw wise 2WW for me is also torturing.
let's work together ,be strong and positive, the ladies here give you all our support.
Hi onik oink

Hope u manage to get some sleep. Drink warm milk some warm milk b4 bed, that might help. I think I too will be wide awake when I go for my IVF cycle. Should be going sometime in may. I was just wandering I read that loads of you go for accu. My doc @ Care SGH didnt mentioned anything. shld I go? I just want to increase all my chances.

Thanks for sharing with me on your daughter. all I pray each day is all of us be bless with healthy babies. I wish u all the baby dust.

To u all out there on 2ww, all the best n tons of baby dust to u. : )
Hi oink oink

Does everyone go thru this blood test n injections? I hear some taking progestrone sup or pills. When I did my PIO cycles with SGH care, I only took pills for 2 weeks after I took the HCG injections.

Whats ur thought on IUI? My HB is keen on trying IUI, but I read from a few that it doesnot work. I dont want to waste anymore time. Im turning 30 next year n would love to have a baby soon.

Thanks oink oink! I'm the total opposite. can't seem to get enough sleep. Yawn!!! did you ask the nurse if there is anything you can do to help you sleep better. btw, what is the blood test and injection for?

Nicole G
i guess we are the same age. high five!
