IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi pl,
the dr told she will poke on hand and feet. she did not mention abt abs.and she also told it will be bit painfull!
can you give me advise on EU YAN SANG TCM CLINIC . i stay at jurong west and this clinic is near to my home.

Hi all,

Anyone who just start? I just started my suprefact this week. I am with NUH now. Congrats to all new MTB (lefty & theresa). I remember seeing some of the sister mention about eating egg to relives bloatness. (the whole egg or just egg white). Are there anything to avoid eating or encourage to eat more? Please advise.

I went to the same AMK acup as you.


All ppl will have diff reaction to lucrin / puregon jab, so dont worry about it unless it really causes you alot of discomfort like vomitting and fainting. I dont react much from the drug except insomnia for my superfact (lucrin).
The acu at AMK and EYS Paragon only poke on stomach, legs and back. Never heard got to poke on the hands though.

only the egg whites to be eaten. it's to relieve the bloatedness caused by potential OHSS. think besides egg whites, ENSURE can also be taken.

oh yeah, the egg whites have to be firmly cooked.
Hi Pupi,
I go to Eu Yan Sang TCM Centre for Reproductive Health at Paragon. I believe Eu Yan Sang only has one reproductive health centre.

Hi Theresa,
do you take any chinese Medicine from AMK?
i also knew that. but i went to jurong medical center Eu Yan Sang and the lady dr told that she do the accu . i am confused wither she will give me right treatment or not.
hi PL
i also knew that. but i went to jurong medical center Eu Yan Sang and the lady dr told that she do the accu . i am confused wither she will give me right treatment or not.
i am doing acu currently... on my abdomen and back... i just lie down and relaxed... share with a tip, when doc going to poke you, you cough gentle... it helps to lessen pain or pain free... somehow it also makes it easier for the doctor to poke you... i only do it once a week...
Nano, Theresa,

Thanks for the info & advice. So far, the side effects are bearable. I'm only afraid the giddy spells will attack when I'm driving.

A few more days to go before my scan. Will have to hang on...
Sorry, forgot to thank you for your sharing. I'm a freelance trainer, & currently, I do not have any assignments. Although I stay home the whole day, I just can't sleep in the afternoons. Even at night, I have difficulty sleeping. And if I did fall asleep, it's very hard to wake up. It's not like that before the jabs. Give me a pillow & I'll fall asleep straightaway!!!
Btw, we're having our scan on the same day. Maybe we'll bump into each other.

Baby Low,
Thanks for the advice. It's just that I'm so used to driving that I become too lazy to take public transport. I always take for granted that it's only a short distance away from home. You see, I go to my mum's place almost every day when hubby's at work.

1st few days of 2www spent in bed and hugging the toilet bowl.

now got into a routine, 6am wake up, bathe, then hubby drive me to kkh for jab and drive me back. reach home, prepare breakfast.

go online for a couple of hours, then rest. or watch drama serials on dvds. or laze in bed with a book and some hot chocolate.

sometimes will cook dinner for hubby, other times hubby will buy back.

basically now got no symptoms except for tender breasts and sore butt from jabs..so life returning back to normal.

was thinking whether should go back to work...
Hi rammy,
I don't have any sideeffects from lucrin, other than being a little more sensitive to the heat...or maybe that's just our weather here. :p

for those who did lucrin,
Can i just check with you which day did u start puregon (counting from the 1st day of mensus during lucrin jabs)? I'll be starting puregon next week and wonder if they start everyone on puregon on a particular cycle day.
Hi babymaking.

Thank you for sharing.

Hi all,

i am kind of confuse here, when u all mention Lucrin, is this jab the same as Suprefact which i am starting off with ? And what is Puregon jab? is it Gonal F?

No i dont take any med from AMK as i have my own TCM back in HK.


So far, there is no special symptom for me except the bloatedness which the dr says will subside day by day.

i started puregon after 21 days of lucrin, 16th day of menses. but, not everyone is the same. it all depends on the hormones in our bodies. nothing that we can do about...
hi baby low,
thanks for your suggestion. by the way where u r doing accu? do you have any idea about meiling st. accu center? how good it is?
thx, my puregon will be starting on CD11. Wonder how they schedule it, cos they didn't even explain much during the scans. So we'll need to continue lucrin while on puregon rite? Hmm...my lucrin will be quite long in total then.

Thank you ! now i know what is going on !

I think today i inject at one of the sensitive area and it is rather painful for a moment. i was thinking of circling that area to avoid that part next time! how did u all managed it? i know some of us here have least pain going thru the jabs. i wanted to applied some lotion to at least make it softer but was advise against doing this.

May I know who's working and who's not? Those who's not, how does it feel like to not work?

I started working again yesterday after 22 days of hospitalisation leave. Upon my return to work, everyone congratulate me and took care of me real well. But 3rd hour of work I started having headache (cos it has been my usual nap time) and the headache lingers on until end of work time.

My supervisor, who has been very supportive towards my journey thru IVF, even approach me and tell me that should I want to take No-Pay-Leave for the first trimester I can do so. She kept on reminding me that this baby of mine is very precious and that I should take extra care. I was also reminded that plenty of miscarriages happen during first trimester, and no one wants that to happen to me due to my carefree nature.
I am soooo touched, and told her I would consider cos I am feeling very lethargic easily. I was contemplating of takingNo-Pay-Leave during the last trimester should I be carrying multiples.

Oh yes and today I took Leave cos my body felt like it's coming down with fever last night after coming back to work. Hhehehehee...

What do you gals think? Should I take No-Pay-Leave for the first trimester?
Just realised I also started my Puregon shot on CD11. Hmn..do they actually schedule it? but i dun think so leh..not too sure.

I'm not working now. Initially got to get use to it bcos suddenly I'm so free for the whole day. Now, slowly getting used to it and enjoying the carefree time. You are fortunate that yr company allows you to take no-pay-leave and yr supervisor is understanding. If you find yr job stressful, then it is always gd if you can take no-pay-leave to rest.
Hi Petals, my Puregon Shot started on CD12. I think it is based on the scan and E2 level?

Rammy, since our timing is the same, we probably were in the same room last friday..

BabyLow, i am working but have a very supportive boss who is aware i am going through the IVF. He (yes its a HE) told me to take as much leave/off as i need as nothing is more important than my own baby.. so i guess i am like lefty, the lucky type who gets support from workplace.

Lefty, i suggest you reserve the NPL to when you really need it. Try to adjust a little (afterall ,you stopped work for 22 days!) and let your body get used to the routine. If really cannot, then consider NPL. Meanwhile, just take a day off here and there on those days that you really cannot take it, or find a good spot in your office to catch a short nap during lunch time..

btw ladies, i am starting to have really watery mucus discharge, like those during ovulation. that is normal, rite?
Hi, Gals

I'm in the same dilemma. Have not started my jab yet, but the whole world is telling me to quit my job as it is going to be really tough physically. Understand some of you experience extreme tiredness, hot flushes, giddy or even vomitting. So can you basically still work? Does it matters if you need to move around or even if it is desk bound job?

I'm also fortunate to have an understanding boss who tell me that I may be able to take off here & there or may even work from home. Not sure whether this arrangement is going to work & I need 2 mths notice to leave the job. Not sure whether I can tahan while still serving notice if the symptoms is going to be bad.

Hi, Lefty

I think I will not hesitate to take leave as long as I feel a bit of discomfort, after all that you have been through. But, of course, that's provided your boss/co-workers will truly understand.
Hi Sunny,
since you have an understanding boss, I dont think you need to leave your job. It is very difficult to have this kind of boss.
Lefty & Sunny,
You're both very lucky to have such good colleagues. Lefty, maybe give urself a week or two to assess ur situation cos not everyone has morning sickness in 1st trim. If u still feel physically unable to work for long periods, maybe u can negotiate for part-time or work from home? Or even NPL since they are willing. Most impt is that u are comfortable and not stressed out.
Nano & Michelle,
Thx, i feel better now knowing that my puregon start date is abt the same as urs, counting by CD. Yeah, the nurse mentioned that they do also take scheduling in account, i guess to spread out the er/et...
Hi lefty,

i am not working at the moment. I think if you feel uncomfortable , you got to rest. moreover u have such good bosses and colleagues around who are uderstanding. you come a long way.

Hi sunny,

I was in the same dilemma as u too. One of the nurse told me that as i have been working for so long , and if i dont work suddenly just for the treatment, i will staying at home all day thinking of the jab. (this can be stress) for some. But on the other hand , i dont have a understanding bosses or colleagues. My ex company basically operates in military way. 1 mintues late and my name will be in the late report which is mass mail to the whole world. Not to mention if i tell them i need to take time off often at the later stage. this can be stressful esp when u need to seek approval etc.

if my company has been understanding , i wont even thought of resign.
No blue-black, but i notice the skin on my legs near the shin gets a little itchy after my shower on the day of my acu. Dunno why... You mean u get blue-black?
i go for acu but no marks or itchiness on my poked abdomen...

if you have such discharge, why not do an ovulation test to see if you are ovulating... what about your bbt?
just wondering how if maplebabies doing... she has been quiet for few days... that's not like her, le... kinda worry... hoping for good news from her... hope she is fine, le...
update: 10DPET tested HPT today again and still negative. sighs. the only positive thing is that at least i know the HCG jab is out of the system.

lefty, summer
you guys are lucky to have such supportive bosses.

lefty, since you are already preggy, if i were in your shoes with no financial considerations, i will definitly take NPL to stay home in the 1st tri.

my boss claim to be very supportive at the beginning when i first told her about the procedure, but the week before the hospitalisation started, she gave me hell. up to today, she still calls up or gets my colleagues to call up 'to ask about office matters'

many gals work through the whole IVF procedures, i think it's do-able even if you face very severe side effects.

the most important period is from ER onwards, as you cannot predict your reaction to the ER, and ET onwards, as you will need lots of rest for implantation.

for myself, during BCP stage to Lucrin to puregon, i basically faced every side effect from migraine to vomitting, but still manage to work.

i only insisted on taking hospitalisation leave from ER onwards. which is thankful that i did, cause i had a very traumatic ER til the point of hospitalisation.

ultimately it's up to you to decide.
Testing on 14DPT will be more accurate. D10 still too early, and you'll be worrying unnecessarily. Still got a few more days to go...wish you all the best! Jia you! When's your blood test?
Just did my D8 post puregon scan. total 16 follicles ranging from as small as 7.5 to as big as 17.5 ?!? anyway, i have to do two more days of 200iu puregon. sunday for IM Pregnyl, Tues ER. Btw, do you gals buy 2 bottles of Lucrin? i think i do not have enough....

Suddenly everything seems so fast, i am a little nervous oredi.. i have so much work to clear before going on HL from next tues...

Nano/rammy, how was your scan?
Just did my D8 post puregon scan. total 16 follicles ranging from as small as 7.5 to as big as 17.5 ?!? anyway, i have to do two more days of 200iu puregon. sunday for IM Pregnyl, Tues ER. Btw, do you gals buy 2 bottles of Lucrin? i think i do not have enough....

Suddenly everything seems so fast, i am a little nervous oredi.. i have so much work to clear before going on HL from next tues...

Nano/rammy, how was your scan?
babymaking, 10DPET is still early. For my friend, she said she only saw a very very faint line when she did on 10PET... so stay positive and dun worry too much, ok??
Hi, Petals/Babylow

Yap. Notice tiny red needle mark on my abdomen afer 1st visit, now got blue black like a one dollar coin on my abdomen during the 2nd visit. Did you gals all did it in AMK? Think I will call up the Dr to check since none of you seems to have this problem.

Hi, Babymaking

Yap. Don't worry too much since it is still early. Just relax & don't stress yourself too much.

BTW, Thanks for your advise. I also heard from another sister that her boss started to lose patience subsequently when she has to take leave frequently. That's exactly what I'm worry about.
Hi Ladies,
I just came bk fr my D9 scan. Scanned on D8 and D9. Total 15 follicles size ranging fr 7 to 12mm. Got to continue 200iu Puregon till Sun and Pregnyl injection on Mon. ER will be Wed.

What time did you reach kk today? Maybe we passby each other without knowing.
Me reached abit late abt 9.05am cos raining..luckily not so crowded.

Yr follicles size seems to be growing quite gd got 17.5mm, mine biggest is only 12mm, that's why got to jab more days of Puregon than you. I find my follicles still abit small but 2 docs told me my progress is fine. Really hope they will grow to the right size. My Lining is 11mm, do you know how thick is yr lining now?

My Lucrin will be just enough to last me till Monday so I need not buy another bottle. Think if you are on more than 28th day of Lucrin you may not be enough..better to chk with nurse.

Ya everything seems quite fast..getting excited and abit nervous also.

How's yr scan today?

I got blue black once abt the size of a dollar coin also...it went off after abt a week. Dr said ok to continue to acu so i still go last time.
Nano, they did not tell me about my lining? i did not ask also.. I will be doing ER a day earlier than you.. will keep you posted on my ER adventure then....


I think the 3 of us may be in the same room this morning, without us knowing.

I've got 12 follicles, size ranging from 7 mm to 17 mm. 2 more days of 300iu of Puregon. I didn't ask about my lining, though. IM Pregnyl on Sunday night and ER on Tuesday morning. Just like you, Michelle.

The nurse manager asked me to buy another bottle of Lucrin. However, my hubby insisted that whatever is left in the bottle is enough for the next 3 jabs. So, another nurse checked the contents of my lucrin bottle and found it to be more than enough. Phew! Luckily, we haven't gone to the pharmacy to get another bottle, or it would be such a waste, spending quite a sum on the lucrin, and then using it only for 3 jabs.

I'm also feeling a little nervous already...
