IVF/ICSI Support Group

Yeah, during lucrin, AF must come once right? Mine still pending soon...but I dunno when cos mine not really regular. Did u ask the girl doing the scan what the numbers mean? She didn't quite want to explain much abt the numbers she was reading out to the other girl, and gave me some vague brush-off comment saying that they will wait for blood test result to let me know further. That's the thing I don't like abt the KKH nurses, not willing to share/elaborate, like they are worried about letting us know too much. i find the private nurses more open/forthcoming with info and know their stuff well.

thks for advise, Dr Tan's herb helps me in regular my cycle and ovulation.

I read some of archieve IVF postings that happen to come across THeresa's post that cordycep( dong chong cao) will help in man sperm.
May I know can I buy in medical hall, herbs or capsule form?
Can it be taken with TCM?

hope you kind ladies can answer me

Nano, Michelle,
Did u both have ur D14 scan after your AF ended? Cos i'm worried that my AF will coincide with my scan...will they then postpone my scan again?
Yeah I get the cramps around the pelvis and also at the sides. A couple of days ago I got very bad cramps that I got chills for a short while. The discomfort I got mostly is when I am lying on my side,I can't straighten my legs cos then I will feel pain. Am a pseudo Liang Po-po mostly.

Do not worry too much now, ok? Jia you! jia you!

You can get the cordycep from any Chinese medical hall but beware as they are alot of fake ones from china. I bought my from EYS, their price is abit more ex than others but at least you can rest assure that they are real. Ask them to grind it into powder and take it the 1st thing in the morning. It is proven to improve man's sperm, try it for 3 mths then go for SA to see any improvement.
My menses came on D7 on my Lucrin, so by the time i went for scan it already ended. Dun worry, last time i ever asked the nurse what if i having menses during scan, they told me it does not matter. You can still go for scan if yr menses coincide with yr scan.

Ya i agreed wif you that the scanning part quite rush and they dun really want to explain. Actually during scan i thought she mentioned got 5 follicles on left..but when i try to confirm with her, she just brush off and say no and that she can't see clearly as i did not empty my bladder completely. Nevertheless, she say can see 1 on the right. Do you know whether we can get any printed result for u/scan?

thks so much

Any EYS outlet will do right? How much per packet and isit come in sachets?
Is the powder bitter? If yes..can mix with some honey and drink with breakfast or empty stomach?
Cos the TCM herbs that my hubby is taking he complain is very bitter, he is drinknig at night after dinner.
In morning he is actually taking multivits and coenzyme10 prescribe by my gynae.
Hi gals,
Cordyceps can
- stimulate the immune system;
- cure sexual dysfunction in men;
- maximize body oxygen uptake;
- build muscles;
- improve kidney, liver, and lung functioning;
- provide anti-aging effect...
Hi Love,
you also can buy from nature's farm

Product Name Nature's Farm Cordyceps Sinensis
Item Code 3100-160
Pack Size 60 capsules
Category Herbal Products
My sinseh say at least 3 months. After my failed cycle in June, my body go heywired. I didn't even ovulate in July. And this month, my BBT was very low. She said this is due to the 'heavy duty' medication that we are on during the cycle. Now that our body is on its own, it will take sometime before our body can take over the 'duty' again.

Yes, DH and myself are doing acu. DH sperm count, mor, mob are all low.. sinseh say if he doesn't do, i suffer also no use. So he got no choice lor. Somehow, we are now very use to it liao...
dear gals

just an update.

was hospitalised after ER on Monday, vomitting non stop , plus bloatedness, my belly grew like 8 cm within one day but it turned out not to be OHSS but sore ovaries, disturbed lining in the abdomen area due to the ER procedure.

ET was jeopardised and it was only this morning at 6.30am when Dr SF loh gave the go ahead for ET. and even so, he warned of the risk of going ahead with ET, increased risk of OHSS etc.

very drama, in the end ET went thru at almost 10am. it went smoothly and i was discharged from hospital at about 230pm.

but it's a trying 3 days from mon to today - i snapped on monday night and bloody cursed everyone at the hosptial ward as i had to wait 5 hours in excruitating pain before the attending doctor saw me at 11pm.

all in all, i realised that the response from doctors in KKH is very subjective to which doctor is available. it so happens that SF loh was not around and he has already left the hospital on Monday evening.

so a piece of advise, if you face any emergency during the course of treatment, call ahead and make arrrangements to have your doctor waiting for you before you head down to the a & e dept.

right now i am crossing fingers and toes that my 2www will go on smoothly.

p/s: today at KKH IVF, i saw a couple of gals who went thru ER at the same time as i did, they all look very healthy and painfree...guess it's just my bad luck to be the 1% that suffer through like crazy after the procedure.

p/s2: hope i didn't scare anyone off IVF.
It's scaring to read abt yr ER events..well guess there is always risks involved in such procedure but it shd be very rare that such things happens. Just hope you are feeling better now. All the best for yr 2ww..rest well.
Petals, my menses came during D9 on my lucrin, when i went to scan, it was just over (short AF). I asked the KK nurse during the brief, that if menses does not come, can we proceed with next phase. Her reply was yes. Just wondering, did you start off with microgynon?

Babymaking.. so sorry to hear about your ER experience. I hope you take good care and rest more. At least you proceeded with ET and this cycle is not wasted. Stay positive, ok?
Hi Babymaking,
Must take care of yourself from now on. Stay positive. I am sure your sufferings now will be paid off.
Hi, Hope

Is Dr Xia Rong very good? Heard her name being mentioned quite a couple of time in this thread. Does she do TCM, as well as Acu?

Hi, Love

I agree with PL, if you are prepare financially & mentally for IVF, you should start early, as age is key advantage factor & you have at least half the battles won. How I wish I should have done something much earlier.

BTW, you are seeing DR Tan from Thong Chai, which Dr Tan hah? I'm also currently seeing DR Tan Siew Buoy. Wonder whether we are seeing the same DR.

Hi, Babymaking

Jia You & take good care of yourself!
hope you get a BFP after these pain during ER, God bless and take care!

yup I am seeing Dr Tan Siew Buoy, how long you been seeing her and mind sharing wat prob you hv and how old are you?
Ur hb's SA norm?
Dr Tan say even before i finally decide to embark on IVF, my hb and I need to tiao for a period, well will try for 6 more months naturally bah...

Rest well. It must've been very traumatising for you. But like what Michelle say, at least they still proceed with ET so no time is wasted. Welcome to the 2ww club, the most no-fun 2 weeks you'll ever experience. Hahahaha...

Take care, and good luck with your egg-whites eating spree.
Don't think we can get anything from the u/scan as there's no printout...she just views it and get the other girl to write down the numbers...

No, I didn't take anything during the 21 days before Lucrin started. U mean u had to take the Microgyn (it's progesterone rite?) tablets to induce mensus? Not sure if any other sisters took that too.
thanks gals.

now i am just wishing for a smooth 2www till the results are out. how i wish i can fast forward time.

lefthander - if only it's as simple as eating egg whites. on a scale of 1 to 10, my pain level is still at 3-4, am still resisting the painkillers till cold sweat.

microyon is birth control pills (BCP), it's supposedly for safe sex before the IVF procedure.
Petals, i was told to start with microgynon, it is a form of birth control pills. I had to take it because my cycle is very long (40days), thus DR Loh said to prevent high chance of OHSS, i started with 21 days of Microgynon. As such, a week after i stopped the pill, my AF came. I am just wondering if you do not have regular cycles, why did they not start you with the microgynon.

That aside, dun stress over it too much. Stress will cos delay too..

Nano, how is your first day of Puregon? managed to do it yourself?
oh paiseh, I mistakenly thought that microgynon was progesterone... But anyway, I wasn't given anything to take before starting on lucrin. Hmm...were u also given microgynon b4 ur lucrin like Michelle?
hmm, wonder how come they didn't give me microgynon as my cycle also quite irregular, abt 30+ days. I felt the symptoms of AF for the past few days, but still no sign. Such a funny feeling to actually want my AF to come...sigh.

i was given both Duphaston (progesterone) to induce AF and then micrgoyon for 21 days to regulate the next cycle. altogether 3 months (beg jun to eng Aug)for 1 IVF cycle.

oh by the way, anyone here needs to return to kkh for daily progesterone jabs?

had 22 eggs retrieved and only 7 became embroyos of grade 4 quality, am quite dismayed by the low response rate, wonder if it's the quality of eggs or the sperm that causes the death of the rest of the embroyos. most didn't grow past 24 hours. *sobs*
Michelle, Petals,
Today is the start of my Puregon jab. I have no courage to jab for myself so in the end DH jab both lucrin and Puregon for me.

After the Puregon injection, I can feel abit tingling sensation around the injection site, probably bcos the liquid is cold when injected. Overall, I find the Puregon jab not painful, just like our usual Lucrin jab. But dunno why today my Lucrin jab is slightly more painful than usual, maybe DH did not get the angle right.

Tomorrow will be the 1st day of yr Puregon , is yr dosage also 200units?

If I'm not wrong, now is ard the 30+ day of yr menses cycle right? So, it means likely yr AF may come anytime, hang on k?
Hi Ladies,

Happy National Day!

These 2 days, i really bloated until "buay tahan", anyway to relieve at least alittle bit of the uncomfortable feeling. Tried eating half boiled eggs & drink 100+ also same same leh... so give up on eggs because cannot stand eating that anymore! Called clinic yesterday, nurse say i kenna alittle bit OHSS but when ask Dr again, he say dont have leh but how come so bloated? How long will these bloatedness stay and will it subside day by day or get worse.....
Nano, i will only get the Puregon when i go to the clinic 2mr. thus, i do not know my dosage yet. Anyway, i have a feeling that tomorrow is just buying the medicine, but starting the jab on Sat. I am very relieved to hear the Puregon is not painful.. phew....
From my experience, my tummy expanded from 29inch to 32inch in 2 days (and this is about 5 days after ET) and it remained that way for a week until I feel it subside - 1cm. I remembered feeling crappy for the first 4 days of it cos it is so uncomfortable to walk and I had difficulty lying prone. I measured my waist size and weight everyday to monitor if it got worse. That's when I read about OHSS a lot on-line, and the time it will take to subside varies from person to person.
Hi all
Happy National Days


can you pls help me my posting abt codycerps?
Any EYS outlet will do right? How much per packet and isit come in sachets?
Is the powder bitter? If yes..can mix with some honey and drink with breakfast or empty stomach?

pls and thks!
I know that if your tummy expands until the skin is pulled very tight, and you can't breathe well, you need to let the doc know. They might be able to help drain some of the fluid out.

Yah, now it's my CD30+ already...need to check. Can't wait to join u gals.
lefthander, did you have problems breathing as well?

i find that i tend to wake up midle of the night grasping for air. then have to sit in upright position for a couple of hours before settling back to sleep.

we put back 3 embryos.

monitoring waist size as well. so far increased 10cm since ER.

i find it very torturous - 2www for clomid / iui or so iui is nothing compared to this 2www for IVF.

your bhcg blood test is coming up soon rite? jia you!!

wonder how is maplebabies - when is she testing har?
Reg the Puregon dosage, I thought it is based on D2 hormone test result which we did earlier, not too sure though. When I called for D14 blood test result, I also asked them abt my dosage. Anyway, since you going to learn yr jab today, you will know by then.

I hope yr AF will be here soon, can't wait for you to join us also. This morning, when DH did the Puregon injection I think he applied too much pressure when he was injecting the liquid, now can feel a little bit sore when i rub on that area.
Hopefully no bruise.

I had the feeling of my skin pulling very tight and breathless but feel slightly better today. May i know how they drain the fluid out from our body, do we need to be hospitalised and will these affect the embryo? If cant take it anymore, will try to call the doc again.....


Hope you are feeling better. I agreed with you that the 2ww is really suffering, both mentally and physically and i think the worst is if you kenna OHSS, that is really torturing. I tend to wake up a few times in the middle of the night because of pain from the bloatedness when i toss. Hope we can get out of these "mess" soon....

Yes, you can get it from any EYS and it weight by gram and depend on how much you want to buy. I bought about $300.00 and can last me for about 2 month if i take it every morning. It is not bitter at all as you only need to take a very little spoonful (based on those plastic spoon that stir coffee and tea) and mix it with only 10~20ml of hot water. Hope this helps you. EYS will tells you how to take it when you buy from them.
I think among us you are "being challenged" the most yah. Be strong ok?

For me, the changes that I experience was firstly frequent urination, and frequent thirst, and then I had difficulty sleeping cos was having bodyaches,when I finally get to sleep I am sure to wake up everynight at 3-ish, and I won't be able to sleep again unless I get up and pee and drink water again. It has been going on throughout my 2ww... with exception to this 1 day when before I sleep I said to my tummy " baby, tomorrow mummy must wake up early to go hospital so can you let me sleep throughout and not make me wake up at 3am?" And you know what it works. Hahahahahha!

When my tummy started getting bloated I did not get breathless (thank god) just more bodyache and gets very tired easily when I walk for quite a distance and then I do deep breathing exercises. I am not compliant to bed rest- I try to rest as much as I can though. Like when I have to prepare some ingredients to cook I will take my high chair and sit down as I cut/wash etc. I tried to sweep/mop the floor slowly and mostly after these chores I will take afternooon nap. I find myself always getting tired in the afternoon.
Hi, Love

I have been diagnosed with both fallopian tubes blockage & since than, I have been seeing Dr Tan only for a month. IVF is the only option for me & infact Dr Tan has asked me to go ahead asap cos of my age, I'm 36. What she say is to tiao my body now to be ready for my IVF in sep. So how long have you seen her? You are on her Wed or Thur schedule?

BTW, I happen to passby EYS store at Great World City on last Wed evening & they are having 10% off codyceps. Not sure whether the discount is applicable for the rest of their store, but you may want to check that out, can save some money lah.
Good afternoon Ladies,

So what do you know? JR's sixth sense is correct after all.

Got my result back. It's not just a BFP, it's a very BFP!

The nurse told me my Beta is 3371. And that is the highest number she's seen so far! I couldn't believe it!

Oh well, am soooooooooooooooo happy! Here's some babydust to you ladies! Jia you! jia you!
hey Left congrats!

Sunny, oh I see...
well it's gd to hv TCM tiao before u go for IVF

oh my day to see her is nt fix...mon to thurs will see her one of the weekdays,haa

thks THeresa
will chk out EYS soon
congrats lefthander, a very big congrats, looks like you could be expecting more than one baby..so happy for you.

yes this ivf cycle has been the most challenging for me and my hubby so far.

i am trying to keep as much as possible to a normal life style as well - not cmplete bed rest as the doctors warn of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) due to reduced movement but having lots of rest and unfortunately hugging the toilet bowl too.

yes yr wait will be ending soon rite? i just got started and am so really hoping to fast forward time. you know like that japanese guy in 'heroes'.

i wonder how is maplebabies and wei wei doing? kinda missed their posts.

Congratulation! Does that mean that you are having multiples? How many embryos did you put it in? Hope your bloatedness will subside and a smooth 9 mths!


Although wait is ending soon but cannot stand the bloatedness and wonder when it will end. You also put in 3 embryos, me too because out of 16 follicles, 8 fertilized and in the end only left 3 which are the better ones so doc put in all, now very worry got triplets!
Nano, Petals,

I just had my first puregon injection today at the clinic. Also 200units. Will be going back next friday for the u/scan. As i was in a rush, i did not get my E2 blood test result. I have asked for a copy to be available for my next visit.
Congrats!! Wow, high HCG...maybe twins...hee hee... Take care and enjoy your pregnancy!

Not sure if diff docs have diff practices. But they will jab a needle/tube which is connected to a plastic bag, then drain some of the fluid in your abdominal cavity (will not affect ur womb or bladder). You will feel better immediately as the pressure is reduced (but the bloatedness may or may not come back again within the next few days). The procedure prob takes less than an hour and you can go back after it. I'm not sure abt hospitalisation, but I think it's for very serious cases. If really cannot tahan, u better check with your doc on what he can do to help you and what are his methods.
