IVF/ICSI Support Group


My bloodtest is also on the 15th Nov.
Are u to use HPT before that? I transfered two also, one 8 and the other is 9. Hopefully we can bring good news to all...


Drink lots of water, it helps with the bloatedness.
I experienced that also but not unbearable. So i drink lots of water.Today is D10PET and i don't feel that bloated anymore. Only after meals, i feel bloated (hope it is not because i ate too much) hee...
But my breasts still feels tender. When i tried to press softly, it hurts abit, like muscle ache. Other that that, no symptoms.
Your bloodtest is pretty fast, i had my ET last Monday but bloodtest on the 15th Nov. At least u dun have to wait this long like me...

I did my ops under Dolly Wee from Mount E. Actually come to think of it, maybe i shouldnt have gone thru the ops and jump on IVF that time. At least it can spare me the scar on my tummy.

That is good. As least you wont feel so bad.
Some ladies also take egg white and ensure milk when feel bloatness.
today is only my D4 of ET but the doc says can go for blood test on 15th. i wonder if test so early can detect or not.

although my tummy is bloated but strangely my weight has been going down and it has gone down like 1.5kg since last friday.

i only feel a bit like menses cramp when i get up to walk, other than that no feeling at all.no tenderness of breasts etc

I don't even dare to go near the scale. Cause i've been eating quite alot since the start of the treatment and also cut down of outdoor activities (i like jogging and jog abt 5 times a week), so i definitely put on some weight. But as long as the results positive, it is all worth it.
Maybe u are too stress up...Try to stay positive. I also have cramps (like premenses symptoms), hope it is nothing serious.
Do u have to go back for HCG jabs?
yah...as long as the results is positive, dun have to care about the weight.
I didn't have to go and take HCG jabs but I was given some cylogest pressaries to insert which is a natural progesterone.
Hi Teng,
dr ask me to go on 12th for 3rd scan. today they found only 6 follicles. all are range abt 14mm to 17 mm. may be on 14 will be the ER.
whole day i was very upset y so few follicles.i am praying so that all 6 egg will be retrive.

what abt u?

your follicle should be catching up soon... yes.. sounds like u are going to have ER soon..

Don't be upset about the few numbers of follicle, they could be very good quality ones.. Ximi managed to conceive even with very few harvested..

Me! suffering right now... both ovaries feels like wan to rupture already... got that burning sensation on both sides... Hope it's not early signs of OHSS... Scanned on Wednesday and follicles are ranging between 10 mm to 14mm, only one at 15mm...

I think Little Twin Star still sleeping.. she didn't sleep well last nite.. She also went for her scan today..
Pupi, Dont worry. They will be good eggs and some more might be seen on next scan. Be positive. Ximi was lucky, so will you.

HI. I remember my ovaries were quite sore from the stimulation too. OHSS usually happens only a few days after ER, so its too early for that.
Some swelling and discomfort now is normal...
All the best.

Thanks for the info.. Now I'm feeling so uncomfortable ... can't imagine what it's going to be like when it's Post- ER and Post-ET...


I can't recall how many follicles, I was struggling with the pain during the scan.... think it was something close to 19 ( big and small)... I did not ask the nurse the number.. just happened to glance at my record and saw it..
hi ladies,

i'm back! went 4 a scan..1 think i have 12 foliicles but size is from 7 or 9 to 17....four of them r from 14 to 17. doesn't sound gd lei. n they wanna arrange for er on mon....i only have 1 scan! pupi's is the same as me n her er is on wed.
think at least if they wait till wed, the rest of my follicles can catch up.
wish dr. loh can b around to explain instead of letting a student dr n nurse decide on such issues. mayb will go another gynae to scan tom for 2nd opinion.
anyone has dr. loh's no. how on earth can we contact him ah?
the nurse jus say mon will try n c if can retrieve, if can will do it...but tom night i'm suppose to take the hcg jab.....can c if mon do er one meh? after hcg jab, can delay er to tues or wed meh? aiyo so confused..than i told her, base on the report if i do er on mon, i might only have 4 follicle or at best 6...then she say only need one! but out of these 4 or 6......some might b empty wat.....i wanna b able to freeze more follicles so dun have to do fresh cycle in future lei....

petals, ximi, nano........help? wat to do?

12DPET and i decide to test on HPT. As expected. it is a negative. Although i say "expected", but i was still hoping for something. Not even a faint line detected. One thing for sure is that the HCG jab is out of my system.
Really disappointed. Going to be a terrible weekend.

why expected? mayb can take another test before 15..use a more sensitive test kit? really sorry but don't worry too much.
do something u enjoy this wkend to destress n to get yr mind off for now until yr bloodtest. mayb yr hcg will kick in by then?

petals,ximi, nano, tigg3r,pupi
as u can c....i was having a panick attack
i woke up early to call the nurse before i have my final lucrin jab. she say it will be right size by then cos i have 2 dominant follicle n some gd size although not all can use. aiya increase jab to 250iu to get 2 dominant follicle.......
ai ya, i jus let it b liao....4get it la, jus do lor. worry also no use. now i must try to get rest cos i had trouble sleeping worring about the hcg jab ( never do on my thigh before )n the er n the follicles. i've done my best, so let it be la
u can quickly write to Dr Loh via email, cos he shld have clinic at TPS this morning n will have email access. If not, then call TPS to check with his nurses (either Sarah or Angelyne), but I'm not sure if he entertains phone calls. You can try both. All the best!

As for the pregnyl jab, don't worry. i did mine at the 24-hr women's clinic n one of the young nurses did for me on the thigh...not painful, unlike some other stories I heard. So I was relieved.

I think at D12 maybe only blood test can detect, but still a little early to use HPT. Try HPT again in 2 days, and use a more sensitive one (maybe clearblue?).
stardiva, pupi,

I know exactly how you feel. Dont worried, alway look on the bright side. Be positive, you are not alone, your body is also fighting together with you to produce the best quality.
Twin stars,
Did the doc on duty tell u that yr follicles are growing well? If yes, I think shd'nt be too worrying, yr follicle shd grow to the right size by then.

That time, i got 2 scan...the last scan on a Fri and my 15 follicles only between 6mm to 12mm. I was told to continue Puregon and my ER was on Tue. Tat time i also thinking whether my follicles will be too small or not...but..ended up doc retrieved 24 eggs and i got 17 fertilized. So, i think sometimes the scan may not be tat accurate.
petals, ximi, nano

thanks for the assurance. my hubby kept telling me not to b stressed if notfollicles might strink .hee, ok, i surrender, jus follow the instructions n trust that kk knows what they r doing, after all the have hogh success rate.

i called the nurse this morn n she say my follicles r growing well n will b of right size by mon. after tt, i was relieved n went back to sleep. this 2 days can't sleep well.....so slept till 2pm

now there';s so many gd shows!!!!!! arrrrrrrrr, dunno can go out to watch those movies during 2ww. mom says now cough n flu virus better dun go out....sigh

seriously alot of gd shows lei
don't worry lah...if the nurse n doc say ur follicles r growing well, then shld be ok. U going for the HCG jab tonite? All the best for ur ER! Think u better rest more during 2ww. Shows can watch later when out in dvd. Ur mum's right, better don't get sick now.
hi petals,ximi, nano

jus went for hcg jab....hubby waited outside the room for me. the nurse kept asking me to breathe in n breathe out. it was so loud, hubby tot i fainted inside. haha. when the jab goes in, it;s ok, but when she pushed the liquid in, my leg jerked alittle , like my muscle kana shocked, but overall. it was ok

tigg3r, pupi,
how was it for u guys?

i keep telling myself, all these will b over soon. time pass very fast to get over lor.

thanks for all yr support. can't imagine how i can go thru these w/o this forum n w/o u guys

I am on Day 2 of my puregon. So far slight bloatedness only. Am under Dr Loh from KK.
Also seeing Dr Zou and Dr Xia Rong. Anyone seeing them?
hi little twin,
so u r lucky that u finish the jab part.
did u went to 24 hour clinic?
hope u all the best for ur er. dont forget to give us ur news.!!

My hubby was with me during the jab... all it took was a deep breadth and the next thing u know... it was over.. Of cos, I did feel a slight burning sensation during the jab... After I got home, I applied warm compress on the area.. so it there's no soreness now on my thigh...

BUT....last nite I woke up in the middle of the nite as a result of chest pain, a little sharp pain each time I breath..the left side of my body was really aching..

Now not so aching liao.. but there's still a little chest pain..


Hope that your scan on Monday will yeild good results...

the hcg is not tt bad. i had mine done in the pass on my buttocks, not as pain. tt's y i'm scared of the thigh one. but not so bad la.

i',m having sore throat yest. dunno is it from eating brazil nuts. so stopping 4 a while till throat gets better
all the best for mon's scan. dun worry n dun listen to tt dr. she won;t b able to tell from scan if the follicle is empty or not.yr follicle size sounds great n m sure the follicles r too. rem quality over quantity


b4 my hubby could go in, the nurse closed the dr liao. did an indian lady nurse do 4 u? hey, u better monitor yr pain lei. make sure won;t kana ohss.tt's one of the side effects after hcg jab. but if not not so bad, no need to worry but jus monitor hor.
mine is after the jab, i went to late dinner n got movie tickets but my head was spitting from the jab n my thigh is a little sore, so went back home instead.
sigh, still tot i can catch a last movie....so many to watch

4."ta xiong de kong long"
6.lions for lambs
7.game plan

"shake head " i already plan to go gold class n watch lust/caution to c wang lehom & tony leung's butt! haha

anyways, all the best for tom's er. do rem to tell dr loh yr symptoms n side effects so he can monitor u well.
i plan to warn him about my hidden left ovary n ask if ga or sedation better
hopefully will b able to c u b4 i go in
oh. This is long overdue but I thought i'd share my earlier ER experience.

Everything went well, except for the anaesthetist... forgot her name. anyway, while i was lying down waiting for the doc to arrive. The nurses started chatting about someone - that the person said dun call her, just sms her. But they had done so and she had not responded. So when she arrived, she scolded them for not calling her. Then one of the nurses commented "Aiya, ask her to get her own secretary. we are not her secretary." Little did i know they were talking about the anaesthetist.

When she finally arrived, she sounded quite professional. But it took her 3 tries (ouch!) to get the intravenous into my hand. After the second try, she asked me curtly " what did you put on your hand?" With the oxygen mask over my face, I tried my best to reply that i had only applied some hand cream in the morning cos I have eczema. She looked irritated and started very harshly to wipe my already bruised hand with alcohol swab. Shouldn't she have done that to begin with?

Anyway, after i awoke, i asked one of the nurses and she said "She's like that. The only doctor here who is very difficult."

Sorry i forgot her name, but if you ask the nurses they will know.
12DPET and you can't detect anything. i am really wondering if they can detect anything on me this thursday as it will only be my 11th day.

that sounds bad. i had same experience at NUH last time when i did my colonoscopy. the anaesthetist poke 2 times on my left hand and once on my right and they even start the procedure before i fell asleep.

thats one of the reason i went to a pte hospital this time round. the nurses and anaethetist are very nice and helpful.
My ER was ok leh...didn't remember much abt the sedation part. Thought everything went smoothly. Prob I already knocked out... By the time I woke up, I was already in recovery room.

tks for the tips..dunno whether can request to have a 'gd" anesthetist or not. i dun wanna think too much liao. hope n pray they can find my veins cos i'm fair so nurses often have a hard time finding my vein to draw blood. whatever the case, time will pass ba


ER here i come!....................

very fast hor..? singleton or twins or triplets..?

i'm should be going for my FET in late November or early December..
wow..32 weeks already
i really pray i will have good news this thursday

i just happened to measure my temperature for these 2 days and my temperature is pretty high...always above 37deg. i hope it means something good
Anyone knows if KK issues just 5 days of MC for the ET? Or do they give 2 weeks like other private hospitals?

Helpme, consistent high temperature above 37 degrees is a good sign.

Apart from a little bloating I dun have any major reaction to the Puregon yet. Not sure if this is a good sign or not?
hopes .... single.. girl.
one is good enough!! we can cope better and the negative side of pregnancy also much lower.
good luck to you ok?

helpme - good luck too !

Saw you being wheeled out from the ops theater... they were trying so many times to wake u up... but no responds... they keep calling you name... haha I was so certain it was u.. they asked u so many questions do you remember any?

I was lying on recline position directly opposite your bed and watching u... for so long u were like totally knocked-out.. haha

I'm doing just fine... not much pain .. not dizzy... a little bloated and cramp.. but bearable.. how you're feeling?


HOw was your scan?
tigg3r, stardiva,
Have a gd rest today after ur ERs. You might feel a little cramping this afternoon when the sedative wears off. Can take panadol if it gets too painful. But tmrw shld be back to normal. Did they tell u how many eggs were retrieved?
hi all,

hope you all dont mind i join this thread. I was just converted from so-iui to ivf. My body was over react, too many follicles with only 50iu puregon.

am now very worry, half way only jump into ivf, not sure whether the eggs are all right for ivf, anyone can share with the experience ?
anyone with kk ? i m under dr loh, but have no chance to talk to him since i started so-iui, is this a usual case ? they will only let the young dr explain to us ?
i believe your gynae shld advise whether are there too many follicles?

i am not with kk so i am not sure of the protocol. for me, my gynae explain to me everything everytime.
Petals, the other things about the anaesthetist which I thought was rather 'bad bedside manners' was - when I asked if everything was ok when she failed to put the IV in twice - her reply was "No! everything is not ok" Imagine... I am lying there with oxygen mask on and feeling a bit tense... no way to treat a patient.

I wish that none of the other sis get her.

I'm not sure abt IUI protocol. Anyway, u can call up the kkivf nurses to ask them or email Dr loh if u have any questions. If too many eggs, they can't do IUI cos risk of multiple pregnancy (imagine if u have > 3 eggs for IUI!), so they will need to do ER to extract ur eggs.

Sounds like she was having a bad day. For me, it was also a lady n she seemed ok and i knocked out pretty quickly, so didn't talk much.
