IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks ladies!

Hope will be as easy as what you've mentioned.

I agree, always stay positive! Baby dust to all of you too!


Tomorrow is my BT (day 17). Did FET on 15 Feb 08. Already tested positive on HPT.
I experienced mild cramps as early as day 3. I first tested on HPT was 8DP3DT and i got a faint line. I felt really nauseous the night before (7DPDT) so decided to test.
After that, i experienced lower backache on the day itself. 9DP3DT i felt nauseous the whole day.
I have increased white discharge there after. Now, i have occassional backache and felt nauseous almost every morning. Tiredness kicked in at abt day 13.
I got a strong line on Day 10. But it is advisable to test after D13.
I wish u all the good luck and God bless u.
Hi Jenn,

Place an ice bag if you feel discomfort it help to reduce your pain . take care .

Hi babywishing,

That's a good sign .. Best of luck to you...
Hi Babywishing,

Great news ! Wishing you the very best. I don't have much nausea, not much CM either. infact quite dry now. I have occasional twinges right side. Boobs just tender only not so sore.

Today is Day13 not sure it worked for me since I don't have any classic signs of pregnancy. Will wait till the Beta test to find out.
hi fellow ladies, thanks for all of your encouragement & m grateful for them (cos they gave me additional strength to face what lies ahead). still waiting for my 1st day (mense) to come to begin this tortuous journey.....

hi babywishing, CONGRATS to your success & wishing u have a smooth 9/10 mths ahead. :D
Hi Pretyy lady

Thanks for your well wishing.

Keep your faith and hope high. Once u succeed, all the pains and sufferings will disappear. Wishing u all the best of luck and remember to stay as positive as possible.
hi babywishing, congratulations! So good to hear good news here.. really motivates me and i'm sure the rest of the ladies going thru also... take care, and keep us updated.

hi rose, hang in there, a few more days to go...will keep you in my prayers...
Congrats!! How many embies did you put back? U have so many early signs, am sure you have made it. It's really an encouragement for me to go thru FET next month.

Dont worry too much. Am sure things will turn out fine as baby dust will spread to you as well!! jia you....
hi all,
have been reading the forums and found everyone's contribution really very helpful. I've done 2 rounds of ivfs but still not successful. am considering trying tcm & acupunture to improve egg quality and implantation. hope someone can give me some recommendations on who/where to go. thks!
Hi gals,
can i join? I was actually on SO-IUI but all the eggs were growing together so converted the cycle to IVF for cost savings. Was told to eat 6-8 egg whites daily. need some tips on how to do so and what are the other things to look out for? many thanks in advance!
Hi, Happyhippo & ML
Welcome to the thread!

I’m seeing Dr Zou at Ang Mo Kio, most of the sisters here are seeing her for acupuncture and TCM. Her clinic/phone no are : Blk 505 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 #01-2670 Tel : 6456 0833. May I know which hospital are you with??

Hi Rose,
How are you? Hang in here…praying for u! Jia You ! : )
hi noi
thks for the info. i'm with mt e. how long hv u see dr zou for? did u see any improvement for yourself?

i was reading some forums, some mentioned Dr Tan Kian Seng at Chung Hwa Free Clinic Toa Payoh, but I think he handles only the male issues, wonder which doc is good for female issues.

Another one is Dr Tan Siew Buoy at Thong Chai, does anyone know if she does acupuncture as well or strictly just tcm.

thks in advance for everyone's advise.
Hi Happyhippo
I’m with Dr Zou since last Oct, started once a week for acupuncture and TCM, and then twice weekly of acu from Dec onwards. Acu n TCM needs 3 mths (a cycle) to see improvement. I had been feeling better after the acu session and before that I used to have very bad menses cramp, now after taking acu n TCM I don’t have menses cramp anymore..thinks somehow its help to strength my womb…
Zoey/YC Noi/ Shazzer

Thank you so much. I hope everything run smoothly from now on.

zoey, i transferred my last 3 embbies. I'm praying for twins.
hi babywishing,
m trying not to keep my hopes too high so as if the unexpected failure happen.... i won't be too disappointed & disheartened. well... wonder if ur success is your 1st cycle ?? which gyane are you with??
Hi babywishing
May I know what is your beta result?? Do u have any jab before your FET ?? u take chinese medicine before or after FET?? Your positive result encourage me and all the sisters here to move on…
Hi pretyy lady

I did IVF with Thomson medical Dr LC Cheng. This is my second try. My first cycle failed last oct/nov. I've been having TCM and acu with Dr Zou since Dec.
when i failed my first cycle, i was really really disappointed. But i told myself to stay strong and positive. Don't give up.

They didn't do BT for me. I think it was because i have really small veins and they tried to draw blood the last time from both my arms but not successful. So they did a urine test. I will know how many only in two weeks time.
I've been taking TCM since Dec and never stop even during the 2ww. Once i know abt my positive result, Dr Zou gave me a different TCM to "An Tai". But i do keep a 2 hours gap between TCM and medications i've got from the clinic.
I've Proluton jab after FET and will have to continue. Before FET, no jabs was given.

Firstly, congrats!!!!
btw, i'm also with Dr Cheng. Erm... i'm not on TCM leh. this ivf was not planned for. so now a bit lost as to what to expect and what to do. kinda of stress now...
Hi babywishing,

Congrats! I just did my 1st cycle of IVF in Jan and was pregnant. Unfortunately I lost my bb last month at 8 weeks.

I've got 3 frozen embryo left and will be doing FET in July. Not too sure how does it go about. Apreciate if you could share your experience with me. Thanks!

The only difference is that i have TCM and acu this round. I can't say for sure that if ACU and TCM are the cause for my success this round. I'm only trying every possible way to maximise my chance. If u are comfortable with TCM and ACU, u can give it a try.
It is important to eat well and exercise to stay as fit as possible. But don't over-exert.
Natural FET is much easier, no jabs given before that. And i tried to rest as much as possible during the 2ww. Only go out for meals, no shopping at all. So remember to get some good books or a couple of good movies or drama to help u cope with the 2ww.
btw, what's FET?
i think too late for me to do accu and TCM liao. I am in the middle of the simulation cycle. Was suppose to do SO-IUI this round. but as all the eggs were growing at the same rate, my dr suggested converting it to IVF instead so as not to waste the money. I heard that there is a study in Paris that has shown that ACU helps. haiz.. very unprepared for this leh...

so for the 2ww dr cheng gives mc? what did you tell your company huh? i don't really want them to know. erm..

oh ya.. how did you manage to eat the 6-8 eggwhites as recommended? i have been eating it for 6 days. i a bit scare liaoz..

paisei.. so many questions. just a bit lost now. not mentally prepared lah
No problem. I'll try to answer your queries.

FET is frozen embryos transfer. Don't worry. there are some ladies here who didn't go thru TCM and ACU and they are pregnant. So don't worry. What u can do now is to get plenty of rest and eat well.
I'm not working so not sure abt the MC. Paisey..
I remember i had 2 to 4 egg whites every day and can understand how u feel. Why not try different cooking method ie. omelette, half boiled eggs, egg mayo sandwich, scrambled eggs. Try not to eat all 6 at one go....
Hope that helps.
Hi babywishing
Yah, we met a few times at Dr Zou’s clinic. : )
I’m now starting on Suprefact jabs, didn’t take chinese medicine from Dr Zou (my doctor keeps reminding no chinese medicine during the injection period). I’m kind of worried that not sure whether acu alone can helps?

Think it’s not too late to start acu.. I was advise to go for acu continuous 5 days before my ER. why not u call to check n see how??
ok. this question i can answer. must eat during injection period. it is to help the eggs grow. basically, the eggs are absorbing protein from our bodies. so with so many eggs forming, we need the additional protein. Egg whites have proteins that are the most easily absorbed by the body.

thanks... ha ha .. have tried that leh.. but the thought of it still quite gross. Thanks thanks! i called to make appt for ACU liaoz. really must pia.. hope it works. :p
i dunno leh. i did ask if can substitute with other sources of protein and they told me that eggwhites is the best and most easily absorbable source. So i guess no substitute then. In addition, I must eat meat during every meal. Can only drink 1 cup of coffee per day. eat fruits between meals.

Btw, i also went to make appt at Dr Zou's. going tomorrow night. me ks lah. :p

AND it's 6-8 eggwhites daily...omg.. i think i'm going to swear off eggs after this. :p
Hi Noi

Try Spirulina. They come in capsules. it is the protein in the eggs and spirulina that you need. Spirulina has one of the highest protein for human consumption. You might want to google it.

Hi Joanna
Thanks and nice to hear from u. How many weeks are u now? May I know this spirulina is to be taken during injection period or after ER? Can I just get it from any pharmacy or need doctor’s prescription? Thks.

I just started with Suprefact injection last week, if everything go smoothly( keep my fingers cross), I’ll going for ET/ER end of the mth. No, this is my 2nd try, I lost my embbies at 9 weeks, I was very very sad then..L Lucky, the sisters here gave me encouragement for me to move on…: )
so sorry to hear that.
All the best and good luck for this coming cycle. You can make it de!!!! : )

Erm... i guess i might be early then you. but it depends on my checkup tomorrow. haiz.. burnt a very very big hole in my pocket liaoz...
Thanks much for your wishes.. I also wish you success in your first IVF! Don’t worry, money can still earn back, our wishes for a bb is more precious than anything else!

Good luck to your checkup tmr!
Hi, i think one takes egg whites during the fresh cycle 2ww cos of risk of OHSS (due to the injections like Puregon or Gonal F).

If you dont like egg white, u can also take the high protein milk (from Nature Farm's or GMC) - it has various flavors.

I am doing my first IVF with LC cheng coming march /april cycle. Is it too late to see dr Zou for some extra help? is the queue long there? Do i need to boil the medication? Thanks
for sharing

Congrats. I am seeing lc cheng too. How is the fertility centre on level 5? Good ? Thanks for sharing
