IVF/ICSI Support Group


i ks, so put in 3 in case. if really triplets then it's God's will liao lo.
she say it's for strengthening linning n implantaion lei. i only know when on stimulation jabs can't take chinese meds. she say it's ok to take, n becos i'm doing ivf, so not like normal pp, will need help. better call to ask again. think i shld call kkh to ask?

Hi tigg3r

I asked my GP for discount since i was going everyday for 2 weeks so he charged me $8 per jab.

I have to pass two ERP gantries to get to KKH and then have to take cab home cos DH will take the car to work. In the end, the math just pointed to GP.

And yes to Nano's message. I was told by nurse that 15 follicles was the threshold for the jabs. Under that, no need to.
tigg3r, the last time i got 15 extracted, and DR gave an exception to my case after I told him I feel alright. He let me take the pregnyl jab (which causes more bloatedness), once every 3 days instead of the daily progesterone. In the end, by the 2nd dose, i developed severe OHSS and was hospitalised for 5 days (partly i did not drink 2L water everyday). I think that caused my 1st cycle to fail. So i guess KK is just giving you the safer option since 13 is quite close to borderline. It will be over soon. hang in there... enjoy your 2ww...

chevall, Dr Zou said cordyceps is good in general for both guys and ladies. so she suggested for me to take just 2 weeks before my FET as the medicine is very ex.
Joanna, Michelle,Nano,Petals

Now I know how you gals felt during 2ww.. I'm feeling so restless now... It's only D1... oh my goodness...


I'll recalculate and reconsider going to GP.. need to check if got discount or not.. otherwise no point. My hubby either way also got to go thru 2 gantries.
Michelle- thanks for your best wishes. Trying to stay positive and yes, hopfully there is one good emby that will stick from the 12 I have left! Only problem is I'm going with clinic which is costing me 5k each transfer, so it's really adding up! I know I shouldn't be even thinking about the $$ but it's a lot!

Stardiva and Tigg3r best best luck to you on your 2ww! I have my fingers crossed for you!

About to start acu again which I think really helped the lining last time... Only had 2 projesterone shots over the 2ww, but pessaries and tablets- I hadn't heard of the daily injections during the 2ww!
babydust,vivi, chevall
thanks for your wishes. i am very anxious about the blood test tomorrow.

i did a HPT just now and it turned out to be positive. i am just taking it easy and not be too overjoyed. Scared that it will turn out to be false alarm after the blood test tomorrow.
helpme, CONGRATS!!! Our timing is very similar. Are you with Gleneagles? Will you continue with them? Do you have any symptoms?

Ladies, after i tested +ve (did another HPT again this morning cos I scared it goes away hahaha), my bloatedness and nauseous have disappeared and now feels like normal... I scared my blood test will show another result. Is that possible?

hey congrats!!!!! all the best for tom. normally if positive means positive liao!!! can start thinkin of baby names

oh oh, check with u, is it ok to drink those powder meds dr zou asked me to drink 2x a day during this 2ww? i dun think i have a linning prob. dr n nurse never say i got linning prob lei. still take her meds?
I took Dr Zou's medicine during the full 2ww but for FET there is no medicine from KK except a progesterone insert, so slightly different from yours. I personally think that chinese medicine is quite neutral, and if you are worried, you can give 2 hour break between chinese and western medicine (especially u need to take antibiotics).

I took the chinese herbs cos whilst it may help in ppl with lining problem, it actually "Bu" the kidney and associated organs which is responsible to make the lining more "nutricious" for the embryos....

go with your own gut feel and comfort level. Most ppl only ACU, no chinese med, also works...
hi michelle,

tks,think i will jus call n check. also ya, give 2hr break. i find her meds rather mild liao compared to wat i've taken before. so far i'm the type tt eat chinese meds n won't LS one. i monitor n c how la
COngrats!! SOooo happy for you. Now you and Michelle on journey together. Good luck.

Little twin and Tigg3r,
I am so pleased it went well for you. 3 embryos means a very very good chance at least one will stick. I have a good feeling. I know the next 2 weeks will seem really loooong, but hang in there and STAY POSITIVE throughout, ok. I really believe it helps. All the best.

If anyone hears from ppl, relatives, TCM drs what to take to strengthen to body and make female hormones balanced and reduce heatiness (apparently I have that) in the body, please keep me posted. I will start with red dates and find some dang gui to start with as mentioned. Thanks.
I have a question on menses like cramps during the 2ww. I had them last time and the cycle failed, but then my friend had them and she got a positive... I went in to the clinic when I had them and got a jab which stopped them.

Helpme I just noticed you had the cramps too but you are positive! Has anyone else had this?

thanks, ya bored man! but staying positive n blank head

apparently my friend is also like tt, so she was asked to drink fresh coconut water to cool her body cos too heaty for implantation, n together with chinese meds, she concieved naturally in 3 mths. she tried 7 yrs only to find this prob, hope this helps

It's really gd to hear so many gd news fr this thread. Hope the rest of the ladies in 2ww will test +ve soon!

Twin Stars,
I not too sure whether ok to take TCM now but guess Michelle gave u some advice abt it. Maybe can chk wif Dr Loh too.

Those preg test kit shd be pretty accurate so u can celebrate aredi! When u going kk for yr beta test?

During my 2ww just eat, sleep, watch tv, read bks etc..so u can take tis time to be lazy lor.

Ya i was also wondering how come 13 follicles got to do prog jab, think prob Dr will decide based on individual case.

Dun worry too much abt the Prog jab cos tat time i jab until it became a routine, not afraid of it anymore. Sometimes i feel very mild soreness, sometimes i dun, so i think it depends on which part the nurse jab. Usually they will pinch an area n ask u whether that time sore, if yes, they will jab elsewhere. Usually if sore only 1 to 2 days. If u jab an area which is already sore, then it might take more days to goes off.
yes, i'm with gleneagles. i think most probably i will just stick with them throughout.
i have slight cramp at times and my temp is pretty high during the day...above 37deg and my BBT is higher than usual as well. other than that, i do not have other symptoms at all

thanks gals...
i am tempted to go buy another HPT but since tomorrow going for blood test, i better wait till tomorrow.

must pray hard its going to be good news.
hi everyone,

am new here. can i seek some advice from u all? just seen dr loh in kk today after all our tests and were advised to do icsi cos hb had low sperm count and very low motility.

has anyone of u been advised to do only icsi, not even ivf? haven decided whether to go ahead cos im afraid of all the pain and disruption that may come.

am rather down after today's consultation. hope to get some advice from all of u as im not sure wat to do now. thanks in adv.
congrats! HPT shld be accurate cos it's actually less sensitive than the blood test, so a positive HPT means +++!
rest well and have a smooth 9 mths.
Yah, don't worry abt the daily progest jabs...quite ok. I signed a consent form to get them to jab on butt instead. Not very painful at all. As ur jabs progress, ask them to jab on a soft spot not hardened by earlier jabs. Oh for me, we tried to reach KKIVF at 7.30am when they open their doors, then can miss all the ERP gantries and hubby can reach office earlier after sending me home. Usually if u r the first few, it's very fast. We're usually out by 7.45am.
I'm sure Dr loh had his reasons for recommending ICSI. Did u ask him? Don't be afraid to ask him all ur questions. The whole process will take abt 2 mths from ur first Lucrin jab to the pregnancy test at the end of ur 2ww. I guess u need to discuss with ur hubby if u r willing to commit ur time (n money) to this. Once u both have accepted it, I'm sure u'll have the courage to go ahead with it. In any case, i think ICSI will have higher chance of fertilisation, hence less wastage of the eggs retrieved...

thanks for your advice. my hb is for ivf just that im afraid of the pain and disruption that i have to face when it comes. and of course fear of failure as well.

he did tell us that icsi has a greater chance as my hb only had less than 100 swimming sperms when normal ones would have millions, on top of low sperm count. is there no way to improve sperm quality?

perhaps i would come here more often to seek help and advice from all of u, if u all don mind. thanks for listening..
hi ladies,

m having slight running nose n jus ls. hope it doesn't affect. i decided not to take the chinese meds. dunno if it caused me to LS. i'm trying not to blow my nose but jus wipe it away. think my nose is sensitive to the after rain grass smell

Congrats!! U have made it!! Test kits are very accurate one.. so.. dun worry..u'll definately get a positive!!


I see Dr Xia Rong at Dr Zou's clinic , medicine is prescribed by Dr Xia Rong and dispensed by Dr Zou and her assistants.

On the average, each time I spend abt $200+ on one mth's supply of medicine.
hi ladies,

anyone experiece this during 2ww? i started having difficulty passing urine. woke up with a urge n ash to the toilet but very little urine but sensation still there. i had to drink 2 cups of water b4 i could pass it out in 5mins. then i feel fine. this repeats itself like every 1n half hr................help?
better tell the nurses or doc, cos could be UTI (unrinary tract infection)? If it is, they might give u antibiotics. I know it's common during pregnancy, but i'm not sure abt during 2ww.

Before u go into it, you have be reconciled to the fact that no method has 100% chance of success, but at the same time focus on the bright side that IVF at 30-40% has higher success rates than IUI. For me n hubby, we thought no harm trying if it may help us conceive. Once u have decided to do it, just take each step at a time. You will be surprised at how strong you are when it comes to the numerous injections n blood tests n will get used to it. I think only morphology can't be improved, but generally they will prescribe Vit E, zinc n Androil supplements for the guy.
stardiva, oh dear... quickly call the nurse and drop a mail to DR about this. I never heard of this during 2ww. Keep us posted. Take care...
hi petals, michelle,

this 2 days i really felt terrible. running nose, diarrhea, n yes it seems like uti. but i'm trying my best to b positive n fight this as much as i can. m drinking lots of water. i called my close friend n she prayed for me, n i jus kept positive. cos i was so down. then walked to the toilet n command my urine to let go n it did w/o any pain! it was a breakthru. i've learnt it from u guys too. it's yr positivity that made the miracle of yr pregnancy happen. so no matter wat, i'll b positive. mind over matter! things seems fine now. m avoiding dairy products n my nose id starting to get better.

p/s i called the nurse, she thinks i did not drink enough water but i did. she told me to monitor n if still not well. to go to 24hr clinic which i'm resisting

Don't mind if I ask, how many days post ER did you discovered OHSS? I'm having little signs of it.. Painful urine but no burning sensation since 4 or 5 days into Puregon until rite now.. so it's not Uti for me... Gastric pain is very bad... I got to fill tummy with food every 2 hours... even last night I woke up up as a result of gastric pain.

On the night of ER, it was so painful that I had to go to 24 hrs clinic, I was given a choice to go home or be warded.. of cos, I choose not to!

All of the about were probably the reasons why Doc decided to change me to daily progestrone even though I only have 13 retreived...

Funny thing, this morning as I walked into the centre, nurse approached me and asked ,"that day u admitted ah?" wow! my name written on my face meh? How they know it's me.. Anyway, I'm cool about this, so not to worry..
My ER was on a Tues, and ET was on a Thurs, did my first Pregnyl jab after ET. 2 days later (sat) i did not pass motion (i do everyday). On Sun morning, i did my 2nd Pregnyl jab at 8am. Still no pass motion. At noon, after lunch, i started to bloat (sudden) and i measure it increased by 4cm. As i felt so bloated, i did not drink water and could not eat dinner, and thus was passing urine less frequently. Next morning at 7am I woke up with very severe gastric pain, and diarhea, and i vomitted many many times, and broke out in cold sweat, felt giddy twice while vomitting. went 24hrs clinic and was warded immediately for IV drip. They gave an injection to stop the gastric pain and vomitting. I then stopped passing urine completely, and at 10pm same nite, I was administered with urine catheter. Blood test showed i have high blood concentration and physio therapy was prescribed and i was given stockings to prevent blood clotting on my legs. Next morning (tues), my weight increased by 2kg and bloated by 10cm. The IV drip and urine catheter continued for next 3 days. I switched to daily progesterone shots once admitted.

Please continue to drink a lot of water despite you feel bloated, and make sure you pass it out. input = output. eat small bites every 2 hours, drink Ensure Milk (protein) as much as you can. monitor your weight increase, cos DR say for normal pregnancy, bloated does not cause significant weight increase (i put on around 4kg!!). I suggest you go KK 24hr clinic if you start to feel uneasy, or any pain. Personally I think if you detect early signs, I suggest you should stay in KK for 1 or 2 days so that the nurses can monitor you and they can give you high protein diet and prescribe Ensure. Capture it early, so that it does not affect implantation.

Keep us posted. take care.

one thing that helped me while i was having diff passing urine this morn was drinking warm cranberry juice. i bot those organic cranberry juice n dialute it with warm water cos too "siap" each time i drink a big mug, it gets better..i drank 3 big mugs b4 i'm ok now. no prob liao

Thanks for your info. Wow! it sounds terrifying..geezz am I reaching it soon? Hope not..

Rite now, the stomach is still bloated, with lots of gas and pain.. close to vomiting but controlled it.. on top of that felt dizzy earlier.. I'm relying of antacid to ease the pain but told myself not to take more den 2 tabs a day..

By the way, how many times can I take Ensure milk? can I drink it warm? I was amazed that the instructions said to mix it with cold water..

The emotions are too much for me to bear..as I'm alone at home, at times I feel extremely helpless..sometimes too overwhelming until I breakdown emotionally
its confirmed. i am pregnant. the doc says im 3 weeks and 6 days pregnant. how he count wan har? i come back home and think like not possible to be 3 weeks if my ER is 2/11.

now i need to take pregnyl jab and proluton jab and tons of medication.

i am with Prof Ng

i did ICSI as well, also because of sperm quality issues.
i do not think there is any difference in protocol for IVF and ICSI. the only difference is only in the lab
Hi all, just got my Beta HCG result, 661.5 - think i will see dr in 2 weeks.

Tigg3r, pls dun feel this way. Different ppl react differently and have different symptoms. Most important is to learn about other ppl's experience and monitor yourself closely. The chances of ppl getting severe OHSS is less than 1%. You are at the final stage oredi, how you think is how your embies think. So, dun lose heart.

I will be going down to KK later to collect medicine. IF you are afraid to go 24hr clinic alone, i can be there with you. You want?
Hi rejoice

We had exactly the same problem as you (husband low count and low motility) so when we did the IVF we did a little more than half of our embryos with ICSI (injecting the sperm directly into the egg to fertilise). They usually recommend this when the problem is with the male side like this as you could go through the whole IVF process and get the eggs out then because of the poor sperm quality they don't fertilise which would be heartbreaking. This just gives you the best chance of getting more embryos. I wouldn't worry too much it will be fine.

I had 18 eggs, 12 they fertilised via ICSI and the rest naturally, and I had 17 fertilise as a result and develop to embryos. Just gives you more chance.

Dun think I want to go just yet...It's okay... I'll monitor myself for the moment..Need to drink more water now.. got slight fever...
Will update you on my progress...

But anyway, CONGRATS!!! you made it! Time for celebration...

Just saw the numbers you were mentioning on your hb count and whether you could increase or improve the sperm. We spent 3 mths trying to improve it with different medications and had very little improvement, also the thing to keep in mind is that it takes 3 mths to form sperm, so even if there was an improvement today you wouldn't see an increase in the sperm count and quality for 3 mths- it's a long time to wait for something which may not happen. I feel we wasted three precious months on trying to improve the count and my husbands count was already about 1 million good ones. The dr said with this number I still had very minimal chance of falling pregnant naturally- maybe only 5% chance!
congrates congrates..High chance of multiples.

congrates .keep us update of ur hcg level.its so nice to hear good news in a row.

good luck to those in 2ww.
helpme, michelle,
congrats! You both can also try this useful website. If u register and key in your due date, it will send u weekly emails to show how ur babies are developing. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/ For fetal development, see http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/

Normally they count from the 1st day of your LMP (last menstrual period). But for IVF, it may differ by a few days as our ovulation date is triggered by injection, so they will use ER or ET dates to start the count as 2 weeks. Looks like ur doc starting counting using ur ER date as already 2 weeks. That's why u r almost 4wks when u add in the 2ww. For Dr Loh, he used the ET date (assuming D2 trsfr) as 2 weeks. Anyway this is only a rough guide. Your 1st scan will help them see the EDD based on babies' sizes.

If u are having fever, I think u shld go down to 24-hr clinic. Don't be afraid to seek help, cos you want urself to be in tiptop condition.

Wow, ur % of eggs fertilised is very good...almost 100%. You're very lucky cos I think that's quite rare. All the best for ur FET!

Oh, is 661 high? today is D16. I kinda hope it will be a singleton, quite worried for twins. thats why even the success rate for FET is lower, i still chose to put in 2 embryos.

Tigg3r, stardiva, how are you both doing?
