IVF/ICSI Support Group

ok. thxs ladies.
i'll consider tingkat, i dunno tt they can provide service for 1 person, tot there's a minimum requirement.
do i have to mention meal for pregnant? if not they serve me pineapple n herbal soup how?
Thanks ML. Maybe it is better since ur gynae suggested u doing FET instead of an immediate transfer. take the coming few mths to "pu" ur body.

Hi Jazz..ya i think fast food is not too good. U can order tingkat for 2 pple (u and ur hubby).
Hi All

Im so happy I found this site.

I have gone thru 2 cycles of PIO at SGH. We were advised to go with IVF as not to waste my eggs. I repsonded well to Menogon.

Im so scraed to go thru IVF. just worried that it will be a negative result at the end of it all.

Has any of u gone thru IVF with SGH Care?

Thanks much
ya. thought of it that way too. can start on my acu and tcm so that i can get myself ready for the transfer. but still need to check with dr to see if i need to take pills for the next 2 cycles so as to regulate. my menses are very irregular. abt 2 mths. :p
Don’t worry, u can use these 2 mths to ‘tiao’ your body n success will be on your way! Wishing u all the best!
maybe u can buy some fish, eggs, pork and vegetables. Try cooking something simple like fish porridge or egg with pork. Stock some fruits but do not refrigerate them. no good to eat cold stuff

I have yet to tell my mum that i am going for my first IVF. She is the very ' gan cheong" type. I am afraid she will stress herself sending me food daily and indirectly i will stress up. Do u think i should tell her?

Baby Low
Hm.. yes i plan to take no pay leave to rest at home as my job needs to travel to few places a day can get quite stressful. Maybe u need to apply earlier for leave to avoid unnecessary explanations

Oh so i only need to take leave once the injections start. If i am going for the april/may period my injections will be done in may and just pills in april. sorry got a bit confuse with the procedure.

Good luck. All will be well. I plan to put IVF till april/may period. have seen Dr zpo noi recomended. decided to let her' tiao' my body with acu for march. good luck .

Went to see dr zou today. She advised 2 times per week acu for me till FET i think. got a bit confused. Is it aching the first session? i will start acu next week. she says 45 mins on the bed . she is very knowlegable abt the whole ivf process. Grateful to u that i know of her. thanks again
Hi Nancy
If u r using the April menses for IVF, the first jab will be day 21 of your menses cycle, u need to jab the suprefact injection for two weeks, then have your blood test n scanning before u start on the Gonal F/Puregon injection, during this injection u will need to visit the clinic few times of the week depending on your follicles grow, then will be ER/ET and the 2ww…hope my explanation is clear. Think u only need to take leave during your 2ww time..
I only told my mum that I’m going for IVF although she is having high blood pressure, she is very willingly to take care of me during my 2ww time..
U r welcome. Dr Zou was also recommended to me by the sisters here…she is a very nice sinseh. u only feel the heat wave n no pain..I feels very relaxing after the acupuncture session. She’ll do 20 mins on womb n 20mins on the back (kidney).
Hi Nancy

U don't have to take leave during the injection period. U will feel fatigue during that period but i think it is still ok to work if your job doesn't require u to do strenuous activites.
It is advisable for u to take leave during the 2ww after the transfer, so that u can get enough rest and can take things easy.

Thomson medical is using the short protocol ie.they start Gonal F jabs immediately on day 3 of your menses. This will continue for another 10 days or so (depending on individual cases). During this period, u have to visit the clinic regularly to monitor the growth of your follicles. Then doc will set a date for ER/ET.
Think what Noi mention is long protocol which is practise by KK.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the info. I remembered dr cheng saying the first month i just need to take birth control pills first month then start jab. Is it like that? Just wish to confirm the time frame
** jab for 2 weeks -- along with trips to tmc and dr zou for acu
** ET -- rest 2 weeks at home and hope for good news
if i intend to start resting once the jab starts i need 4 weeks of leave. is it like that?? sorry for being so "cheong hei". i need to do some work arrangements. Thanks so much

how is ur pregnancy now? u are not working? sounds like u are quite a spoty lady. i used to work out quite a bit until i injured my right knee 6 months back. stopped going to the gym and put on unnecessary weight. hee
Hi Nicole G,

i think most of us here are with KK or TMC or Mt E and Glen E.

U may want to check under Motherhood, pregnancies and babies to see if there is a forum under SGH care.
Hi ML / Nancy,

Thanks! but too bad, my FSH is too high for this month, so gynae suggested to wait for next month and see how. she hope that my FSH can reduce then my chances will be higher. sigh...
i guess it will be difficult to plan your leave. sometimes the ET might not occur in the same month as your IVF cycle. It really depends on how your body reacts and when the eggs are transfered. Hope this info helps

hope you are ok.
I'm with Dr Thong at Raffles Hosp. FSH is an indication of the quality and quantity of the eggs. Too high means no good lor. According to my gynae, I can't do much to improve. But the TCM asked me to avoid chicken soup and also dun eat too much EPO, he thinks these will disrupt my hormone.
Oh really? I guess i need to read up more . I am all stressed up and all confused. U mean the ET may be weeks after the embroys are removed?
i will be doing the ET only 2 months later. i.e 3rd menses after ER so that my body can rest. guess my ovaries are over simulated. got more than 30 folicles. i guess they are worried abt OHSS for me as i have PCOS and also my age. so you should check with your dr first.

EPO is evening primrose oil.

And you should also avoid soya bean products. it also affect the hormones according to TCM and some study
they might also transfer the eggs within the same mth if the quality of the embryos are no good. but as IVF is a really complicated process and it will vary from individual to individual. SO you should listen to what the dr propose. guess it means that it'll be diff to plan but no choice loh... can understand your frustrations.

btw, you with Dr cheng also right?
Thanks for sharing. Yes i am with dr cheng like u. I am beginning to understand to process better. So i actually cant plan much except to take a step at a time. Sigh . even harder to relax now as have to do one thing a step at a time. ML, are u working? Do u have msn? if u dun mind can i add u?
Hi Ladies,

I am new in this forum. Just had 2 failed SOIUI in the past 2 months, and am thinking of going to KKH for IVF.

I have read that quite a number of you are with Dr SF Loh for IVF & Dr Zou for ACU. Could I have more feedback on the 2 doctors? When should I start ACU and how is the charges like? How should I go about arranging for the ACU session, just call to make appt?

Thanks in advance.
no worries. understand how you feel. just hope to help by sharing. don't think too much. i was on SO-IUI. din't expect to convert to IVF also. Things are just beyond our control some times.
yap. i'm working. had to let my boss know. sigh...

sure. i have just PM you my msn details.
welcome welcome
I just went to see dr zou for the first time yesterday. Very knowlegable doc and i paid $37 for 10 day medication. Acu rates i am not sure will start next week. Prices very reasonable. I used to see one at beijing tong ren tang paid $100 for one week medication. Dr zou uses powder while the latter boil the herbs for patients and packed in bags.
For dr zou just call for an appt. they are closed on weds. she is the only doc there
I suppose we need to tell her that we are doing ivf, but do we need to tell her all the history .. like failed IUI lah .. and so on?
I went to "peep" at the shop today .. and it's quite small with many many people around, so a bit paiseh right?
Yes. she will ask some questions to know ur background. when i went there were 2 pple doing acu inside the consultation room. so we were like whispering abt audible. the shop is small but i guess that's not an issue if she can help us increase the chances of conceiving. each acu lasts abt 40mins, so the acu patients will not actually meet u after the consultation. fill her in with more info. bring ur hubby latest sperm analysis if u have. hope this info helps
So she does ACU for guys as well? My hubby's sperm is quite alright except the form is not that great,so he keeps thinking that he should also do something to improve.
Were you there during the day or in the evening? I guess evenings should be quite crowded, right.
hi nancy

No problem at all.. Just send out your queries and i'll answer u to the best of my knowledge.
You will be on BCP for a month to regulate your menses. Then u have to fix an appt with Dr Cheng when your next menses arrives. The jabs will then start and continue for abt 10 days depending on indivdual cases. If u are doing a Day3 transfer, ET will be 3 days after ER. BT will be 17 days after ET for TMC. SO if u do intend to start resting from the day u start your jab, yes, it maybe abt 4 weeks leave including the 2ww (maybe slight more than 4wks). But like i say, the number of days on the stimulation jabs depends on your condition, it may be longer or shorter. For my case, i was on the jabs for abt 10 days.
And yes, i love jogging. I remember when i was in singapore, even though i have a busy work schedule, i jogged 4 times a week without fail.

At week 5 now, getting morning sickness almost everyday. Going for scan in another week time, hope everything is ok.
Hi All,

I will starting my IVF in May.
I was wondering during the 2ww after the ET, is it strictly bedrest or I can still make my own meals? I am having difficulty getting someone to take care of my meals. Perhaps considering getting tingkat meals if I have no alternative.
Thanks for the input!
Hi bakaholic
U don’t have to completely bedrest but, do be extra careful, n don’t carry any heavy things or doing household chores/exercises.
it was discovered when i went for a detailed scan. it got worse on the day i went for the procedure.
its been a week since the loss. went for a review and its definitely sad to see your lifeless baby in your womb.
now i am just praying every day that the other baby will be healthy and well.
Oh dear. I can understand how u feel. the last time i did IUI my hubby was down with high fever and realised it was chicken pox. The sperm analysis was the worse we ever had due to the high tempt. Maybe u should call the clinic and ask for their advise. I personally think that if really not well better to put off first.
Thanks for the info. It's a good summary. Week five already? all will be well dun worry. U have come such a long way now. Thanks for still sharing ur experience in this IVF support thread. U are with dr cheng right? i understand that he see IVF patients at level 5 . For patients on level 5, his appt are in the morning while the clinic on level one starts after 2pm? Thanks and take care
Thanks gals!
i called the clinic to ask. they say not an issue. will ask in more detail tomorrow. DH still not well. just very sad that this has to crop up.
Hi Everyone,

I did not make it again on my FET. Had a big negative. Well.. waiting for my this period to start another FET naturally in Mar. I had a good lining of 13mm and follicle at 21 mm , still no implantation. Hopefully the next one works. I am not giving up. take care and all the best to everyone.
Don't get too worried. Maybe things are just not as bad as you think. Let's hope for the best.

So sorry to hear that, but you are right, please stay strong and do not give up. Take care.
That's good. Dun let ur DH condition stress u up. Somethings are just beyond our control. we just do the best we can. good luck. cheers.

U sound very positive. Thats good. good luck to u 2
Hi Nicole G,

I had my 1st IVF at SGH-Care centre. Do you need any infor regarding care. I do hope I will be able to ans you.

Hi Rose,
Sorry of your result. Pls be strong and take care.
Hi ML... thanks for ur concern. I am ok and got a nice surprise on last sat scan. We saw our baby's heart beating... and this is really a surprise cos my gynae and fertility doc both thot my chances are very low...my gynae was elated to see the heart beat...she magnify the sound to let us hear..it is really amazing
Thanks ML,
will definitely avoid soya pdts. I really wonder does EPO really affect the hormone result? Anyway, just cut down the dosage lor.

yup, it is the 1st bloodtest on CD2. I didn't go to the TCM at raffles hosp, I am with Dr Tan Kian Sin @ Clementi.

I'll have to wait till next month and see how's the result again.

Hi ML.. how is ur ER today? Hope u are ok...rest today and if tom u dont feel too good, take MC (and ask doc to give u one HL to cover u).

Hi Rose, sorry to hear abt ur FET. Do u want to start the next cycle soon? My doc actually advise a 3 mth wait for the next cycle, which i thot is good as well as u could also do TCM during those 3 mths. Take care.

Hi bakaholic, for the first 3 days it is very important that u dont walk & stand too much, lie down and sit most of the time cos this is the implantation period. Try to get ur hubby to ta bao food for u...
