IVF/ICSI Support Group

sorry to hear tat. hope you'll be strong for your other baby. Just hang on there...

Dont give up!! Am sure your courage and spirit to fight will be well rewarded one day.

I'll going for FET next month too. We can cycle together then....Let's jia you together.

Vanilla - I was advised by KK that I can go ahead with my FET as soon as I get my period. They said that I am ovulating well and my cycle has been good.Since it is a natural cycle, I can go ahead the FET. I have been doing TCM and Accu since Dec last year. Dr Zou has also told me its ok for me to go ahead with the FET. I guess will strive ahead and hope for the best. take care

Zoey - I got my mensus today. I am going with the FET this month. Scan starts from the 19 Mar onwards.

Thanks to all of you for your support. God bless.
Ganbatte! There's always hope as long as you don't give up!

Happy for you! Hope that all things go smoothly and 9 months later you will be celebrating
Hang on there…hope that your other bb will be well.

Don’t lose heart, rest well n try again. U can make it one!

Wish u have a smooth 7 mths!

How’s your ET today? Take care n rest well!

Sometimes it's all fate. But gal..dun give up..there's still one more healthy bb to fight on for..so, u gotta be strong ya!!


Sorry to hear on ur results too but it's good to stay positive!! I also only succeed on my 2nd FET!! So.. jia you!!
All the best
ur sucess will spur as us IVF sisters here. Take care

The other baby is stong and will be a healthy baby in months time. rest well

I made a first acu appt with doc zou this fri but my period did not come yet, false alarm. Can i only start on day 5 and day after for first acu? hm...

how are the ER? Hope all is well
That's great to hear!!! Congrats! Have a smooth pregnancy ahead!!!

noi,nancy, vanilla
Thanks for your concern. ER was ok today. Have to check tomorrow to see how are the erbryos. Hope for good news. Got 15 eggs out of 50 over follicles. Have very bad cramps also... Can't really walk. on 2 days MC.
Have a smooth pregnancy and enjoy

Have a good rest, and good luck for your ET.

If not wrong, it's better to inject at around the same timing everyday.

Please stay strong. I am sure the other baby will be just as strong as you and be a happy & healthy bb.
Hi Rose,
Sorry to hear about you result, but also am very amazed by your sense of positivity. Take care, dear... Btw, I'll be leaving for Perth this Fri for 2 mths. Do email me should you need anyone to "talk" to.

HI Vanilla,
So happy to hear your good news with the scan! Wishing you a smooth pregnancy!
Thanks everyone for your support! My very best wishes to all.

Shazzer - Have a good trip and enjoy yourself. Will keep in touch. Take care.
Thanks! won't be doing ET anytime soon.

just to check if i get 6 fertilised out of 14 mature eggs. is that bad? doesn't seem very good leh.
sad now...
Thanks for all ur blessings and wishes!

Hi ML - Wow.. u have so many follicles! U must be feeling rather bloated that is why you have cramps. Rest well. Rem during ur 2ww..eat lots of egg white (half boil) and the high protein milk and drink lots of water.

Hi nancy - yes it is better to inject around same time everyday and preferably in the morning.

HiHelpme - take care and I will continue to pray for you and your baby.
hi everyone,
i have a couple of questions regarding ivf/icsi if u could help me.
my husband and i will need to go for IVF. We made an appointment to see Dr SF loh on april. Do we just tell him we will go for IVF? we do not really want to wait. i was told the whole process takes about 3 mths.
can i ask what to expect for the first visit?
from first visit to ET how long does it take?
How many injections did u have to take? I am kinda of afraid of needles....
and erm what is 2ww? Will we be given MC to rest at home? How many days is enough?
sorry for the many questions
Hi ML - ya I suspect u are havig slight OHSS that is why the doc postpone ur ET.

Dont worry abt the no of fertilised eggs..rem u need just 1 to make a baby. How many eggs are u putting in? 2 or 3?
Oh yah .. i am 25 going 26 this yr.
the reason why we need to go through IVF is cause hubby has low testosterone.
it seems like chances for multiples are quite high... i do not mind having twins... so would it be advisible to put 2 or 3 when i start?
thanks for yr help
Hi ML -- dont worry .. take one step at a time... IVF process is like that..cannot think too much.. very tiring. Take care and stay positive. Rest well now cos i can imagine how bloated and uncomfortable u are.

Hi Jasmine - given ur age, if i were ur age i will put 2 first. But if u are doing at KK, u can put 3, my gynae at GlenE only allow 2 if one is younger than 35. Becos u r young, ur chances are much higher.
Hi Vanilla,
thanks for yr answer.. higher as in chances of implantation right not multiples? I kinda want babies if possible ... but i cannot imagine if all 3 implant... any such cases here? I was wondering, when is 2ww? and i was reading through this thread and realise a lot of u said it would be better to rest for the 14 days from ET... would doctor give that many days mc? sorry about the numerous questions
Hi fellow sisters who have gone thru ivf or are going thru ivf, have anyone ever experienced slight bleeding during the puregon stage? Today is the 5th day of my Puregon injection and had some slight bleeding yesterday morning as well as this morning. Is there something wrong?

Also, are we supposed to have total rest starting from this stage, or is it still ok for me to do housework (such as wiping the floor, washing the toilets, hanging out the laundry etc)?
2WW (2 waiting weeks) also means the 14 days after ET and this is very critical period where implantation may take placed. so rest is needed and avoid carry heavy items. from what I have read from this threat KKH will give MC. All the best in your IVF journey

Really envy you got so many follicles and pls stay positive.

I only got 7 follicles and they are not in the same sizes so I rather worry. ER this thursday morning ... anyways just "Ting Tian you Ming" ba.
Hi Jasmine, no worries...when i first started I also have a lot of questions - i will take a notebook and ask my gynae questions and write down the answer...like an interview.

Technically chances of u getting multiples and success rate of getting pregnant is higher cos u are younger. Though diff hospital has diff success rates, but the charts are all the same, younger the ladies, higher the chances.

There are cases of 3 implant... if u go to the other thread, one IVF mummy - weiwei..she gave birth to triplets. 2 boys 1 girl.

2ww - is 2 weeks which is the 14 days MC. technically hospitalisation leave is given (which is better cos companies allow more Hospitalisation leave than MC). Yes most fertility specialists are very sympathetic to our cases and will give us 14 days leave. Some will give more readily if you have complications. Most of the time the problem is not getting the Hospitalisation Leave but how one will "tell" office/bosses that they will be away for so long.

Hi cheekygal - i think u better call the clinic to let them know abt ur bleeding and check if it is ok. Resting is usually done after ET, during the 2ww...during the injection stage it is ok to do housework (better to clear the load before ET comes).
Hi vanilla and oink oink,
thanks a lot for your replies... it is much clearer now ... hmmm i think i will ask doctor loh if i should put 2 or 3 as i kinda want 2 but 3 is too much for me to handle. I really hope it succeeds.. from what i get here, this is a very diffcult and emotional journery for everyone. Glad there is a thread like this for everyone to share their experiences. Good luck to everyone here going through IVF.. god bless
Emm, I’m not sure…u may want to check with Dr Zou.. For injection, yah, it’s better to set a same timing everyday (+ or – 1 or 2mins can also). If u r injecting the Gonal F, my doc advise is to jab at night..u may want to check with your doc (as our body respond to the medicine differently)

Don’t worry abt the no of eggs fertilised. Rest well n stay positive.

oink oink
U going for ER on thurs? All the best to u! Yah, I did ask my doc regarding the vitamins u had mentioned to me, he said “take a balance diet, eats more leafy veg n lots of variety of fruits!”

Yah, transferring more than 1 embbies increase the chances of getting pregnant n getting multiples, but, on the other hand, its so a higher risk for mummy n bb if u r having twins or triplets…

Went for my baseline scan this morning, everything was okay for me, so I’ll be starting injecting Gonal F tonight, will be seeing doc on fri again…
oink oink
don't worry. mine were all of different sizes too. i have more folicles because of my PCOS status. Good luck for your ER!

is puregon same as Gonal F? if yes, please see your doc as soon as possible. i had bleeding in the middle of my gonal F jabs too. my doc says it was due to the eggs not growing well. So there hormone levels drop causing shedding of the endo. The doc had to check that the lining is still intact. if not, have to abandon the cycle. anyway, i had to increase the dosage

thanks! my hubby just talked to the embryologist. it seems that his sperm was no good also. prob caused by the food poisoning. so will have to wait till tomorrow to get a clearer picture.
Hi ladies!

Just saw Dr Loh after my D&C and he told me I can go for FET anytime after April. Was thinking of going thru the cycle only in July but he want me to do it latest by June which I'm not too sure what's the reason behind it....

He also mention that I will be going thru a natural cycle this round... No injections even after the transfer.... Would appreciate if anyone who has gone thru it could share some info with me.....

He jokingly told me that he will personally call me if he don;t see me after 4 months so I will be doing my FET in May/June...
Thanks. As for the injections, i heard that some ladies will feel bloated and tired. How was yours? Dun know if i can still work. if i rest at home during the injection period, will i produce better embroys? Thanks

Hope all is well. good luck
Thanks nancy!

Dunno yet. seeing the emvryologist at 11 later. just found out that there is a chance that only 75% of the embryos will survive thawing. haiz... really not an easy journey.

With regards to the injections, i just felt mild stomach cramps and tiredness during the injection period. working should not be a prob.
Thanks Nancy!
Regarding to injection , personally I find that after injecting Puregon I will have the same feeling like ML but as Gonal-F, I am still as lively.
Hi Oink Oink

Did u go thru IUI's b4 u decided with IVF? I went thru 2 rounds of PIO and both times it was negative. How was th ER? Im more worried on the ER than the ET, as I have been reading that ET is not painful.

What was written on ur MC? I dont want to tell my company Im going thru IVF. So I tought I will tell them Im going fro some Fibrods op. Not sure what is written on e MC.

What e reason u had to go thru IVF? The problem lies with me, My HB was did all the test and he has good quality. I have not had menses since young without medication so no menses how to get preggy rite?

Sorry for so many questions. I just so worried that the 1st try wont work. than how?

Did u have to take Growth Hormones when going thru IVF? I was informed I have to take that with my Menogon.

Thanks a Mil for answering my questions.

I wish u success in your second try.
Hi ML, Thanks for your advise. I'm not too sure whether Puregon is same as Gonal-F, but Dr advised me to go for ealier scan today. You are right, the eggs were not growing too well and Dr increased my Dosage of Puregon to the maximum

Just hoping that everything goes on well from now onwards.
Hi Oink Oink

another question. How much top up did u have to pay after 6k medisave? I was using 3 - 4tubes of menogon for the last cycle of PIO. So worried on the cost. Truly sorry for the many questions.

Do you know how many days MC is given for the FET? Im worried that if the 1st try dont happen than what do I tell my company?

Were u under Dr Yu? Im under her now.
So far, I just feels tired n sleepy during the injection period.

Don’t worried, everything will be fine for u!

Regarding the MC, it was just written “Hospitalisation Leave”.

oink oink
All the best on your ER tmr!
don't worry. i still managed to collect 14 mature eggs even after the bleeding.

thanks! Good news is I've managed to freeze some of the embryos. Should have enough for 1 cycle of IVF

oink oink
All the best for tomorrow!
Great! So now, u rest well n stay positive, hope to hear your good news in two mths time!

I’m with NUH ~ Prof Wong.

Ok gals! I very ks! what can i do to prepare myself for the FET? What to eat? What to do? Am going to be "pin cushion" at Dr Zou's for the coming months. anything else i can do? :p must "zhe xu chen gong bu xue she pai" ho ho ho!!!
